#also sorry for the extremely boring font i tried to find a better one but gave up lmao
corpsoir · 2 years
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Mista's gun was aimed at him. The barrel trained directly on his face, between his brow and his lips, towards the upper end of the bridge of his nose. It did not waver.
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pradaksj · 4 years
7 Rings | 01
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♛ pairing: taehyung/reader
♛ genre: richboy!taehyung | blackmailer!reader | infiltration au | slow burn | eventual smut | angst | fluff 
♛ rating: mature
♛ word count: 12,000+
♛ warnings for this chapter : explicit language, terminal illness, this chapter basically just sets the foundation of this story up so sorry if it’s a little boring 
♛ summary:  In need of money for your mom’s medical bills, you and your best friend come up with a plan to infiltrate one of Seoul’s richest families, the Kim family. The plan was simple, blackmail, get your money, and disappear, but of course things don’t always go as planned. Especially not with someone like Kim Taehyung.
━ ❝ Whoever said money can't solve your problems, must not have had enough money to solve 'em. ❞
♛ chapter index/masterlist || series masterlist || next chapter 
Chapters⇢ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08
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“Why Y/N?” his voice cracks, the look of betrayal evidently on his face. 
"I never—" you sobbed. Your throat felt swollen and you stuttered, pitifully trying to speak the words in your head. "I never meant for it to go this far," you said at last. 
How did you end up here? Where did everything go wrong? When had the rabbit hole simply become too deep? The sounds of several voices echoed in your head. 
You could hear him calling your name, begging  no demanding an answer, but all you could do was stare off into space, thinking of everything that led up this exact moment. 
If only you could turn back time. 
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3 Months Ago.
Friday Morning.
“In today’s news, the Kim family’s multibillion dollar deal has been officially confirmed. Their partnership with Hyundai is estimated to bring in at least seven billion in revenue to Korea’s economy over the next 5 years. Both parties have agreed to terms that will lift…”
Oh the irony.
Sighing, you turned off the radio of your run-down 2006 grey Hyundai, which every morning you had to cross your fingers and hope that the engine wouldn't burn out on you. The rumbling sounds of the engine starting up never failing to catch the attention of pedestrians walking by. 
After several frustrating minutes of struggling to parallel park, you sat in your car and allowed yourself to sulk for a moment. Another day, another dollar to make. Even if it meant having to deal with rude and entitled customers all day, your school loans plus your bills just weren’t going to pay themselves off anytime soon. 
“One day at a time Y/N, just one day at a time,” you reassured yourself, placing on your mandatory logoed hat, and mentally preparing yourself for another day. If only you were rich.
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Friday Night.
Despite being tired from work, visiting your mom was something you always felt like you needed to do every so often, plus her homemade meals were quite often a bonus considering how lazy you’d often get to cook food for yourself. In fact, the pizza shop near your apartment not only having your order, but voice completely memorized for whenever you called. The young employee quickly interrupting your greeting with a, “Pepperoni pizza, half sausage, half Hawaiian, and a pink lemonade?” surprisingly no longer offended you as much as it would back in the beginning. 
Your mom certainly didn’t mind the company as it inevitably got quite lonely living by herself, but she knew she couldn’t smother you forever as much as she would love to. College was a necessity for you in her eyes, a ticket to a better life that wouldn’t require you to scrub the floors of the rich as she did. 
And maybe it was because you were more mature nowadays, but conversations with her had now also seemed to be much more meaningful. Well that and the two of you didn’t butt heads as much as you used to compared to when you were nothing but a temperamental teenager whose biggest life crisis was whether your crush glanced at you in the hallway or not. 
Of course the boundary and respect of a mother-daughter relationship was always there, some of your jokes sometimes garnering a “I’m not your friend, I’m your mother” speech from her, but nonetheless your relationship with her in a way was very much like a friendship. It seemed as if with every visit you learned new things about her, the different stories she shared with you from her youth always having an underlying lesson that you could apply to your own life.
“I really needed this,” you said while chewing on a mouthful of bulgogi. Small stains of sauce at the corners of your mouth, as your mom’s cooking never failed to make you feel like a little kid. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her now twenty one year old daughter who in her heart was always going to be just a little girl.
She got up from the small wooden dining chair, picking up any leftover dinnerware as she prepared to start washing dishes, all while at the same time listening to you as you babbled on about work.
“I mean really, how hard is it to say thank you,” you rolled your eyes, dramatically sticking your chopstick into your bowl, as you were recalling one of today’s customers who kept snapping their fingers at you as if you were their very own personal servant. 
“Well it’s a good thing it’s summer, you don’t have to worry about college so mu—” The sound of glass shattering on the floor abruptly caught your attention. You looked up at your mom who was now dead silent, her face which was now extremely pale, and her breathing which had suddenly became erratic. What you didn't know was that your mom had suddenly felt as if the world spinning, the feeling of disorientation becoming too overwhelming.
“Mom? Are you okay?” you quickly got up, grabbing your mom by the forearm in a means of trying to redirect her from the kitchen to the couch at an attempt to get her to relax. You unlocked your phone, fingers slightly trembling as you called the ambulance. 
“Just breathe okay. You’re gonna be okay,” you kept trying to reassure your mom as you waited for them to pick up which at the moment felt like an eternity. Your leg was bouncing up and down in anticipation as you kept glancing at your mom who was trying to keep her breathing in control and her eyes open. “Do not close your eyes on me, you hear me?” your voice began to feel shaky, eyelids brimming with tears, the pulsating feeling of panic flowing through your veins.
“Hello, what’s your emergency?”
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You hated hospitals. Who didn’t? The smell, the yellow-toned ugly lighting, and the feeling of anxiousness the whole place gave people. For you though, the hospital was a reminder of tragedy, a reminder that whatever comes in here never walks out the same whether you’re a patient or not. Fifteen years ago, it made your mom a widow left having to pay remaining hospital bills all while having to raise her six year old daughter.
So here you were now, fifteen years later sitting at her bedside waiting for her to wake up, stuck in the same position she once was. You stared up at the ceiling counting each time the overhead lights flickered as you tried not to get so lost into your thoughts. Everything had happened in what felt like was the blink of an eye, guilt was beginning to seep in. Why hadn’t noticed anything earlier? Maybe in some miraculous way you could’ve prevented this, you thought to yourself. 
You turned on the small TV that the hospital provided in every room, flipping through several channels hoping you'd find something that would be able to distract you.
“Shut up and kis—” K-drama. Next.
“Watch ou—” Action movie. Next.
“Kim Taehyung gets physical with paparazzi, the heir to Kim Enterprises spotted —” but before you could place your full attention to the entertainment newscast you turned your attention to your mother who was now beginning to shift in her sleep, her eyes now slowly opening, clearly in a daze as to where she was and how she got there.
“Hey ma,” you softly whispered, giving her a warm smile as you held her hand tighter, beginning to rub small circles on her palm.
“W-what happened Y/N?” 
“You fain-”
“Ah you’re finally up,” you turned towards the door, seeing who you assumed was the doctor in charge now walking in. 
For a doctor she appeared quite young, her petite figure and wrinkle free skin a defining factor in her appearance. You formally greeted her, a wave of anxiousness now overcoming you. “Dr. Whitney Han'' is what her name tag read, but it was what was in small font beneath her name that made your heart feel as if it feel down to the pit of your stomach. “Oncologist,” meaning doctors who specialize in the study and treatment for cancer.
Faintly clearing her throat, “Hello, I’m Dr. Han,” she introduced herself, reaching her hand out for you to shake. She smiled at your mom who was still in a slightly groggy state, but aware nonetheless. “So Ms. Y/L/N, you seemed to have suffered from what we call a syncope, meaning an episode of passing out, it’s usually caused by insufficient blood flow to the brain, a result of hypotension,” you nodded following along with what she was saying,
“When episodes such as these occur, it tends to mean that there’s an underlying cause and so we decided to run some tests on your mother to cross out any possibilities, and well there’s never an easy way to tell anybody this...” her gaze lowered for just a slight moment until she quickly regained her composure, but it was just enough for you to just know. She continued with what you assumed she’s told hundred’s if not thousand’s of patients in her career. For her it’d be just another day of work, but for you it felt as if the world stopped.
Whatever she had said after couldn’t be heard because the only thing you could hear was the sound of your blood pounding in your ears, and an intense beating against your chest. You could see her mouth moving, but nothing seemed to be coming out, everything suddenly becoming a ringing noise to your ears. 
Fight or flight is what they call it. When a stressful situation triggers you to either run or stay, and at this moment you just wanted to run, but you knew you couldn’t. You knew that at this exact moment, everything was going to change because whether you liked it or not, the carousel never stops turning. 
You slowly glanced at your mom who seemed to be in the same paralyzed state as you, her face stoic of any possible emotion. 
“With treatment chances of survival are of course immensely improved, the treatments are harsh, but taking your mom’s age and clean medical history I think she can definitely handle it,” Dr. Han tried to give you a small smile, but even she knew situations like these were always tough. No matter how many years of experience she had, the countless tragedies and rare miracles she’d witnessed in her career, every case was different. Her job as a doctor was to make people like you and your mother feel more comfortable with their situation, but never make any promises. 
