#also sherlock is a woman and her and moriarty went to the same finishing school so they’re childhood friends
awestruck-atrophy · 5 months
hello bbc sherlock fandom can I interest you in a flavor of mormor yet to be present in an actual sherlock holmes adaptation
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runawayolives · 4 years
Loveless Part 3.
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@cupcake710me @thereisa8ella @cardivenom @everything-is-books @bioticgoddess  @maan24  @lepagera-blog @chewymoustachio @theoriginalbar
Prologue. Part 1. Part 2.  Part 3  Part 4
Once they were out of the study, Helena let out a short Follow me, leaving no space for argument. Enola took a deep breath, not wanting to listen to another talk about being a woman and that load of horse poop. By the time she reached her room, Helena was standing by the door, waiting expectantly. "Go in." Enola huffed but did as she was told. Helena closed the door and turned around to look at her sister by law. "I don't need help to get dressed." "You shouldn't." Enola looked at her in confusion. "Take a seat, it's storytime." Enola sat on the chair closest to her, still in her white undergarments. "Do you know my maiden name?" Enola nodded, recalling what Miss Harrison had said. "Moriarty." Helena nodded. "Do you know what happened to my mother?" Enola shook her head. Helena thought again about her idea. Her mother had just disappeared, and she was going to tell the young girl Maria Moriarty's story. Better take another route. "My mother was just like your brother Mycroft." Enola nodded lowly. The woman standing before her wasn't the one she had seen this morning. "My father, he was more like your mum. He thought, or better said, knew that being a proper lady was shit." Enola fought the urge to gasp at Helena's choice of words. "I also went to Miss Harrison's school." Enola leaned forward wanting to ask questions. "What happened?" Helena picked up a small book that was on the bedside table. "I ran away. Several times." Enola looked at Helena in wonder. She had been the image of a perfect woman all day, and now she was saying all of this."Why?" Helena looked away from the book and gave Enola a confused look."For the same reason, you don't want to go there. I knew more than a proper lady, courtesy of my father. My mother, once she found out, sent me away." "How did you run away?" Helena laughed gently, now looking out the window."It wasn't easy. It took me seven tries to get it right." Enola looked at her surprised. "The first time I just decided to leave through the front door in the middle of the night, you know, to rub it in." Enola nodded, wanting to hear more. "One of the cooks found me opening the front door. He dragged me to Miss Marrison's office in the middle of the night. I didn't hear the end of it." "What about the other tries?" Helena finally sat on the char in front of Enola.  "Well, I had to leave long spaces of time, enough for them to leave their guard down." Helena looked straight into Enola's eyes. "They'll probably put you in a room with bars on the windows." Enola looked confused. "It was my room. Try number five, I was caught climbing down the window."
"Miss Harrison said you left the boarding school when your mother died."
Helena scoffed, still not believing that Miss Harrison would lie for her.
"No. That was my only successful escape. I dressed as one of the maids and left through the kitchens. I had money, so I got a carriage to drive me to London. Once I got home, Scotland Yard was just retrieving-" Helena stopped abruptly, not wanting to scare the girl. "Retrieving what?" Helena looked at Enola, and only by her eyes, the young girl saw what she meant. "Your mum." Helena nodded. "My brother let me go to University as long as I got married as soon as I finished my studies." "He made you marry Sherlock?" The older woman shook her head. Helena smiled at her sister by law. "I didn't want to marry either, you know?" Enola nodded slowly. Why would a woman like her marry a man? "I figured out that if I worked hard and got the best grades, my brother would understand that I did not need a husband."
