#also sorry i feel like somebody's already posted this pic on here but i can't find it
bedlund · 8 months
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Busy Day, So More Past Posting!
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I didn't get to play much with Malta and Panther today, just fed and groomed them, as today was... A day.
Development-wise: Neither of the two changed much from yesterday. Aside from being noticeably bigger!
So with nothing new from the drakenz, I'll make this an archive post of some past pix I've taken!
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I was already keeping note of the development of "evolving" petz at this time, and I mean really taking note of things! Like how Blaze's tail got a little weird as he started growing the signature imp's tail of a proper Houndoom!
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After everybody was fed it was time to play! According to the first pic, I may not have intended to send out two pairs at once but somebody may have come out of the case on their own. So... Why not? One big playdate for everybody!
Spamton wound up stealing the show for the most part, what with figuring out his crazy personality and how everything spooked him, on top of how jealous he gets over me petting anyone else! And yet, it didn't mean he couldn't make friends, he got a bit sad when I accidentally dropped Crystal the Furfrou into the case. Sorry!
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All was fine, after a bit of dress-up for the doggoz, I took everybody over to the Haunted Ma- Wait, did I give BigWingz a freakin' knife?... lol Spamton NEO fight but he has a knife
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Now here is where I admit I used PetzA to speed up their aging. They had grown from puppiez and kittenz to "adults" but... They dogz still made puppy barks and I didn't really want to breed what felt like teenagers to me. Even from this way back I didn't feel it right to breed petz with an Age value younger than 50!
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And so, with a clearer conscious, I put Blaze and Crystal together and enacted Pokemon Infinite Fusions before that game was even released! Gotta say, Calavera turned out the most interesting. Also didn't know at the time that Blaze's blue color does *not* pass down via breeding. Oh well! They still had adorable puppiez!
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And thanks to PetzA, Papa Blaze can be with his mate and kids! No avoiding child support for you! Endearingly, Blaze and Crystal were still very lovey-dovey towards each other!
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And while the new parents were busy tending to their newborns, Spamton and BigWingz were off on an adventure. Which turned into a beach day.
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By the next day I had Blaze return to the Nursery with Crystal and his pupz, where he proceeded to nap for the most part. Crystal was certainly more attentive, very wholesome to have been here at the time seeing Mama Crystal being maternal.
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Spamton and BigWingz, on the other hand, stayed at home in the Family Room that day to relax after their adventure... Or, at least BigWingz was trying to relax. Here we have a much smaller Spamton pinning and attempting to play with BigWingz like he caught a mouse! Cheeky little [$!$$]!
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From this point, the litter grew big enough to start walking and running on their own! This was also the point I started noting differences in behavior between infant pupz and older pupz, mainly that younger pupz are not as playful as they will be later and they really like sniffing the carrying case.
Oh, and we have the parents being very affectionate in front of their young daughter. Lucky for dogz they can't get embarrassed over their parents getting mushy in plain sight!
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I also brought the Spammy Boiz over to the shop since I started experimenting with the Music Box, primarily with replacing the music it plays and swapped it out for a completely Deltarune themed set of tunes. Here is when I learned both Spamton and BigWingz love to dance! I also made the playlist before I discovered somebody else already made plenty of tracks available for everyone!
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While Crystal had one more day with the puppiez, the Spammy Boiz decided to take Blaze out with them on their return to the beach. Not mentioned earlier, but they got to meet Peg again, who at this point was turning into a family friend!
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It seemed Blaze was more than ready to let loose during his time away from the Fusemon!
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Speaking of the Fusemon, I decided to paint the three of them just to see "what could have been". Now that I know how to brex, I'm kind of considering brexing Calavera to be blue since... The brown was kind of random. I'll see what I do later, for now my focus is Panther and Malta!
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And, as one last pic for the album, I end it off on the splendor that is: DERPY SNEO!
Aug 7, 2022 - Aug 12, 2022
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eileen-crys · 2 years
Some of the reasons given on that reddit thread for it being faked are a bit ridiculous imo! I do accept that we don't know for certain (sure, it *could* be a faked letter and/or it could have been acquired by somebody else), but when the reason they gave was 'you can find anything on the dark web' I had to laugh – I get that that is true of lots of things like actual products, but referring to this lmao it just made me imagine like
"Hello I would like a letter please, from John Deacon to his sister, circa 1972"
"I'm afraid we don't sell those here sir but if you try the dark web you should find plenty there"
And the comment that same person made about John and his mother? What an assumption to make! Based on a single comment, twice translated, from an interview decades ago, it's a bit of a reach, not to mention a disrespectful (even just plain awful) thing to put forward – and they said it as though it's a fact 🙄
Anyway, if that's the kind of thing people are commenting, I'm glad the posts are no longer there – if he *was* genuine then it would have been awful if similar comments had been left for him to see. But I am pleased we were able to see what he shared.
As for why they're gone, I think there are more possible reasons than were suggested on the thread e.g. someone from a tabloid could have approached him about buying a story – that would be a very good reason to take it all down before it could be twisted into another one of those "The TRAGIC reason why Queen bassist [etc etc]" things!
(--lou/hospitality) (sorry this got so long lol)
It's okay, I agree with you about everything tbh. 🙏🏻 It's fair to be skeptical when someone presents themselves online as a relative of someone famous, but the doubts of some people were a bit stretched, like using a double translated interview from the mid 80s as the unfathomable proof that john had a bad relationship with his mom and sister, and therefore claiming that this "brother in law" is "wrong" simply because he said Molly kept newspapers about Queen/John and John gave his sister some gifts, and that goes against John's (questionably translated and not elaborated) answer in japan 84. Like, the audacity? Also someone else thinking the letter was fake because "some wording was weird" ??? How would you know? Maybe that's just how he wrote to his sister. My mom and I talk in the weirdest way possible, you can't question such colloquialisms within his family. 🤔
Also yeah the dark web comment was funny tbh. If you looked at his reddit he used to post pics of his dog and discuss about stamps, why would an old dude go in the dark web to look for John's letters to his sister? Specially when everything else he posted was basically newspaper cuts and some things he seemed to know rather superficially? 😅😅😅
I remember him from a YouTube comment from at least 3 years ago, on a reaction video to a live concert. He seemed really humble and once again just recalling his memory of said concert (I think it was Hammersmith Odeon). Imho if he was someone random seeking for fame or to spread fake rumours about John he would've just done it, like many other idiots have already done and keep doing.
He seemed genuinely heartwarmed by Queen fans and aware of what to answer or not answer regarding John and I'm still upset his profile was terminated so abruptly. 😔 The journalist possibility makes sense but I still feel it's the fault of some mean or invasive fan.
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