#also that humans can manipulate the body by doing stuff to or removing organs? thats really cool
simptasia · 1 month
i have low opinions of the medical system but i respect the fuck outta 1. surgeons and 2. people who know how to work the machinery
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shiggycore · 5 years
im going 2 rewrite my two quirk ideas so i have them down somewhere. ive talked about them b4 a lot in the past so if you have been following me 4 a while u might remember these???? anyways the two quirk ideas are internal rapturing and purpose manipulation. putting it under read more bc shes a long one lol
edit: i removed read more bc i realized my blog isnt user freindly nd its hard to read on there sry for long post ahead 
if u read this pls give me ur thoughts nd criticisms !! i wanna improve these quirks i just dont know how to! 
I was thinking internal rapturing could be a villian quirk? since its a pretty gorey one and i doubt UA would allow students with partularily deadly quirks to join since well, people could die. Plus the enterance exams wouldnt even allow someone with that type of quirk to even pass, or even if they do pass because of pure strength, they will never get the chance to show off their quirk since its so deadly and gorey.
Anyways, internal rupturing is exactly what it sounds like????  its kind of like shigaraki quirk in that you cannot turn it off, and there isnt a way to reverse it once its been put to use. basically, if you have this quirk, anything you touch (Assuming its a living thing with like flesh and bones nd stuff) (it doesnt work on nonliving things or plants) will like basically melt. BUT like, only on the inside. so like if your fighting this dude nd they touch u, almost instantly ur insides turn to mush and you die and all thats left is a pile of skin and hair with melted human goo everywhere. its so gross. i love it. its literally disgusting. despite the fact you cant turn it off or reverse it, you can focus it to a certain part of someones body. so like if you get touched by the quirkholder of this quirk, you are not always going to be a dead man. if you have this quirk and you just focus your thinking to a certain part of someones body, you can only mess them up in that body part. however if you dont focus your mind, then like they just die. its so gruesome nd icky nd i love it. 
the next quirk,purpose manipulation. that could be either a hero or a villain quirk ngl. its pretty versatile nd it mostly depends on the quirk holder themselves and not so much the quirk. 
basically this quirk gives the quirkholder the ability to change what something is meant to do. this could mean you can change what organic or inorganic matter can do or was originally made to do. in my case, its either or. like you can either change organic matter only or change only inorganic matter. but like TECHNICALLY this quirk could work for both at once but then thats just going to be too OP imo....
the best way 2 explain this quirk is like how my man edward elric was change his automail into like anything he wants rly ? thats basically this. like if you touch yourself or someone else, you can change what that body part is supposed to do. you can change it in minor ways, like making yourself stronger by adding more muslce or making someone weaker by taking away muscle. but you can also shape shift parts of your body or other parts of other peoples bodies. 
this could also would on quirks, though maybe for the sake of this character it wouldnt be like dang...op much? but IF it could work on quirks, it would give the quirkholder the ability to change how someone elses quirk would work. of course it would be hard to do this on people whos quirks have long range attacks because in order for this quirk to even work you have to be able to touch the other person. 
this quirk could ALSO work in a more...abstract way? in which instead of phsycial changes or changes to inorganic things, you can have the ability to change someones outcome. its like if nighteye had a second part of this quirk, one where he can see future outcomes and one part where he could change it. though this would be a hard quirk to write if this was the case because then the character would have to know premptively how something will work and then change it before. becuse you cant change the past unless it has time traveling properties????? but thats....too much....nd its hurting my head.
anyways i think this is all i have for these quirks right now. sorry for long post lol im jsut rly bnha on main rn 
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