“Now treatments are done in intervals, and will probably have to be done starting from now until about three to six months which is when we usually see improvement, meaning you will have to permanently stay here for that time. From what I’ve seen with past patients is that treatment can be very costly  without insurance, and well I know a lot of physicians don’t like to talk about expenses with patients, but—”
“My mom doesn’t have health insurance. I know,” you harshly broke the deafening silence, interrupting her before she could continue, not wanting to hear anymore of her pity. You had no reason to give her attitude, no reason to direct your anger towards her, it wasn’t like she caused any of this to happen, but you just couldn’t help it. The atmosphere in the air was stiff, any next word out of her mouth and you’d probably go ballistic. “C-can we just have a moment alone? So we could just um process everything,” you stammered, lacking to make any eye contact with her. 
“I’ll be right outside in the hallway, let me know if you have any questions,” she gave you and your mom one last tiny sad smile before making her way out.
Once the door closed, you thought that you’d be able to breathe properly again, but the same heavy feeling on your chest remained. It wasn’t until you felt a grab at your hand that you were brought back to reality.
“Hey we are going to be just fine Y/N,” your mom whispered to you as it was now she who was rubbing your hand in an effort to comfort you. A weak smile appearing on your face, of course your mom would be comforting you despite it being her who's sick. “Come on lay down with me,” she then began to scoot to the side in her already tiny hospital bed, trying to make space for you.
And for a small everlasting moment you felt like a little girl again as you hugged your mom, tears silently falling from the corner of your eyes, the soft sound of her humming comforting you. You let your head relax onto her shoulder, your breathing somehow finally under control. The question of “What are we going to do?” slowly disappearing from your mind, letting yourself drift off to sleep in the arms of your mom.
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Sunday Morning.
In the following days after, you had helped your mom move her necessities into the hospital room that she’d be staying in until her treatment was over and she could be discharged. You had contacted your landlord informing him that you’d be cancelling your lease as you now had plans to move back home. The only reason you had your own small apartment in the first place was because your mom thought it’d be better to live near campus and not waste so much money on gas going from campus to your job and then back to your moms place. Despite her protests on the cancellation of your lease, you had done it anyway.
“Ma someone has to live there, or else it’d just be useless to continue paying rent. We can’t just leave it empty for the whole year, someone could break in or even try to live there for the while that you’re not there. I mean imagine walking in on some strang—”
“Exactly, which is why I don’t want you living there, and move the decoration a little more to your right,” she says while making a motion with her hand as a way to guide you. For the past hour you had been putting up flimsy removable decorations all across the beige hospital walls at an attempt to make her room look less depressing than it already was. 
“I already told you, I’ll be just fine. I already asked Yuna to help me get my stuff, and you’re acting like everyone in the neighborhood doesn’t know who I am, and it’s a lot faster to get here from home. I just need to start looking for a second job in the meant—”
“Ah about that,” your moms sudden interruption causing you to stop what you were doing , now tilting your head in confusion, “I called Mr. Choi and told him about me no longer being able to work for the meantime that I'm here and well that’s when he mentioned something about going on vacation, and needing a temporary assistant… and that he needed someone to run some business like errands for him and well I may have mentioned you and that you’re majoring in business and how you’d love to work for him…” she tried zooming through the last part but you had heard it all.
“Wait what!”
Mr. Choi was your mom’s boss, having been his housekeeper for as long as you could remember. Endless long nights of making sure whatever multimillion dollar penthouse he or his other snobby friends owned looked squeaky clean, just to be paid like any other minimum-wage worker minus the tip.
You could still vividly remember the nights when you were younger being babysat by your neighbor, anxiously waiting for your mom's knock on the door signifying that she was back home, and just how exhausted she’d look as she took off her housekeeping shoes, too tired to even look at the pile of sealed letters on the sturdy coffee table. A constant reminder that she was going to be working for that man for a very long time. 
For a long time you had wondered how she was able to do it all. Were there nights where she felt like just giving up and simply letting everything she’d work so hard for to collapse? 
Your mind flashing back to the night before you moved out for college. It was about 3 in the morning and anxiety had been keeping you up the whole night, the fear of moving somewhere you were unfamiliar with creeping into your mind. The sound of muffled tears coming from the living room snapping you back into reality. Slowly you had gotten up from bed, opening your door wide enough to leave a crack that you could visibly see through, desperately trying to avoid having the door loudly creak. 
And so there she was with a wax stick candle in her hand, quietly whispering to herself a small recital, the sound of several wailed “thank you’s” coming out of her mouth, grateful that she had made it this far. The old framed picture of your dad on the coffee table making it hard for you to fight back your own tears. 
Nights where she was sure your landlord would knock at any moment to kick you guys out because the rent was going to be late, nights where she’d silently cry herself to sleep because it killed her to say no to something you desperately wanted from the store, and nights where she merely missed the love of her life. Doubting herself as to whether she was doing a good job in raising you, simply wishing she could have someone give her some reassurance. And having to hide those feelings because she didn’t want her daughter to find out that the person she had once given a “Happy Mother’s Day to the Strongest Mommy in the World” card with a colorful doodle of herself in a cape was in fact not strong at all, but acted like she was because she simply loved her daughter too much. 
And so that night instead of going back to sleep, you slowly made your way into the living room, silently enveloping her in a hug, no words having to be spoken. Promising yourself that you were going to work hard in college, and get each other out of the small cramped apartment to which you guys called home. Life of course had different plans, which brings you back to one of the causes of your stress and worries: Mr. Choi. 
Oh how you despised that man. One would think a rich man like him would’ve offered by now to pay for all of your mom’s expenses considering the years of servitude, but no. He only fed into the stereotype you already had of the rich, the only people they cared for were themselves.
“So you’re basically telling me I have to quit my job by tonight, and do something I have absolutely no experience with?”
“Yes! You need to start getting all the experience you can get in the world of business, and him being on vacation is perfect. Less stress, and I assume it’ll be better pay than that restaurant you’re working in.” Oh how you hated how naive your mom could be sometimes, it always led to Choi taking advantage of her and her kindness.
“Mr. Choi lives—”
“In the city which is not at all far from here, the only reason you work at that lousy restaurant is because it’s near campus, yes or yes?”
“And when school starts?”
“Mr. Choi should be back by then and he can find someone new to replace you,” you dramatically groaned, the fact that she had reasonable answers to your questions bugged you. 
“But nothing! You’re a hard worker Y/N, who knows you may even meet someone who could change your life around in that area. You’re young, about to be a college graduate, you need to start printing out resumes and Mr. Choi is a big name in the indust—”
“I get it, I get it,” you said chuckling at your mom’s enthusiasm, “and who's going to keep you company then?”
“Ah well the nurse was telling me last night about the events they throw here every week for people like me who are staying here for a while and trust me I’ll be just fine,” she winked at you which raised a laugh out of you. Who knew your mom could be so… social. “Just try and visit hmm... at least once a week.”
“I’m telling you Y/N, we will be just fine. Stop acting like I’m dying anytime soon.” she said, “now what do you say? It’s just until the end of summer.” You began to consider your options, money was definitely the weighing factor here.
Sighing once you had made your decision, “When do I start?”, a giant grin now appearing on her face. 
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Sunday Night
“Well that’s the last of it,” you sighed in relief as you finally were able to close the trunk of your car after several minutes of struggling to compress your things in order for everything to fit in your small car and not make any double trips back. 
“Finally! You know for someone who claims they need to save money, you sure do like spending it on such small useless things,” your best friend, Yuna, complained.
“Oh because you were so much help,” you huffed, she had no right to complain considering all she did was loudly munch on her chips, watching the pitiful sight of you nearly fighting your trunk after several failed attempts of it not closing. She raised her hand in defense. 
You and Yuna had met in the 8th grade after the two of you were assigned as partners for your geometry class, casual conversation about latest idol debuts and fashion trends had blossomed a beautiful friendship. For a while you thought that college was going to cause the two of you to grow apart, but in fact you two became even closer. It had become a friendship where you didn’t need to see each other everyday, nor talk about absolutely everything all in one moment. Everything was always at its own pace between you two, the boundaries having been silently set.
You had told Yuna of your situation and rather than try to get you to cry about your feelings and awkwardly comfort you, she instead agreed to help you move out, letting her actions speaking louder than words. Of course Yuna’s definition of help differed from yours. but it was the thought that counted. She knew that when you were ready you’d talk to her about everything. 
“Well apartment D2 you’ve been... “ you paused, recalling the amount of times you’ve nearly burned something, now scratching your neck,  “...decent to me, but it’s time for a new chapter,” you whispered to yourself, anxious for the weeks to come. 
The drive home like almost all of them had the two of you singing to both current and childhood songs without a care in the world even though you two weren’t exactly what people would consider “good” singers. Occasional voice cracks seeping through the bass of the speakers, garnering a laugh from the two of you. 
By the time you got home and finished unpacking, you were not only exhausted but extremely hungry.
“I’m gonna go get us take out,” Yuna announced, getting up from the couch and grabbing your car keys from the rack, almost as if she read your mind. 
And so while she went to get that, you laid on your small childhood bed, staring at the ceiling. You laughed at the multiple glow in the dark stickers you had crookedly placed onto it several years ago, and cringe at the posters of second generation idols you had sloppily posted up on your walls when you were fifteen, now unaware that you were subconsciously grinning. 
