#also the segment of using the telephone to direct you to look at a room across the courtyard in the asylum to see sick simon holding up the
hardware-sparks · 11 months
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veworforsale · 2 years
Apple numbers templates relational database
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Unlike the “contact history”, which reflects the past, this section is focused on the future. Some CRMs allow you to predict such probabilities for various marketing tools. For example, what is the probability that he will buy the proposed product or service (just like that or at the promotional price), expressed as a percentage: 10, 20, 30. Analytics on current opportunities (status of the offer) for each specific client. Description of purchases (price and date of purchase) and reactions to offers - what they offered to buy and what was bought from it. Description of communication results and contact person’s notes. Information about who, when and how communicated with the client - dates and tools (phone, email, instant messenger). This usually includes information about who is the main contact person (name) and who else (other names) is involved in making purchasing decisions - what are their roles addresses of client accounts, phone numbers, emails, accounts in social networks, instant messengers and postal addresses. In most cases, this is the following information: In other words, the choice of data to be collected depends on how and for what it will be used. Such a marketer also needs email addresses, a greeting preference (name, dear) and information about what is best to use: html or plain text.Ī senior manager who makes strategic CRM solutions needs a different set of data: target audience, market segmentation, competitor analysis, and more. So, a direct-marketer planning an advertising campaign through an email newsletter will want to learn CTR and CTOR for past advertising campaigns with a division by target market, performer and offer. To answer the question: "What information is needed" best of all will be able people who communicate and interact with customers to service, marketing and sales, as well as those who make strategic decisions in the CRM system. Step 2: Determine Information Requirements The analytical database can be filled from both internal and external sources. OLAP can work with less relevant data, since the information in them is a generalized and restructured part of the OLTP, which is necessary to perform certain analytical tasks. Main characteristics and interrelation of OLTP and OLAP. Information in such databases usually comes from internal sources of the company. OLTPs are designed to quickly deal with small-sized transactions, but with a large flow, so the data in the OLTP must be current and very accurate (quotes on financial markets, invoice status). Operational data is usually stored in databases like OLTP (online transaction processing), analytical data - in databases like OLAP (online analytical processing). a bank employee must check the status of the account in order to find out if the client has reached the credit limit.marketers need customer contact and personal data to do newsletters, run advertising campaigns and conduct surveys.the hotel receptionist needs information about the past activity of the client in order to reserve a room of his preferred type (view from the window, for smokers or non-smokers).a customer support worker needs to access the customer’s transaction records when a telephone request is received.Combined usually use operational and analytical data, for example, in one of the following ways: Strategic use of data about customers, competitors, markets, market offers and other information to determine the target audience and search for the best marketing strategy. Operational CRMs use customer personal data to streamline operations (call-down, email distribution, etc.) Analytical gather information about customer activity for developing contact scenarios and scheduling contacts. There are four types of CRM: operational, analytical, strategic and collaboration.
Today we will look at how to produce such "fuel", that is, how to create a CRM database that will bring profit to your business. In other words, CRM is the sales engine, and the customer database is the fuel that makes it work. With this data, a business can conduct quality marketing campaigns, build loyal relationships with customers and ultimately generate new sales. names of children, pet nicknames, hobbies and other personal data that will help build friendly relations with the client.date of first contact, sale and last conversation.activity records, such as recent visits to the website.contact name, phone number, name and email address, links to accounts on social networks, Skype descriptor.For example, such a database may include the following customer information: A CRM database is all customer information that you collect for use in your customer relationship management (CRM) system.
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ranma-rewatch · 4 years
Episode 9: True Confessions! A Girl's Hair is Her Life!
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Good morning, good evening, and goodnight everybody. Today I’ll be covering the ninth episode of Ranma 1/2, which is also the third episode in Ryoga Hibiki’s introductory arc. I don’t really know what to expect from this one, most of my memories of this arc are from the front half, but I’m interested to see where it went next. Oh, and with this episode I’ll be halfway through the first season! So that’s neat. Well, next paragraph I’ll have rewatched the episodes, so I’ll see you then.
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That was a pretty interesting experience. It really feels like this episode was adapting two different chapters, each with a radically different tone, and together they kind of add up into a good summating of the Ranma 1/2 experience, only missing the acting scenes and love dodecahedron elements to tie it all together.
As you might have expected, this episode begins right where the last one left off, just as one of Ryoga’s weapons chopped off a chunk of Akane’s long hair. At first, she doesn’t react at all, leaving Ranma to feel really bad about it, talking with one of the school girls there about how getting a bad haircut out of nowhere like that would feel terrible for any young woman. This is also when the students realize they don’t know who this red-headed ‘girl’ is, but Ranma tries to change the subject.
Ryoga steps up, not to continue the fight with Ranma, but to point out that at least Akane wasn’t actually injured. Still, Ranma brings up that it still hurts Akane emotionally. They both ask Akane to punch them, to let out any anger she might be feeling. She ends up doing just that before walking away, and it looked to be some damn good punches too. That doesn’t seem to be enough though, as she also shatters a metal telephone pole on her walk home, and in the process realizes she twisted her ankle earlier. Her first instinct is to go and see Dr. Tofu, but she doesn’t want him to see her like this.
Instead, we cut to Akane in her room, remembering why she grew her hair out in the first place. We flash back to Akane as a young kid, fresh from a fight at school, going to see Dr. Tofu. Back then, she had short hair, and it’s clear even then she was fond of the doctor. But the high school age Kasumi shows up, turning Tofu’s brains to mush, and causing him to refer to Akane as a ‘he’. As they walk home together, Kasumi tells her little sister that if she tried to dress less like a boy, maybe people wouldn’t mistake her for one. This leads Akane to think that maybe if she grows her hair as long as Kasumi’s, maybe Dr. Tofu would like her the same way he likes Kasumi.
Coming out of that flashback, Ranma is at Akane’s window, but she doesn’t want to talk to him. Instead, she goes to see Kasumi, who is shocked by what’s happened to her hair. Instead of telling her the truth, Akane just says she messed up cutting it herself, and asks for Kasumi’s assistance in making it even. There’s a brief cutaway of Ryoga trying to head to the Tendo household to fight Ranma, only to be waylaid by an old lady asking for his help.
