#also thank you for requesting big windup - i honestly wasn't expecting anyone to and it made my day!
intheticklecloset · 3 months
HI!! Oh my gosh this new prompt idea is so cute and fun!! I’d absolutely love something for Abe and Mihashi with 🫐 & 🏕️💖💖💖 Hope you’ve been well and as always take all the time you need! (Plus this will help me actually start watching the anime because it’s finally getting warmer outside and I’m in such a soft/baseball mood)
🍋 Lemonade Special Order 🍋
Abe felt a light tickling on the back of his neck and he shot upright with a gasp, slapping his hand over the offending spot and whirling around to look at his friend.
Mihashi was wide-eyed and frozen to the spot, looking like he was just as startled as Abe was.
“Um…a-are you okay? Abe?” the pitcher asked him.
Blinking, Abe decided it must have been a bug, because he was fairly certain Mihashi hadn’t been messing with him. He looked too nervous for that. Plus, he was pretty sure his friend didn’t know how sensitive his neck was, anyway.
“Yeah,” he replied at last, shivering a little, inspecting his hand when he drew it away and finding nothing. “Sorry. Just thought I felt something crawling on me.”
“Oh. I…didn’t see anything,” Mihashi offered.
Abe dared to mess with him. “Were you staring at my neck to know?”
“No! I-I…I just…!”
“Relax, Mihashi, I’m kidding,” Abe chuckled, tossing him the extra pillow he’d brought out here for their mini camping excursion.
It wasn’t really a camping excursion; the two of them had borrowed a tent from Abe’s parents and set it up in his front yard. It was a good way to ease Mihashi into more than just sleeping over without the pressure of actually being away from any adults if he felt like he needed them nearby. They’d still managed to make s’mores (by heating them up in the microwave and then hurrying outside before they cooled down) and they were going to sleep in the tent tonight, but that was pretty much it.
It would do for a first time, Abe figured.
After a couple of moments of silence of the two of them getting their sleeping bags arranged for when they eventually decided to pass out, Abe felt that strange sensation on the back of his neck again, and he gritted his teeth to keep from gasping a second time, scrunching his shoulders as he reached back with more purpose to try and remove whatever was crawling on him.
To his surprise – and slight horror – what he felt instead was not a bug, but a finger.
This time when he whirled around, Mihashi looked guilty.
“You didn’t see anything, huh?” Abe muttered.
The pitcher stammered, “I-It wasn’t me…the first time. But the way you r-reacted, I wondered…I thought, maybe…I wanted to know…”
Abe sighed heavily. “Well, did you get your answer?”
Mihashi nodded, then seemed to hesitate. “Is…is your neck really that ticklish, Abe?”
The catcher blushed before he could even try to fight it off, and he rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not!” Mihashi replied adamantly. “I t-think it’s…um…ah…”
After a moment’s contemplation, Abe shifted so he was facing his friend, clenching his fists in his lap. “Go on. You obviously want to try it.”
A tiny spark of eagerness flickered in his friend’s eyes, and Mihashi tentatively reached forward to drag a single fingertip down Abe’s neck. The catcher sucked in a breath and willed himself to stay still, but as soon as the pitcher added the other fingers and scribbled, he lost his willpower and broke into a string of giggles, wrenching away from him.
“That’s…kind of f-fun, Abe,” Mihashi told him quietly, nervously.
Abe blushed again, but smirked. “Fun, huh? Is your neck ticklish, Mihashi?”
The two of them ended up giggling a lot together that night before sleep finally overtook them.
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