It surprised you that your mom for the most part hadn’t moved anything around from your room, for the most part it looked almost exactly as how you left it years ago. The same old baby blue duvet covered your metal twin-sized bed frame, decorated with grey fluffy throw pillows which at the time you thought made you a professional interior designer. Your fingers grazed over the framed pictures you had on your small desk (minus the ones you took to college) of past memories including a photo of your dad piggy back carrying a five year old you who had the biggest smile on her face. A small reminder of what life once was. 
You could feel your eyes getting watery as you continued to stare at the photo, and so you quickly snapped yourself out of it, deciding that you already had enough emotional turmoil on your plate. Instead you plopped back onto bed, unlocked your phone and began to scroll through Twitter occasionally laughing at some memes.
A certain retweet had caught your eye causing you to let out a scoff, “Kim Taehyung NASTY fight with girlfriend Sunhi. Click here for more.” The Kim family were almost insufferable, their names practically plastered everywhere across Korea. Especially Mr. Kim’s son Taehyung who somehow always managed to get his name across the headlines whether it be on TV, magazines, or social media.
“Famous for being a brat,” you muttered to yourself, but ironically before you could click on the link you had heard the door open and close, resulting in you locking your phone and immediately getting up from bed, your stomach desperately ready to stop growling. 
“Im baaaack!” Yuna dramatically squealed, placing the foam takeout containers on your small kitchen table. The scent of the warm food making your mouth water. “I know it’s chilly right now, but the stars are out tonight, so I say we go eat at the top,” she then gave you the puppy dog eyes.
“You don’t need to make such… disturbing...faces for me to agree, you do know that right?” you teased, trying to hide your smirk. 
“Fuck you,” she responded to you while playfully hitting your shoulder.
Despite it being summer, when you had walked outside you immediately felt the crispy cold weather, but it was something you and Yuna had grown accustomed to. The countless number of late nights climbing up your metal ladder to get to the rooftop and watching the small tiny stars had made you two somewhat immune to the nightly cold. Your mom sometimes would even climb up herself to bring hot cocoa, rightfully worried that the two of you would freeze yourselves to death. 
You see your apartment, like the rest of your complex, wasn’t in the greatest condition. The infrastructure of it mostly relying on a mix of cement and brick, rust engulfing most things along with metal bars on each complex’s windows in order to prevent break ins. Crime was not something uncommon in your area, but something that you were used to hearing about as you got older. 
What made the whole situation more ironic was that the rich were separated by a simple six way motorway, acting almost as a bridge between two completely different worlds with their skyscrapers and condos looking down upon you guys. It was only at night when the stars were out and you looked up at the navy blue sky that you felt like for a small moment none of it mattered. The warm milky glow of the moon never failing to soothe you, reminding you that even in the dark there was light. Reminding you that even now which felt as if was one of the darkest hours in your life, there was going to be light. At least that’s what you hoped. 
“This view just never gets old,” you whispered, amazed at the moonlight’s reflection, the speckle of stars only adding to its beauty. Your eyes had once again become watery, a sudden state of reflection washing over you, but you quickly composed yourself before Yuna could notice. 
“What time do you even go in tomorrow?” Yuna asked, her eyes still primarily focused on the view above. 
“Well their flight is at 1PM so my mom told me I should get there by at least 11AM so he can explain everything to me, show me around, and all that other stuff.”
“I don’t see why you have an attitude about it, you’re acting like it’s the worst job in the world!” she scolded you. 
“I know I know, I’ve heard it all already,” you rolled your eyes recalling your mom's lecture and that she expected your attitude to be fixed come Monday morning.
“Well you gotta do what you gotta do,” Yuna mumbled while shrugging her shoulders and continuing to eat her food. 
“You can say that again.... ” you acknowledged her remark, secretly scared for tomorrow, silently hoping that all went well, “and I thought I was a slob,” you snorted, watching how sloppily Yuna was slurping her noodles. She raised her hand, smacking you on the shoulder. 
“Hey, watch—” 
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Monday Morning.
“Where you’re going, you asshole!” you shouted over your window, your irritation fixated at the man who cut you off without signaling. God how you hated driving in the city. All the one way signs, the assholes who called themselves drivers, and the narrow streets which were hard to maneuver in. It all caused unnecessary stress, but here you were nonetheless. 
“Turn right in 1.2 miles,” you let out a snide scoff as you entered the parking lot, there was nothing but car of the year models ranging from Mercedes Benz’s, BMW’s, Range Rover’s, and more. All making your car look worse than it already did. 
Making your way into the lobby, you were in complete utter awe of the place. From the giant diamond chandelier hanging from above to the sparkly interior design which screamed Hollywood glam. The ivory colored double staircase reminded you of Titanic, the color scheme of the whole place was overwhelmingly beautiful. You could only imagine what Mr. Choi’s condo could look like as you made your way to the front desk. 
To your surprise a boy, a very handsome one to say the least, appeared from what you assumed was his office. He looked no older than you, his hair dyed a crimson-red color giving him a youthful appearance accompanied with a face that had both sharp and soft features. Before you could ponder on why such a good looking person was working and not living at a place like this, your thoughts were interrupted. 
“Hello, welcome to The Oaks condos, how can I help you?” he asked, sounding eerily similar to a robot. It reminded you of yourself at your old job, something you certainly would not miss.
“Um I’m Mr. Choi’s new assistant,” you looked for his name tag which coincidentally he didn’t have on, but you could immediately see his shoulders relax once he had heard the words “new assistant”. 
“Ah yes! You’re Ms. Y/L/N’s daughter right? Y/N right?” you nodded in agreement, a smile now appearing on his face, causing the corner of your lips to turn upward. Wow was this guy handsome, you only hoped that the heat you felt on your cheeks wasn’t visible to the eye. 
“Your mom called me to give me a heads up. I’m Hoseok, I’m what you can consider the receptionist around here,” he said, reaching his hand out for you to shake. 
Hoseok. The name sounded so familiar, you could’ve sworn you'd heard your mom mention the name a couple times. 
A light bulb then went off in your head, as you remembered the countless number of times she had tried setting you up on a date with him, but wow did she fail to mention that Hoseok had the literal face of a GQ model. 
An awkward cough brought you back to reality as you had realized that Hoseok’s hand had been stuck out for quite some time, you were now certain that your face must’ve resembled a ripe tomato. You quickly returned the handshake, internally scolding yourself for making yourself look like an idiot. Here you were, a grown woman, acting like a teenager again. 
“So um, you seem um ... pretty young to be working here?” 
“I could ask you the same thing,” he teased, “I replaced my aunt after she retired and the owner of this place trusted her to teach me well, and well I guess I’ve been doing a pretty good job if I’m still employed,” he explained, playfully winking at you, confirming that he knew the effect he had on people. You stood there in silence, deciding that it was just best to say nothing, look pretty, and nod. Thus causing him throw his head back and laugh, making small claps with his hands. With the way you were acting, you couldn’t blame him. He must’ve thought you were some kind of walking circus act. 
“You’ll get used to it, you know...” you now had a look a look of confusion on your face which only made him laugh harder, but before you could ask him any questions, he changed the topic. 
“Well I assume your mom gave you Mr. Choi’s key pass, correct?” you shyly nodded no in response. “Ah I see, let’s go ahead and get that set up for you then,” you watched him as he began to type some things onto the computer in front of him. Compared to how fast his fingers were moving across the keyboard, he made you like a complete newb on the keyboard. The boy was clearly now in his own zone. 
“First name, Y/N?” 
“Last name, Y/L/N?” 
“You see where that X mark is on your left?” he pointed at the microscopic mark on the floor to which you followed, “Okay now look at where that pretty gold flower is on the wall, and say cheese!” Before you could even properly prepare yourself you heard the sound of the shutter go off, immediately causing Hoseok to begin cracking up. 
He turned the desktop computer to face towards you, showing the horrendous picture the camera took of you. One eye had come out mid-blink, your mouth slightly agape from fixing your hair in the moment. “Hey that’s not—!” Before you could start complaining, Hoseok had quickly interrupted. 
“Don’t worry, don’t worry! It’s only for the program’s database which only Rachel and I see? Ain’t that right Rachel?” Rachel? Who the hell was that? 
Glancing around to see who this Rachel person was, you were surprised to see a very old woman seated behind the front desk seemingly caring less about what he had said, a permanent scowl on her face along with a small groan coming out of her mouth as a response. “That’s my girl,” Hoseok jested, “Now you,” he dramatically pointed at you, “come back over here.” 
You muttered a quiet “Whatever,” peeved by his little antics. Maybe it was because Rachel was old but you could slowly see why she had that look on her face.  
“Place your index finger on the small machine when it lights up,” he pointed to the small biometric scanning machine, similar to the ones used at the DMV. Following the simple instructions you allowed the machine to scan your finger, assuming it was going to be used for something important around here. 
All you could do was observe him as he finished typing who knows what. You observed how his eyebrows quirked as he continued to type, a satisfied smile gracing his lips once he was done. 
Too caught up in his appearance, the sudden tug at your hand had caught you by surprise, yanking you from where you were standing. “I’ll be back Rachel! I’m going to show little Ms. Y/N here around,” Rachel as before. only grunted in response. 
“So here of course we have the lobby, this is where all the..” he glanced around making sure no one was around before whispering, “snobby folks come in and out of every day. Them and their visitors of course, so hopefully you don’t have to interact with any of them.”
