#also the mention of zodiac always fuckin throws me bc i was a home.stuck kid
toxichem · 1 year
name / alias: lily !
birthday: jan 29th
zodiac sign: aquarius
height: 5'7
hobbies: video games, roleplay, writing, knitting, crochet, painting my nails-
favorite color: pastel pink, black, gray
favorite book: can't pick one
last show: demon slayer ( i'm making my boyfriend watch it with me )
recent read: uhhhhhh coraline? bc i'm not counting the fics i read
sources of inspiration: valorant... and my adoration for snarky characters
story behind url: toxic chemicals, toxichem, because she's a chemist, whose schtick is toxins. she makes toxins and is a chemist. toxic chemicals. do you ge-
Tagged by: @hellfirecascade Tagging: anyone who wants to ( by now, anyone i'd likely tag has been and anxiety refuses to let me multi-tag folks )
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