#also scully wears a really cute winter jacket
guitarnacle · 1 year
Hey babe I'm watching txf s1e8 ice again yeah the one with the CGI worms and tender neck touching and the ending that is the absolute representation and epitome of Mulder's problem with the government he works for yes I'm feeling ok why do you ask
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trishscully · 3 years
A flower girl plays a very important role at the weddings. She is the cute little angels who leads the bride to the reception, throwing petals on the ground as the bride makes her entry. A flower girl is as important as the bridesmaids and thus picking the best flower girl dresses is very important. Traditionally, the bride’s entourage, including the bridesmaids and the flower girl, are in the same colour pattern or design as the bride. However, over the years these rules have become more about personal choice and there are no strict rules that you need to adhere to while choosing wedding flower girl dresses. 
We have compiled a list of dresses to choose for your little angel 
Full-length gown
A full length gown is ideal for a formal wedding. These dresses just touch the ankle so that it is easy for your child to move around in them without the fear of tripping over. Since these are big dresses in themselves, you should keep the detailing to a minimum as too much work like beading or embroidery can make the gown even heavier to carry for the slight frame of your child. For the best designs and styles for little flower girl dresses log on to trish scully. 
White Flower girl dresses
Flower girls are conventionally dressed in the same colour as the bride. And if you wish to follow the tradition, you can go for a white flower girl dress. You can also add a dash of colour to the all-white ensemble by mixing it with colourful embroidery in colours like peach, pink or blue. Your child will look like a little angel in a white dress with a basket of petals in her hand as she leads the bride into the reception area. 
Dresses in bright colours
Flower girls look really cute in bright colours like pink, blue and purple. Yes, the tradition is to wear white or something as close to white as possible, these colours look quite pretty. If you cannot decide an alternate to white and what colour will look the best, go straight to pink. Shades like lavender or even a darker shade of purple can be a good choice. Light or sky blue remains one of the most commonly accepted choice of colour after white for flower girls. It easily blends with the surroundings and is also a subtle choice. 
Also Read:- Inspiration and Tips For Buying Perfect Long Flower Girl Dresses
Embroidered dress
It is another very good option to go for while picking a dress for a flower girl. The best part about going for an embroidered dress is that the choices in colours are endless. They can be made in any style of your choice too. Embroidery can be done on range of fabrics. For a little girl an embellished dress in cotton, lace or satin will not only look great, but also will be easy to handle. 
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Sequined dress
A sequin dress will light up your little angle like a star. Sequined dresses are a big hit amongst small girls as they like shiny things. One big advantage of buying a sequined dress is that it is not merely restricted to a wedding. It can just as easily be worn for birthday parties or if you are going for a formal dinner. 
Long-sleeved dresses
A long-sleeved dress looks really classy, whether an adult is wearing it or a kid. The only problem tha you might face this type of dress is that it may become uncomfortable for the child after some time. However, this problem can be offset by making the sleeves detachable, so that once the ceremony and the photo ops are over, the kids can roam around freely.
Tulle dresses
Kids are always playing around and something that gives them room to move and is also comfortable to wear should be the primary concern when buying a flower girl dress. If she is not comfortable in the dress, you will eventually have to change it. Or worse still, it could hamper when she is playing around with her friends or little cousins. Tulle dresses fulfil both these criteria. Not only are they very comfortable to carry for the kids, they are a very beautiful option as well. 
Three-piece dresses
They are the perfect outfit for a winter wedding. You cannot dress kids the same way for summer and a winter wedding. It is essential to keep in mind that you little angel does not feel cold in her dress in case of a winter wedding. You can add a pair of cotton whites and a sweater or a jacket to the attire so that the child feels snug. 
Two-piece dresses
A two-piece dress is another great option for toddler girls. The bodice and the skirt can be of different colours to add a pinch of vibrancy to the outfit. It also gives you the luxury to mix and match when it comes to the size of the skirt or the type and colour of the bodice you want to pair it with. 
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Lace dresses
Lace fabric for little flower girl dresses has been around for a long time and it remains an evergreen choice. Lace dresses look elegant and are available in different colours and patterns. If you cannot make up your mind as to how to dress your little girl for her flower girl duties, close your eyes and pick a lace dress. They look nice with embellishments and without any accessories as well. 
Dress with poufy skirt
A poufy skirt means a dress with volume and bounce in the skirt. These are perfect formal wedding dresses. The skirts are generally made with tulle, net or organza fabrics as these fabrics are perfect to provide a voluminous finish. Make sure the length of the skirt does not reach the floor or else it could be difficult to manage. 
Also Read:- How To Buy The Best Toddler Girl Shoes: From Crib To Walking
A-line skirts
An A-line skirt resembles the shape of an A, as the name suggests. These skirts usually have a sash or a waistband around the waist. The sash or the waistband should be in contrasting colour from the skirt. 
Pick-up skirts
Little girls often get excited about pick-up skirts as they have seen their favourite celebrities wear it on TV at one red-carpet even tor another. If your flower girl is a toddler or a young girl, avoid these dresses as they can become very tedious to handle. However, they are a good fit for girls around 10-12 years of age.
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serahsanguine · 5 years
School, Sex and Subterfuge NC-17
Chapter 6 of?
part one, part Two,  part 3, part 4, part 5,  AO3
tagging @today-in-fic @skullsmuldon @foxystarbucks
Chapter 6;  Situations
Mulder walked towards the Lone Gunman, as they called themselves, which was on the other side of campus. He finally arrived at their newspaper office and knocked on the door, hearing a faint come in. He walked into the office looking around seeing only Frohike there.
Frohike turned in his swivel office chair, turning away from the computer.
“Mulder my man, how are you?”
“I’m good Frohike. Are the other two in lectures?”
“Yeah man, I’m just writing this week's article. What brings you down here anyway? That little redhead causing you trouble?”
“No, she fine,”  Mulder face lit up on thinking about Scully.
“Oh man, you’ve got it bad. Not that blame you, she is pretty hot.” Mulder gave him a hard glair. Frohike laughed. “You know I won’t touch her. If this gets serious, though, promise you will bring her around.”