“I don’t think all of this will be neces—” before you could continue he pulled your hand again now guiding you towards another area. You glanced at the time on your phone, hoping this so called tour wasn’t going to take too long. 
“Right here is the entrance to the patio and pool area, which is what you’ll use your fingerprint for as well as entering Mr. Choi’s condo and any other amenities we have around here,” he reached into his pocket pulling out a laminated card, “but if for any reason our system’s down then this right here should do the trick for amenities only, you’ll have to come up to the front desk if the finger pad in the elevator isn’t working. For precautionary reasons of course,” he explained, most of it pretty self explanatory, except the elevator part but you assumed he’d get to that soon.  
“So the entrance to every apartment is through the elevator which is right there on your left,” You followed him as he began to walk towards it, placing his finger on the elevator’s finger scanning pad, “The stairs are really only here for decoration considering no one uses them, I mean unless of course you want to climb up 7 flights of stairs everyday,” You quickly nodded your head no, “Only resident’s and employee fingerprints allow the elevator to open but,” the two of you stepped into the elevator, “the fingerpad inside the elevator only allows certain people to access certain floors. Since Mr. Choi’s going to be out on vacation with his vacation, you are currently the only person with access to his floor,” you raised your finger, slightly confused. 
“Don’t you technically—” 
“I do, but let’s say I were to enter a resident’s condo without their explicit permission, they’d immediately be notified through their phone as I’m also under strict contract.” Your mouth made an “O” shape, impressed by how everything was ran around here. Another question then popped up in your mind as he clicked the elevator’s 7th button. 
“Well what if there’s more than one person in the elevator? What then?” 
“Ah good question! Since you don’t know any of the residents here yet, I suggest you always try to go into the elevator by yourself, and if the situation arises where you feel uncomfortable or paranoid about who's in the elevator with you then just go back down to the lobby of course and wait it out, but we’ve never had any cases of break ins or anything like that. Especially not in an area like this. Things around here are ran very smoothly,” he shrugged, “I mean around here the burglars don’t wear black ski mask and carry scary weapons. In fact the real criminals live on these same floors,” he deadpanned, slightly catching you by surprise. 
“I know what you’re probably thinking, who the hell makes an elevator an entrance to their home? I thought the same thing when I first started, but for some reason they see it as some kind of luxury feature around here...”
“Mm it’s expected if I’m being honest,” you chuckled, slowly finding the confidence to make small talk with Hoseok without getting so flustered. A pregnant silence had made it’s way into the elevator. 
“I’m sorry about your mom by the way...” though he had said it out the blue, you could feel the sincerity behind his words. All you could do was give him a small smile of acknowledgment, feeling as if it was too early to feel someone’s pity. “She talks about you a lot...” he said, causing you to smile. 
“My Y/N is going to one of the top schools in all of Korea! My Y/N is going to become a successful businesswoman! My Y/N is so pretty Hobi, a boy like you should take her out some time!” he mimicked your mom’s voice, now causing you to genuinely laugh. 
“That definitely sounds like her,” you giggled, your cheeks now becoming a tinging shade of pink at the mention of her trying to playing matchmaker. 
“You should’ve seen her face when I told her I was gay,” your eyes immediately felt as if they had bulged out of your eye sockets, your face now completely red at his previous words. He on the other hand was now laughing as hard as ever, his hand clutching onto his stomach from laughing so hard. 
“I told you you’d get used to me,” he said in-between laughs, tears now welting out of his eyes from his laughing fit. Things definitely started to make sense, especially now that you were inconveniently remembering how your mom had completely stopped mentioning Hoseok in any romantic way to you. You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment because here you were already fantasizing about the dude. 
“You're also probably wondering why I’m working at a place like this, that’s what most people ask me when they visit round here, but...”
“I’ll have to answer your questions some other time Ms. Y/N because well here we are! I’ll have your parking pass ready by the time leave but for now just place your finger on the scanner and off you go,” you followed his instructions, opening the doors of the elevator, stepping out, and waving a small goodbye watching him return the wave as the doors slowly closed. In all honesty you were genuinely happy at the fact that you had made a friend around here even though you were still slightly embarrassed about the moment that had played out only minutes ago. 
But before you could dwell on it any longer, you heard a voice call out your name, “Ah Y/N, good you’re here right on time!” You formally greeted who you presumed was Mrs. Choi, slightly surprised at the fact that she even knew your name. 
“You don’t have to be so formal. Muah. Muah,” she pulled you in for a hug and giving you a kiss on each cheek like the French do. “I’m so sorry to hear about your mother, tell her I send my condolences.” You returned her fake smile, not expecting yourself to despise her this early on. Oh were you glad she wasn’t going to be around.
Mrs. Choi in a way reminded you of Regina George’s mom despite not having any kids. Needles and plastic were definitely her best friends, and her attempt to try and act younger than her actual age was quite cringe to watch. 
Soon after greeting each other, two pomeranians began to circle around you barking. You bent down trying to pet them, but you guess they picked up the snob’s attitude because all they did was continue barking and one even tried to bite you. 
“If it isn’t Y/N, I feel like I haven’t seen you in years!” you snapped your attention to the man himself, Mr. Choi, who was coming down his stairs with a thick black luggage case in his hand. The last time you saw him was around 9 years ago when he had lived on the other side of the city. Your mom had to take you to work with her that day because your neighbor was unavailable to watch after you and you were still too young to be home alone.
Mr. Choi had definitely changed in appearance, his once full head of black hair was now clearly balding, he had gained some weight, and overall looked like a man who had long been worn out. You couldn’t help but think that this vacation was probably needed, especially with a wife like his.  
“I’ll wait for you in the car my love. It was nice seeing you Y/N, I’ll see you in a couple of weeks!” she squealed, waving goodbye as she stepped into the elevator, the dogs following right behind her.
You could hear Mr. Choi sigh, probably already mentally preparing himself for the next 10 weeks. So this is what a pretentious marriage looks like, you thought to yourself. You theorized that Mr. Choi must’ve only married her for her looks and she for his money, and well no wonder there were no kids in the picture. It’d be the ultimate death of both of them. You actually felt pity for the man, but it wasn’t like he didn’t have a choice in marrying her.
You brought your attention back to Mr. Choi who must have been rambling on for some time now, “My most recent assistant just quit on me for no reason,” a genuine puzzled look on his face, “something about me being too overwhelming for her, as if I'm supposed to know what that means,” he scoffed. “So when your mom mentioned you well I knew I could trust her!”
Your mom truly never failed at mentioning you to whoever and whenever she possibly could, it was both a blessing and a curse. 
“So… what exactly am I going to be in charge of?” You blurted out, the question had been lingering in your mind since the night prior.
“Good question, I’d show you around, but time is on the essence. I basically just need you to organize my office, file paperwork, organize Amelia’s closet, go run errands for me, pick up documents, but most importantly I’m going to need you to attend certain events in place for me, but of course just introduce yourself as my assistant, apologize as to why I couldn’t be there, and most importantly keep your eyes and ears open. In my world we like to keep… tabs… on one another,” your eyebrow quirked in curiosity, “and since I won’t have any signal I expect to have a report ready for me when I come back so I’m caught up with everything of course,” he grabbed something from the coffee table, “I made a planner for you with everything that needs to be done on a day to day basis,” he then proceeded in handing you the bulk gray planner, “It includes passwords, data sheets, and all that good stuff.” 
You were amazed at how his demeanor had changed from clumsy-like to serious businessman in the blink of an eye. It was actually quite intimidating.
“Finances need to be kept in check, investors need to be accommodated, and well I just want to come back to everything being normal,” he began to gather the remainder of his stuff, “also your money is going to be wired to your bank account on a weekly basis and well that’s really it. I’ll see you in 10 weeks Ms. L/N! Good luck!”
“Good luck..” you quietly repeated his final parting words back to yourself, watching as the elevator doors closed. You could see why his last assistant quit, you didn’t even know where to start. You took a deep breath deciding to make your way up to his office, your day was just getting started.
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The condo may have looked like it came out of a show from HGTV, but Mr. Choi’s office looked like it came out of an episode of Hoarders Buried Alive. There were scattered papers everywhere, his desk was practically hidden by all the stacks of papers. Food wrappers and aluminum soda cans thrown around like the slob he was, the stench making you want to throw up. 
“Oh my God…” you said to yourself, this man was just a mess. 
You skimmed through some of the papers all of them having to do with different things ranging from firm performance, finances, legal forms, and much more. You could already feel a headache coming, but at the end of the day this was your job. You grabbed some storage boxes and began to label them with a black marker.
Your plan was to separate the papers into two sections: Important and Unimportant. Once you finished separating, you’d then shred what you deemed unimportant, and further organize what was important by date and then transfer them to his filing cabinets. It would take time, but it was the only method you could possibly think of. Your goal was to stop by 3 and then start working on Mrs. Choi’s closet.
You put on your earphones and began to play some music so that you wouldn’t be so stressed while organizing everything.
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s and bottles of bubbles…” you hummed to yourself and before you knew it, it was already 3. You had thrown out all of the trash in his office, and for the majority part most of his papers were organized. 
You sighed, now to get started with her damn closet.
Mrs. Choi’s closet was its own giant room, marble shelves stacked with bags and shoes, racks full of clothes, jewelry sparkling under their display showcase. The sparkling glass chandelier on the ceiling adding an extra oomph to the room. 
