#also sei is not a bad character per se. it would be interesting sure! but i feel like it's now more. convoluted?
datastate · 2 years
nankidai contact me we could fix the rankings of asunaro agents, training regimes, and also make sei a much better character without ridding what i know your intentions were.
#i did like the ministories i Did. but the more i think about sei the more it gives me a headache#what's with the trial. things would've been fine if it weren't for the trial. and i know his intentions were for the resemblance of the#hades incident but also Why. what is the POINT !! rahhh#i know it's cool on the surface but w this one + anzu's not making her clownfit it's as if he's retconned what happened...#or added things entirely out of the blue. like this. ahhh#jestersvaguely#yttdlb#also sei is not a bad character per se. it would be interesting sure! but i feel like it's now more. convoluted?#that's the only way i can express it really. i feel as if it's more convoluted to have two iterations of rio...#when initially the impression was that rio was his own. loosely meant to fulfill what kai lacked#but now he's meant to fulfill two roles - kai and sei... and he is not enough of a character to really justify that i think#i don't want to sound mean or make it seem i dislike this but there are just such small changes which could've been made to adjust this...#also why did kai live. why was he chosen. how could asunaro reason this out. why didn't they let them practice more before assessing#their skills. they aren't needlessly sadistic. they don't see kids fight for the hell of it. what was the point of having them fight when#they're like 8-14... ahhh#i know i already made a whole post basically rehashing these points but genuinely the more i spin it over in my mind#the more i really do think the trial is more for some sort of shock on the player's behalf because it doesn't. make sense...#and rio cannot live up to two dead people. quite honestly. he is a good character but he is not that good#negative#I'M SO SORRY. AGAIN I DID LIKE IT BUT IT JUST BRINGS UP SO MANY ISSUES THAT WERE NOT THERE BEFORE. IN ADDING MORE RE: SEI & TRAINING#WITHOUT FULLY THINKING IT THROUGH IT ENDS UP FEELING... INCONSISTENT AND A LITTLE UNDERWHELMING IN SOME ASPECTS#yttdposting
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mbcorvo-author · 5 years
Weird gifts
I jotted down this scene months ago following this prompt by @write-it-motherfuckers​ and I’m planning to edit it (and maybe change something, but before that I need to reach that point with the novel) and adding it to my wip “Beyond the Veil”... and since It’s been a while since last time I posted an excerpt and such, I thought that it could be good enough to be shared and also I can introduce you to another character of my wip! So, I translated it and here it is!
It’s not perfect or good because it’s unedited and I translated it at the best I could do, so I hope the English isn’t that bad.
The cat when returns home is always bringing back dead things and leaving them on the counter or the kitchen table. Mice, lizards, birds and frogs are the usual "gifts". Today there are no mice, no lizards, no birds, and no frogs. In their place, on the kitchen table, there was a mutilated human-looking arm... if you exclude the clawed fingertips and the skin that had a strange ash-grey colouration.
The man stood there motionless looking at that gruesome "hunting trophy" on his kitchen table as if he needed some more time for his brain to process what was seeing. He took a deep breath, exhaling the air in an unnerved snort as he started walking towards the french window that leads to the garden. Chestnut eyes that immediately turned looking towards the little wooden cat-house on the window-sill near the door, to be precise his gaze was on the grey-fur cat that was napping inside.
"Zane, what do I owe your unpleasant gift?" he rudely asked to the feline that, in response, opened his little surreal-blue eyes and lifted his head towards him. "I thought that you might be interested in it" the male-sounding voice of the cat echoed in the man's mind that was still showing the cat a grim expression. "And don't worry Javier, your familiar is safe and sound" continued the voice while the grey cat left the tiny house, stretching his legs and letting out a big yawn that showed that even the insides of his mouth were in shades of grey. Like it was popped out from a black and white television, except for his eyes. "He's napping inside your closet if you didn't notice" concluded. "Why a severed arm would ever interest me?" snapped Javier "Make sure you take it back before going away, if you don't want to get bound and closed forever in a coffeepot" from the expression on his face and the tone of his voice, it was clear that Javier wasn't kidding, even if he just turned to the french door to return inside his home after throwing that threat at Zane.
"Hey, hey!" exclaimed the alarmed cat, the tip of his tail and paws becoming like smoke when he moved to the edge of the window-sill. Smoke that engulfed him when he jumped from that elevated place and that increased its size before vanishing and leaving in its place a thin and tall guy with short black hair and bright blue eyes, dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, battered combat boots and plain grey t-shirt. "Let's discuss this," said Zane showing a faint smile to Javier "I need you to tell me something about that arm" The man let out an annoyed grunt as he walked past the threshold of the door "Ask it to some Necromancer, I don't know anything about corpses." The Ghul moved quickly, slipping through the door before it was closed. "I know that you are an Oracle" added, following the man towards the kitchen "This is why I need you".
Javier stopped his walking, right hand running through his ruffled brown hair while he let out a tired sigh "There are other witches able to do oracular and divination magic in the world, why do you have to bother me?" grumbled, turning to face the Djinn again. "Yes, it's true... but you are the best" answered with another light smile on their lips, pointing both index fingers at the man "Or maybe I'm remembering badly and you aren't the Supreme Oracle anymore?"
