#also saw someone say that if you don’t ship r//nance you don’t understand nancy robin or steve’s character which is just laughable
thestobingirlie · 2 years
people who think robin would ever priorise a crush over her best friend doesn’t understand her character. send tweet.
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dacrekayd · 1 year
Sorry I'm gonna rant a little in ur inbox...
So much ro//nance bases around Nancy and her development and growth, while completely neglecting Robin's character all together. "The great way for Nancy to finish off her arc is to get with Robin! She doesn't need a man(but apparently can't end without a love interest)!" It's often paired with "Nancy is not a prize for Steve/Jonathan" but then turning around and treating Robin as a prize for Nancy. It's frustrating! I agree that, even if Nancy was attracted to girls and liked Robin, Robin has probably not even thought about Nancy as a romantic prospect because she was 1) dating Jonathan the entire time they knew of each other 2) was the ex of her very best friend, who was the first person she came out to and accepted her whole heartedly , 3) broke said best friend's heart pretty badly (whether or not he told her or knew all the details himself) 4) she has a crush on Vickie who has shown interest in return. Nancy isn't a prize for a male character's growth, but Robin isn't a prize for a female character's growth either! Even if Steve only wanted her to be happy would support that happiness even if it was with his ex, Robin herself wouldn't go for it as she's far too wrapped up in Steve. A lot of r//nance hc etc ignore this part. That Robin loved Steve first, and that a fundamental part of her is this love between them. Idk I feel like they just. Make it all about Nancy and not about Nancy AND Robin...(often argued that a man does not belong in a relationship between two women but. Steve is Nancy's ex and Robin's best friend. He's already THERE. Pretending he doesn't exist doesn't make for a solid characterization of either of them)
Also Your tags "also me gives of homophobic if a girl liked her vibes"....yeah. do agree. I'm sure she'd tell herself and everyone that she isn't and that she supports equal rights and all that. But if she saw two boys holding hands her face would pinch and she'd look away or two girls kissing look down and speed up her walking. She wouldn't be overt but she gives off vibes that she'd say "haha okay Robin...you're not into me though, right?" when Robin is telling her she's dating Vickie. (If Robin ever told her). Very much "I support you but I don't want to see it"
YES YES YES HOLY SHIT you absolutely hit every single point of why i hate that ship so much!!
i just don’t understand the obsession with smushing the two main women on the show together when 1.) vicky (and for fics, fuckin chrissy!!! hello?????) is right there and 2.) robin deserves better!!! someone who doesn’t roll their eyes at her in disdain when she rambles or gives her that stupid fake eye squinty smile!!!!
and look i’m sorry but nancy was clearly jealous of robin and steve’s relationship because she can’t stand not being the only woman steve loves!!! you all can deny it ALL you want but it’s so goddamn obvious
she’s not jealous becaus she’s into robin she’s bitter because to her it looks like steve is moving on!!!
and i maintain that’s why she was flirting so heavy with him and giving him those damn eyes!! be in denial all you want, call steve weird and creepy for his six nuggets dream all you want, but nancy was ALLLLL UP in his koolaid!!!! she was leading him on!!!!!
in conclusion,
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two-sides-samecoin · 9 months
I just saw R*nance stans admitting the only reasons why they dislike Vickie/Rovickie is that they are primarily Nancy stans and R*nance is Nancy's only right ending. So the other anon and you were right, they actually don't give a fuck about Robin, she is mostly used as a device to get Nancy away from men. It's kinda sad, like Robin is such a great character but they don't care about her. It's all about the straight girl instead of the canonically lesbian who shows interest in the canonically bi girl.
that’s sooo please the way they admitted that. but also they are not nancy stan’s and don’t even care for nancy then. “ronance is nancy’s only right ending” okay so nancy can’t have an ending that isn’t solely based on another person when she just started interacting with said person and only just got comfortable with said person. it’s just how can you say you’re a nancy stan who wants people to appreciate her for her but then have the audacity to say that her only ending is being romantically involved with someone that she just became friends with?
ronancers really don’t give a fuck about the characters yet have the audacity to act like they’re the only ones who understand these characters. NO YOU DONT! anyway yeahhh it’s just annoying like just because you ship two girls together doesn’t mean that you have the utmost superiority about these characters. yeah robin is def just used to get nancy away from nancy.
it’s wild to me because ronancers use sexuality and that ronance is a w|w ship and how they’re so oppressed but they would rather die than ship ribin and vickie
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hopewritcs · 5 years
the prodigal sister. five.