Sometime later, Ranma is back in his uncursed form, and he learns from Kasumi that Akane is going to Dr. Tofu’s. It’s then that he, and the audience, see Akane with short hair for the first time. Ranma apologizes as hard as he can, but tells him that she’s over it, and that him being nice to her feels weird.
At the clinic, Dr. Tofu is surprised by her short hair as well, but tells her it’s cute, and suits her a lot better than long hair did. As he’s tending to her injury, she starts crying, which turns into sobbing into the doctor’s shoulder as he offers comfort. Afterwards, Akane is heading back home with Ranma, apparently feeling better after crying, and he points out that she got what she wanted: Dr. Tofu said she was cute, right? But Akane says she’s over all of that now.
For reasons that are clearly mysterious and not due to jealousy about some other guy telling Akane her hair was cute first, Ranma makes it clear he likes her shorter hair as well. When she reacts with confusion, wondering if he’s okay if he’s complimenting her like that, Ranma starts to backpedal, before instead doubling down, really telling her it’s cute. She smiles at that, and thanks Ranma even if she might still suspect he doesn’t really mean it. To which, we can hear Ranma’s thoughts, as he is amazed to realize she does genuinely look cute. But while he’s distracted, Akane tips him over into the water.
That’s the end of that part of the story. Next part begins with Ryoga finally reaching the Tendo estate, a week after the previous events happened, in the night, in the rain, using an umbrella to protect himself. When he gets inside the house, he finds Ranma asleep, and tries to wake him up so they can properly fight. Ranma dodges attempts by Ryoga to hit him awake, and when Ryoga tries using shouting to get him up, all he succeeds in doing is instead waking up Ranma’s father in his cursed form, who knocks Ryoga and Ranma outside in annoyance, where the rain triggers Ranma’s curse, and Ryoga is still able to use his umbrella to keep himself dry.
As they prepare to fight, Ryoga finally decides to give Ranma a clue as to why he’s so freaking angry at him: after Ranma missed their duel, Ryoga followed him and his father to China. Ranma quickly puts two and two together, asking Ryoga if he too went to Jusenkyo, if he also has a curse. Meanwhile, Akane and her sisters wake up from the noise, and they assume there’s a prowler around. The other two hide behind Akane, and she throws a dumbbell at who she thinks is an intruder, nailing Ryoga hard enough to make him drop his umbrella. This finally activates his curse, but he scampers before anyone can see what it does to him. All Ranma can find afterwards are his clothes...and a mangy dog not far away.
Back with Akane, she finds an adorable black piglet in her room wearing a yellow and black bandanna that’s soaking wet with cold rain, and takes it downstairs to take care of it. Ranma has assumed the dog he found is Ryoga, but doesn’t want Akane to know that, trying to protect Ryoga’s secret. However, Akane quickly realizes that it’s one of their neighbor’s dogs, and Ranma confirms with hot water that it isn’t Ryoga. Then, as he goes off for a hot bath, Akane passes him the pig, since the animal needs a bath too. Ranma does it, even if he doesn’t like it, but as he finally pushes the resisting animal into the water, Ryoga emerges. Cliffhanger! Again!
Alright, like I said before, this episode is functionally two separate stories glued together, so let’s handle one and then the other. First thing I noted about this episode was that there’s a quick shot of Nabiki looking concerned for Akane after her hair accident. I only point it out because she’s known in the fandom for being fairly ruthless and sociopathic, and this is a moment that kind of goes against that. Nabiki obviously loves money, and can be quite selfish, but she does have some empathy for her baby sister.
I can’t remember if this is exactly the first time in the series thus far attention has been called to Ranma’s curse kind of giving him a weird secret identity issue with his schoolmates in general, but it is at least the first time it’s been given as much focus as it was at the start of this episode.
This is also where Ryoga starts getting some more shades to his character. From what we’ve seen of him thus far, it wouldn’t be unexpected if he’d just kept trying to fight Ranma, but even without knowing Akane at all, he still accepted the fight was at least paused, and once it was made clear to him how devastating this was to her, he offered to be punched if it would help. I also think the way he phrases that offer gives some insight into him: he talks about how letting the anger out by hitting him would make her feel better. Is that what his vendetta with Ranma is, a way to unleash all the anger roiling inside of him?
There is a neat bit of imagery around there too, how for a second Akane’s facial expression makes you think she won’t hit them, then we see construction equipment in motion that feels like it symbolizes violence, then we cut to her just walking away. It isn’t until we see their swollen faces that we know she did follow through on their offer.
Aside from those sorts of details, I just really like the mood of this entire first half. There are very few attempts at jokes, instead just focusing on Akane’s mental state. I feel like, while her situation is pretty strange and specific, it’s easy to relate to. I think we’ve all, at some time or another, been hurt by someone else without them realizing it, over something that only mattered to you so much because of some odd, ineffable thing that just you understand.
Throughout the segment, Akane waffles between shock, anger, trying to make the best of it, sobbing, and moving on with her life. I particularly enjoy the bounceback of her trying to take control, getting that haircut with Kasumi, getting compliments for it...only for it to stab into an emotional vulnerability, causing her to break down with the doctor. That all really worked for me.
The same is true for Ranma’s reaction. I don’t know if we’ve ever seen him this hung up on hurting someone else before. He’s clearly bothering her at some points by not leaving her alone like she clearly wants him to do, but he gives a genuine apology, which is clearly really something from him, and his compliment at the end was so cute. It was adorable shippy nonsense, and I adored it. This segment of the larger episode also had a lot more to do with our previous arc, about Akane and Dr. Tofu, than the Ryoga plot, effectively serving as the capstone to that tale.
I feel there was nearly as much to like in the second half. This part was definitely more jokey, with lots of Ryoga being bad at directions, silly background music (which I honestly can’t stand, it’s just a weird personal thing for me), and wacky hijinks with Ryoga as a pig.
