#also tbh ive kinda been stalling and i Will be late even if i left right this second (&im not dressed)
sweetsweetloverlover · 8 months
shld i. skip class today
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crimsonsalutations · 6 years
When I first came into Overwatch , I thought a lot of the characters were pretty fucking terrifying and was wondering lil old Soldier 76 was any special, he didn't seem THAT terrifying compared to like Reaper or Doomfist. Sat down and watched his short, like actually watched it And I take it back. Man fucking bashed someone's head with a piñata and a whole lot more. Holy fuck.
he’s a good boy. a bit angery and a bit sad. but good.
& tbh same. i never really liked or cared about him much when i first started out. he seemed boring. which… is part of his appeal i guess? in ovw you got time travelers and smoke monsters and dj revolutionaries and whatever the fuck sym is, and then. there’s jack. just a dude with a gun that’s Trying His Best. & despite not having a gimmick he’s still one of the best fighters in the game, if you rank them by in-universe abilities. dude’d come out near the top just by the boon of his decades of experience alone.
also i think jack’s One Of the scariest most intimidating characters in the game simply because he doesnt really care if you’re scared. you know reaper’s got his long coat and his mask and his creepy one-liners– he wants you to be scared. and doomfist isnt so much creepy as he is intimidating. he know’s he’s hot shit w that big ass fist, talking about evolution and the world living up to his standards. he’s powerful, he knows it and he wants you to know it too.
jack dont care. he doesnt care if you’re scared or intimidated or unimpressed or amused by him. he’ll beat your face into the ground either way. man has no dignity left in him. Only Rage.
Also. He had to have had fucking booked the shit to get to that kid when they threw the grenade. Fuck. And I’m not so sure, but did he hesitate running to her or was it more of a hesitation if he could get there in time?
he’s a very fast boy! i think i looked at that once a while ago when watching hero, but i think there was a pretty big damn gap between himself and alejandra. dude can move seriously fast. he even had enough time to remember to protect her head
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(i wuv him)
and im not sure! i mean, the way he glances back at the truck before jumping makes me think the former but i bet the latter was a thought in his head too. funny thing about jack ive noticed lately, but in old soldiers, gabe says jack is ‘always rushing in’ and the fandom just kind of. took his word for it, me included.. . but Hesitation has been an essential part of jack’s character for the longest time & tbh i think That is what makes him a foil to gabe, not a good guy/bad guy thing but a ‘guy that second-guesses himself’/’a guy that doesnt’.
i mean. we see jack hesitate in hero, before he chooses to save alejandra. you can see after the grenade was thrown he was originally going to go after the truck, then hesitated, stalled a second, and turned around to save alejandra
in uprising you see him originally say that there’s nothing he can do, then instead of going to immediately talk to director petras, he hesitates and goes to talk to angela and winston, then lena, and then he changes his mind.
in retribution he does the same. he tells gabe that he’ll do a stupid by-the-book investigation, then gabe argues that it wont work, and then jack hesitates and gives him his unofficial permission to fuck shit up
even in the fucking junkenstein comic, after gabe scares reinhardt into passing out, everyone else starts talking to gabe (or taking pictures in ana’s case) but jack doesnt really react to any of it and stares down at reinhardt (jack voice: dude are you okay)
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old soldiers is the only time you dont really see jack like. think. even in Hero he takes the sneaky route when beating up those los mueros dudes. im guessing he was so out of whack because he just realized that ana was alive/heard gabe’s voice for the first time in 5 years and just kinda hopped in dick first
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anyways im done rambling about jack now and i close w this pic bc its cute
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