#also the other italian boy that i'm talking to aka my sweet italian friend isn't actually italian so his name isn't even italian fkfjksjf
stormyoceans · 2 years
Hehe, I will oblige: top 5 Vegas and Pete moments like it could be Vegaspete as a couple or them separately and if you want a non-KP ask: top 5 beverages?
I'm melting under this heat also, your thoughts would be a welcomed comfort!
THIS IS SO SWEET 🥺 and this heat really is unbearable, so please make sure to stay hydrated!!!
i already answered my top 5 vegaspete moments as a couple here, so im gonna go with my favorite scenes of them as characters!! (i wanted to make gifs too but it would take me ages to do them, i hope it's okay anyway ;;;;;;;)
1. pete smiling as he's about to get tortured by vegas in episode 10. that's my unhinged little boy who laughs at death in the face and will make the devil fall in love with him HE'S TRULY THE MOST CHARACTER OF ALL TIME.
2. pete resigning in episode 14. god this is such a MOMENT, because yeah, this is pete choosing vegas, but it's also pete choosing himself, choosing to put his mask down for good, to finally put his own needs above anyone else's and be true to his feelings. this is the culmination of pete's journey as a character and it's so satisfying to watch.
3. pete fighting porsche and then volunteering to go to the minor family's house to clean up porsche's name because pete trusts him in episode 10. JUST PETE BEING THE MOST COMPETENT BADASS he will do his job and won't let his emotions get in the way of work, but then he will go and sacrifice himself at the altar for the same friend he had to fight just minutes ago. THE MOST!!!!!! CHARACTER!!!!!!
4. pete speaking up for porsche's sake and telling kinn he has to be patient and calm with porsche in episode 5. like.. he didn't have to say that!!!! he answered kinn's questions and kinn was leaving, he could have left it at that, but he knew his friend was suffering so he had to help even if kinn could have punished him for not staying in his place!!!! SOBBING BECAUSE HE IS TRULY THE BEST OF FRIENDS.
5. pete breaking down at the safe house in episode 13. this is so incredibly painful to watch so i didn't know if it would make the list since there are other moments i adore, but i just love how we finally get to see what pete is truly thinking and feeling.
1. vegas cooking for pete in episode 13 aka the malewification of vegas theerapanyakul. LISTEN. he was just!!!!! so HAPPY to be cooking for pete!!!!! all he wants is to love pete and take care of him and give him everything. MAKES ME INSANE.
2. vegas doing what he does best in episode 10: manipulate manwhore and manslaughter. i feel bad for tawan but the way vegas used him and then got rid of him without blinking an eye is [CHEF'S KISS].
3. everything about vegas in episode 14. LOOK I KNOW THIS IS CHEATING I JUST CANNOT PICK ONLY ONE MOMENT. vegas saying he won't let anyone hurt pete?? vegas sauntering into the main family's house guns blazing?? vegas saying 'but i still can't figure out where to shoot first. head. chest. or the heart.' to kinn?? vegas pointing his gun at pete but then lowering it immediately?? vegas seeing his father dead on the ground?? vegas breaking down?? UGH HE WAS JUST SO GOOD IN THIS EPISODE.
4. vegas saying 'riposa in pace' (rest in peace) to the italian don in episode 7. no this isn't my italian's ass being biased what are you talking about. actually everything about vegas in episode 7 was GREAT too HE NEEDS TO STOP HAVING SO MANY GOOD MOMENTS.
5. vegas bringing the little bag of goodies to pete and pol during their stake out in episode 6. HE IS SUCH A LITTLE SHIT I LOVE HIM (but seriously i love that you can clearly see he has this lighter side of him where he enjoys joking and bickering and messing with people in a more 'innocent' way)
FAVORITE BEVERAGES (yeah im doing this one too sfjksgfj)
1. WATER. i know this is the most boring answer but i truly never appreciated cold water more than in this god damn heat.
2. cappuccino. there are 40 °C outside and i still refuse to give it up.
3. tea. literally any kind of tea. you can have it hot, you can have it cold, and there are so many type you can drink a different one every day.
4. campari spritz. im not really a cocktail kind of gal but in this heat a good spritz is everything.
5. black coffee. look. i got insomnia. a woman gotta stay awake somehow (but i also enjoy the taste and the intricate italian rituals that go with it).
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rylie-studies · 4 years
Hi, rylie!! i'm enjoying the italian boy updates and i wish you all the happiness with him. p.s my name is italian and it means 'bringer of light'. i also share the same name with a small town in italy. i'm curious to know if you can guess what it is? xx
Hey sweet angel!! I’m so glad that you’ve been enjoying the updates, but I don’t know if I’ll be doing more of them just because him and I have settled on just being friends without any romantic feelings whatsoever and it’s really just better that way! I might still do some updates of just sweet moments of gratitude, but definitely no romance because that territory shall not be stepped on kfjdkjsf. Also, omg, I just know that your name is so beautiful already! Italian names, whether they be feminine or masculine, are all so beautiful and mellifluous and I’m in love with so many of them. My favorite Italian name for a boy would probably have to be Lorenzo just because it sounds so charming and so nice! As for a girl, I’m not sure, but I really like Eva or Eleonora. Okay, so I didn’t do any prior research of this at all, but I know that the word luce means light in Italian so I’m gonna guess and say that your name is Lucia? I’ve personally never heard of a small town in Italy called that, but I feel like that’s my best guess. It could also be Luciana? Those are my guesses!! Either way, I just know that your name is gonna be so pretty and melodious to say because Italian names just have that appeal! You’re an angel and I love seeing you on my dash and I was so happy to see this message from you; I hope to hear more from you soon!! 🤍✨
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