Hermes. Gucci. Chanel. Versace. Burberry. Balmain. Louis Vuitton. Saint Laurent. Fendi.
Any brand you could think of was in this closet, it was unbelievable. The closet had to be worth several thousands, no millions. So many questions were running through your head. How could someone just have so much? What do you even do with this amount of clothes? You were truly left speechless.
Shaking your head, you began to pick up all the clothes on the floor deciding that it was best to organize everything by color, your day almost done.
By the time your alarm went off it was already six which is the time that Mr. Choi had said you could leave, and it wasn’t like he was paying you extra for staying any longer and doing more work. For the most part, you had finished with both the office and closet and were just ready to go home, jump into bed, and watch some Netflix.
You went down the elevator,  satisfied at your first day on the job. This was going to be easy, you thought to yourself.
Just as you were leaving the lobby you heard Hoseok, “Hey I had your parking permit printed out!”  You stopped dead in your tracks, turned around and walked towards his desk. It wouldn’t hurt to make a little bit of conversation, right?
“Ah I had forgotten about that, thanks,” you chuckled.
“It’s no problem! The parking officer loves giving tickets.… so how was your first day?”
“Um not bad actually, a little boring to be honest,” you pondered at his question, for the most part you were being truthful, “Tomorrow I’m supposed to go and get Mr. Choi’s Mercedes Benz checked out, and then from there go and pick up some paperwork from some legal firm, transfer it onto his computer.”
“Well at least he’s not around to be over your shoulder, he practically had his last assistant going nuts,” he responded, laughing at the memory.
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow,” you yawned, giving him a small wave goodbye.
“Hey well let me know if you ever need anything, and I’m being serious,” and to that you nodded, taking note of what he said.
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Monday Afternoon.
[Incoming Facetime from: Ma 💞💗💓💕]
Immediately you clicked “accept”, having just gotten home and tidying up a couple things around the apartment. 
“So how was your first day?” your mom immediately questions you, clearly eager to know. 
“It was pretty decent ma, nothing I can’t handle,” you chuckled, “but wow was that man’s office practically a pig pen,” you complained only causing your mom to start laughing. 
“Oh I know,” she comments, only causing you to roll your eyes. 
“I think these 10 weeks should go by quite smoothly if I say so myself,” you sounded genuinely optimistic, “I met Hoseok you know,” your embarrassment had long subsided, instead finding it hilarious.
“Ah my Hobi!” your mom sounding delighted at the mention of the young boy, “a hard worker that boy is I'm telling you.” 
“He seems like it,” you had long concluded that he was when he had been explaining everything about the residency to you. He seemed like one of those people who even though they disliked their job, still put in their absolute everything into making sure they were the best at it. “You shoud’ve seen me giving him the googly eyes earlier,” you joked around. 
“Hobi is—” 
“Gay, yeah I know. I had to find that out the hard way,” you covered your face with your hands, playfully sulking. 
“Why do you think I stopped trying to set the two of you up,” your mom laughed. 
“Mm really ma? I would’ve never guessed,” sarcasm dripping from your words. 
“Hey remember who you’re sp—” 
“Anywayssss, how are you holding up out there?” you took a sip from the cup of juice you had served yourself earlier, your mom’s dismissive expression returning back to a smile. 
“Well the food around here is horrible! I told my nurse that they should let me in the kitchen for a change, but all she did was laugh!” You grinned at the idea of your mom actually working at the cafeteria for the sake of it. 
"Ah well I’lll make sure to bring you something on Wednesday.” 
“Did anything arrive in the mail today about the invoice for everything?” your mom asked, a look of worry now on her face. 
“No ma, and don’t even worry about anything like that okay? Focus on your treatment, and you let me handle the rest alright?” your voice now becoming stern, leave it to your mom to start worrying about finances. 
“I know, I know, but I know some fees were coming up and well—” 
“And I’m telling you to leave it to me, okay?” 
“Ah okay then, well I'm going to sleep already,” she yawned, “they’ve been prodding needles in me all day,” she tried to say it as lighthearted as she could, but she quickly regretted it as she saw the sudden sad look on your face. 
“Goodnight ma, I’ll see you Wednesday alright?” 
“Okay then Y/N, I love you.” 
“I love you too,” and with a small pressured smile, you clicked “end call”. An immediate sigh coming from your lips as you glanced at the several unsealed envelopes on your coffee table, many of the scattered papers stamped with a red “PAST DUE”. 
School, rent, the water bill, the light bill, the gas bill, your phone bill, the old hospital bills, the new ones, all due in such small amounts of time with almost no room in-between dates to rest. 
And so that night you laid in bed staring at your ceiling for what felt like hours unable to go to sleep. The only thing on your mind was how you were going to get the funds to pay for everything because well if you didn’t then you’d be left in hospital debt with an eviction notice right at your door and a whole bunch of other problems that you didn’t want to think about.
Deciding that it was best to get a breath of fresh air, you made your way to the rooftop, watching as the scattered stars glimmered in the sky. You sorta wished that life could be like those childhood TV shows where a shooting star would pass by and make your wish all come true, but the fact was, is that your life isn’t a movie or a tv show. This was your reality, and you were just going to have to suck it up.   
You unlocked your phone and texted the only person you possibly could.
[To: Yuna 🤍]
[10:09] you up??
You tapped your foot, waited for her to reply.
[From: Yuna 🤍]
[10:10] i'm offended that that’s even a question tbh
[10:11] you think you can come over? pleaseeee 🥺
[10:12] ik it’s late and you’re probably tired and work tmrw but i just rlly need some company rn
[From: Yuna 🤍]
[10:13] i’ll be there in 10, don’t judge how i look
[10:14] when have i ever…
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Soon enough you heard a knock on your door.
“I brought your favorite snacks,” Yuna had a giant grin plastered on her face to which you couldn’t help but smile at. Her makeup-free face and bright Hello Kitty pajamas told you that she was probably in bed when you texted her. 
Once she slid off her shoes, she was quick to make herself feel at home by jumping onto your couch. Hell, this was basically her second home.
“Do you work tomorrow?” you asked her.
“I called off, I’ve already accumulated a lot of hours anyway and well I might as well start putting them to use,” she stated, as she munched on a freshly opened bag of barbeque chips. 
Yuna was a retail clerk at the local mall, attending fashion school at night in hopes of landing herself a future internship, but like you was currently on summer vacation. Even in middle school, becoming a world renowned fashion designer had always been her dream, having gone to the the principal’s office a countless number of times because she added some kind of tailor to the plain old school uniform whether it be bedazzles or embellishing some kind of bizarre pattern onto it. 
Yuna though was sadly a case of a prodigy without the resources, accepted to one of Seoul’s top fashion schools when the two of you had graduated high school. You were there the day she opened her letter of acceptance, the two of you along with her family celebrating by going to one of Seoul’s most expensive restaurants. But just as you were there the day she was accepted, you were also her shoulder to cry on the day she realized that the money she had saved up wouldn’t even cover a quarter of tuition costs, and her applications for scholarships had all fallen through. 
What you admired most about Yuna was that disappointment didn't stop her from trying. Her designs were truly one of a kind, and you weren’t even saying that because she was your best friend and had a bias towards her. You could only hope that one day she’d be recognized for her talents. 
You grabbed your blanket from your room and sat next to her on the couch. She stared at you while you flicked through different channels on the TV, sensing that something was wrong. 
You could practically feel her burning a hole through your head and so you decided to answer the question you knew was looming in her head, “I’m not okay,” you mumbled, letting out a sardonic laugh. “I’m trying to act like I am, but I'm just not,” you stared off into the TV not wanting to make eye contact with her, “it’s just not fair,” you whispered, confused with yourself as to whether you were sad or angry.
Yuna could feel her heart wrench as she listened.
“My mom’s been nothing but a kind person, I’ve been nothing but a kind person, and so I can’t help but ask why? What did we do to end up in a situation like this?” you hadn’t even realized that tears were falling from your eyes until you felt the salty drops of water make their way onto your lips, dripping from your chin, “The whole time I was in Mr. Choi’s condo looking around at the million dollar paintings, and organizing his wife’s thousand dollar outfits I kept thinking to myself how can a man like Mr. Choi just not care? He didn’t even bother to ask how she was...” you seethed, the emptiness in your voice had now become anger.
Yuna scoffed, “The rich are always looking down on us like we’re just nothing but money makers to them, demanding their respect like they deserve it for free.”
“I just,” you paused for a second, “I just don’t know what to do, I think I might have to start looking for a second job or something, or maybe even take a gap year...” you breathed out, running a hand through your hair in distress. 
And maybe one could call it fate with what you and Yuna had seen on your TV that night. Destiny perhaps. Whatever it was, it was going to open the doors to a brand new world. A world that you had only ever caught small glimpses of.
“Kim Taehyung is officially Seoul’s most eligible bachelor, our sources have confirmed that he and on and off again girlfriend Sunhi have called it quits permanently this time. The reason you may ask? Rumor has it that she was caught cheating on him,” the entertainment reporter had a giant grin on her face, “That’s right ladies, the heir to Kim Enterprises is back on the market.”
