#also smt screenshots i swear
tangyyposting · 2 years
log day 5
ok maybe i lied a little n said not only would i post a nahobino headshot, i would do it yesterday but i uhhhhh ended up playing more smt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyways i did a demi-fiend headshot instead, post-conception and freedom ending but only bc i draw super small and couldnt figure out how to do his tattoos on that scale lol. anyways nothing has happened as of late, like at all tbhtbh,,,, other than playing smt of course but i do have a lot to rant abt that anyways so here goes
tbh there’s alot of stuff that’s super cool and also maybe mixed that i wanna bring attention to,,, and one of it’s the press turn system. like they overhauled it to heck and back and it’s so genuinely good, dismissing/summoning demons only takes half a press turn now and like awooga that’s a big plus, something that was a staple of the nocturne hardtype mod. another thing that the hardtype mod did that smtv did is having demons be able to dismiss/switch out themselves, and buffs now stack up to +2/-2 (but now they also only last for 3 turns which is smth persona started whoopsie). buffs have been a surefire way to break the game ever since nocturne (although dds2 did fix that somewhat with buffs only going up to +3/-3 and having a significantly reduced effect) and honestly this change makes buffs a heckuva lot more balanced which is rlly cool,,,,, the affinity system is also rlly cool tbh, never played 4 and don’t plan to (that last part’s a lie actually) but it was introduced there n like it’s so good,,,,,,,, it drastically widens the pool of used demons bc certain demons are actually intrinsically better at certain things than other demons, instead of their only difference being the occasional unique move and their innate resistances. oh, and before i get into a mixed bag, selectable skills being passed onto ur fused demon is also rlly cool. anyways i think that making physical skills cost mp instead of hp is good but personally i’m just not used to it, used to be able to whip out a physical skill in a time of low mp to deal w/ random encounters, but now u have to manage mp even on ur physical demons. however, now i only have to manage hp when i take damage instead of every time i wanna attack bc physical skills are goaded at endgame (and murakumo only proves my point, never change atlus). the charge/concentrate nerf is also kinda weird :// like instead of 2.5x damage post charge/concentrate it’s now 1.8x :// like zamn i honestly might as well just use crit aura instead w/ murakumo (which gets +crit dmg for some reason) for an extra press turn. ehh i guess it’s more balanced but this is just one of those changes that i don’t understand personally,, i can’t think of anything else other than the game in general being more user-friendly than other titles,,,,, like the essence system is a nice way to learn skills and teach them to newly recruited demons, being able to use glory to upgrade stuffs is pretty cool and demons being able to use items is SO freaking cool,,,, but uhhhh anyways every boss has a weakness now (except demi-fiend bc he’s our special boy :33 [but then again his demons have weaknesses soooo]) which, yeah, does make the game easier but also once again more user friendly, so it is strictly a positive thing. idk i guess i’m just used to bosses like nocturne’s metatron tbhtbh, the only thing that guy has that even resembles a weakness is a neutrality to ice, and he’s a monster on hardtype. still a good thing tho, like i said,,,, guess i’m just old fashioned when it comes to my brutal JRPGs lmao,,,, glad i can be accepting of these new changes tho unlike some ppl in the fandom i know (like srsly some smt fans sound so old uggghhhh like “oh yeah back in my day smt games were harder wah wah wah shut up u geezer it was like that in my day too but u don’t see me whining abt it, just mulling it over bc i like ranting on the internet). anyways if u read this far thank u 💙💙 promise more drawings in the future, most likely hellrabbit bc he’s easy
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