#also that in the post's text was a rhetorical question if it wasn't clear i don't expect any actual answers
drysauce · 2 years
oh no my friend wants to read orv at some point in the future how do i stop her
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victorscanero · 6 years
Felt every little thing // chapter 1
Cyrus has spent every afternoon by himself for deep fear of upsetting one of the two girls.
they were both in the midst of an argument which meant they pretend they're not in an argument but refuse to be in the same room together until someone finally snaps.
It was Friday afternoon and the spoon seemed less vibrant than the Friday before. He started to notice a lot of older people were there “is it always like this?” He wondered looking through the menu even though he already knew he wasn't going to order anything else.
He felt someone sit down in front of him he looked up to see none other than Amber Kippen. “Hey” she said it wasn't weird for amber to make small talk when he came in she did it every Friday. “What's that?” she asked gesturing to the book he didn't realize was tightly gripped in one of his hands. “ “oh uh it's just a book on the great depression.” Cyrus loved reading about things most kids wanted to leave in the classroom.
To his surprise, after Amber got a better look at the books’ cover her eyes lit up “I LOVE THAT BOOK!” she said “My brother owns it, He kind of forces me to read all of his history books.” She lightly laughed. Cyrus didn't know which was more shocking, that Amber had a sibling or that she had a sibling who forced her to read his history books.
“You have a brother? How old is he?”
“He is 16 like me, we are actually twins but he failed 8th grade so he is in your grade you might know him his name is T.J.” she said helping herself to another baby tater.  “yeah I know him” he said shifting uncomfortably thinking about the whole year of 7th grade “oh no” she sighed “what did he do?” she had a worried look on her face “Nothing to me personally but it was in 7th grade and people can change right?” I gave a half smile before offering her the last baby tater to which she refused.
“He really has.” she said “ We were going through back then. He is a totally different person now, so am I” she smiled
That last part was true she has changed alot since she was a freshman. Cyrus wasn't sure at the time why she was trying to convince him that T.J. was a good guy but the topic of T.J. Kippen changed to random stuff and they ended up finding out that they had lots in common besides a dislike for know it all parents. It made cyrus feel better to know that he had another friend besides Andi and Buffy. As time went on it was almost 8:30 which meant the spoon was getting ready to close shortly.
“Hey I don't know if you'd be interested but when I get home I'm going to watch this documentary on the worst U.S presidents if you wanted to join it would be really fun” she smiled “but you totally don't have to” she quickly added
“I would be an idiot not to join.” he said
They stopped walking when they reached a small dark green house with a deep red door it reminded Cyrus of Christmas, there was even a tree that resembled a christmas tree in their yard.
He noticed there were no cars in her driveway “Do your parents care that I'm here?” He asked stepping inside their home and instantly getting hit with a wave of warmth and the smell of vanilla. “My parents are out of town so it seemed easier not too, you know how older people get with the opposite gender friends.” she said going up the steps.
Oh boy did he know... “All four of my parents are still convinced I like either buffy or Andi, so yeah I think I can understand.” Amber laughed “you're so easy to talk to”
Moments of silence passed as Amber set up the tv. Cyrus could tell she was in deep thought but right as he was about to ask she spoke up
“Can I tell you something?” they were sitting on the floor criss cross “Is this a secret?” Cyrus asked scooting closer “yeah, my biggest secret matter of fact.” she laughed nervously looking to the side.
There was another moment of silence and cyrus watched as Amber pulled on the loose ends of her sweater. “you don't have to tell me if you're not ready amber” he gave her an encouraging smile but was worried she would share something that she wasn't ready to share.
“Maybe it would be easier if I just showed you.” She said getting up and grabbing her phone
“Cyrus?” she said as she typed in something.
“I have a crush on this person” she gave him her  phone and cyrus furrowed his eyebrows, looking up to her obviously confused suddenly,  Realisation hit cyrus as he finally said
“you like Andi” releasing a breath he didn't realize he was holding “that's great” he smiled “did you miss the part where she is dating my ex” she joked “ooo yeah you're right I'm sorry that's terrible” he grimaced “so,, you like girls?” Cyrus asked “well I like Andi and she's a girls.” She laughed “I'm kidding i know what you mean your asking if i like girls specifically right?” She asked “yeah, not that you have to know but do you know?” Cyrus felt strange being the one someone was coming out to but it made him happy to know that one of his friends liked the same gender even if he wasn't quite ready to tell her yet, it was nice to know she will be supportive when he does.
“My crush on iris and Andi is 100x stronger than any crush I have had on any guy. I think I just date guys because I can, as bad as it sounds and it's what most people expected me to do”  she shrugged “it's not like the guys i dated cared much for me either so I wasn't exactly leading them on, well besides jonah but that whole relationship was a mess from the start I just didn't want to be alone” she laughed and cyrus began to notice she laughed every time she said something heavy
“I had a crush on Jonah back in 7th grade and i dated iris so I think I know what you mean” cyrus smiled he didn't realize exactly what he was saying until he was saying until he saw the look on amber's face “You like guys?”
“Well i liked jonah and he is a guy so...” he mocked causing Amber to lightly hit his arm
“Yeah, I'm gay. I really didn't expect to come out to anyone tonight but I'm glad I did.” “same” she smiled “so… movie time?” Amber picked up the pillows off her bed “Movie time.” cyrus said grabbing one and putting it on the floor beside hers.