Pictures which you assumed were recent showed Taehyung partying, drinking, flashing expensive cars, and at red carpet events for major fashion brands. “Tweet us using hasht—” you changed the channel on the TV, bored of the topic at hand.
“I swear he’s the only person they talk about nowadays, I mean literally he’s everywhere!” you chuckled, turning your attention to Yuna who for some odd reason now had a look of disbelief on her face.
“Y/N… how did I— no how did we not think of this earlier?” Yuna got up from the couch like an excited toddler causing you to tilt your head to the side in honest confusion. 
“What the hell are you talking about now,” you said, laughing at how childish she looked. She was now pacing herself back and forth across your living room, her adrenaline practically visible.
“You know I don’t normally believe in this stuff but holy shit this has got to be a sign!” At this point you were convinced she was talking to herself considering she wasn’t even making direct eye contact when she said that. She frantically ran her hands through her hair, “I mean you have the quote on quote resources, the clothes, my fashion expertise, the car, the events, and he’s single now. Oh my God how did we not think of this,” you carefully listened to what she said trying to piece everything together. Resources? Clothes? Was she talking about Kim Taehyung?
Your eyes immediately widened when you put two and two together and realized what she was so excited about, and it was now your turn to get up from the couch.
“You’re literally insane you understand that right!?” you stared at her, completely baffled. You thought stopping her from pacing around would bring her back to reality and get that grin off her face, but if anything it did the opposite.
“Y/N! What are the chances that as we’re talking about your finance issues and then something like that comes up! What are the chances that you literally work for a millionaire who's going to be gone for several weeks and expects you to attend his events! You can’t tell me that this isn’t hmm…  I don’t know… Fate!” All you could do was stare at her in disbelief as she began to mumble something about this being something “straight out of a movie”. You were waiting for her to laugh and tell you this was all some kind of joke, but you soon realized she was being serious.
“The fact that you’re actually being serious about this is ridiculous!”
“And the fact that you think it’s ridiculous is what’s really crazy!” you shook your head refusing to accept what she was alluding to.
“Yuna! Let’s be rational he—”
“No, just listen to me Y/N. Please,” you looked at Yuna who had now calmed down, her face completely serious, “I know it seems out of the ballpark…” you nodded in agreement, “You have the opportunity to infiltrate the rich, and not just anyone but the Kim family! You know how many rumors there are about that family and their business!” she shouted while adding extra emphasis on the word infiltrate as if this was some kind of spy movie.
You sighed, “And how exactly would I do that? How could I not get caught up in lies? Why the Kim family? Why not not just steal some of Mr. Choi’s belongings and sell them on Ebay or something? Just what exactly are y—”
“You didn’t let me finish!” you grunted in annoyance. There were just so many questions running through your head, did she not realize the risk in what she was proposing? The consequences?
“You’re a stranger in their world, a brand new person … a brand new identity! You already have to go to these events as it is, and you can’t steal anything from Mr. Choi and sell it because I mean clearly he knows who you are. They, as in the rich, do not,” Yuna knew she had managed to grab your attention based on the look of skepticism on your face, “And technically you’re not going to be stealing Mrs. Choi’s clothes, you’ll be um ... borrowing them.” she flashed a giddy smile, “10 weeks Y/N, 10 weeks to get Kim Taehyung to fall in love with you, blackmail money out of that family, and then poof you disappear without a trace!”
“You have no idea how many questions are running through my head at this very moment.”
“And I think I can give you answers to them all, but please Y/N just think about it! It would solve all of your problems, financially at least,” you jokingly hit her shoulder as she teased you with the last part of her sentence, “you wouldn’t be doing it for yourself, you’d be doing it for your mom.”
“For my mom…” you mumbled to yourself. Yuna stared at your blank expression. She could only assume that you were letting everything sink in before making a decision. On one hand you’d be able to pay for all of your expenses while still getting your job done, but on the other you'd be using someone under a false pretense in order to blackmail money out of them. You’d literally be infiltrating the rich. You were scared. What if you got caught? Would you go to jail? What would happen to your mom?
You had made your decision.
“I trust you Yuna… I really do…” she now had a worrisome look on her face, “and so..” without even realizing it Yuna had been crossing her fingers, “I’m in.”  
“Oh my God,” she let out a sigh of both relief and disbelief, a beaming smile on her face.
“But!” her smile quickly disappeared after hearing your tone, “we need to plan this thoroughly, like a solid proof plan by tonight on pen and paper, you got me?” she nodded in agreement, “and I think there’s someone we need involved in this... “
She tilted her head in confusion.
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Tuesday Morning.
“Yuna this is Hoseok, Hoseok this is Yuna,” the two shook hands giving one another a warm smile.
Yuna began eyeing you in a way of saying “Are you sure about this?”. You understood why she was skeptical of Yuna whether or not she’d agree to everything, hell you had your own doubts. What if Hoseok said no? Worse, what if he completely snitched you out? Then you’d be stuck with no job, no money, and probably blacklisted from all major companies in Seoul by Mr. Choi himself with the label “thief” over your head. You had to reassure yourself that everything would be just fine, “So what brings you guys here?”
“Well I was hoping I could talk to you um…” you glanced around, “somewhere private,” you whispered giving him a shy smile, “maybe up in Mr. Choi’s condo,” you offered remembering that Rachel could possibly be hearing (though you highly doubted she’d care).  
“Oh um… sure, let me just tell Rachel to cover for me,” he awkwardly dismissed himself to the back.
“I don’t know Y/N … he seems like the type of person to not want to risk his job..” Yuna whispered to you, she was clearly on high alert.
“He told me I could ask him for anything, and well I know I’ve only known her for about 24 hours, but I don’t know… something about him just seems reliable, I can't explain it. It’s just better to have him on our team than to be suspicious of us. I can’t do this whole infiltration thing being paranoid that the receptionist is going to snitch on me when he sees me walk out with clothes worth thousands of dollars,” you replied, “And if this really is playing out as a movie like you say, then we need someone whose tech savvy.” 
“You have a point,” she chuckled, “wait how do you know he’s good at computers again?” 
Your mind flashed back to the night before, while Yuna was asleep you had gone full stalker mode on Hoseok to get to the bottom of who he was. After hours of looking through different social media platforms you had ended up finding both his Twitter and Instagram @/junghsk, where he had pictures of his college graduation from 2 years ago. Major? Computer Science. It explained why he looked like he was in some Matrix movie the other day, and though of course it didn't mean automatically he was an expert, he definitely must’ve been better than both you and Yuna combined when it came to programming which is something (based on your plan) you were going to need for future endeavors. 
You also came to find out that he was an avid animal lover, taught cardio dance classes on morning weekends, likes to live tweet show series such as Games of Thrones, and is in a committed relationship with someone named Min Yoongi. What could you say? You liked to do intensive research. 
Once Hoseok returned the three of you went up to Mr. Choi’s condo, the elevator ride up was definitely awkward compared to the day before. 
Yuna was in clear awe of the place. You could tell she wanted to give herself a personal tour, but you shot her a look dismissing the idea as she could easily do that later.
“We should sit,” you suggested pointing to the kitchen’s island, "Yuna can make us all some instant ramen,” she immediately shot you a look of annoyance, but didn’t argue with you making her way to the pantry.  
“So...” he quietly mumbled at an attempt to break the ice, making small tapping noises on the island’s surface with his fingers. 
Flashing him a pretentious smile, you awkwardly glanced around trying to think of something to make small talk with, “Um do you like Games of Thrones?” 
Immediately he grinned, you expected a “yes” to come out of his mouth but instead he said, “Ah so that was you yesterday!” 
The color drained out of your face , wait what? He began to laugh, making small claps as he threw his head back, “You were stalking me,” his face scrunched up as he began to tease you. 
“What are you talking about?” your tone becoming defensive along with your eyebrows furrowing, only causing his fits of laughter to become louder. His index finger wiping the tears that began to form in his eyes. 
“Don’t act like you didn't like and unlike my picture at like 3 in the morning!” He suddenly pulled out his phone, showing the notification which he hadn’t cleared from his phone, showing your username and the words “liked your photo” following right after. You had forgotten about that... 
It was already 3AM and you were beginning to doze off, eyelids barely even open. You saw the white heart on Instagram appear on a 56 week old picture which you immediately unliked, also causing you to jolt out of your comfortable position in panic. 
Damn you Instagram. “Whatever you need must be pretty important if you’re up at 3AM instastalking me.” 
“Oh shut up—” 
“Well since you were on there, what hair color do you prefer on me: red, brown, or black?” You scowled before muttering a quiet “brown”. “Really I’ve been told red looks best on me, hmm...” he pondered, pressing his index finger onto his bottom lip. "So are you going to tell me what this is all about anytime soon or ...” he said, his tone coming out more demanding than he intended, but Hoseok was the kind of person that didn’t like to beat around the bush, rather preferring to be told things straight up as they were. 
“Okay..” You started, explaining to him of your situation starting from your mom, to the bills you needed to pay, why this job just wasn’t enough, why you needed to go ahead with your plan, why you needed him to be in on everything, and emphasizing that you weren’t doing this for yourself but your mom. By the time you finished explaining, Yuna was already done making the noodles.
Hoseok sat there in silence, you could hear your heart from your chest, your fingers getting slightly sweaty as you thought of the different possible outcomes. The deafening silence had made you feel like you guys were there for hours. Honestly, you could have heard a pin drop. 