But there was still meat to be found with the funnies. Once again, they took the time to establish Ryoga a little better with how he acted towards Ranma. For someone always shouting about how he wants Ranma to die and go to tell, whose vengeance drives him, he had a perfect opportunity to just kill him in his sleep. But it didn’t look like he even considered that. Instead, he just kept trying to wake Ranma up so they could fight. You could argue Ryoga is too dumb to have thought of that, which feels like the kind of thing Ranma would say, but I’d counter that maybe it’s a sign that Ryoga is more about talking about killing than actually doing it. In a kind of equal and opposite event, I liked how Ranma was just immediately all about helping Ryoga once he learned about the curse, trying to assist the dog he thought was Ryoga while keeping it a secret from Akane.
This is also when we finally learn why Ryoga is so angry at Ranma, or at least begin to get the larger picture. It wasn’t just bread, or a missed duel, but that Ryoga kept on Ranma after that, leading to him being cursed to become an adorable little piglet when exposed to cold water. He definitely manages the curse well thanks to his umbrella (I don’t know why Ranma never thinks to try just covering his head), and the care he’s taken to use it to avoid getting wet in the last episode and in this one was some foreshadowing as to what his deal was.
On the whole, this part of the episode was more like set-up for the next one, but it wasn’t bad at all. Together, the two pieces actually meshed together pretty well, at least to me. I got my emotional feels, I got my shippy moments, and I got my boi Ryoga. What else could I want?
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Like I said last week, there are other characters I could be doing spotlights for who’ve already been introduced, but they haven’t really done enough yet to be worth covering, at least in my opinion. Thus, we’re going back to Akane.
Since the second episode, we’ve gotten a lot more of who she is, especially between this arc and the one before it. They’ve kind of toned down the whole ‘hates boys’ aspect of her character, and instead refocused on her feelings towards Dr. Tofu, towards Ranma, and towards herself.
I think it’s clear, even to Akane herself, that her crush on the doctor is childish. She likes him because he’s an adult who’s always treated her seriously, appreciated her for who she is, and given her his time. At least in my experience, a lot of people have had some kind of affection similar to hers, towards someone older than us when we were too young to do anything about it. Even as we get older, and we know there will never be anything with that person, we still have a hard time letting go of it.
With Ranma, I think a firm pattern is developing. Aside from occasional moments when she takes her frustrations out on Ranma, Akane is generally becoming more fond of him. Between this episode and episode 6, one could argue she’s starting to actually like him. The problem is that Ranma is kind of a jerk. He regularly does stuff to make her upset, at which point he either makes it worse or starts acting nice. She clearly appreciates when Ranma is trying to help her and cheer her up, but it doesn’t stop the fact that his default setting is ‘abrasive’.
Most importantly with the first half of this episode, we’ve gotten a good look at how Akane sees herself. It’s pretty obvious that the long hair/short hair issue isn’t just about how long her locks are. The issue represents her struggle between being herself, a tomboy who enjoys fighting and martial arts and being more free-spirited, versus being who other people want her to be, more traditionally feminine. It’s honestly kind of weird in the first half of this season, watching her with the long hair. Short haired Akane is cuter, I think it’s hard to deny that, but it’s also her being happier with who she is, and that’s the cutest thing in the world. I’m still not 100% happy with how they handle her violence towards other people, but I talked about that last time, and it doesn't feel like that’s something the show will ever really address.
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If it wasn’t clear before, I quite enjoyed this episode. The only particularly weak parts for me were with Ryoga escorting the old lady around, but they were short and didn’t do too much to mess up the pacing. I won’t lie, I’d say this is actually the second best episode so far, only falling behind episode 7. That makes the current rankings:
Episode 7: Enter Ryoga, the Eternal ‘Lost Boy’
Episode 9: True Confessions! A Girl's Hair is Her Life!
Episode 2: School is No Place for Horsing Around
Episode 6: Akane's Lost Love... These Things Happen, You Know
Episode 8: School is a Battlefield! Ranma vs. Ryoga
Episode 4: Ranma and...Ranma? If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another
Episode 5: Love Me to the Bone! The Compound Fracture of Akane's Heart
Episode 1: Here’s Ranma
Episode 3: A Sudden Storm of Love
Next time, we’ll have into the back half of the season and the last episode of this storyline with episode 10, “P-P-P-Chan! He's Good For Nothin'”. See you all then!
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Hello Freddy and Handeemen Friends Chapter 1
Another big day of filming has officially come to a close for those who worked at the studio where a popular kids show named Mortimer’s Handeemen was filmed. The show had a cast of four puppets teaching kids and engaging them in the segments, it would film episodes over six days a week for about five hours per day with lunch breaks and “staged” rehearsals happening in between.
Mortimer himself was very aware of things going on, he was capable of his own thoughts and expressing his feelings like the other puppets who had evolved from being operated by puppeteer to being fully independent and going about on their own accord, just as long as they listen to their creator Owen Gubberson, which was an agreeable enough condition.
Mortimer in between filming and rehearsals liked reading the paper, that why if he went to the front reception and couldn’t find the paper where it should be on the desk, he would get irritated. Today such hasn't happen so he was happily reading the newspaper while having tea with milk and sugar.
He had come into the annual six month TV reviews in the kids category he saw his own show was now rating second below a show called Freddy Fazbear and Friends. He was annoyed, he had seen the name before, from what he understood and heard, the show was about four friends who were different animal types like a bear, bunny, chicken and fox, they had unique adventures about their world and the human world.
He didn’t quite know how Freddy and Friends had suddenly become so much better than his show, it was educational too but not exactly as entertaining, maybe because they had more merchandise than them, and they had a big friendly bear, that seemed to fascinate kids, despite Mortimer knew bears in reality were actually quite vicious and should never be approached in the wild.
Maybe a word with Owen wasn’t out of order, maybe he could suggest an idea to ensure kids were watching his show and not Freddy and Friends.
Owen was often busy and finding a spare minute to talk to him wasn’t easy, he was almost always writing scripts, ideas and talking to other cast members. Usually he would only have a few minutes in between tasks he was doing to be able to have a short conversation.
“Greeting Owen! Could I have a moment with you to have a word with you alone?” Mortimer asked him.
“Well of course, what is on your mind Mortimer?”
“It’s come to many attention that-”
“Excuse me Mr. Gubberson?” Mortimer saw a female human in the doorway, he knew she worked at the front reception as he would see her every morning at the desk answering the phone when it rang and even handing the paper to Mortimer, “You have a phone call from Henry Emily, said it's about the concept you said, he said he can only speak to you now due to the recording schedule,”
“Oh shoot, sorry Mortimer, this phone call is important, I'll get back to you once I'm off the phone,” Owen spoke.