They were in an hour and 30 minutes into the movie when the door opened causing them both to scream and the person walking in jumped back “Jeez what are you watching?” he said walking towards the tv “Really” he deadpanned
“Hey politics are scary!” Amber defended picking the popcorn bowl up to T.J. offering him some to which  “who's this and does mom know he is here?” he said bitterly not taking his eyes off of cyrus “Does mom and dad know you were smoking with reed and lester?.” Amber rhetorically asked ignoring his question.
“How did you know that? Did Reed ask you to come again? you know he is always hitting on you and it's really annoying” he shook his head
Amber raised her eyes “Anyways to answer your question on how I knew; you definitely covered the smell of it but, considering you hate the smell of axe body spray and reed baths in it I put two and two together.
Amber noticed cyrus shift uncomfortably “Anyways we have a movie to finish so get out” she said “I don't know” T.J. jumped on the bed “I do love this movie” he said looking at cyrus who couldn't see T.J. because he had his eyes set on another part of the room.
Amber sighed knowing exactly what he was doing “fine you can stay but this is cyrus” she said making cyrus turn around at the sound of his name “hm? Oh yeah that's me” he laughed awkwardly “T.J.” he said “you’re in 10th grade right?” he asked making cyrus’ face fall but only for a second
He had many classes with T.J. since 8th grade and bullied his best friend in 7th and he really has to ASK if he was in 10th.
“Yeah we also have history and english literature  together.” cyrus said annoyance clear in his voice “oh, sorry.” T.J. said (he wasn't) he was a basketball star, he thought. it's not his fault he doesn't remember everybody's names.
Truth is T.J. has changed but coming home from Reed's house where all he did was listen to Reed talk about how everyone wants to date his sister while he was high to coming home to a boy and Amber being alone unsupervised isn't exactly how he wanted his night to go. He has seen this movie over a billion times and didn't care to see it again but, it would be a cold day in hell before he left them alone together.
Amber noticed cyrus shift uncomfortably “Anyways we have a movie to finish so get out” she said “I don't know” T.J. jumped on the bed “I do love this movie” he said looking at cyrus who couldn't see T.J. because he had his eyes set on another part of the room.
Amber sighed knowing exactly what he was doing “fine you can stay but this is cyrus” she said making cyrus turn around at the sound of his name “hm? Oh yeah that's me” he laughed awkwardly “T.J.” he said “you’re in 10th grade right?” he asked making cyrus’ face fall but only for a second
He had many classes with T.J. since 8th grade and bullied his best friend in 7th and he really has to ASK if he was in 10th.
“Yeah we have history and english literature  together.” cyrus said annoyance clear in his voice “oh, sorry.” T.J. said (he wasn't) he was a basketball star, he thought. it's not his fault he doesn't remember everybody's names.
Truth is T.J. has changed but coming home from Reed's house where all he did was listen to Reed talk about how everyone wants to date his sister while he was high to coming home to a boy and Amber being alone unsupervised isn't exactly how he wanted his night to go. He has seen this movie over a billion times and didn't care to see it again but, it would be a cold day in hell before he left them alone together.
“If your going to watch it with us go change the axe spray is giving me a headache” Amber said turning around to face the tv.
“Fine but text Reed. nothing weird,  just something to get him off of my back about setting you up with him maybe tell him to back off or something.” he said walking out of ambers room, leaving the door open.
Amber picked up her phone and sent a quick text to Reed.“Hey, next time you smoke with my brother PLEASE don't bathe him in axe… thanks!!”
Cyrus, who was looking over her shoulder chuckled “you're crazy” he shook his head “we been knew.”
Amber put her phone down and grabbed a handful of popcorn “Get some popcorn let's try to catch it in eachothers mouth!” she said turning towards him criss cross.
“Me and T.J. use to do this all the time when we were kids it would drive my mom crazy because i would always miss.” Amber said “I see your aim hasn't gotten any better” T.J. said from the doorway making cyrus and amber look that way “stop criticizing me we have a movie to finish” amber said
Cyrus looked at the time “Actually,, I have to leave my mom told me to be home by 10:00 and if I make her break shabbat to call me because she's worried all four of my parents will have my head.” Cyrus noticed T.J. make a face but brushed it off
“Aw okay well are you busy tomorrow?” Amber asked getting up to walk cyrus out the door “No, do you want to do something?” Cyrus asked “yeah that would be fun. I'll text you later.” Cyrus gave her a hug and walked out the door.
“So is he the new victim?” T.J. asked making Amber jump “How long have you been there?” She said walking in the kitchen. “I followed you guys but silence speaks volumes.” he was sitting on the counter and when amber got her juice she did the same.
“Silence doesn't speak anything it's silence! But, if you must know, I don't like Cyrus.” She said “Does cyrus know you don't like Cyrus? He seemed pretty into you as soon as I said i was staying he had to leave.” He said with a stern look on her face “you got to be careful ambs guys are vouchers” he said
“I guess it's a good thing I don't like guys then.” she let slip “what?” T.J. asked “I just mean I guess it's good that I don't like any guys at the moment” by the look on T.J.’s face she could tell he wasn't convinced and she couldn't wait to tell this story to cyrus.
Thankfully T.J. dropped the discussion but once more said Cyrus liked her which almost made amber laugh knowing that they were both GAAAAY gay GAY.
A/n in this fic all of Cyrus’ parents participate in shabbat and encourage him to completely but make it his choice I'm not even sure if all of his parents are Jewish but it just worked out better this way. plus, No one talks about Cyrus being Jewish in fics so this should be a nice change.If you’re confused by the ages and grades Cyrus is 16 and T.J. is 16 and everyone is in 10th grade besides Amber who is in 11th grade
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