pairing: familial byers fam x reader, romantic paring tbd
word count: 2.7k
summary: y/n is the middle sibling of the byers brothers. she’s just ten months younger than jonathan, making the pair “irish twins”. except when her father and mother got divorced, lonnie got custody of y/n and took her away from the rest of the family.
notes: and here’s part five babes ! i’m so glad you’re all liking the series.  i do have a couple of plans for it, even if the ship has not been set in stone.  i will give you fair warning, there is going to be more mentions of lonnie and what the reader’s life home with her father was like ( which is not good, we been knew that lonnie’s trash ).  
other chapters: masterlist
tps tag list: @irreleventmoonchild, @rockyrocket15, @the-fae-child, @bucky4cap45, @pinklyrium,@girlycakepops, @qtmeryr, @noodlebread303, @virtualsheepeat, @acidrain707, @trashblackrainbow ( if you wanna be added to the tag list just let me know ! )
Monday morning came by quickly.  Y/N was up early, showered and helping Joyce with breakfast before her brothers had even gotten out of bed.  She sipped on a mug of coffee as she watched both of her brothers come out of their rooms, yawning, and take a seat at the table with her.  
Jonathan’s eyes widened when he saw Y/N completely ready for the day ahead.  “I thought you weren’t a morning person?”  he turned to look at Will with his eyebrows raised, “Didn’t she kick me the other morning for talking to her before she had coffee?”  
Y/N kicked her brother under the table, not even glancing up from her mug as she did so.  He yelped and turned back to face her as she put the mug down on the kitchen table.  
“I think she’s had her coffee this morning.”  Will chuckled at his older siblings, sleepily helping himself to the pancakes their mother put on the table between them.  
“She still kicked me.”  
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Don’t be such a baby about it.  I didn’t even really hurt you.”  
“You kicked me!”  
“It was a light tap.”
“With your foot!” 
“Jonathan!  Y/N!  Stop arguing and eat your breakfast before Will eats all the pancakes.”  Joyce called from the stovetop where she stood, flipping more pancakes.  
The smile on her face was contagious.  Even if they were fighting, the kids were all here and under her roof again.  And that was something she’d only wished for over the years since her divorce.  Greedily, when Will was believed dead and Lonnie showed up at her door, she’d expected Y/N to be in tow.  But she was nowhere to be found, and Lonnie didn’t mention her.  Now Joyce knew why.  Lonnie never cared for their children, but had taken Y/N out of spite.  She hated knowing that as soon as he was capable, he’d sent Y/N away.  Just so Joyce couldn’t have her daughter at home.  
“Sorry mom.”  the older teens chorused together, helping themselves to the pancakes in front of them and falling silent.  
“Are you nervous for your first day of school?”  Will asked, turning to Y/N.  
After a moment, she answered, “No.  I think I would be more nervous if I didn’t know people, you know?  When I started at boarding school I was so nervous.  I was so far away from home, from you guys, from anything I knew.  But here, I’m not really alone or a stranger.  I’m not really a new kid.”  Y/N explained, taking small bites of her pancakes.  Okay, she was nervous.  But not exactly for school, just for the more social dynamics of it.  
Where the hell does she fit in?  
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School was almost the same everywhere you’d gone.  Core classes plus an elective or two plus a lunch period thrown together in some order that no one cared about except for if it meant you were with your friends or with people you hated.  For Y/N, coming to school she’d just hoped that she was going to have classes with some familiar faces.  
Walking in the door with Jonathan by her side, he went with her to the office to get her schedule and locker assignment.  Jonathan showed her around, and she could feel all the eyes locked on her.  Maybe some of the students recognized her from when they were kids, or maybe they were just all wondering who the girl walking down the hall with Jonathan was.  If she were paying attention to what was being said around them, she’d have heard both queries thrown around the gossip pool.  
Luckily, they found her locker, which was right across from her homeroom history class as Jonathan pointed out.  He stood by her locker, looking around the hallway.  He was obviously waiting for Nancy to show up, so once Y/N finally got her locker door open she nudged her brother’s arm and smiled at him.  
“Go to your own locker and find Nance.  Tell her I said I’ll see her at lunch, or in class before then.  I’ll be fine, Jonny.”  
Jonathan seemed worried for a moment before he nodded, called goodbye, and walked toward where his locker was.  
Y/N was busy unpacking her books and supplies before checking her schedule over, her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked over what she would need before she could stop at her locker again.  She put the schedule down and gathered up the missed homework for her first couple of classes.  
“Oh, the new girl’s locker is so close to yours, Billy.”  she heard someone speaking off to her right side, but ignored it and focused on organizing her stuff.  “Maybe you can find out why she came in here this morning with that freak Byers.”