“It's fine to attend to your business!” Mortimer understood perfectly well why the phone call was important. Any phone call Owen needed to answer was very important due to the schedule. Owen walked away and the woman vanished from the doorway.
So whilst waiting for Owen to conclude his phone call, Mortimer went to see what Riley Ruckus was setting up in the science experiment set.
Owen walked pass all the sets and entered his small office which was situated at the back of the building. The room had blue prints and episode cards all over the walls, and a desk full of post it notes he had written, all ranged from ideas of episodes to things he needed to do like “Talk to Riley about allowing her to walk Roscoe around the studio”. On the desk was a corded telephone, he lifted up the receiver and spoke, “Front Reception please transfer my current call to this one,”
“One moment Mr. Gubberson” The person on the other end replied.
“Hello Henry” Owen replied
“Owen! I do apologise for not being able to get back to you until now, having twin kids and running my own television show is hectic!” The voice on the other end replied.
“How are your children anyway?” Owen inquired just being generally curious, he had no interest in being a parent himself but he saw what joy it brought to other people.
“Good… I mean I do lose sleep but they're normal kids….. So I thought about our cooperation!” Henry spoke.
Owen was surprised, “You did…..? Forgive me, I thought you forgot….”
“Like I said twin children and a show, I have barely no time on my plate! Anyway, my wife has the in-laws to help her and we can get the crew set up by tomorrow! We're just putting the final touches on the next episode!”
“So…. We can do the friendship day special?” Owen asked.
“Of course! I think the kids will love it! Two different shows coming together and doing all sorts of wonderful friendly activities!” Owen sensed, as he knew Henry quite well, that he was smiling.
“Really? We can do it here?”
“We'll all be there on Saturday! So everyone can get acquainted! I look forward to it Owen!”
“Me too! I'll see you on Saturday!”
“Goodbye!” Henry ended with a cheerful tone that suggested he was indeed beaming from ear to ear. Owen put down the phone, he himself was quite happy, this could bring a lot of attention, but then realised he needed to address the puppets about this. Only him and Henry knew about this idea as far as he knew, maybe Henry already told them what exactly would be happening.
Riley was showing Mortimer how she had invented a cute sock puppet rat that could glow in the dark that would help kids who were afraid of the dark. Riley always came up with such ingenious concepts that amazed Mortimer, and she had such an indescribable passion for it, she'd ramble for hours without taking a single breath if she wanted to. Owen walked into the set where Riley's lab was set up, and saw the design she drew up on chalk board, he took a minute to look at all the writing Riley had placed on the chalk board and nodded.
“Are you interested?” Riley inquired noticing his attention being on the design.
“It’s simple and cute,” Agreeing with what Mortimer was saying about it, “I see the concept you're creating, I need to have a word with you two,” Owen said.
“Should Roscoe stay?” Riley asked gesturing to her large dog, Roscoe was asleep on the ground, curled up near the heater, one of his favourite place to sleep at any given time.
“He can come if he wants,” Owen responded walking out the set, Mortimer and Riley followed.
“Nick Nack! Daisy! Can you come here for a minute?” He yelled in the general direction of their dressing rooms.
Nick had appeared from his room, holding a paint brush, obviously he was in the middle of painting, whereas Daisy just appeared from her room humming a little tune. All stood in front of him, waiting for what he’d say, so Owen finally spoke, “So you know how we always so something special for Friendship day?”
“Of course!” Mortimer's favourite episodes were when they did Friendship day specials, so many interesting storylines and many friendships could be created between the kids in the episodes, better than Christmas. Friendship was important to every child.
“Well I did something really good, have you heard about Freddy and Friends?”
“Yes and I was going to inform you that they're ranking better according to the summary of the last six months,” Mortimer had finally told him what he read.
Owen had ignored his comment it seemed as he continued, “Well you know a guy called Henry Emily? He use to work in the studio as my understudy so he could understand how to create a TV show, he's creator of Freddy and Friends. I just got off the phone with him.”
Where would this lead? Everyone was wondering.
“He’s going to bring Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy down here to the studio! We're going to cooperate and make a crossover Friendship day special that shows unity across different shows! Isn’t it a wonderful idea? It's unique!”
“I beg your pardon?” Mortimer asked in a seemingly extremely annoyed way, the tone instantly caused Owen to carefully think his next few responses.
“We do a lot of fun things but they're all kind of the same concept, I consider Henry a great acquaintance. We need to keep kids engaged, I have a rough plan for each segment which will include things like a joint painting between Nick Nack and Bonnie, who is also really artistic. “
“I do apologise, but I refuse to share with a giant rabbit, No, it won’t happen, he is not allowed in my studio,” Nick had snarled at the very idea.
“Bonnie is also a very clean rabbit, he won’t make a mess if that's what you concerned about,” Owen answered, he wanted to make sure he was answering any questions they asked.
“How would you know that?” Mortimer asked in an accusingly tone.
“I sometimes…. Watch it with my nephews, you know… you haven’t actually met them…. Maybe you should meet them, and my sister also… They enjoy the show, they are the biggest fans of Foxy… They also watch this show, but it's mainly because your shows are on different times, this show is on Tuesdays and Fridays at 4:00pm, their show is on Fridays at 6:00pm.”
“I do see that reasoning, how old are your nephews?” Mortimer questioned, this was his first time hearing of these kids who were related to Owen.
“Five and twelve. Would you be okay if I invited them to come into the studio?” Owen did wonder if he could let them come by when they weren’t in school as they appeared intrigued by his show and the characters.
“If they don’t disturb anything, they are welcomed!” Mortimer nodded, always having a unspoken policy of allowing children on set just as long as they behaved, “But back to the problem at hand-”
“Mortimer, I don’t see any problem,” Owen said. He honestly couldn’t see any problems that couldn’t be solved.
“I don’t think we would get along,” Mortimer countered, “We’ve never met and one of them is a bear Owen! Bears in real life are vicious!”
