#also sorry if ive missed anything i have spotty connection at best and wifi only really at the hotel or the arenas
the-kipsabian · 9 months
im so tired holy shit
as a result of yesterday, i have four bruises on my legs, my back hurts, i have hard time hearing out of my left ear and my body is a mess due to lack of proper sustenance (i need to change and head down for breakfast)
but god i would do it all over again. revpro 💜
todays actually much chiller even if the show is much, MUCH bigger
also due to exhaustion and anxiety im not bringing the box. it would require too much out of me from showing up earlier to spending time working around with it in a sense
so im just one of the masses today :)
see you at all in
everyone enjoy yourselves and stay safe 💜💜
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