"Sit, dear sister." Helena sat on the chair Jim pointed at. They were in his office at the University. "What did you want, Jim?" "You have a few months left until you get your degree, right?" Helena nodded, knowing where this was going. "Well, Dr. Martin asked if he could marry you. I don't see why not." Dr. Martin was the chemistry professor, a man who took every chance to make sexist comments towards Helena. An old pig that would do better dead. "No." "This was part of our agreement, dear sister." "No." James Moriarty was not a foolish man. He knew what the doctor said and thought about his sister. He didn't want her to marry him either, but offering this was part of his plan. "It's him or the Duke of Sussex." Helena was glad she was sitting on a chair. She didn't know which offer was worst. The duke was an old family friend. He had been close friends with her father and was now reaching his fifties. The man was older than Dr. Martin, but he saw her as a daughter. Helena knew her brother loved deals and bets, so she played on that. "If I find a man willing to marry me in seven months, I'll marry him, if not, you can choose my spouse." Jim knew how the men of England were. None of them met his sister's expectations, so, he was going to win surely. "Okay, but no complains if you lose." Helena looked at the bookshelf behind her brother, angered that she only had seven months of freedom left. "You know I do this for your best. If that bitch was still alive, you would be having your seventh child by now." "May I be dismissed?" James took a deep breath. He loved his sister, truly, but sometimes she would forget her spot in society. With a wave of his hand, Helena left the room cursing his name. On the anniversary of her mother's death, James would always make a crude comment on how their lives would be so different if she was still alive. That day she met Sherlock Holmes, her ticket out.
"So you don't love my brother?" Helena shrugged mindlessly. "If he died tomorrow, I would weep, but no, I don't love him." Unknown to them, Sherlock was about to knock on the door to ask his wife if she wanted to join him on a walk through the gardens. This is what heartbreak must feel like. As if they were ripping your insides out of you. He slowly walked away from the door, as if the metal handle had burned him. Sherlock hadn't cried since he was six and had rolled down one of the hills in the garden and hit his knee with a rock. He had forgotten how your throat would close, and how the cold salty droplets of water rolled down your warm skin. He walked away, to the room they were staying in. He sat on the bed and leaned his face into his hands. Dying felt better than this, that's for sure. He stood up and went to his trunk. He grabbed the small vial at the bottom of it. Once he had it, he opened and placed a bit of the fairy dust on his thumb.  He placed his digit under his nose and inhaled it quickly. Maybe he could travel to a world where his wife truly loved him, where he was happy, with her and a few kids with extremely wild curls. Where she wasn't closed off. Where he knew what she did in that dammed room. He laid on the bed face up and slept. Dreaming of a happier place.
He was back in their house in London. He had awoken beside a glowing Helena, with a full stomach and sleepy smile. She stroked his cheek, with a smile that could light the whole city id she wanted.   Sherlock placed his warm hand on her stomach, feeling a few kicks. "How did you sleep, my love?" Sherlock didn't answer, just kissed her passionately. Once they pulled away, he grinned. "Great." The door suddenly opened, two mops of curls jumping on the bed. He could hear the maids yelling at the kids, saying that their parents' room was banned. The two boys jumped into their father's arm. He kissed both heads separately until one pointed at Helena. "Father, why does mommy look like that?" Sherlock was going to explain that their mother had a sibling in her belly when he turned around. Helena was lying lifelessly. Her throat was slit open, just like her mother's.
Sherlock woke up with a pale Helena shaking his arm. Once he saw her and realized it was all a dream, he hugged her stomach and sobbed. She might not love him as he did, but she was still the love of his life. "My love, look at me." Helena moved back and cupped Sherlock's cheeks, pulling his face up gently. She had seen the vial. She knew what it was. Helena had hit it before trying to wake him up. The small cylinder of glass was now in her small purse,  being fully aware of its side effects. She kissed his lips gently. "You are okay, everything is okay." Sherlock shook his head, not strong enough to contradict her. "Rest now. We can talk later." She made him place his head on his pillow and rested her head on his chest. She placed one arm beside her face, drawing circles with her palm. Her other hand went to his curls, playing with them gently, knowing it was one of his few weaknesses.
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thedreamingdinosaur · 8 years
Hello Everyone!
Right first of all, I am so sorry that I haven’t been posting lately. Uni and work and life and yeah you get the picture. This is going to be a fairly long post I feel as I have a fair bit I want to share with you! so lets get started.
1- Spontaneous Trip! So a few weeks ago me and Heather decided we were bored. I didn’t have work… She was off… so what do we do? We go to London. Yes we did a very spontaneous trip to London! And when I mean spontaneous, I mean with probably 1 day in advance planning. This isn’t the first time I’ve done a very last minute trip to London though so I was sort of prepared to leave at any given minute. This was also a great chance for me to really test out my camera on my new phone as well and boy oh boy was I impressed!
We knew the destination but what did we want to do? Well one thing we had talked about previously was doing our own little BBC Sherlock Tour.
Map of our tour for any future references
Now since we only had 1 day in London and a lot to see we had to narrow it down and be very specific with timings and such. So class pay attention as I am about to begin!