“They might surprise you, even if you might have nothing in common with them, but some friends just don't have anything in common but they still like talking to one other, just… try and see if we can all get along, they'll be here on Saturday after filming, alright?” Owen asked.
They muttered in agreement.
“And if anything is very wrong, we can just shut down the idea,” He suggested, Mortimer nodded at him and both him and Mortimer felt some reassurance.
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keywestlou · 4 years
Ho Ho Yogi Bear
DAY 11…..Greece the First Time
Posted on June 7, 2012 by Key West Lou
Ho ho Yogi Bear! I am having a terrific time!
Donkeys have become a part of my life all of a sudden. First in Navaro when I discovered horse meat and donkey meat were sold in butcher shops for human consumption. Donkey was viewed to horse meat as veal is to cattle meat. Now donkeys in Santorini.
Before I made the trip, many told me to be sure to ride the donkeys up and down the hill. The hill that in reality is a mountain of lava.
I saw the donkeys yesterday for the first time. I was taking a walk along the other road. The road that runs between the cave hotel apartments and lesser accommodations. Actually the other side of the road is where the working people of Santorini live. Much like Stock Island is to Key West.
All of a sudden, I came upon eight donkeys on the side of the road. All saddled up and ready to go. What beautiful animals! I am a horse lover of sorts. The horses that race at Saratoga. Especially up close. Magnificent beasts. So too were these donkeys. Beautiful shiny coats. Ears standing straight up. Big bright eyes. Muscular legs. Very muscular.
These donkeys carry people up and down the side of a nearby lava mountain. On a path running along the side. Along a five foot wide path has been constructed 2,000 feet plus long. It consists of 500 plus steps. The steps of varying widths. A short 3 foot wall on the ocean side.
The ride did not appeal to me. I did not wish to be an ass on an ass. I was fearful of either the donkey or me or both of us falling over the wall. I raised that issue with the man in charge of the donkeys. I think I insulted him. He told me very firmly that no donkey or person had ever even fallen off the path into the ocean.
The path was made of dirt and rocks.
I had Nikos give me a ride in his car down the mountain.
The volcano sitting out in the water is like a magnet. It draws me to it. I have decided to visit the volcano in the next few days. I want to look into the opening and its depths. I want to view the smoke and sulfur and whatever else my eyes can see.
The volcano is not too high. Most of it sunk into the sea. So I should be able to walk to the top.
There is an added attraction. There are springs periodically spraying water and smoke. Baths from the emissions are available on site. I want to bathe in these waters. Supposedly healthful, I will be doing it merely for the experience.
Santorini is the largest of the several islands which were born 3,500 years ago when the volcano had its major eruption. It is big. How large, I am not sure. Larger than Key West I do know.
The whole island has a mere 13,000 permanent residents. Compared to Key West which has 19,000.
Santorini is the name of the whole island. There are several villages and towns located on the island. I am staying in Oia, one of those towns. People are nice here. Just as in Key West.
Sociable, helpful.
I spoke of beauty parlor proprietor Catherine Risvani yesterday. Catherine owns the only beauty shop in Oia. One to a town, I guess. Called Hair & Soul. It is a beautifully done small place. Two chairs, two sinks, a manicure station and a counter. Two lovely ladies working for her.  Catherine gave me a manicure this week.
Catherine is lovely in appearance. A typical Grecian beauty. Tall, thin and blond. Hair swept up and somehow tied in back. Interestingly, I have yet to find a Grecian woman who wears her hair down. Catherine also has high cheek bones. Another trait of Grecian women.
The bill for the manicure was 20 euros. About $28 american money. I was out of euros. I asked Catherine if she took credit cards. No. So I took out one of my $100 bills and told her to hold it while I went to the ATM machine for euros. She would not take the $100. Strangers though we were, she trusted me. In a tourist town. Typical of the Greeks here.
Which brings me to Nikos and Maria. Proprietors of my cave accommodation. Nikos and Maria are around 60. Own the Filotera Cave Houses aka Filotera Villas. A superior accommodation. Consistent with historical Santorini.
They and their son Adonis work their asses off. They have staff, but work along with staff from very early morning to late at night.
When I first arrived and met Maria, she was in a dress and apron. Smiling always. She does not speak English. I no Greek. Yet we have had several conversations. Each of us has spoken our native tongue. We understood each other!
I figured after first meeting Maria that she was the typical Mama Mia. A dress and apron. Always cooking and cleaning. Always watching the grandchildren.
Was I wrong!
The next time I saw Maria she was in peddle pushers and a tee shirt. Directing the employees.
Nice people these two.
It was Maria’s birthday the day I arrived. She sent a piece of birthday cake to my rooms. Nikos picked me up at the airport. Nikos drives me where ever I have to go. And picks me up. Their caves are lovely and clean. Very clean. Take a look at them. www.filoteravillas.gr, www.filoteravillas.com and www.santorini.com/hotels/filoteravillas. These sites will give you a flavor of cave living. They will surprise you!
The second day here, their son Adonis showed up with a bottle of wine. He said it was from his father’s vineyards. A special brew. Please enjoy it. I did, the next day. A cross between a white and red. A distinctive special taste.
Yes, Nikos and Maria besides owning the cave villas also own a vineyard and wine producing facility on Santorini. They ship world wide.
Nikos and Maria live across that street I mentioned earlier. In a small apartment less accommodating than the caves. In November, it gets cold on Santorini. They move to their home on the other side of the island. When it gets colder, they move to their home in Athens. During the winter months, they generally take a one to two month trip to the Caribbean or South Pacific.
It gets better.
Santorini and the Greek isles are not the United States. Many amenities we are accustomed to do not exist or are not provided. Like my clothes getting washed and ironed.
I was warned before I embarked on this odyssey that such would be the case. I came prepared. Purchased shirts and shorts at Orvis. That special material that is light, easy to wash and dry. Generally requiring little or no ironing.
I wash my own clothes. For real. Easy. In the bathroom sink. Drop some dish washing fluid on the clothes. A bit of water. Wash with my hands. Then shake dry.
The clothes still need hanging. Dryers are not common place on the island. Could not hang the clothes in front of my cave accommodation. It would not look right nor would it be proper.