That got her attention, and Y/N turned around with such a force her backpack falling to the floor as she thrust her fist forward and punched whoever it was right in the nose.  “Don’t say shit about Jonathan.  He’s my brother, asshole.”
“Shit, bitch broke my fucking nose!”  He was on the floor, cradling his face in his hands with a curly haired girl cooing over him, attempting to help him stand up.  When he did, he crossed the two feet over to where Y/N was standing and his eyes were mad.  “Watch your step, new kid.”  He threatened, but Y/N didn’t react which only seemed to anger him further.  There was a crowd now, watching their movements.  
A familiar figure stepped in front of her, holding out his arm to get between the two.  “Carol, just take your boyfriend to the nurse.”  She nodded, tugged his arm a couple of times before he followed along to the nurse’s office.  But it wasn’t until he was out of Y/N’s sight that she let out a breath of air.  Billy turned back around to face her, “did you have to break his nose?”  he asked, but he was trying ( failing ) to hide a chuckle bubbling in his chest.  
Y/N smirked, shrugging her shoulders.  “No one talks shit about my siblings, not if I have anything to say about it.”  She turned back around, shaking out her hand as she picked up her fallen backpack to finish gathering her books for the day.    
“Remind me not to mess with you.”  
“As if you need the reminder.  Pretty sure I gave you a shiner at one of the formals when you showed up with Cindy and you had promised my roommate that you would go with her.  Natasha may be a bitch, but she had feelings for you.”  
Billy’s eyes glazed over, like he was remembering the scene she explained and he nodded.  “I’m kind of a dick, Y/N.”  
“From what I hear, my kid brother’s friends think you’re evil.”  Her voice was much quieter than it had been, her eyes flickering toward Billy for a short moment as she closed her locker door before turning around to lean on it.  “But, you’re not evil.  You’re, I was going to say misunderstood but I don’t think that’s right either.  You’ve got layers, Hargrove.  I understand.”  
Billy was about to reply when the first bell rang and Y/N patted his shoulder before skipping across the hall and into the history classroom, waving at him as she took a seat in the front row.  
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After lunch, Y/N had two classes.  One of them was a study hall, given to her so that she could have time in school to catch up on missed assignments.  Which, despite the principal’s get ready for school work packet, there was still a lot of.  That was her last class period of the day, to be spent in the library.  
For now, she was in drama class.  An elective which she was sort of looking forward to.  She loved reading plays, but acting in them--she was still a little cautious.  At least this was a class and not the drama club, where she’d certainly have to perform on stage.  
She was late getting into the classroom, taking the only seat left which was between the teacher and a girl with dirty blonde hair.  They were seated on chairs in a circle around the classroom.  
“We have a new student with us.  Why don’t you stand up and say a few things about yourself.”  the teacher hummed, raising her hand so that Y/N would rise from her seat.  She hadn’t had to do this in every class, but why had she expected to avoid it in drama?  
Y/N stood from her seat and waved to the classroom a bit awkwardly.  “Hey, I’m Y/N Byers.  I used to live here in town before my parents divorce.  I’ve been a couple of different places, most recently I was at a boarding school in California.  I love plays, but I have terrible stage freight.  And, uh, I think that’s it?”  Y/N turned back to look at the teacher, who nodded and then Y/N sat back down in her seat, crossing her legs.  
Partners were assigned based on seats, and thankfully they were starting a new play.  Y/N was paired with the girl sitting beside her, who she learned was named Robin.  They spent the whole class mostly paying attention to their assignment, but also doing the most to make each other laugh with faked accents every time they read something off the page.  
When she left the drama classroom, she parted ways with Robin ( who had told her how to get to the library from here ) and was glad she had made at least one new friend that day.  
The library was big and it felt like every movement echoed around.  There were no set seating assignments for study hall, but Y/N did have to check in with the librarian at the desk.  Then she found her way over to one of the rows of tables, sitting down and opening up her mathematics textbook.  She’d missed a lot, but thankfully she could catch up with time.  
“Y/N?  You have study hall too?”  
She turned her head to see where the whisper had come from to see Steve sitting in the corner opposite her at a different table, except he was definitely grabbing his bag and making his way to where she sat.  He took the seat across from her and took his book out again.  
“Heard you beat the crap out of Tommy H. earlier.”  
Y/N glanced up from her math book and put her hands on top of the pages as she let out a sigh.  “Is that what they’re saying?  I just punched him.”
“Heard it was a broken nose.”
“You hear a lot of things, Steve.”  Y/N hummed, shaking her head.  “Are you going to tell me why they’re saying I attacked him or leave me in suspense?”  
