#also sheep ren bc I find it super funny
justdalek · 7 months
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Part one of the Phantom Thieves for the Crusaders au
More info + Gor(e)o Akechi below cut
Ren (Amamiya) Kitagawa
Husband of Ryuji and Yusuke, father of Hikari
Arcana: The World
Persona (Main): Arsene
Still the Wildcard
Has the ability to physically curse anyone in and outside the Metaverse when it opens up again
Works as a Child Service agent to help properly rehome children who were put up for adoption
Became a vigilante hero to save kids from abusive situations after the Metaverse shut down (prior to its second opening)
He is happy to be a model for Yusuke or a consultant for Ryuji
Hikari is closest to him due to his calm demeanor
The only time he lost his temper in front of his daughter was when she was rushed to the hospital after a bad battle in Mementos and Morgana did not inform Ren what actually happened until a few days later (he thought Hikari went missing)
He is still very much a troll when he wants to be
Ryuji (Sakamoto) Kitagawa
Husband of Ren and Yusuke, father of Hikari
Arcana: Chariot
Persona: Captain Kidd
Fully lost his right leg after a bad car accident shattered his femur bone (Ren nearly sued the other driver out of sheer anger that Ryuji couldn’t get his leg back once and for all)
Became a Paralympic for Japan’s track team
He has won 2 gold and 3 silver medals before retiring to become a track coach for one of the high schools
He loves racing Ren in the evenings and being Yusuke’s model in the early morning
Was surprised that Hikari took an interest in skating, but was fully behind her (he fell many times on the ice)
Nearly became a helicopter parent because he was worried that he’d end up like his father, but Ren and Yusuke made sure to remind him that he is not a repeat and that Hikari needs her own space
After the Metaverse opens again, he has the ability to generate electricity by himself, causing several accidental power outages
Yusuke Kitagawa
Husband of Ren and Ryuji, father of Hikari
Arcana: Emperor
Persona: Goemon
Uses his art to inspire people to be their best self
Cried happy tears when Ren and Ryuji asked to take on his last name
Created a self portrait of the current Kitagawa family after Hikari’s arrival (with much encouragement from Ren and Ryuji)
Had a rather hard time bonding with Hikari at first due to remembering how rough his own life got with Madarame, as well as wondering if he is living up to his mother’s expectations
That changed when Hikari (and later Ryuji) had an honest conversation with him about how he’s doing fine and that he shouldn’t be thinking too hard about it
Hikari gets much closer with him after that, and especially after she takes an interest (later hobby) in pottery
Very much makes sure that his family has all Japanese traditional outfits for the proper occasions (especially Ryuji)
Yusuke gains the ability to generate ice after the Metaverse opens a second time. He has to be mindful about his body temperature as he could accidentally freeze an entire floor or person he comes in contact with
Goro Akechi
Arcana: Justice
Persona: Robin Loki
The last remnant of his soul that somehow existed after Dr. Maruki’s reality/Palace was destroyed
He has only one goal: Destroy the Metaverse permanently
His personas are a mutated fusion since Akechi hasn’t fully passed on
Joins the Phantom Crusaders under the guise that he is a mentor for them
Surprisingly becomes a sort of uncle figure to Hikari and Fuyuki
Loves to get under Ren’s skin
Yes, he’s still petty
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