“You know that won’t happen. Rule one: don’t get emotionally involved.”
Frohikie gave him a sceptical look and thought ‘yeah, we will see how far that gets you’. Instead, he said nothing more on the subject and took the conversation in another direction.
“How’s Sam?”
“She’s good as far as I know.” I really should call her. “Do you mind if I stay for an hour or so until my next lecture?”
“Sure, you know what to do.”
Mulder walked in and went to one of the spare computers, he got to work and carried on chatting away to Frohike.
Scully checked the time, she had about 30 minutes to grab some lunch before she had to go to her next lecture. She made quick haste to the small cafeteria as she had no time to go to her usual spot today. Grabbing a small salad and a bottle of water she went to meet Serah by the water fountain.
10 minutes later Scully was walking there expecting to see Serah hanging around with her friends. Instead, she spotted her alone in the shade, wearing a long sleeve jumper. She thought it was a bit odd but decided not to question her friend’s clothing choice. Scully looked again: she had to admit her friend did look quite beautiful. It wasn't necessarily the pose that her friend was in; but about how causal she seemed, her defences were down, she looked at peace. The leaves were scattered around her feet, the mix of green, brown, yellow and orange, contrasting against the green grass as well as Serah’s black jeans. She quickly got out her mobile opening the camera app and took a quick photo.
She walked over to Serah, lightly tapping her on the shoulder, which made Serah jump.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you,” Scully said apologetically and sat down next to her, kneeling as best she could wearing the skirt she had picked, which as of today had become one of her favourites.  
“It’s okay Dana. I was reading some biography on Van Gogh, quite fascinating actually.”
“I’m sure it is.” Scully was smiling to herself, suddenly not paying attention. Warm memories of her escape that happened no less than an hour before flooded her brain.
“Well someone got laid this morning,” Serah said with a smirk and lightness to her voice.
“Umm, what was that?”
“Nothing,” Serah started laughing. “That’s a nice cologne you’re wearing,” and started laughing even harder when her friend turned a bright red.
Damn my Irish skin and also, shit! Do I smell of him? Do I smell of sex?
Serah started hiccuping, she was laughing so hard. When she finally managed to calm herself down she could see the worried expression on Scully’s face.
“Dana don’t worry I can’t smell him on you,” she leant towards her friend and smelled her skin. “Also you don’t smell of sex either, you have done a very good job with your perfume.”
Scully faced Serah and gave her a sceptical look: “How did you know then?”
“You were smiling. I haven’t seen you generally smile like that unless you’re thinking about a certain professor of ours,” the last part was a whisper so no one could hear her.
“Well yes, something did happen and I’m not going to discuss it so out in the open. While we are on the subject, I have the document for you to sign.”
“Thank you,” she looked at her watch “Dana, we must get going or we’re both going to be late for our lectures.”
Scully put away what she had of her lunch, and Serah put away her book amongst other things and both headed towards their lectures.
A few weeks passed. Serah had indeed signed the document which leads to more sex which pleased them both. They were both enjoying their routine of Scully either being called to Mulder's office or her randomly turning up. Neither one were complaining, she was getting the best orgasms of her life and so was he. They enjoyed each other’s company but neither one was ready to admit to it. She was getting straight A’s and being true to his word she was not failing in his class.
Thanksgiving was just around the corner. Scully was looking forward to the welcome break away from school. It would be nice to see Mellissa again. She promised she would make it back from her trip in time and stay way past winter break.
On the flip side, Mulder was looking forward to seeing his sister again. She was making her way back from San Francisco for both Thanksgiving and Christmas and staying with him, first of all in the house he owned nearby and then in their father's old house in the Vineyard. Since both the parents died, he hadn’t had the heart to sell it, he instead rented it out for months at a time. That was why Sam was his whole world, they were all each other had.
Scully had arrived at her mother's house. Dumping her bags by her side she gave her mum a long hug. She had missed her terribly.
“I thought I was going to pick you up from the airport Dana?”
“You were Mom, but I got an early flight. Is Ahab here?”
“Yes, he just went to the grocery store to pick up the fresh fruit and veg for tomorrow. Pick up your bags and put them in your room and if you want a small nap there are fresh sheets on the bed.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Scully picked up her bags and walked up the stairs. Dumping them at the foot of the bed, taking off her jacket, she laid down and went for a small nap. It had been a long flight and an even longer day.
She woke up. The smell of a home cooked dinner mixing in with the smell of one of Melissa incenses. One thing was for certain: she had missed being home and spending time with the family.  
She wandered downstairs and peered through to the kitchen: mom and Ahab were putting the finishing touches on dinner. Bill, Melissa and Charlie were already sat at the table.
“Hey Starbuck, go sit down, dinner’s nearly ready,” her dad said before wandering back into the kitchen.
Scully peeked around the corner to see him hug her mom around the hips and kissing her on the cheek. She smiled. Maybe someday I will have a relationship like this.  
She walked back through to the dining room and Missy looked up and jolted away from the table the chair scraping slightly on the wood floor hugging her sister fiercely.
“Missy I can’t breathe!”
“Sorry.” She let go of her sister and sat back down.
“You need to tell me all about Europe.”
“And you need to tell me all about that guy,” Missy said a bit to loudly.
Bill instantly stopped talking to Charlie and looked in Scully’s eyes with a fierceness “What guy, Dana?”  
“There is no guy , Bill ” She put emphasis on both the guy and his name.
She matched his look with one of her own. And it turned into a staring contest. No more than 5 minutes later the spell was broken with the sound of their parents walking in and setting the food on the table.
“What is it, Mom? It smells amazing,” asked Charlie in such a young voice. Barely 15 and the only one left still living at home.  
“Nanna’s family recipe for beef stew, with some fresh carrots potatoes and broccoli.”
All the family smiled, it was one of everyone’s favourites.
An hour later, the beef stew eaten, no one had room for dessert. Charlie had gone into his room, and Bill into his. The girls had sat down in theirs after helping clean up. They kept talking about the visits away from home.
