#also sorry for my DOGSHIT handwriting okay
quetiapinnapark · 7 months
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girls with family financial trauma and scarcity mindset really do be writing the "the less you X the more you Y" marx quote and pinning it to a board so they can look at it every day huh
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autisticdoomslayer · 1 year
Johnny Cage headcannons (and simultaneously tips, somehow, i didn't mean to do that) based on me & my family's experience in the film industry
Note: I sometimes tend to sound kind of mean when I text/write anything non-formal so I'm really sorry if this comes across that way.
He's got dogshit handwriting.
Especially since in his Mk1 ending, it seems like he's written/directed films before. Pretty much anyone in the film industry, especially directors/writers/casting directors/anything with a lot of quick writing tend to have terrible handwriting that can only be read by the person who wrote it.
He tends to be a little bit late.
He's popular/famous/rich enough where both as a director and as an actor, he'll have enough power & respect from the other people on set where nobody will say anything if he occasionally shows up 5-10 minutes late. (Generally, 5 or less minutes late at a consistent rate. If he shows up 10 minutes late every time, people will start getting annoyed. 15 minutes every so often is pushing it, but not a huge problem. 20 minutes will get people mad at you, because you could've filmed like 2-3 scene takes in that time).
People in the industry might use the term "fuck you money" a lot. Basically, it's when you have enough money/fame to turn down or not pursue (aka. say "fuck you" to) a potential opportunity. Johnny's gonna have a lot of "fuck you money". AND the "money" in this phrase doesn't always mean actual money/wealth, it can also mean fame/respect/power/etc, which Johnny definitely has. He probably has enough fame & respect in the industry where he can say "fuck you" to the time and show up a little bit late.
Okay, this one's just a little peeve of mine. The type of action movies he would be in at his fame/wealth level is NOT the type of action movies NRS says he does.
You can tell by the title that something like "Ninja Mime" is gonna be a low-budget action b-movie. I headcannon that Ninja Mime was early in his acting career, and it got a pretty insane cult following that helped boost his career.
After he gets famous, though (and has "fuck you money"), he's not going to be participating in Ninja Mime 5, 6, & 7, because filming stuff takes months, and during that time it's highly likely that another, better opportunity would show up.
After he gets famous, he's gonna be acting in higher-budget, less ridiculous action movies. (I like this action movie title generator, since it specifically mentions Jean-Claude Van Damme)
That's all I got for now, but I might add more later idk
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