#also the first pic is a screenshot of a very nice gif set made by tumblr user jeffreycombs
harrythekingofcamp · 5 years
#LateLateStyles with (Y/N)
Hey, so I made this one shot ages ago because of #LateLateStyles which I published on Wattpad. Decided to post it here as well. xx enjoy (If anyone's reading it nway)
PS: Please bear with me on my grammar bc english isn’t my first language
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You and Harry were known to be great friends when he started his music career and you on acting and there was always a rumor that you and him were dating because you were always seen with him.
Whether its late night in the club, a lunch at the finest dining restaurant or even each others date on a award show or premiere night. But you both don't confirm it and dont talk about it making it a bit awkward for both of you especially when paps straight up ask you about it.
You always had this thing for Harry and you were always inconsistent that he has feelings for you too, since you always see him with some model or rumored to be dating with other girls. (Kendall Jenner was out of the rumors since you knew she was with somebody else and they were just great friends since you and her were also friends)
You were aware that Harry was on the Late Late Night with James Corden all week as he told you when you were talking in the phone. (You didn't have time to catch up personally since he's been having shows for his debut album and you were busy on a new movie) and surprisingly, he and James Corden (Who was also a really good friend of yours back from Harry's hometown, Cheshire) invited you over the show as a guest. As usual, both of you and Harry's fans have been dying to see the premiere of the show since they released the teaser.
And now, you were in the studio. 5 minutes before the show starts and you were with your assistant who has been gushing and teasing you about Harry for almost an hour.
The first segment of the show is you and Harry in the monologue that was usually done with James.
"Okay (Y/N), Get ready for your queue with Harry." The organizer calls out on you and you give him a thumbs up and went behind the curtain where you meet the suit claded man who was already smirking at you.
"You look sexy-- ow!"
"Stop Harold. Be professional for once- but thank you," you stuck your tongue at him after slightly slapping him in the shoulder.
"All the way from Cheshire and Wolverhampton England.. Give it up for your hosts, Harry Styles and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" A loud applaud was heard and you put on my greatest smile and I saw him smile, a cheeky one.
The curtain opened and you walked with a little bit of dance with Harry making you giggle with him as he continues to dance.
The music stopped and the audience calmed a bit and Harry started his queue.
"Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to the Late Late Show! We have a good one for you tonight, I'm joined with my good ol' friend, the ever so beautiful, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" He looked at me with a smile and you poked him in the cheek and laughed a little which made the audience cheered again.
"I know! We look good together but calm down." Harry jokes making the audience laugh a little and calmed a bit after.
"A little more! A little more!" He ushers the audience making you playfully glare at him your hands in your waist.
"What?" He mouths jokingly at me and you shake your head at him, waiting the audience to finish the cheer.
"Calm down people!" You joke and eventually the audience calmed down and you started your queue.
"Today we'll be doing what we usually do, we'll talk about the news!" you air quoted the usually part and laughed a bit.
The monologue finished afterwards and you, Harry and James were getting ready for the next one, the talk.
The director made the queue pointing out 3 fingers one by one and James spoke afterwards.
"Welcome back to the Late Late Show, we're joined again with Mr. Harry Styles and the iconic Ms. (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" you smile at the audience and waved a little.
James started to ask questions about Harry which you made a few comments now and then. After a while, it was your part of the questions.
"So (Y/N), I heard you accepted a new project, a movie to be exact." James tells you holding his cards.
"Yeah, It was last week when I heard of the project and the plot is amazing, I know everybody was going to love it. I can't say anything about it yet but yeah, we started shooting a couple days ago at New York." you gleefuly answered, it was nice being back at the big screen again as you can say so yourself
"Well you heard her folks, she's shooting at New York go and barge her there" James jokes making the audience laugh at him, "And I also heard you invited Mr. Styles over here to the set of the movie aswell,"
The screen showed some pics of me and Harry. Me on getting ready to act one of my first scene and him at the back of the set watching me holding my phone.
"And Mr. Styles here also posted on instagram a picture of you goofing around the set.." The screen shows a screenshot of Harry's post in Instagram of me candidly took when you were goofing around the directors camera.
"Hey! I told you to delete that picture" I cringe at him and he just raises his arms in defense laughing afterwards.
"Well as we're on the subject about you and Styles here." James pauses for a minute because the audience cheered especially the fangirls, "After 3 long years, you were always both seen with each other and even I myself is confused of what is your status together--" the audience cheered again
James was about to speak when one of the fangirls screamed "They're my parents, mate!!" Which you guys bursts into laughter.
Your cheeks blushed a little while Harold smirks after answering, "What's our status you say? I guess the whole world just gonna have to find out for themselves" He jokes and winks after.
"Yeah, we're never gonna tell you and you- yes you watching there, I'm not telling you one bit." you point at the camera which made the audience laugh. You and Harry did a high five after.