“Europe was amazing, so many different cultures. Such beautiful architecture. I brought so many new crystals and learnt so much more over there than I ever would have over here.”
“Sound’s amazing Missy. Are you going back?”
No, I don't think so. I have an art placement at the museum, working on restoring old paintings.”
“Are you staying in Maryland?”
“Actually I have been thinking of getting a flat in Washington and that way it means less commute.”
She was happy for Missy, she would be able to call whenever she wanted and always have her to fall back on if she ever got in trouble. Which she could not have done if she was still in Europe.
“Enough about me. How’s School?”  
“School’s fine I'm doing well, making good friends, the usual.” She shrugged, her shoulders trying to deflect the conversation away from her. Missy was having none of it.
“You meet any cute guys?”
Scully was a little too quick with her reply.
“Ok good. Well, then I’m going to go ahead and set you up on that date.”
“Wait, what date?”
“Just a date with a guy I knew from high school.”
“No Missy, please don’t,” she pleaded with her sister.
“Why? Have you got some hot date waiting for you back at school?”
Missy was teasing her and she knew it but she still squirmed under her sister scrutiny and she could also tell Missy was enjoying every minute of it.
Missy picked up her mobile, and mock dialled a number.
“Ok, I have someone,” Scully finally admitted.
“Go on.”
“Well, he is older than me, he’s in my Psych class. He has kind hazel eyes, mousey brown hair. A body to die for.” She trailed off and smiled thinking about Mulder.  
“Well, well, well. It sounds like you are quite acquainted with this person’s anatomy by the glint in your eyes and that big old cheesy grin you have.”
Scully turned bright red in front of her sister and she knew she was gone.
“What’s his name?”
“I’m not saying,” Scully didn’t want to break the contract by revealing her relationship with Mulder.
“You love him,” Missy stated.
“I do not.”
She was sharp and fast with the reaction to her sister’s statement. But the truth was she didn’t know what she was feeling for him. She knew there was an attraction but not how far her feelings ran.
“It would be breaking the rules anyway, no attachments and that way we can both walk away.”
“If you say so, Dana. But I can tell these things and I’m certain he feels the same way.”
“Shut up Missy, you know I don’t believe in that new age shit.”
“Oh Dana, that language. Does Daddy know you talk that way?”
“Who do you think I learnt it from?”
They both fell into a fit of giggles and laughs, Mellissa dropping the subject for now. Until the time felt right to bring it up again.
Samantha had arrived in the wee hours of the morning. Mulder had picked her up not trusting the cab drivers that early in the morning with his baby sister. He let her sleep most of the day while he graded papers and daydreamed about a certain redhead. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice his sister walk in the room.
“Fox, who’s got you all dreamy eyed?”
“Humm, no one.”
He placed the last assignment in front of him. Turning to look at his sister in her ¾ trousers and vest top, hair in two braids. He smiled and watched her walk through to the kitchen turning on the coffee machine leaning against the side. She turned around to look at him.
“I know you’re lying big brother, wait till I have had some coffee. Once I wake up and we’re going to discuss this.”
“Nothing to discuss Sam.”
She threw him a look that said everything that needed to be said and he reluctantly knew he was going to have to talk to her about Scully.
Sam made her coffee and sat down opposite Mulder on the sofa. She took a few sips: he could tell she instantly felt better.
“So, Fox, I see you broke the biggest rule.”
“No, I haven’t.”
“You’re going for plausible deniability, interesting.” She sat back on her seat, crossing her legs in front of her, nursing her still steaming cup of coffee. She was smirking at him.
“Sam, I haven’t broken any rule,” he said slightly aggravated now.
“Who is she? I know you can’t tell me her name because that would make two rules on broken.”
He couldn’t help but notice the slight comment but decided to ignore it for now.
“She has fiery red hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. The kind you get lost in. She’s sweet, kind, passionate about her studies and loves to challenge me.”
“So she is the perfect woman for you,” she said mockingly.
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to.”  She drank the last sip of her coffee, placing the empty mug on the coffee table.
“I love you, Sam, but you’re reading too much into this. Yes, she is a good student and a wonderful woman, but that’s as far as it goes”
“We shall see, won’t we?” She picked up her cup and proceeded to the kitchen, leaving him to his thoughts.
Did his feelings run deeper than he wanted to admit to himself? Did he see himself spending a future with Scully? But Sam was right: that was breaking the most precious rule he had set out. Never fall in love with the person you’re sleeping with. Never let your guard down. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Sam talk to him.
“You order the pizza and I will put on Silence of the lambs.”
Thanksgiving was a good experience on both parts. They each enjoyed spending time with family. Melissa didn’t bring up the guy situation again. And Sam didn’t bring up the situation of Mulder falling for his student.
They had been back in School for about a week now. They hadn’t really had time to speak to each other. They said their quick hello’s in the gym each morning. He was busy with his lectures and she was busy making sure she had all of her assignments in and to a good standard.
He had found time on Friday’s lunch break to send her an email.
Subject: Your Assignment.
Dear Scully, I would like to meet you in my office at 6.30pm to discuss the assignment that is due next week.
Yours Faithfully, Mulder.
Scully was at lunch when she received the email. Serah had just finished her club sandwich, and she was twirling her salad around with a fork. She read the email and her face lit up. She had missed him a little more than she liked to admit but this would probably be the last time they would meet up before they all went on winter break.
She wanted to tell him about her sister’s notorious idea of trying to get her on a date. They talked about Mellissa in the past and how she was the wild and free one and Scully herself was the shy one. Mulder had simply disagreed saying she was very wild in a certain department just remembering that statement made her blush all over again.
“Oh, loverboy messaging you again?” Serah said teasingly
“No, why would you say that?”
“You just get a look on your face that screams ‘I’m having great sex’”
“I do not.” Scully pushed herself away from the table crossing her arms around her chest.
“Yeah, you do.” There was a short pause and Serah turned to her friend and studied her. Dana’s body was tense: she definitely wasn’t amused and in complete denial. “Ok if you do not have any feeling more than just a casual sex relationship you should come to the party tonight. I’m betting there’re lots of young impressionable men and women that you could take advantage off.”