It wasn’t until you saw his signature smile beginning to form on his face that you could’ve sworn you felt bricks actually fall off your shoulders.
“Okay let’s do it,” he stated as he began to slurp on his noodles.
“You’re in?” Yuna asked in complete shock, eyes completely widened. He nodded in return clearly enjoying his food, “You don’t have any questions? No concerns?”
Hoseok shrugged, “Mm well of course I’m curious as to what exactly the plan is, which I’m sure you’ll be explaining to me soon, but nope. I’d probably say no if the cause wasn’t for something important,” he looked at you giving a warm compassionate smile, “and this has got to be the most interesting thing that’s happened on this job for the past 2 years so there’s that,” his brows knitting remembering past situations with residents, “and lastly these snobs deserve what’s coming to them,” he finished off causing all three of you to laugh. 
“Well then cheers to mission… ummm... “ Yuna placed her finger on her chin, causing you to facepalm yourself as she was trying to think of a name for something so irrelevant.
“7 Rings,” Hoseok interjected , “like the Ariana Grande song. I want it, I got it!” 
“You like my hair gee thanks just bought it!” you guys simultaneously sang at the top of your lungs, clinking each other’s drinks.
And so that was how mission “7 Rings” came into fruition, but of course like everything else in the world, nothing ever goes as planned. If only you had realized then that things were going to change, whether they were for the better or for the worse… well that was for you to find out on your own.
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author’s note 🧚🏻 : SK has universal health care but for the sake of the plot we’re going to have to pretend they have a private healthcare system so please don’t attack me lmao. Also please like & repost as it keeps me motivated to write and update faster !! Thank you in advance if you do 💞
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Embers - male dragon shifter x reader (light nsfw) - Part Nine
Things are starting to get traction now... :) Hope you enjoy this one, and again, I'm sorry these chapters are shorter than maybe my usual stories are, but that's the format I'm going for for this long-running series, so I'm sticking with it! This one is 1228 words, so not too miserly!
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight
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The ‘murder mystery dinner’ was still a couple of weeks away, and you still had no idea what to wear to it, but you’d figure that out later. Hanging out with Mikaeïl and getting to know him took up a lot of your spare time. On one of your earlier dates, he took you to the Old Trollbridge museum and art gallery, a place in which - ironically, given your career as an artist - you’d never set foot. Often you met for a quick coffee in town - the number of espressos that that boy - rather, wyvern - could knock back in a single sitting was concerning at best, but he seemed none the worse for it.
Watching him open up over time was a treat that you hadn’t perhaps expected in this budding relationship. You’d - quite wrongly - assumed that someone who was over two hundred years old would have had all their shit figured out by now, but perfection, it seemed, was not obtained in a mere two centuries of existence. He was vulnerable and funny, shy and even a bit goofy at times, and it was easy to see why most of his students must have absolutely adored him. He was the quintessential inspiring academic: often lost with his head in the clouds, unaware of how the world really worked in many ways, extremely knowledgeable about his chosen field, and surprisingly interested in what you did.
The topic of his late partner didn't come up again, though you were definitely curious, but you did enjoy a number of dinners together, some out in town, and others at his house. On one such evening, he cooked the most gorgeous pasta dish, herby and aromatic but not too fiery because, apparently, he couldn’t handle spice.
“Excuse me?” you gaped when he’d dropped that bombshell. “But… you’re a dragon, right?”
“Wyvern,” he’d corrected, waving a wooden spoon at you as if it were a lecturer’s pointer. “Please,” he’d added over the top of his circular spectacles with mock seriousness. “There’s an entire two limbs worth of difference between the two of us and that, my dear, is a lot of difference.”
“Oh?” you’d said, half snorting and half giggling. “I… see?”
“No you don’t,” he retorted playfully, shaking his head. Turning on his ‘patronising teacher voice’ while the pasta sauce bubbled away like a witch’s brew in the pot beside him, he turned to face you with one hand on his sharp, narrow hip. “A wyvern,” he said in a very slow voice, “Is bipedal. Related to the dragon, and with a tail which often ends in a diamond- or arrow-shaped tip or barb. Some have poisonous scales and spines, while others do not. Our sea-dwelling cousins, imaginatively known as the sea-wyverns, frequently have fishtails in place of our barbed tail.”
You burst out laughing and his own face cracked into a wide grin.
“I’m glad you find me amusing,” he said in his usual voice. “But seriously, a tolerance for capsaicin has nothing to do with the ability - or lack thereof - to breathe fire.”
“I love you,” you blurted before you could stop yourself, and he went very still.
A slow, surprised smile dawned on his handsome, porcelain face and he laughed quietly. “Come here and say that again,” he said, opening one arm and inviting you to hug him.
“It’s not too soon?” you said as you stepped over to him, flushed and hot and a bit clammy with nerves now.
He shook his head, his red hair tied back in a scruffy bun. “If that’s what you feel, then it’s not too soon to acknowledge it. And… I have grown very fond of you too. I believe I might also be in a position to say that I love you too.”
“You’re such a prude,” you grinned, poking him in the ribs. “Only a professor - and a dragon, sorry, wyvern - would be so ‘verbose’ about it…”
Mikaeïl’s lips twitched but he suddenly seemed insecure, so you rolled your eyes and snaked an arm around his slim waist. You had yet to see what his body looked like underneath, but from the way he barely moved as you tried to tug him close to you, you figured he must be incredibly fit and lean.
“I’m sorry,” he said, turning his attention to the pot of sauce and stirring it without dislodging you from your place at his hips. “I must be a great bore to you at times.”
“If you were, do you think I’d stick around?” you countered and he made a side to side motion of his head.
“Perhaps not,” he admitted.
You reached up on tip toes and planted a kiss against his smooth cheek. You wondered fleetingly if he was like an elf and couldn't grow a beard, or if he was just fastidious about shaving immaculately every morning. You’d not been near enough to his bathroom yet to spot a razor. His cheeks flushed, as they always did when you showed him affection - verbal or physical - and he tucked you tighter against his side, planting a fond kiss atop your head.
That night, it turned out, was not a night for finding out about what lay beneath his shirt, or whether he kept a razor in his bathroom, but it wasn’t long before you were invited back to the mansion, and this time, he asked if you’d like to bring an overnight bag.
“We’re getting serious then,” you had grinned over the phone that morning, doodling idly with your stylus and trying to tweak a font that wasn’t working on a business logo commission.
“So it would seem,” he chuckled. “But if you’d rather not, then -”
“Mikaeïl,” you said flatly but gently, “I’ve been ready for this for a while now. I’m honestly glad you’re ready too.”
“I am,” he said, sounding a little dazed about it.
On your first visit to the house it had seemed strange to be there without your enthusiastic niece, Celia, as a chaperone, or under the guise of work, but he welcomed you inside again and this time, he kissed you on the threshold the moment you were indoors.
As before, when things got heated for him, he began to growl softly, but here in the safe privacy of his home, he pushed you up against the wood of the front door and kissed you breathless to a soundtrack of his rumbling growls. His strong hands pinned your wrists beside your head and you felt your knees go weak as he held you there and kissed you senseless.
Finally, however, he did pull back, breathing hard, his eyes glowing like embers. “You’re gorgeous,” he said before closing his teeth over your lip and sucking until it tingled.
“Mikaeïl,” you gasped, tilting your head back to allow him better access to your neck as he kissed along your jaw and down to your racing pulse. “This is new…”
“I’m ready; I want you,” he whispered. “Is that wrong? Is it too fast?”
Your answer was simple. You’d had chaste date upon chaste date, with barely a peck on the cheek, and he’d driven you wild with it. “Then why are we still standing in the hallway?”
“You’re too distracting,” he laughed, pulling back. “Are you sure this is alright?”
With a fond smile, you nodded. “More than.”
Part Ten
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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ilistenedin · 3 years
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Soda cans
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Smart but lazy.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Soda cans
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
7. earbuds or headphones?
No preference
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Fresh cut grass or when it’s about to rain
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
Basketball in elementary, dodgeball in middle, and sitting in high school
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
12. name of your favorite playlist?
I don’t have one
13. lanyard or key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
I don’t think I have a favorite candy tbh. I don’t do sweets often. Starburst are alright?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
La Casa de los Espíritus
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Knees apart, ankles crossed
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
Birkenstock’s, baby
18. ideal weather?
If staying indoors; rainy and gloomy and cold.
If going out; cold with lots of clouds where the sun occasionally peeks thru
19. sleeping position?
On stomach, hugging pillow, one leg hiked up
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Lately, in my notes app.
21. obsession from childhood?
Sharks. Horror. Cats.
22. role model?
I don’t really have one. But I do hold a special place in my heart for Gerard Way.
23. strange habits?
I don’t think I have any strange habits. I’m pretty boring.
24. favorite crystal?
Amerhysts, opal, moonstone
25. first song you remember hearing?
I have bad memory
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Stay indoors lol
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Just be outside. Maybe go chill in a park and drink some tea and smoke a cigarette/joint
28. five songs to describe you?
I don’t have the brain capacity for that rn.
29. best way to bond with you?
Interests. Asking questions.
30. places that you find sacred?
Book stores.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I don’t lol
32. top five favorite vines?