There are clothes lines across the street at the cheaper accommodation. I hung my first washing there to dry. When I returned that evening, Maria came out to greet me. She insisted on ironing my clothes. My savior in disguise!
If you ever plan to come to Santorini, stay with Nikos and Maria. You cannot do better. Their telephone number is 003022860 71110. Fax number 003022860 71555. E-mail [email protected].
Enough for today.
There is much still to share.
This afternoon I am going to a beach somewhere on this island. Where I am guaranteed seeing bare breasted women. And, if I am lucky, some bare assed ones.
Enjoy your day!
As I have said in the past, vaccine distribution to Monroe County and Key West is not good. We seem to be forgotten. It appears political pull helps in getting enough vaccine to take care of an area.
Monroe County and Key West seem to be lacking in that regard.
I am happy for the person in Pensacola who was reported to have had excellent service. Not the case here. And none of us are doing anything wrong!
This morning’s Citizens’ Voice had two interesting comments re vaccine distribution/availability.
“Citizens of Monroe County should be outraged that the Medical Center at Ocean Reef, a private club, was allowed to administer 4,000 vaccines that were not available to the public, only to club members. This represents over 85 percent of the vaccine provided  Monroe County.”
“Now I know why after five tries I am unable to get an appointment for the vaccine: politics trumps health.”
Eugene Robinson is one one of the Washington Post’s finest columnists. He also has a touch of Key West in him. Every year, he and his wife spend one month in Key West. Normally January. They were not here in January. Probably the virus.
Robinson’s Washington Post column this morning is titled “To Rebuild the Grand Old Party, First Tear It Down.”
A passage from the column: “Before a sane, responsible political party can rise like a phoenix from the ashes of today’s dangerously unhinged GOP, there must be ashes to rise from. The nation is going to have to destroy the Republican Party to save it.”
Biden has been impressive so far. As he will continue to be. I have faith in the man.
He is moving fast. The  stimulus package, foreign matters, vaccine, etc.
It is very true that you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
Biden spoke before the National Prayer Breakfast. Called out white supremacy and domestic terrorism. And a multitude of other things.
Brian Burch is the President of CatholicVote. After the Breakfast, Burch slammed him for backing abortion and transgenderism. I do not know if Biden mentioned either during his talk. I suspect not.
One old, the other relatively new. Burch forgets that Biden, as with any President, represents all the people and not just one segment.
John Kennedy had a similar problem. Directed primarily at his Catholic faith. His response simple and understandable: “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s.”
Christopher Plummer died. An outstanding actor. His age at death 91. Did not pass away under normal circumstances. He fell and struck his head. The blow to his head resulted in his death.
One of Plummer’s most famous roles was that he performed in The Sound of Music.
His movies many. However, Plummer most enjoyed his Shakespearean performances. He considered himself a Shakespearean actor rather than a movie one. His famous Shakespearean parts were his performances in Hamlet, Macbeth, Richard III, and as Mark Anthony.
He won his first and only Oscar at age 82. He also was rewarded with 2 Tony and 2 Emmy Awards.
John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men was published this day in 1937.
Steinbeck had a marked influence on my young life. My parents had purchased several volumes of Steinbeck’s works. For their enjoyment, not mine.
I was about 10. The books attracted me.
I would sit in a huge easy chair in the living room. A thick red dictionary at my side.
The first work I read was Of Mice and Men. Obviously I did not understand everything. One thing the book did however was to increase my vocabulary and expose me to a world I did not know. Some of which I was happy not to have experienced.
Over a period of time, I also read The Grapes of Wrath and several other Steinbeck works whose names at the moment I cannot recall.
Looking back, the reading I did probably was not uncommon. There were no television or cell phones in those days. Yes, there was radio. However radio did not particularly turn me on except for baseball.
Enjoy you day!
  Ho Ho Yogi Bear was originally published on Key West Lou
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hospitaldirectory · 3 years
What features should a hospital software have?
What features should a hospital software have?
A supple and well-organized Hospital Software has a energetic role in every infirmary in case of a health system. Healthcare specialists are familiarizing to the latest know-how developments to keep their IT infrastructure high. The software for hospitals helps healthcare administrations to overcome any complex tests they face in the present healthcare business.
These software systems are an assimilated and complete information system advanced by a Hospital Software Service in Indiato achieve the monetary, managerial, and medical aspects of infirmaries. Every infirmary sticks with Hospital software to accomplish their data related to hospital list and patient records professionally. The hospital software helps in monitoring the data in most healthcare sections, namely monetary, inpatient, Operation Theater, nursing, radiology, clinical, laboratory, outpatient, materials, pharmacological, and pathology.
An effective, cost-effective, and dependable system is desired, and they are measured to be any healthcare or hospital's mainstay. One of them on the list is the hospital software. Importance of the Hospital software below.
For a patient to be on-boarded, hassle-free Meetings are the first step they necessitate. Meeting preparation features help the patients book their activities online from anyplace, which you can cut down the time and crises. Meeting Arrangement allows the patients to know the obtainability of the radiologists, doctors, or other healthcare authorities. It means the patients can book their Meeting online rapidly founded on the time they necessitate to meet the doctor. This is exposed for both offline and online styles added with instant informs on the appointment preparation process. The Meeting feature permits the patient to have a family-ID so that they can effortlessly search for any Meeting feature by simply choosing their family ID. There are dissimilar styles of payment support, and the quantity can be paid through segment schemes. It helps to reduce severance.
IP, OP, and OT all in one combined
Hospital software comes combined with three critical features like Inpatient, Outpatient, and Operation Theatre organization. It includes MIS reports, asset organization, ward and room organization, nurse and doctor transmission, and more. The outpatient organization deals with the handling of every outpatient department's requirements.
The outpatient Meeting organization makes sure that the assignment is equally dispersed across different caregivers and medics in the clinic. The advantage of Meeting administration is to inspire patient care through opportune follow-ups, decline the needless wait times, and improve the relationship of the patient with the infirmary. The hospital software provisions various Meeting creation through the call center, telephone, walk-ins, and online through patient gateways.