“You know I don’t swing that way,” Scully sharply replied.
“Whatever floats your boat, Dana. Are you coming or not?” she asked a little impatiently.  
“Humph, we will see.”
“Will you text me when you have decided either way?”
“I will do, promise. Now we really should be heading to class,”  she started putting her things in her bag and stood up.
“Sometimes Dana you can be a right stick in the mud” Serah also stood up and got pushed in the shoulder for the remark. “Ow.”
“Oh, poor baby” Scully replied sarcastically even putting on a mock pouty face.
“Shut up” she teasingly said back in the same manner.  
They both broke up into a fit of laughs and giggles walking back to the classes for the day.
Mulder had been pacing his office for the last hour. He was nervous; he knew he shouldn’t be, but there was that little nagging feeling that he had in the back of his mind ever since Thanksgiving when Sam pointed out certain things to him. There was soon a femine knock on the door. He turned on his heels and looked up at the clock. There was only one person that could be knocking at the door this time of day but the shadow of the woman was too tall to be Scully.
He walked up to his office door and opened it to find Vice Principal Fowley at his door.
“Good Evening Vice Principal Fowley. What can I do for you this evening?” He said with a sarcastic cheer.  
She walked into his office barging past him.
“Come straight in, why don’t you?” He muttered under his breath.  
“Fox, what are you doing this evening?” Mulder opened his mouth but before he could even get a word out she spoke again. “It doesn't matter, I want to take you to dinner since you’ll free.”
“Well, actually... Diana, I am not free, I have a student coming around. She needs help with her last assignment.”
She leaned close to him, his back flush with the door frame. Her fingers started walking seductively up his chest while whispering in his ear “But Fox I remember how much fun we used to have at dinner and after it.”  It physically made his skin crawl under her touch.
He placed his hand on her upper arms pushing her back slightly and looking her in the eye.
“Maybe once Diana, but that was a long time ago, and never again.”
He was still standing with his back against the door when he heard a woman’s cough from behind him. He turned seeing Scully standing there, her big blue eyes staring at him. God, she looked beautiful, her hair in two low pigtails, her face free of makeup, wearing jean shorts and a black tank top. He licked his lips feeling his heart hammer against his chest.  
“Miss Scully, do come in. Vice Principle Fowley was just leaving.”
Mulder watched Diana take a glance at Scully and her face soured like she had sucked a lemon. Scully smiled at Diana and walked into his office and if he didn’t know any better she put a little extra wiggle in her hips.
“Maybe another time Fox, good evening Miss Scully.”
Diana walked out of the office and out of sight. He instantly breathed a sigh of relief shutting the door behind him giving his full attention to the beautiful fiery redhead standing in his office.  
“So, professor, you have been busy”
He looked at her and her face was blank. They stared at each other and he watched her lips curl up at the corners and a full grin broke and a very girly laugh filled the room.
“Sit down Scully tell me how seeing your family went.”
They walked through to his private office and she sat on the sofa. He watched her, and couldn’t help staring at her ass, licking his lips again as those shorts left little to the imagination. He sat down next to her, his jeans touching the bare skin of her knees. Her hand resting on his leg just above where their knees touched.
“Thanksgiving was nice, Missy was back from Europe and she told me her stories about how exotic the men were there.”
He started kissing her neck, biting, nipping, licking up and down from her ear to the clavicle. His hand moved underneath the hem of her tank top making slow circles with his fingers.
“There’s a funny story, actually, do you want to hear it?”
He stopped kissing her neck and answered in a hoarse whisper.
He moved his hand up her stomach making small horizontal lines underneath her breast feeling her heartbeat underneath his hand. Her breathing was fast and small droplets of sweat were forming on her brow.
"Well while I was down visiting my family, Missy….. Oh, God."
He lifted up her top, so it was now sitting just over her breasts. He took a nipple within his mouth biting down hard, making her back arch away from the sofa and more into him. He greedily took more breast into his mouth and sucked vigorously.
He moved his hand down her stomach and underneath both her jeans and underwear finding her soaking wet for him. He glided his fingers through her wet folds before finding her clit. He played with it and gently flicked it with his fingers before making small circles in it. His mouth started working on her other breast giving it the same attention.
"She tried to set me up on a date," she blurted out.
Upon hearing this something clicked inside him. He couldn't place the sudden feeling within him but there was one emotion overruling them all. He felt anger towards her for the first time since they had met, the prospect of her going out and having sex with someone else made him angry.
He was brought back to reality when he heard Scully moan his name. With his mouth still on her breast his fingers still on her clit he wanted to cum and make her cum hard. He thrashed his fingers in her clit and bit down as hard as he could without drawing blood. He soon felt her body convulse and twitch under him. He smirked in satisfaction and removed his fingers and went and sat back on the chair across from her.
He sat there and watched her come out of the post orgasmic bliss and her realisation that he was sitting across from her. His anger bubbling inside of him.
"Did you agree on the date?" He said with a venomous sneer.
"No, why would I?" He watched the look of confusion come across her face.
"You're a beautiful young woman," he said it more as a statement than an answer.
"That may be true, but I didn't want to."
"Why? It's not like the contract says you can't sleep with anyone else."
"Wait, who said I was sleeping with anyone? It was just a date," she spat back angrily, she placed her top back where it was meant to be and stood up.
"Well you sleep with me, don't you? So I wouldn't be  surprised that a 'date' would turn into sex?" He was fuming with anger now. If there could be steam coming out of his ear there would be.
"Fuck you Mulder! I have no idea what has gotten into you but I am not your personal punching bag."
"We have done that several times."
"Maybe you should go sleep with Diana. Every student knows how well that went down." She walked out of his office and slammed the door behind her leaving him still seated staring at the door.
She walked down the hall ready to punch and scream at anything that got in her way. Why had he treated her like that after just giving her one of the best orgasms of her life? She hated him so much right now. She got her mobile out of her bag and punched number two on her speed dial.
"Serah, are you still going to the party?"