James changes the topic and goes on to Harry's Album
"So (Y/N), Styles mentioned on a Radio Show that you were one of the first people to hear Harry's Album with her mother Anne, stepfather Robin, and her sister Gemma-- Which one is your favorite?" He asks you teasingly knowing that he knew and obviously the whole world knows that Harry wrote a song about you and it was Only Angel.
"Oh cut the farts--" you start to defend yourself but Harry stiffles a giggle
"Farts? Really (Y/N)?" He teases you which you roll my eyes at him and he pretended to wince holding his heart dramatically.
"Well what's your favorite then?" James asks me again.
"Fine! Only Angel!" you give up and the audience laughed and cheered.
"So since that song is your favorite you say, I have these queue cards that has the lyrics on it-"
"Oh God." you say as you and Harry both blush and face palm.
"Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door." He reads the lyrics out loud.
"I honestly don't know-" You reasoned but he cuts you off.
"You cant fool me (Y/N)," The audience laughs, "Harry, do the honors"
"Well, I think it's because we shared a house before my music and her acting career."
He nods, "Sure it's not something else?" He adds teasingly.
You just looked at each other and laughed.
"Couldn't take you home to Mother in a skirt that short but I think that's what I like about it." He reads again making you slap Harold in the arm playfully.
"Well.." Harry explains with a little smirk in the end making you glare at him, "I took her to Cheshire one time and it was summer so.. she kept insisting on wearing a skirt because it was  summer and all and it was hot and yeah I joked at her that I couldn't take her home to my mum with that skirt because trust me, its really short." He tells and widened his eyes and shooked his head several times. Making James and the audience laugh at his reaction and making you blush slightly.
"I'm never gonna wear a skirt again without thinking of those lyrics" You say with a groan making the audience laugh.
"And lastly.. My favorite lyrics of Only Angel" He laughs after, knowing you and Harry knows whats the next lyrics.
"When it turns out she's a devil in between the sheets" He sings this part making you slap Harry again and again.
He just laughs at you and pleads for you to stop, "Why do you have to put that in your song?" you whine hiding the fact that you're blushing intensively.
"Well-- It is true!" He says which made James burst into laughter and also the audience at the innuendo.
"Explain then Harold" He says to him playfully throwing the cards away.
"Okay okay-- so when me and (Y/N) go to clubs, we were always very drunk to drive and go home so it was a routine that we go to one of the nearest hotels and sleep- WE HAVE DIFFERENT ROOMS EVERYONE-" He cuts himself and tells them that to stop the audience from assuming, which made the people laugh and you nod your head agreeing with a giggle, "And at the time (Y/N) was dating someone" he air quotes someone knowing it was the fling you had with Dave Franco (Yes, a little bit old for me) "And I was sobering myself up before going to sleep when I heard squeals and bangs on the other side of the wall and so I assume-"
"HE THOUGHT WRONG OKAY?" You defend yourself making you sip on some coffee that was on the table.
"Yeah and I made a joke about it the day after." He says making you glare at him.
"Don't be defensive (Y/N)- youre making yourself obvious" Harry tells you loudly. But again, you roll your eyes at him.
"And obviously for the title, Only Angel it was quite obvious." James lastly tells both of you.
"(Y/F/N), my only one Victoria's Secret Angel" He blurts out with a cheeky smile. Referencing the time that you joined the Victoria's Secret fashion show last year.
You blush again and laugh trying to hide that red of a face of yours.
"Okay and that was Ms. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Mr. Styles ladies and gentleman-" James continues on his outro for the episode while you and Harry smile at the audience.
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"It runs on nothing but dreams and jazz music. Love too..."
The best time of the year is finally upon us! Yup, talking about Halloween, which I celebrate by packing every single available moment with scary movies. Also, scary video games. Alas, because I’m not much of a PC person (yet), I haven’t had a chance to play FAITH…
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Yet I am a total fanboy of the PS2, hence why I’ve expressed my fondness for Haunting Ground quite a few times already…
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I’m also quite familiar with Simple 2000 Series Vol. 113: The Tairyou Jigoku...
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BTW, though last two are courtesy of obscurevideogames, which has been posting gifs from various obscure video games indeed, which also happen to be horror related all month long. Like Twilight Syndrome: Saikai/Reunion, a title I’ve yet to experience, despite being a total fanboy of the PSone as well...
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Late to the party I know, but I only just became acquainted with Mason Lindroth and basically want him to do the graphics for all the games...
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Something that’s somewhat along the same lines, kinda/sorta, is Middens (via koldspaghetti)...
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Remember Gacha Man, one of SPLENDID LAND’s hand crafted robot masters? Guess what; the collection is finally complete…
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My fave would have to be (and not just because he reminds of Soundwave) SLN-014 Cassette Man: “by playing different music tapes, his abilities change. he mostly listens to the same few songs over and over though”...
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I also dig the redesign of Mega Man himself…
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If Splatoon was on the GBA, this is what it would look like, according to suzi-hhh...