Inpatient administration services are to offer outstanding quality of care to patients who are in the vulnerable and acute stage of their ailment. The inpatient management component in the hospital software takes care of module admittances, bed distribution and bed obtainability, discharge and transfer of patients, and more. The system annals every medical doctor, doctors, and other workers convoluted in treating the patients, detailed reports of events provided to them, and other relevant possessions about them to remain noticeable about them at any point in time.
The hospital software helps achieve financial competence and feasibility in the OT (Working Theatre)/therapy organization. The unit helps to seek shorter certification and operation when compared to the characteristic interference results.
Billing and Insurance
The billing procedure involved charges like patient registering, doctor dues, tests directed, and more. Before a patient gets cleared, the household should pay the flyer in time. Here comes hospital software, which plays a significant role. The software for hospitals enables the staff to enter insurance discounts, service prices, and other extra custodies. It is now coordinated with the particular action or service made to the patient. With the help of code, the costs are arrived and also enabled the automatic billing process. When it comes to cover claims, the hospital software helps to make the process earlier and calmer. It makes use of unique promoting codes for different events to ensure the procedure is moving in the correct way when the insurance is submitted to the individual insurance companies.
If you are looking for a Hospital Software Service in India, please visit Ozahub.
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memynissanandi · 3 years
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All About The Nissan Micra
The current 2021 Nissan Micra is perfect if you’re looking for an injection of excitement in your life.
The fifth generation of Nissan’s iconic Micra represents a significant progression in design and will revitalise the small car segment in South Africa.
Nissan put customers at the heart of the development of the Nissan Micra with extensive focus groups and clinics to create a no-compromise package that answers the needs of small car buyers.
With a bold exterior design and an interior that is both contemporary and premium, the current Micra is perfect if you’re looking for an injection of excitement in your life.
Nissan’s contender in the Lower B hatchback segment, the Micra Active, will continue to be sold alongside the 2021 Micra, which will make its mark in the Upper B hatchback segment.
In South Africa, the Upper B hatchback segment represents approximately 15% of the passenger vehicle market, making it one of the most popular segments in the country.
The new Nissan Micra has dynamic hatchback proportions, and with an overall length of 3,999 mm, it’s placed right at the core of the B-hatchback segment.
Featuring a sculpted body with strong and sharp character lines visible from every angle, the car delivers an athletic feeling that’s hard to ignore.
From the front, the shortened bonnet design and reduced A-pillar angle create a poised silhouette.
The narrow headlamps stretch through the front wings and include signature LED daytime running lights on every trim level.
Halogen headlamps are standard on all grades. The lights frame Nissan’s familiar “V-motion” grille, reinterpreted to complete the new Micra’s bold front-end design.
Below the car’s sloping roofline is the expressive character which runs the entire length of the new Micra’s body, dipping dramatically as it passes over the front door and sweeping upwards towards the rear.
The black B and C-pillars create a floating roof effect, while the C-pillar is home to the discrete door handles which provide access for rear passengers.
At the rear are the striking new boomerang-shaped light clusters.
Below them is the sculpted bumper which features a carbon-look finish as standard and hides the car’s exhaust pipe.
Above is the sports-style rear roof spoiler, also standard to enhance aerodynamic performance. Together, these features create a recognisable motif for the back of the car.
The expressive exterior design moves the Micra in a daring new direction with a high-quality cabin that boasts two-tone soft-touch materials as standard across the range.
Thanks to outstanding packaging, the five-door-only body shell boasts best-in-class ergonomics for front-seat occupants, with no compromise to rear passenger space.
The cabin is based around a T-shaped “gliding wing” dashboard, with simple structures that create excellent space for the driver and front passenger. The instruments and controls have been grouped together for comfort, convenience and safety.
Outstanding ergonomics was another development target on the new Micra – a target that was achieved. The car sets new standards in the B-hatchback segment thanks to its smart packaging.
A rake/reach-adjustable steering wheel is standard, while the lowered seating position for driver and front passenger means there’s exceptional headroom for taller occupants.
Coupled with fore/aft driver’s seat adjustment, it means a driver who is 2.03 metres tall can fit comfortably behind the steering wheel.
Special attention was given to the design of the front seats in order to provide continuous back support, helping to decrease driver fatigue on long journeys. The car’s width means enhanced elbow space for rear passengers, who also benefit from excellent shoulder and knee room.
Boot capacity is a very competitive 300 litres and delivered without compromising on rear passenger knee room. That figure expands to 1,004 litres when the 60:40 split rear seats are folded down.
Smart storage options are everywhere in the new Micra’s cabin, with location, capacity and design all optimised to ensure maximum convenience for occupants. Larger items can be placed in the centre console ahead of the gear selector. It offers flat storage for a phone, and includes ambient lighting plus USB and 12v sockets.
Customers’ desires to express their own personalities and design tastes through the new Micra will be another part of its appeal. The car will be available with a wide range of personalisation options, modifying the exterior and interior with premium components in a variety of stylish and contemporary colours.
The new Nissan Micra is equipped with a wide range of technologies designed to enhance the car’s comfort, convenience and safety performance. Many of them are standard across the range, while others are available from specific grades.
There are three specification levels available – the Visia, the Acenta and the Acenta Plus. The Visia comes standard with 15-inch steel wheels, daytime running lights, front power windows, a manual aircon, a Bluetooth and MP3 compatible audio system, cruise control, automatic headlights, six airbags and much more.
The Acenta adds 16-inch alloy wheels, front fog lights among other features while the Acenta Plus has 17-inch alloy wheels, a leather steering wheel and an Energy Orange interior.
The 7-inch touch-screen colour display on the Acenta and Acenta Plus allows the driver to access features such as music, messages and maps through Apple CarPlay in addition to the MP3, USB and Bluetooth in the Visia model.
When an iPhone is connected via an Apple lightning cable, it offers users Siri voice control, Apple maps with turn-by-turn navigation, access to music, telephone services and other apps such as Audiobooks and Spotify.
Complementing the audio unit is the advanced driver-assist display, located in the speedometer display. Positioned to minimise “eyes off the road” time, it uses a high-definition 5-inch Thin Film Transistor colour display to provide the driver with key information about the car and journey. It’s based on technology that Nissan developed for the Qashqai and X-Trail crossovers and is controlled using dedicated steering wheel buttons.