"Yes, why?"
"Is the offer still open?"
"Of course! Does that mean you going?" Scully heard the change in her friend's voice; she went from sounding bored too very excited in 30 seconds flat.
"Yes. When are you leaving?"
"I was going to leave in 30 minutes, but now I need to help you with an outfit and makeup and hair."
"Thank you, I will be there in about ten."
"See ya then!"
Scully heard the dial tone and put the phone back in her bag. She was kind of glad Serah didn't ask about Mulder. She didn't want to get into it right now with anyone. She wanted to get drunk and forget about it.
1 Hour and 30 minutes later
Frat house
Serah and Scully were walking up towards the frat house with its disco light shining out of the windows illuminating the dark sky. The music could be heard from a mile away, and the vibrations could be felt while getting closer. They stood outside with drunk couples kissing and fornicating on the front punch. There were even a few people already passed out drunk sleeping on the grass.
Scully was wearing a slimline short lace dress with a sweetheart neckline. It wasn’t the dress she was comfortable in, and it was certainly not a dress she would ever buy. But as Serah pointed out, she wouldn’t care as soon as the alcohol kicked in, and she was right. She also pointed out that this dress would catch anyone's eye whether they were male or female.  She wore black stiletto heels making her seem a little bit taller and her slim legs longer. Her hair was wavy curling framing her face, her make up smooth with a smokey eye, and a deep red lipstick making her cheekbones and smile define her face.
Serah was wearing a spaghetti strapped crop corset with high waisted black leather look trouser with simple strappy heels. Sometimes she wished she had Serah’s confidence. But tonight wasn’t about sad thoughts it was about forgetting them entirely.
They walked arm in arm passed the people fornicating, passed the people asleep into the house in search for drinks to knock them senseless.
A few hours later
Scully was sitting on a brick wall, her heels next to her. Her feet freely swinging in the air. She was staring into the dark sky, watching the darkness floating, disappearing, swirling around the twinkling of the city lights. Her body was buzzing from all the alcohol consumed. She was lost in thought when she felt a warm feminine shoulder touch her shoulder and glide across her shoulder blade. She turned to see Serah sitting down next to her in someone's jacket.
“What are you staring at?”
“Nothing, just thinking.”
“No thinking tonight, you promised,” Serah pouted lightly pushing Scully’s shoulder.
“I know. Jesus, Serah, how many have you had?”
Serah swayed slightly before answering “Oh I lost count after the third or fourth shot,”  she placed her hand on top of Scully’s. “Why did you decide to come?”
“Mulder acting like he doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone. And best of all, he had the Vice principal with him.”
“He didn’t! That bastard...”
“Oh god, I’m too drunk to even think about this right now.”
Scully was momentarily taken back when Serah placed her lips against her own. Soft and succulent, so completely different than kissing a man. But this wasn’t right; this was her friend, her best friend. She is a woman, I don’t have feelings for her, do I? It’s just the booze. Isn’t it? She pulled back.
“Shit, Dana, I’m sorry.”
“I... I... can’t do this.”
But she didn't listen to the rest of what Serah was saying, she picked up her shoes and went back inside.
Why is today going so wrong? First, it was Mulder, now it is Serah. Fuck this shit! I need a shot or two.
With many more shots consumed it was the early hours of the morning, around 3 o’clock, with what she could work out. Many of the party goes had passed out drunk or gone home. She wanted to go to her room but she didn’t want to see Serah. She started walking not knowing her destination.
This was all Mulder’s fault. She would have never got angry, got drunk, kissed Serah, fell out with her best friend, drank more, got hit on a couple more men...
She pulled out her mobile and started going through her contacts searching for professor Mulder’s name in her phone book. It’s a bad idea but I don’t care. I need to tell him how I feel. She punched dial and put the phone up to her ear listening to the ringing and eventually Mulder’s voice at the other end of the line.
"Prrrofessssoorr Mulderr," she noticed her Ss and Rs rolling, she couldn't help it.
"No, it'sss your sssex ssslave." She tried to sound seductive but it wasn't working.
"It'sss all your fault, Mulderrr."  She pouted, as if he could see her. She felt her legs starting to get sore, maybe even already sore. She wasn't really sure anymore. She sat down on the floor, cold and bumpy "If I didn't have feelingsss for you, thisss would neverrr have happened, and I would be getting laid rrright now"
"Scully are you drunk? Are you ok? Where are you?" He sounded aggravated now. Good, now we're getting somewhere.
"Ssshut up Mulderrr, was Diana good company? Or yet, even better, was your hand?" She let out giggle she couldn't help it.
"Scully where are you?" He still sounded angry.
"I'm sitting down, where are you?" She noticed herself starting to sober a little.
"I'm at home. Now, Dana where are you?" Now there was confusion in his voice.
"I'm on Frat Street at the end. I think."
"Stay there, I'm coming to get you."
She didn't even get a reply as she heard the dial tone.
Mulder hung up the phone and drove 5-10 minutes to find Scully standing up, holding her heels in one hand, with a frat boy hunting off her hip.
What was she thinking? Getting drunk flaunting herself. Damn it if I will let her get herself into any trouble. He sat for a couple of seconds as the man’s hand went up her dress and lent in to kiss her. She pulled away but he pulled her back.
He stepped out of the car. Making his presence known by fake coughing. Now he was closer he could tell it was a Med student he knew, as Daniel Waterston.
"Miss Scully, are you ok?" he said sternly.
"No, Professor Mulder, but Daniel was just leaving..." her voice wavered.
"Yes, I was just leaving..." and he snuck back into the shadows like a mole burning its way to the earth.
"Dana," he walked up to her.
"I think I'm gonna—"
And she fell and he caught her. He moved her into a better position. She barely weighed anything in his arms. He placed her laying across the back seat of his car making sure she was safe and secure before moving back to the pavement picking up her shoes and placing them in the passenger side of the car next to him. He sat in the driver’s side contemplating where to take her. He soon made the decision and drove her to his apartment.