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Italian & tag list under the cut!
Ho abbozzato questa scena mesi fa seguendo questo spunto di @write-it-motherfuckers​ e sto progettando di modificarla (e forse proprio cambiarci qualcosa, ma per quello devo raggiungere quel punto col romanzo) e aggiungerla al mio wip “Oltre il Velo”... e siccome è passato parecchio tempo dall’ultima volta che ho postato un estratto o affine, ho pensato che potesse essere abbastanza buono da essere condiviso, inoltre ho l’occasione di introdurre un nuovo personaggio del mio wip! Così ho deciso di tradurlo ed eccoci qua.
So che il testo non è perfetto, non l’ho mai modificato da quando lo scrissi di getto seguendo l’ispirazione, mentre la versione in inglese l’ho tradotta meglio che potessi. Spero non sia poi così male.
Strani regali
Il gatto quando torna a casa si porta sempre dietro qualche cosa morta e la lascia sul tavolo o sul bancone della cucina. Topi, lucertole, uccellini e rane sono i suoi soliti “regali”. Oggi niente topi, niente lucertole, uccelli o rane. Al loro posto, sul tavolo della cucina, si trovava un braccio mutilato dalle sembianze del tutto umane se si escludevano gli artigli sulla punta delle dita e la pelle dalla strana colorazione grigiastra simile al colore della cenere.
L’uomo rimase lì fermo immobile a osservare quel raccapricciante “trofeo di caccia” sul proprio tavolo della cucina, come avesse bisogno di qualche momento in più a osservarlo perché la sua mente riuscisse a carburare quello che stava vedendo. Inspirò profondamente, esalando poi l’aria in uno snervato sbuffare dalle narici mentre si avviò verso la portafinestra che dava sul giardino. Occhi dalle iridi color castagna che subito si puntarono in direzione della casetta di legno presente sul vicino davanzale, per la precisione lo sguardo era rivolto verso il gatto dalla pelliccia grigia che stava sonnecchiando al suo interno. 
“Zane, a cosa devo il tuo spiacevole regalo?” domandò brusco al felino che, di tutta risposta, aprì gli occhietti di un azzurro irreale e sollevò il muso in sua direzione. “Ho pensato che potesse interessarti” la voce maschile del felino riecheggiò nella mente dell’uomo che continuava a mantenere un’espressione truce in sua direzione. “E tranquillo, Javier, il tuo famiglio sta bene” proseguì la voce, mentre il gatto grigio uscì dalla cuccia stiracchiandosi ed emettendo un grande sbadiglio che rivelò l’interno delle sue fauci anch’esso sui toni del grigio. Come se fosse uscito da un televisore in bianco e nero a eccezione degli occhi. “Sta sonnecchiando nel tuo armadio, se non te ne sei accorto” concluse. “Perché un braccio mozzato dovrebbe mai interessarmi?” sbottò Javier “Vedi di riprendertelo e sparire se non vuoi essere vincolato e chiuso per sempre dentro una caffettiera” dall’espressione e dal tono di voce dell’uomo si capiva che non stesse scherzando, anche se subito dopo aver lanciato quella minaccia a Zane si voltò intenzionato a rientrare in casa.
“Ehi, ehi!” esclamò allarmato il felino, punta della coda e delle zampe che si fecero simili a fumo quando si mosse raggiungendo il bordo del davanzale. Fumo che lo avvolse completamente quando balzò da quella posizione rialzata e che aumentò di dimensioni prima di svanire lasciando al suo posto un ragazzo alto e magro, occhi azzurrissimi e corti capelli neri, vestito con un paio di jeans neri aderenti, anfibi malconci e una maglietta anonima grigia. “Parliamone” fece Zane rivolgendo un leggero sorriso a Javier “ho bisogno che tu mi dica qualcosa su quel braccio” L’uomo emise un vago grugnito scocciato oltrepassando la soglia della porta “Chiedilo a qualche Necromante, io non mi intendo di cadaveri” Il Ghul si mosse rapidamente, riuscendo a sgusciare all’interno della casa dell’uomo prima che la porta venisse chiusa “Lo so che sei un Oracolo” rispose, seguendo l’uomo verso la cucina “Per questo mi servi tu”.
Javier si fermò, mano destra che venne sollevata e fatta scorrere tra gli scompigliati capelli bruni mentre lui emise un nuovo stanco sospiro. “Ci sono altri stregoni che possono usare magie oracolari e divinatorie al mondo, perché devi scocciare me?” borbottò voltandosi per guardare nuovamente il Djinn. “Sì, è vero...ma tu sei il migliore.” rispose, sempre con un leggero sorriso in viso, puntando entrambi gli indici verso l’uomo “Oppure ricordo male e non sei più Sommo Oracolo?”
Tag List: (If you want to be removed from the list, or added, just send me a message!) @lunarmoment​, @hazeywrites, @simpletonscribbler, @jess---writes​, @starlitesymphony, @ill-write-when-im-dead​, @justanotherwriteress, @stardust-and-smoke​, @withered-rose-unbreakable-lotus, @emireviews
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