We begun at Waterloo station, after a very eventful train journey up there, seeing a very cute dog, lots of protesters and an ex teacher at our secondary school (while bitching about old school teachers…) From here we made our way up to Baker Street.
Baker Street tube station has to be one of my favourites, if it’s possible to have a favourite tube station. The art on the walls of the station are just so eye catching… IT’S SHERLOCKCEPTION! Diddy Sherlocks creating a bigger Sherlock! Outside the station is a huge statue of the consulting detective himself wearing the famous cape and deerstalker while smoking on his pipe. Last time I saw the statue I was unable to get a decent photo so was quite pleased with the one I did get.
After some gawking over a station, we walked down Baker Street to the museum at 221b. Now we didn’t go in the museum (as much as I wanted and still want to) but we did get some pictures of it (THANK YOU TO THE BUS DRIVER WHO STOPPED TO LET ME TAKE A PHOTO!)
221B Baker Street and Hudson’s Restaurant
We then walked down to the Landmark Hotel, where John attempted to propose to Mary and Sherlock intruded LOL! I don’t have a photo to show you unfortunately because I got a little scared of the man on the door… Yeah I’m a wuss. ANYWAY! Once we had visited the hotel we took a nice stroll down to North Gower Street. Our original plan was to walk straight down Marylebone Road but that plan was disrupted by some police saying we weren’t allowed under the tape to pass through, even though other people were!!! So we got diverted the longer way.
Nevertheless we made it!
The filming location for 221B Baker Street in BBC Sherlock is actually 187 North Gower Street just a 20 minute walk away from the well known location. Speedy’s Cafe is run by some amazing and really friendly staff members who seem very willing to talk about the fame the café have received. Because it was lunch time and we were bloody cold, we decided to get something to eat and a nice warm cup of tea while at speedy’s and it had to be one of the best lunch’s in the world! It was lovely and quiet in their too, once we had started eating anyway, but this could be because we actually got there 30 minutes before it was due to close. The café was surrounded with Sherlock memorabilia with photos taken from filming over the years of Benedict and Martin, fan art, and even menu items named after the famous duo. There was even a dollar bill with Ben’s Sherlock on! Which I thought was amazing and really wanted! To top it off we sat in the space that Ben and Martin sat in during filming one series (cue minor freak out)
So after a nice lunch to fill our detective stomachs curtsy of Mrs Hudson, where next? Obviously to St Bartholomew’s Hospital to check to see if Molly Hooper had done a post mortem of course! We decided to tube down to St Barts’ as it was a far old walk and was bloody freezing cold!! When we arrived we first of all got stuck in a little garden/park area which we thought had another gate on the other side… Ohhh nope! Once we got out we naturally did the “SHERLOOOOOOOCKKK!!!” moment from The Reichenbach Fall before moving closer to look at the hospital itself. The hospital itself is more of a teaching hospital, for more information visit http://bartshealth.nhs.uk/our-hospitals/st-bartholomew’s-hospital/. It’s pathology department, where our own little Mousey Molly works in the morgue, is actually a museum of pathology. Although we didn’t fancy a visit inside, the windows of the hospital did assume us greatly.
It’s clear that a lot of Sherlock enthusiasts visit to leave their mark. This wasn’t the only objects with evidences of fellow Sherlockians. The telephone box next to the hospital was covered in various forms of affection. One reading ‘I am gay for John Watson’. Someone also cunningly left a Sherlock Holmes business card in the window of the phone box.
We wandered along the The Old Bailey once we had finished at St Bart’s, which luckily was just up the road. The Old Bailey is one of the most famous courthouses in the UK. It is also where notorious consulting criminal James Moriarty was put on trial, after his triple break in to Pentonville Prison, The Bank of England and The Tower of London.
After our trip to court we walked down to St Paul’s Cathedral. I love this Cathedral. The architecture of the building is truly beautiful and you can really imagine what the vivid colours must of looked like when it was first built. It was even more beautiful at this time of day, when the sunlight was hitting the building at the perfect angle.