Quick note;
 there is a scene in this chapter where Scully and Serah could get it on. Would you like to see this as an alternate scene? or maybe even a future chapter? or not at all? please let me know in the comments. I will also be posting a poll on twitter.
Thank you for Reading I appreciate your feedback good or bad.
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crossedbeams · 8 years
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<< 1.6 The Ghost in the Machine ————————— 1.9 Space >>
What a week it has been! What a month in fact (because that’s how long ago I started this recap). Ice is one of my favourite early episodes which explains why this is longer than the combined beards of ZZ Top. Someone teach me self control? Please?
Go under the cut at your own peril, here there be worms.
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The Plot
Some dudes playing with ice have gone radio silent and left a creepy message, Mulder and Scully get sent up to investigate with a ragtag team of socially inept scientists and then cut off by bad weather with some seriously suspect wormlike organisms, and more sexual tension than you can shake an oversized drillbit at.
My Stream of Semi-Consciousness
I’m glad they start out with the dog just nommin on something spilled instead of one of the dead people. It makes it easier to root for him later which is good coz it’s a cute dog. Apparently it’s also Blue’s dad!
Then there’s what appears to be a disembodied limb in a box. Why I have no idea. but I am soon distracted by the entry of this dude who appears to have been scorched, stripped and then attacked in an incredibly symmetrical fashion by a pair of clawed ketchup bottles.
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Like c'mon prop monkeys! Blood is NOT that colour and when did you last see someone with matching pectoral wounds (given it’s not sex related… probably). Also now I’ve been looking at it for too long and I feel like he has one nipple that is significantly bigger than the other and I’m having trouble moving past it.
And WHY is he shirtless. At what point in the whole fighting to the death in the ARCTIC was he like… wait mate… I need to take off this shirt off because #aesthetic.
Though to be fair I probably would.
His radio makes more noises than the tardis.
We’re not who we are. Okay. We get it. But on a serious note do they ever actually discuss why he says this. Because I feel like grammatically it’s questionable and the space worms seem more into murdering each other than making dramatic speeches.
His assailant looks very heeeeere’s jack" and is wearing a shirt. I’m rooting  for him until they get into the worst duel ever. Don’t put your guns so close. This whole bit tbh. The worms seem to have very complicated motivations and choreography, Maybe they’re abstract prehistoric space worms. Am I making sense. I don’t think I’m making sense.
It’s okay though I can compose myself during the CREDITS.
This video from the dead science dudes is the dorkiest thing I have ever seen. There are quilted body warmers, pasted on smiles and overenthusiastic high fives. You can see why these guys are extras and not the series stars. But at least they were all having fun before they brutally killed one another.
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Mulder and Scully are watching this video in a room with both a blackboard and a window. Where are they? Is the basement being cleaned? Is this Scully’s office? If so why does she have so many damn tables!
Why do people insist on digging into old ice/trenches/under the sea. It always ends badly. EVERY DAMN TIME. Cthulu is down there people. Or godzilla or some shit. Just leave it alone and make nachos. Much better.
Not to be pedantic (okay who am I kidding) but pretty sure the background here doesn’t match what was behind him in the scene.
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It’s only 1993 goddamn and Gillian Anderson is already learning how to ruin us all with her exquisite face. We were all screwed from the first time someone pointed a camera at her. All her tiny facial nuances remind me of the queens of old Hollywood and the things they could do with a quirk of the lip.
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Then Mulder squats down and grins at her and though he’s basically implying they’re being sent as sacrificial lambs he doesn’t seem too sad about the concept of being trapped in an igloo full of corpses with his partner. He goes from amused to gleeful when he tells his teeny partner to bring her mittens and I’m thinking Scully seems excessively perturbed at this stage… is she having a moment of forboding? Or does she just really hate Alaska? I mean this is pre Palin so there’s no good reason to be quite so down on it…
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And heeeeere’s Denny
Not content with really loving rocks (geologist) and being called Denny he also likes to do this in public places.
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Denny is not getting any.
I do miss cassettes though.
Enter small winterwear troll AKA Dana Scully in a jacket so big she may be wider than she is tall. Mulder in contrast appears to be wearing jammies, jeans and a jacket, which are - incidentally - my three style essentials. Well those three and a resting bitch face.
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Mulder makes awkward chat about San Diego while Scully pulls a face like she didn’t used to live there and then the other scientists arrive and they engage in a charade worth of the Chuckle Brothers with IDs, “It’s me! It’s You!” Mulder even checks Scully in case, one assumes, somebody else was hiding in her coat and has leaped out to replace her since he introduced her to Denny less than 30 seconds ago. Possibly he just uses it as an opportunity to sniff her. He’s only human and I would… I also feel like at this point  the writers were overly concerned with linking back to “we’re not who we are” from earlier. Every single combination of the words “we”, “who”  and “are” is well and truly thrust in. And we’re only at 7.12.
Also hello Felicity Huffman.
“Two federal agents, a geologist, a medical doctor and a toxicologist” sounds like the beginning of the worst walked into a bar joke ever. It would have some incredibly scientific punchline probably involving the word ampule. I’d try and write it but… we I can’t be bothered!
Everyone is so weird and cagey. The script must have been full of side-eye instructions. A word to the wise - if you’re ever asked to go on a business trip where people are behaving like this, don’t go. It’s the start of a horror film and you will die.
Especially if someone else there is called Bear.
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Bear could be Steven Tyler’s brother. Or maybe they just have the same surgeon. His car is the only car in the universe dirtier than mine.
And after Scully standing weirdly close to Huffman (I forget her character name) for way too long (like seriously? SO strange), Mulder trying to reassert his Scully monopoly with some unnecessary touching (DRINK!) we see some stock footage which can only mean we’re up, up and away.
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Icy Point and the power’s off. Of course. Do they ever investigate why the second they arrive anywhere the lights stop working? That’s a damn X-File.
For guys who blew their on brains out these dudes are artfully arranged. And pretty sure one of them is tensing. You’re dead man. Nobody cares about your abs anymore.