Oh god I don’t know lol. I love the “Adam!” one. “Two dudes chilling in a hot tub..” the one where the girl is about to play Mozart and the keyboard is on the wrong mode. And I can’t think of any other ones rn
33. most used phrase in your phone?
Probably lol
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Oreilly auto parts for sure.
35. average time you fall asleep?
It varies way too much
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Probably the forever alone dude
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
Duffel bag
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cake
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Ummm weird is a choice of word I guess. My sophomore year some poor girls home made sex video w her bf got leaked and it was pretty fucking bad.
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
I am incapable of choosing. I’m a slut for all of them.
44. favorite scent for soap?
I like mint, citrus, patchouli, and lavender
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Tie between sci-fi and fantasy
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Sports bra and boxers
47. favorite type of cheese?
It’s impossible for me to choose. I’ve never met a cheese I didn’t like.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
My friends used to call me Apple in HS so I guess an apple
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
I laugh hard too often
51. current stresses?
My life as a whole
52. favorite font?
Times new Roman
53. what is the current state of your hands?
I’ve stopped biting my nails and instead I file them (I wonder how long that’ll last) and they are a bit dry cause of the changing of seasons; this always happens. They get like, cracked and peely. It’s gross, don’t judge.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
How to drive stick shift. I was a valet.
55. favorite fairy tale?
I don’t think I have one tbh
56. favorite tradition?
Every year for my grandmothers birthday and death anniversary we go out to this famous church that over looks the Miami Bay Area and we throw sunflowers into the ocean for her. I’m not religious or anything, but the church location is great and it’s extremely important in my culture (Cuban).
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
I haven’t overcome shit
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I don’t think I have any talents per se. I used to drum. I have been told I can sing. I like to write. I doodle.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Sorry, can’t help it, I’m gay”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Brain too tired to think of anything
62. seven characters you relate to?
I’m too tired to think lol
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Bad Bunny’s discography.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Lol. Rotten dot com
65. any permanent scars?
One on my knee.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Peonies and roses and pansies
67. good luck charms?
I have un azabache on my wrist
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Don’t like cucumbers or raw carrots. Oh and recently I tried pickles that have been pickled in moonshine. Fucking no.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Head empty
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
My patterns in my love life 😁
72. worst subject?
Math for sure
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Idk. I will literally put an egg on everything.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
No idea
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Mashed probably
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Publix has decent sushi
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
I don’t have a school I’d anymore, but it was pretty fucking bad. But my license one is also pretty fucking bad.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Earth tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
Aren’t they the same? I call them cocuyos
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
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ksykesisdead · 7 years
Why Not?
Fuck it, I’m bored. Let’s bring it back to the old Myspace Bulletin Survey days and fill this shit out!
When was the last time you ate something containing chocolate? Just a few days ago... Delicious gourmet chocolates!
Are you more likely to listen to your friends’ advice, or your parents’? I don’t really listen to anyone’s advice, to be honest... So, neither?
If someone asks for your honest opinion, do you give it? Yes... Although I do tend to sugar coat things to avoid hurting peoples’ feelings. Yeah, I’m one of those... Sorry. Hah. But also... If I let my emotions get the best of me I can be extremely hurtful. I feel like there’s almost no in between.
What do you think of being “brutally honest”? Hmmm, I can definitely be brutally honest at times despite my statement above. It honestly depends how passionate I am, if I’m angry or upset, blah, blah, blah. But like I said, I try to deliver things in a way that isn’t too hurtful. I know how words can effect people deeply, and I always keep that in mind... I’m good at being a fucking dick though when I’m not handling my emotions well. I tend to tell people that they’re wasting my time. >.<
When was the last time you felt uninformed or out of the loop? In relation to current events and whatnot, it’s a constant thing.
When in a car, where do you like to sit? Shotgun biitchhhhhhh.
Have you ever fought with a good friend over something completely stupid? Oh, I’m sure. 
How did the two of you get past it [ if you did ] ? Fuck me, I feel lame for saying this, but “TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS” lmao (they may leave scars and shit,  but they heal eventually).
Would you ever visit a third-world country? I have, and I would like go back someday.
You’re planning a camping trip; what do you take with you? It depends on the circumstances of the campsite... But generally, the bare minimum.
Who do you take with you? THE BODEINE BOYZ and others!
Have you ever been lost in an unfamiliar setting? Yes! Many times... lol
Are you the type that’s too ashamed to ask for or use directions? Noooooo. 
You overhear two people gossiping about you; what do you do? I usually confront people in those kinds of situations.
You receive a letter from a secret admirer; what do you do? Fucking read it lol
When was the last time that your parents were disappointed in you? Fuck, I don’t know. 
When was the last time that you disappointed a friend? Probably earlier this week or even today. Or well, I don’t consider them a friend actually... So, I don’t know. :o
When you watch the news, how does it effect your mood? Well you see, I don’t watch the news.
When was the last time you felt that you had too much on your plate? It has been quite a while.
Do you ever have anxiety attacks? I get riddled with anxiety quite often, but I don’t believe myself to have ever experienced an actual anxiety attack.
Have you ever felt manipulated? Eh, somewhat. When I sense that somebody is trying to be manipulative, I either confront them or distance myself.
Are you on a diet? Nooooo.
What do you think of young children that already have body image issues? It’s really sad... It truly concerns me because I have been there, therefore I know how detrimental it can be to somebody’s mental well being. It isn’t all derived from vanity.
If you were homeless, how would you cope? I would like to believe that I would cope by getting my fucking shit together and turning the situation around.
Have you ever done something just to fit in? Yes I have. Guess what? More often than not, it just made me feel even more out of place and awkward.
When was the last time you tried to impress someone, for whatever reason? Very recently at a job interview.
If the world ends in 2012, what do you want to get done before that date? How old is this shit? lol it’s 2018!
Are there any family traditions that have changed since your childhood? We never really had any family traditions to begin with.
Would you rather have your friends or your family? Family... But I do love my friends and they mean the world to me.
What is one thing that you find annoying about the opposite sex? Well the things that annoy me don’t pertain to just males... BUT (lol), most of my male friends are those who blatantly check out females in a... gross (for lack of a better term) manner. It’s just a personal thing... I dislike getting checked out by dudes in general sooooo...
What is one thing you find annoying about your own sex? Again, it doesn’t pertain to all females... HOWEVER, I’ve witnessed many females who try to bring each other down. Like come on now, fucking empower one another for fuck’s sake. I just wanna see more females who are accepting and willing to empower one another.
What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex? I fucking love males man. Everything, really. lol
When was the last time you deleted a Myspace friend? What’s Myspace? lol
Does it get on your nerves when people constantly ask for picture comments? Again, how old is this shit? Haha.
You get a request from someone with 3423 friends; do you add him/her? Yeah, to see if anything comes out from it. You never know.
Have you ever taken a personality test? Yesssss. INFJ mother fuckers!
Have you ever taken an online IQ test? What was the result? I don’t think so.
Have you been to the library in your city any time recently? No. I should go some time soon, though.. I was thinking about the library the other day. 
What’s your opinion on religion in schools? I don’t have much of an opinion, honestly. 
Do you think that the world could function in a state of anarchy? Not so much. Haha.
How well do you know your U.S. [ or your country’s ] history? Not very well at all. I have forgotten most of what I had learned.
Would you ever wish to move to another country? Hmmm. Maybe some day in the far future.
Have you ever thought that “the grass is greener on the other side”? Not in those words lol.
What is something that you do that others might consider “nerdy”? I really don’t know. 
Name one unhealthy habit that you have? I smoke cancer sticks every here and there.
You see your best friend chatting with your ex; how do you react? I don’t have a best friend lol either way, I don’t think I’d care much at all.
Have you ever had anything expensive stolen from you? Plenty of times. Fuck you, thieves!
Do you understand / notice when someone’s using sarcasm? Usually, yeah. lol
When was the last time you were fooled? It has been a while.
What First Impression do you hope you make with other people? Hmmm. Uhhh, that I am personable, open minded, and relateable.
Have you ever thought about how you make other people feel / think? Uhhh, to a fault I’d say lol. I am very much aware... VERY much aware.
What is your stance on getting revenge? I am definitely not one that seeks revenge. I think that it generates more negative energy, and fuck idk. I view it as a sign of immaturity. Justice and revenge are derived from different seeds, if you ask me. I can write a whole entry about my stance on revenge.
What is the purpose of hatred? Ugh, I don’t think that I can say that there is a purpose. I think it’s just something we harbor when we are not able to process things in a healthy way... Something that’s fed by many things such as jealousy, a closed mind, insecurities, etc. Some people just handle things differently.
How do you decide whether to accept or not accept a friend request? I usually view their profile to see if we have any mutual friends or interests.
Do huge pictures and un-readable fonts [ on profiles ] bother you? The fuck. No? lol
It’s the first day of school; what do you wear? My go to outfit!! My Buttertones tee, black high waisted jeans, and my ankle booties!
Do you pick out your clothing far in advance? Noooooo. I only do that if I feel like I’m going to a special place or event.
If someone has no fashion sense, what do you think of him/her? It doesn’t phase me much at all. I don’t care.
If you judge, how can you expect to not be judged in return? I always expect to be judged. :p
Any wise/truthful/witty quotes that you live by? Since middle school I’ve always followed the quote, “there are no regrets in life, just lessons.”
Favorite comeback? I suck at those lol.
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