#also the bit with ralsei might kinda depend on how you view it(?) but you get what i mean right
skelesharky · 1 year
i want Gaster to canonically kind of suck. good intentions. but he goes about it in all the wrong ways, or ways that end up hurting someone else. the way he talks about our creation at the vessel segment makes me think he's genuinely not some mustache-twirling villain. he wants to make things right, despite the likely unforeseen consequences of his actions. creating a whole other world inside this one, where it's inhabitants are heavily reliant on those they see as higher beings and have little autonomy. breaking the minds of at least 7 of those beings that would end up becoming secret bosses. potentially having a part in taking a child's autonomy away, for the sake of saving the world. even possibly leaving a different child, in the image of his boss' kid from another world; who seems to hardly value himself or have much of an identity beyond just being a "guide" for the heroes he's so eager to please when we first meet him. he's striving to fix the future of the fucked up little reality he made, but ends up harming those inside anyways, regardless of if he means to, and i kind of hope it's a recurring theme.
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