Scully says ‘flashing’.  She means the camera. Epileptics on set can thank her but I can’t help being disappointed. Imagine if she meant her boobs…
Mulder comforts Felicity Huffman with his intimate knowledge of arctic research generator noises. Who knew Oxford university offered so many eclectic courses. Unfortunately they didn’t offer one in dog combat because Mulder goes down. Pretty sure Huffman falls over too but only out of shock or being knocked off balance by her coat.
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Poor Bear is bleeding ketchup so we know he’s fucked. It’s fine though, Scully is a medical doctor and she finds some super gross disease beans in the doggo’s armpit which means she will also save the day. Standard.
Worm under skin, WORM UNDER SKIN! Ths grosses me out every time so drink every time we see unnecessary subdermal wriggling. *drinks*
Scully has completed five autopsies before anyone else has done more than get their coat off and get infected with a space worm, but ruins the effect by brandishing a used and  uncovered needle with gusto whilst doing her jargon spiel. She may just be trying work out how to rescue her hair from it’s current anti-gravity state, her fringe is levitating at a sweet 120 degrees from her forehead which has got to be upsetting when you’re as put together as Scully is. Regardless,  
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Mulder seems unperturbed but may just be distracted by Bear wigging out about his own personal armpit beans.
There are some high quality knitwear/ winter neutrals going on in this episode. Maybe they were sponsored by fruits of the loom or some shit.
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Mulder and Denny get all excited about satellite pics, apparently Mulder’s interpreting skills around some sort of bizarre geological scanning are rusty. TRY NON-EXISTENT MULDER. YOU DON’T KNOW SCHIST ABOUT GEOLOGY! Sorry. For the pun and the yelling. But seriously. If I made a list of all the things Mulder and Scully know that they shouldn’t…
DINOSPERM! Dinosperm. Does whatever a dinosperm does.
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The second Mr Bodywarmer (I can never remember anyone’s names so tis is what I’m calling him) disses Scully’s autopsy skills you know that Mulder’s gonna disagree with him. Contagion be damned, suggesting Sculy has missed something is a no no - even in Season 1 - and especially when she’s pouting like this.
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Oh no! Mulder says they have to stay (my favourite trope), Scully pulls the doctor card to seal the deal and now there is no way they’re not having arctic sex right? Everyone gets some… well except Denny who kills the mood by opening up way too easily about his bowel movements. Poor Denny. High school can’t have been easy for you.
But it’s fine because Bear flips his shit, or more specifically flips out about a shit, and everyone has other things to worry about. After some arctic democracy which really draws a solid line between Mulder/Scully and Huffman/MrBodywarmer (in case you’d missed all the other clues) and emphasises the disposability of poor Denny, they pull a gun and shit gets real.
Down goes Mulder!
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Down goes Scully!
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Turns out big man Bear is no match for Macho Moose and Flying Squirrel. The others prove once again to be utterly useless, standing about and watching. Honestly, given how much Mulds and Sculls know about other science they should absolutely not know, the the rest of the cast seem kinda superfluous other than as human coathangers for knitted beige monstrosities.
Impromptu surgery always makes me squeamish so lets not talk about this. Suffice to say its gory and ends poorly for Bear. RIP buddy, you were kinda a douche and your hat was stupid but nobody likes a neck worm.
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Just keep drinking till it’s over.
The woman on the radio is semi-peppy given she’s just told them they’re stuck. Maybe she’s drinking whatever Sarah Palin is on.
Sculy’s OCD hand washing is adorable and I want to pet her. And the others are all still just standing there though now with a corpse centrepiece. React people! Do something!
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Top quality CGI right here! Wormeo is looking fine and definitely three dimensional.
The worm theory is all very plausible, except that the last bit makes no sense. The worm doesn’t want to kill it’s host, just the hosts with its pals in… so what is the worm’s end game? Last worm standing? Any thoughts?
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I am all about the aesthetic of this next scene The half light the corrugated metal with shadows and the height difference all in silhouette. It’s even added to by Mulder’s signature monotone rant. But the problem is, I’m so MSR thirsty that when this happens…
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I just want them to throw down and get it on on the floor. KISS! NOW! Corpses be damned. See, This is what this show has done to me. I used to have standards.
Denny is not down with all the tension so he retreats to baseball while Huffman and Bodywarmer, who bicker like Mulder and Scully but lack ANY sort of chemistry (this is the show we might have gotten if the Gillian/David alchemy  hadn’t happened) conspire like a pair of whiner babies. Bodywarmer is as paranoid as Muder, but he’s also an assclown.
Then Mulder and Scully take their coats off in a dramatic way and once again my mind is in the gutter. Which is actually appropriate as it’s naked spot check time and things are about to get a little homoerotic. Pretty sure Mulder lost some sort of bet when Scully was the one to suggest a naked group activity. Also pretty sure he was disappointed that it was just another spot check and that he wasn’t invited.
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Leaving this here for science.
There are multiple documentations of the exceptionally sapphic encounter between Scully and Huffman, whoever decided to light them in red while the dudes got to strip off in a normally lit room was certainly only aided by the fact that Scully's jabby doctor hands from later series have not yet developed. 
My main takeaway other than this being basically the only scene in which Huffman doesn't irritate me (and I think I quite liked her in DH though I can't remember a damn thing that happened on that show), is that Gillian Anderson has more chemistry in a fraction of her lower lip than most people have in their whole body. I mean seriously: authority, vulnerability, comfort and a little sex all in one move. This little thing? 
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She would probably have chemistry with a rock if she needed to. How is it so effective? How does one scene that lasts less than a minute have more relationship in it than all of Huffman and Bodywarmer's interactions combined? How is the entire world not worshipping at her tiny feet?
And the award for least comforting bedtime sendoff goes to Mulder, for both bringing up bugs biting (as if they're not already freaking over dinosperms getting all up in their spines) and then shooting down Scully's attempt to normalise things. "The spots on the dog went away". Really? She's lingering outside her room, and instead of being nice, or comforting, or taking her mind off things with some vigorous shagging you give her puppy eyes  and a shortcut to nightmare town?
