#also tacking onto your lore i love the idea of the stars being almost intrinsically linked to their culture
theelrics · 3 years
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Perhaps we could simply…. Make our own lore….
Power to the people or something idk ill go first: I like to think there was a legend not totally unlike Icarus (you KNOW we love that binch), but instead of it being framed as the consequences of hubris, it is a legend of a boy using his few resources to pull himself from the earth and, for a few precious moments, seeing what lies beyond the sky. When he fell to the ground he spread the word of his adventure, and so children of Xerxes are raised with stories of hope: if they use what little they might have, they can fly among the stars regardless of the echelon they were born into (thinking about how slaves can become scholars, so social mobility was achievable).
I know there are plenty of amazing fanworks that explore Xerxes lore and they all make me go absolutely feral but I am having Thoughts on this Tuesday and I wanted to share them with you please forgive me <3
(Also what if they also had the ‘wow cats are great’ thing that the ancient Egyptians had?)
Oh my gosh YES I love that!!! Icarus, my projectable beloved.....
ok what really gets me about the Xerxians is that, not only do we get little to no information about them, but neither do Ed and Al! I would love for them to learn about the lost traditions and culture Xerxes held: what dishes were made, what holidays celebrated, what gods worshipped (even if they probably wouldn't believe in them lol). What remnants of Xerxian culture are still around, influencing Amestris today?
Maybe this is why I also adore the Ishvalan Ed and Al AUs! The idea of them reconnecting with something that is irrevocably a part of them really just picks at my brain.
Another thing I think about is, while Xerxes is extinct, surely not all Xerxians were in Xerxes when the circle was activated?? Do you think that Ed or Al have ever locked eyes with someone on the street and been shocked to see their same golden color staring back at them?
And what about the language? One of my favorite headcanons is that Ed and Al learned how to read Xerxian when they were young because their main source of reading material was from Hoho's library— and how were they supposed to know that wasn't Amestrian??? Self-conscious explores this concept in really fun way!
while I'm reccing fics lmao I've also been meaning to read My Master Ed which I think Rain suggested a little bit ago. The fic i untie my hair (it unleashes the day) is also a really cute one-shot of Hohenheim teaching Ed how to take care of his hair!
also the xerxians totally loved cats and you can't convince me otherwise
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