#also the random follow up that phil threw his away bc they were too small?? LMAO
dnpbeats · 2 months
i'm so obsessed with dan's fake story about the sonic boxers bc. why add the detail about arguing over who should buy them. it's not like a tshirt or something it's literally boxers. who has ever said "i cant buy the same novelty boxers as my friend"? no one. like it is underwear. unlike 2009-2011 dan howell, most people wear jeans properly and therefore their underwear is hidden. there is not a situation where you'd be like "oh no we're wearing the same boxers one of us needs to change!" that's not a thing. so who cares if you have the same pair. and then to top it all off, his excuse for the babycakes tee is that he didn't want to appear boring by wearing all black so he had to borrow phil's shirt. babe when have you ever given a shit about that. that excuse does not hold up when your entire closet is black. he could have just said "i stayed over at phil's because it was too late for me to go back to my dorm so i had to borrow some clothes the next day." throw in a "i crammed myself on the couch to sleep" for good measure!! it's not that hard
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