Steve shrugged, “Didn’t hear any why.  Just heard you beat him up.  But it’s Tommy H, I’m sure he deserved it.”  
Y/N scoffed, nodding her head.  “He deserved it alright.  Called my brother a freak.” 
“Tommy’s a dipshit.”  
“I learned that quickly.”  
The conversation died down as both Steve and Y/N went back to their work, but her conversation was cut short when Steve spoke up again, “I also heard something else that’s interesting.”  
Y/N turned to look up at Steve, raising her eyebrows at him.  “And what would that be?  I already heard a couple people think thought that I was with Jonathan.  Which is gross, I think we look similar enough that people would think Hey dipshit they’re definitely not together.  They look related.  But no, I was wrong.”  Y/N had overheard a few conversations as she’d gone about her day.  It was awkward, hearing the gossip of just who could the new girl be.  But a couple of people who heard who she was had come up with some fake enthusiasm and attempted apologies for thinking anything less than savory about her entrance into school this morning.  
Steve’s face turned up at the suggestion.  He’d heard the rumors too, and he’d definitely stopped them when he had heard them.  “Heard that, but no.  That’s not it.  I heard that Billy got between you and Tommy.”  
Y/N rolled her eyes, turning her glance back down to her textbook as she spoke.  “You’d think you people would understand that I can take care of myself, especially since I broke that imbecile’s nose this morning.  Didn’t we already have this Billy’s my friend conversation?”  Y/N sighed, turning to look up at Steve.  He looked like he wanted to say something, but Y/N shook her head and continued.  “Seriously, Steve.  I get it.  I know what he did was fucked, and I’ve dealt with my fair share of Billy Hargrove bullshit so could you and everyone else just trust me.”  She kicked back, getting ready to stand up and go to another table, ending this conversation.  
But Steve grabbed her wrist gently, keeping her from leaving the table.  Y/N sighed and turned to look back at Steve.  “I’m sorry.”  She looked at him, unbelieving.  “I’m sorry.  You have to understand where we’re coming from with this, though.”  
Y/N sighed again, sitting back down in her seat.  She turned her hand over so that she held onto Steve’s hand lightly with her own instead.  “I do get it.  Can we agree to drop the topic and just not discuss Billy again?”  
Steve’s eyes danced around the library as he looked back down at the table, looking at his hand and hers out of the corner of his eye.  He cleared his throat and nodded, “Yeah.  We can do that.”  
Y/N smiled then, dropping her grip on Steve’s hand and putting her hand back down on top of her textbook to continue reading about whatever it was that they were learning at the moment ( she hadn’t really paid attention since she got to the library, due to the person sitting across from her ).  
They spent the rest of the study hall period in mostly silence, save for a couple of comments here and there.  But both of them had actually needed to focus on the work--even if Steve had planned on waiting until the last minute to do anything about it.  
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Y/N got a ride home with Nancy and Jonathan, picking up the younger siblings from the middle school as they made their way home.  
“So, why did you punch Tommy H. in the face this morning?”  Nancy asked as she turned down the radio, looking back at Y/N in the rearview mirror.  Jonathan also turned his attention to his sister, with furrowed brows.  Of course he knew about the whole situation, he’d heard enough gossip about it for the day, but he was still curious to know what happened from his sister herself.  
The boys in the backseat of the car also turned to look at Y/N with wide eyes.  “You punched someone?!”  they both exclaimed.  She wasn’t sure if it was more curiosity shimmering in their eyes or awe.  
Y/N nodded her head, before turning back to look at Jonathan.  “Do they always call you a freak?”  her voice was quiet, almost angry as she mentioned it.  Even if she had done something about it today, what did that mean for all the other days.  All the times she hadn’t been there to do something about that.  
“Is that why you punched him, Y/N?”  Jonathan asked.  He could have seen a couple of scenarios where his sister would punch Tommy H., resulting in a broken nose, but most of them had been him hitting on her.  He hadn’t considered that she would have punched someone for him.  
“Well, you’re my brother.  I’m not going to let anyone talk shit about you.”  she huffed, crossing her arms as she looked at him with a steeled gaze.  The silence hung in the air between the five passengers as they pulled up to the Byers house.  Y/N gathered her bag and hopped out of the car, making her way towards the door with her siblings.  “And let’s not tell mom I broke someone’s nose on the first day of school.”  
The siblings opened the door and walked into the living room, putting their bags down on the ground.  Will went to the kitchen to grab something to eat and Jonathan went to his room.  
Things were feeling normal in the house.  
Y/N felt like she was home.  But a thought in the back of her mind stopped her, how long is this feeling going to last? 
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