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Go to bed and think about what you've done Mulder. Leave Scully alone with your comforting words, ominous lighting and a dead man's half naked lady posters. 
Cue montage of nobody coping in different ways with Mark Snow blinky-blonkiness to up the tension.
As a an unapologetic Scully fangirl I do sometimes forget that at this stage, Duchovny was very much the star and focus. Scenes like this remind me, where we watch him get dressed (I am fine with lots of shirtless Mulder), wander about, do reacting, hang out a little with this cabinet that definitely looks like it has a face and could just have eaten Denny on it's own...
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Anyway my point was that as much as Gillybean is growing as an actor and making herself felt in the episodes, studio intentions be damned, this is all DD, prowling about with drama and he does it well. Also you can see his nipples through his shirt. Clearly my priorities are straight. Well... mostly.
That said. Mulder is an idiot. When a cabinet is bleeding, what sensible person opens it while squatting in front of the spot where clearly a corpse is going to fall out. He didn't learn that brand of idiocy at the VCU.
Speaking of Scully asserting herself, Bodywarmer (I think his name is Hodge?) and Mulder get in to a sweaty macho shout off and teeny Sculls gets in the midde. Huffman just kinda floats about.
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And we have a series first! Mulder and Scully hold each other at gunpoint! Loud noises! Angst! Betrayal! Delivery of the episodes motto which STILL makes no sense."You may not be who you are?"" Well no he is him, he just might have a worm in his brain But points for consistency. Shame it doesn't apply to the series overall plot arc!
Anyway, in the end it's fine because Mulder relents when it becomes exceptionally clear that for all that she's smol and mostly calm, Scully will shoot his ass, though she'll feel a bit bad about it. At this realisation Mulder goes full puppy and lets his owner put him in a pen. But he doesn't get shot. Yet. Little he knows...
So Mulder gets shut away. It's totes emosh. Like Celine Dion backing track emosh. Mark Snow step aside because this bish has spare time and windows moviemaker...
Moving on...
Pretty sure that fluffy!Scully striding in a plaid shirt with a gun is my spirit animal.
It's super convenient that both members of team non-MSR are sleeping in ridiculously uncomfortable positions, despite the recent excitement, so Scully can be forced to surrender her weapon. But hey - we only have 10 mins left and the plot must go on.
Bodywarmer decides the time has come for him to be alpha male but unfortunately, everyone still hates him, Scully doesn't want in on his shitty duet, especially when it's clear that he'd toss his partner in a second. Huffman finally grows enough balls to suggest Scully might have a point about not turning on each other and looking for treatment but his ego is out of control.
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I really wish Bodywarmer had gotten eaten instead of Denny, Denny and Huffman could have been useless fuzzballs together and the only thing I ship Bodywarmer with is my booted foot making hard contact with his testicles after his misogynistic asshole moves in the lab. I'm starting to understand why Huffman has no personality. Scully starts to realise she got preeeety lucky that Mulder's just an alien obsessed puppy and not an utter fuckboy, before snapping back in to science mode for wormageddon.
I'm gonna take a moment here to shout out Lila (@startwreck for the following graphic). Theses two animated worms even have more tension than Bodywarmer and Huffman. So when we did the group rewatch we may have turned it into a fix that the worms were in love...
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Me and the space worms have one thing in common. We do not like company.
Not sure how a stethoscope would prove the worms inside the dog were dead but I'm not a medical doctor. Either way, Mr Woofty is okay and lets be honest, aside from Mulder and Scully he's the only one I care about at this stage.
Tfw bae may have a brain worm but you wanna be sure and one of your companions is an asshole and the other one is actually the neck worm's host.
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Poor Mulder isn't even allowed to accustom his poor little molerat eyes to the light before having to defend himself. Which got me thinking... the light switch is inside the room. We saw him turn it on earlier. So he's sitting in the dark of his own choice, just to make himself more tragic. Precious baby.
This face could have been avoided.
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This scene though, this could not, There is now a section in the FBI handbook called, "Protocol for the investigation of possible parasitic space worms", this inspection is the example of how not to do it. Ably assisted by D'Angelo and my amazing video skills once again I give you - "this would be sexual harassment if they weren't both so into it - so don't try this in the workplace kids"
Scully comes out with Mulder in tow like the kid who came home from school with a friend who wasn't invited. "Mom I know you said no but look at him". After a quick round of, my partner is less infected than your partner, they get ambushed, Scully makes the squeakiest squeak of a no that is still audible to the human ear and finds herself in the sex cupboard.
Commence a struggle scene worthy of You've Been Framed, drink for Huffman's neck worms and also for this face.
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In her struggle to escape a worming, Huffman pauses long enough to through some vials off a freezer shelf, that she has to open. Before she goes for the gun. Logical. And then they all have sex on the floor. I mean seriously. 
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But it's all good coz she gets to gnaw on Mulder's pec while the worms do battle royale in her pituitary gland and everyone makes it. Well except Bear and Denny. Huzzah! Scully gives Huffman (whose name I have just discovered is Silver or Da Silva which I'm sure I knew when I started this but honestly that was weeks ago so...) a celebratory belly rub. 
I'd take it.
They finally escape, and Mulder of course wants another round trip to hell but hell has been torched. Scully does a good job of looking sympathetic in front of Bodywarmer, but as soon as they're alone she tells Mulder how she really feels. To paraphrase, no, she doesn't want to play with ice worms of death any more and yes she would rather be in Aruba. But she does wait for him. Maybe so they can finish what they started in the sex cupboard in the SUV. 
I hope,
And so it ends..
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Quick Score (Full Deets in the top pic)
Story: Original, bold and pacy - 9/10
Mulder: Broody, ballsy, sexy - 8/10
Scully: Smart, sceptic foil to the crazy - 8/10
UST: The first suspense episode, creepy original goodness 5/5
Other Cast: Solid ensemble of misfits delivers - 8/10
Bonus Points: Hot damn sexy moments, extra gazing, partner doubting, memorable, my fave 5/5
TOTAL - 42/50 - Grade A and new topspot sitter!
Join us next time for more ridiculously overthought brain farts
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