What happened next did make us laugh quite a bit. So when we first got on the train to go to London on that chilly Saturday Morning, we were aware that there would be a Woman’s March in London that day, hence the multiple protesters. What we didn’t expect or prepare for, was for us to walk straight into the middle of a protest… Yes that’s right, we got off the tube at Charring Cross… and walked into the middle of an Anti-Trump protest. Now for some truth… IT. WAS. FUCKING. AWESOME! To see so many people come together to voice their opinions was fantastic and some of the sign’s we saw were just brilliant! My personal favourite from the day, which I saw on social media on the way home, read ‘FUCK THE FUCKING FUCKERS’. Brilliant!
I would like to say that although I do not wish to voice my opinion on the subject they were protesting, I would like to say that this was an amazing experience to witness as having never seen a protest of this magnitude in person before in my life!
So once we managed to escape the massive hoard of angry men, women and even children, we strolled down the mall and towards Carlton House Terrace, or more commonly known as The Diogenes Club, Mycroft’s little hide away.
Yet another beautiful example of London architecture.
The next hour or so took us further down The Mall to Buckingham Palace and even to Eaton Square. Since I have so many photos of the Palace, I didn’t bother to take another. When it came to Eaton Square, we walked along to find number 44. If you do not know, this is Irene Alder’s abode. We were going to walk to the house and take a photo… until we saw a guy washing his car outside the house, so Heather took a shot of the road to make it look less suspicious(?).
Earlier that day, I had said to Heather that I would take her to see a very special theatre, which luckily enough was on the route we desired anyway. We walked down Victoria Street and passed The Palace Theatre, where later this year the broadway musical Hamilton will be housed!
Now comes a funny part. We wanted to visit New Scotland Yard and take a photo of the famous spinning sign. So naturally before we went up, I googled the location to NSY… except… it wasn’t the right address. Yes it was indeed Old Scotland Yard. THEY HAD MOVED! So by this point we where extremely confused looking for a spinning box which had been gone for what seemed like a few months now!. Disappointed, we continued down the road towards Westminster Palace, Westminster Abbey and Westminster Bridge… so basically Westminster. It is at this point that Heather comment saying that Big Ben wasn’t so Big and insisted on the name ‘Not so Big Ben’.
Not So Big Ben
Our Journey then lead us to our finally destination, Southbank and the London eye. Where the sunset had provided us the perfect opportunity for some amazing photos!
Heather being all artisticky
London Eye doing a pretty thing with its lights
That concluded our tour. Well the couple of pints of beer and the meal in The Beer House in Waterloo Station before our journey back, miming Hamilton songs in the Quiet Zone of the train did.
If you are wanting to go on the same journey around London we did, here are the locations we visited in order: 1- Baker Street (Tube Station and 221b) 2- The Landmark Hotel 3- North Gower Street & Speedy’s Café 4- St Bartholomew’s Hospital 5- The Old Bailey 6- Trafalger Square 7- Carlton House Terrace 8- Buckingham Palace 9- Eaton Square 10- The Palace Theatre 11- (Old) Scotland Yard 12- Westminster Abbey 13- Westminster Palace & Big Ben 14- Westminster Bridge 15- London Eye
2- TICKETS! Okay so before I go onto the next exciting thing that happened to me within the last two months, lets take a short break for me to tell you that I am going Sherlocked Convention 2017 at The Birmingham Metropole Hilton Hotel in October. I am going for the whole weekend so expect a verrrrryyyyy long post with lots of pictures as I am planning to take my camera with me this time! Next thing is that I am seeing Hamilton next year a week before my 21st Birthday!!! :D
3- Busted Night Driver Tour 2017 So for those of you who are Busted or McBusted fans out there prepared to be very jealous. On Monday 13th Feb, I saw Busted on their Night Driver Tour down at Portsmouth Guildhall.
Now I went their with little preparation for what song they would play as this tour was to promote their new album by the same name. But I did some research and had spent the 2 days before listening to the new album religiously! They did though play a few of the classics including Year 3000, Crashed the Wedding, Air hostess and Sleeping with the Lights on.
I have to say as much as I enjoyed their new album it was very different for them. A lot more slower content for starters but still amazing.
So I think that’ll conclude it for this post. It’s probably my longest post to date! Once again I apologise for leaving it so long to post. Hopefully with all these exciting events coming up, I will be able to tell you some more exciting stories!
Until next time!
SO. MUCH. NEEEWWWWSSSS!!!! Hello Everyone! Right first of all, I am so sorry that I haven't been posting lately. Uni and work and life and yeah you get the picture.
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