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It’s somewhat old news, and to be honest, I’m not exactly blown away by them, but for those who missed it and might be interested, behold a Super Famicom Mini-tie in shirt from the King of Games...
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The love for the Super Fami is very strong in Japan, and miki800 recently posted a roundup of various goods. With the most interesting being what appears to be a book…
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… Which as it turns out is just a blank notebook. But hey, that means you finally have something to write high scores into, given that all the instruction manuals are digital! Never mind the save function on the Super Fami Mini/SNES Classic.
miki800 also recently visited an insanely super awesome looking store. My fave bits would have to be the bootleg AM2 hat…
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The Super Girl Boy shirt…
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The handmade Space Invader…
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And this off brand Lego set (I wonder what that particular Soundwave toy is all about)...
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Speaking of threads, I have a new fave Tumblr that’s simply calls itself Video Game Jackets. Here we have Naoto Ohshima‏’s Sonic Jacket...
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Then there’s this Darius jacket…
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… which is available at Taito’s just opened barcade, MEGARAGE.
And speaking of large fish, arcadephile has a pic of Stephen Spielberg and an arcade game that’s not officially based on Jaws though its source of inspiration is unmistakable...
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Mysterious0bob has this noteworthy observation when it comes to Cuphead...
“So everyone knows about the Gunstar Heroes references in Cuphead but I can’t help but feel this boss is a reference to The Adventures of Batman & Robin on the Sega Mega Drive. Its at very least a huge coincidence.

It's not too clear in these screenshots but they have the exact same method of attacking as well (minus the summoning of ghost mice).“
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... BTW, I chose a different, higher quality image for Batman & Robin (hope Mysterious0bob doesn’t mind).
Please enjoy this very nice Nier sketch, by Mira Ong Chua…
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Along with some Nier… school fashion? By @cyocyo_tasaka, via aku-no-homu…
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And here’s a nice Metal Gear Solid fan art, by Justin Currie, via gamefreaksnz…
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An illustration by Danny Hellman for New York Press from back in the day (it, along with Screw, basically kept local cartoonists afloat during the late 80s to early 2000s), depicting the infamous first release from Ice T’s hardcore band Body Count (which was also the first CD I ever purchased)...
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I guess this is a loosely translated Metroid 4koma... or is it poorly (via tabletorgy-art)?
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You know how horrible the Secret of Mana remake looks? Whomever should just get the person who did this re-imagining of Chrono Trigger...
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Also thanks to arcade-crusade, I now really want a clear DS...
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Am not entirely sure what I’m seeing here; a Game Gear running MSX games (via sixteen-bit)?
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doctorbutler wonders who did this Street Fighter x Beavis & Butthead mash-up and I too would like to know!
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Though the identity of the artist responsible for arguably be the most famous SF2 illustration is well known: Kinu Nishimura. And here’s the WIP version, via videogamesdensetsu...
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Sticking with VGD for a sec; say hello to the women of Renai Kōza Real Age...
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I also respect any game that has the guts to not bother putting the title on its cover…
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From 2D to 3D, here we have the evolution of the Virtua Fighters...
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Again, this will be old news to some, but for everyone else, it was recently discovered what Yoshi originally looked like in Super Mario World…
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There's apparently a dedicated tool that's just for watching the pre-rendered backgrounds in Silpheed?
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And sticking with shmups, ship designs for the rather obscure (and super ambitious) Philosoma…
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Any opportunity to post Vic Viper fan art is one I am all too happy to utilize... 
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Also via the Tumblr that lives up to its namesake is some laserdisc based title starring a ship that I am absolutely in love with...
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Here’s the back, btw…
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And here’s a rather mysterious flyer…
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Equally cryptic is this… I honestly don’t know (via strawberrytabasco)....
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[UPDATE: 10/15/17] The mystery has been solved, courtesy of mendelpalace...
“Yo! Just wanted to tell you that the "Blipverts" image from that post you made is related to Max Headroom, a cyberpunk TV show from the 80s. The first episode was called Blipverts, and dealt a TV station making high speed commercials condensed into a few seconds, which have a side effect of making some people's heads explode.”
Heading towards the left is what appears to be a Japanese high school student being followed by what appears to be a ghost in what appears to be a Game Boy Color game (via corporalsteiner)...
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[UPDATE: 10/16/17] Actually, according to lunaticobscurity...
“that's no ghost, it's lum from the early 80s anime urusei yatsura!“.
And heading towards the right is quite obviously the dude from Altered Beast, corrupted (via corruptionasart)...
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Time for another animated gif featuring a giant spider, but also time for another animated gif from Sin & Punishment (via n64thstreet)…
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It’s also time, especially since it's been a while, for some video games x cats (via tokkeki)...
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Time to wrap things up with a scary story, since again, tis the Halloween season. And the following is a truly horrific tale, one that will send chills down the spines of anyone… who is into preserving old arcade cabinets…
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Though the spirits of the past remain with us nevertheless… in the form of cheesy store displays (via arcadezen)...
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Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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