Every new Micra comes with six airbags as standard, plus seat belt warnings and seat belt height adjustment for the front and rear. Isofix child seats are standard in the new Micra, including in the front passenger seat. Electronic safety systems include Vehicle Dynamic Control, Anti-locking Braking System, Electronic Brakeforce Distribution and Hill Start Assist.
The new Nissan Micra is a fantastic car to drive, with a dynamic performance that strikes the perfect balance between agility, excitement and the secure feeling that comes with confident and predictable handling.
There is one engine available at launch– the 66kW, 140Nm Turbo-charged petrol engine which delivers both driving pleasure and outstanding practicality.
Whether it’s darting through traffic in the city or out on the open road, the new Nissan Micra is an exceptional car to drive. It’s the perfect blend for today’s Upper B-hatchback customer. But it’s not just great to look at and drive; the new Micra has a best-in-class drag coefficient of just 0.3cd, to maximise fuel efficiency.
The new Micra has been built on Nissan’s existing V-platform and has been significantly enhanced to deliver new levels of performance.
The new Micra provides exceptional stability and reduced body roll through corners thanks to its high body stiffness and advanced suspension.
In addition, the low driving position promoted by the excellent ergonomics of the interior reduces the centre of gravity, further enhancing the secure driving feel.
Responsive and accurate steering comes from a new brushless electric power unit and provides a high degree of manoeuvrability.
The Micra also benefits from a remarkably quiet cabin, promoting a comfortable and more relaxing experience for the driver.
It’s due to the enhanced noise isolation technology engineered into the car and is particularly noticeable during high-speed driving.
It’s designed to allow the driver to hear the engine response, but stay isolated from other noises, such as those generated by the tyres on the road.
Nissan has an extensive accessory personalisation offering for the new Micra, with features and colours designed to enhance the car’s already expressive exterior and uplifting interior.
In 2019, the range will be expanded with the inclusion of additional derivatives starting with the 1.0 Spec and prices will be confirmed next year.
If you’re a confident, independent thinker with a sophisticated sense of style, the all-new Micra is made for you. If you’re eager to achieve more in life, you know how to multi-task, and you have a busy social and professional life, you need a car that measures up to you and the Micra is that car.
And, of course, the Micra provides peace of mind motoring and comes with a comprehensive aftersales offering together with hassle-free motoring.
As with all other Nissan vehicles, the Nissan Micra is covered by Nissan Assured and comes with a 6-year/150,000km warranty; a 3-year/90,000km service plan; and 24/7 roadside assistance.
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Article from https://citizen.co.za/motoring/
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supershanzykhan · 4 years
8 tips for organizing a corporate event as a beginner
You have volunteered to organize a corporate event in your company. The problem is that you are Jon Snow in event planning; you know nothing.
Now what?
The clock is ticking and you do not have time for a planning course. That's why you're here: To get a course on how to hold your first event.
Read on to find out how to:
Defines the goal of the event
Breaks everything down into manageable tasks
Makes a realistic budget
Selects an appropriate date
Makes a timeline
Gathering a team
Finds a place
Promotes the event
1. Start with the end
If it sounds like reverse engineering, it's because it is.
When you sit down to arrange an event, it is easy to get caught up in the immediate details. But all projects need a vision and a macro plan before you dive into the details.
Think about what you want your colleagues and bosses to get out of the event. Is it networking? Education? Fun? All three?
What exactly are you holding?
Is it a...
Conference or seminar
Christmas party
Team-building event
Product launch
It is also important to accommodate your target audience. Your guests' expectations depend on the industry and grade. Start with the ending and let it determine the battle plan.
2. Make a list of the components
Once you have a general idea of what the event should be like, it's time to segment your plan. Find out every component needed to make it a success.
Depending on the event, you must have the following:
Local / venue
Food and drinks
Marketing collateral
Remember that it does not matter how big a given project first looks. The only thing that matters is that you can break it down into small and manageable components.
When organizing a corporate event, divide tasks into components.
Break down each task when planning an event.
Open Google Docs and Sheets and segment your plan into individual tasks. Then prioritize them according to urgency.
3.Set a budget
You may not be able to set your own budget for the event. In fact, event planners rarely have unlimited funds to work with.
It is fine. You can cope with what you have. It is even possible to organize an event without any budget if it comes to it.
Rule # 1 for setting a budget : Be realistic and leave 10% in reserves.
Once you know how much you have to work with, it's time to research prices. Compare the costs of different venues, catering companies, printing companies and everything else you need for the event.
The sooner you can order any of them, the more likely you are to get a good price. Otherwise, just negotiate as best you can.
4. Select a date
If you are able to choose the date, now is a good time to do so. If the event is seasonal, like a Christmas party, your options may be limited. The specified date may be affected by these factors:
Who you want to attend (and where country time notice they need)
How long does it take to get everything ready (see no. 5)
When you launch the product or service
When the room is available (see no. 6)
Make the date tentative. You will probably need to adjust it a bit when you come to find the right place.
Choose an appropriate date when organizing a corporate event.
Choose an appropriate date and create a realistic timeline.
5. Make a timeline
Each plan has a timeline and you will also benefit from making one. It does not have to be much more than a series of deadlines to meet for everything to happen on time.
Rule # 1 for creating timelines: Always make room for unexpected delays.
It's good to be optimistic. But when organizing a corporate event, it is better to be realistic.
Here are some of the unexpected delays you need to take into account:
The place can be double booked
The decoration may be sold out
Catering may be late
Printers can spell your company name incorrectly
Transportation can collapse
It is unlikely that all of these things will happen, but even one or two of them can put an end to your event.
Delays will occur when organizing a corporate event.
Be sure to take into account delays along the way.
It's good to apply a bit of Murphy's Law when making your timeline.
6. Assemble your team
You may need more than one set of hands to make your event a success. Although it is a minor event, having a team to work with helps.
If your budget does not allow it, then see if you can use some good old persuasion to get your colleagues on board. They may even be happy to be a part of the organization.
7. Find a place
You need a place where your guests can gather, no matter what event you are organizing. Local hunting can be stressful and can easily eat out of your budget.
When evaluating different locations, you should consider the following questions:
How long does a waiting list have?
Is it large enough to fit the number of participants?
Does the room have A / V equipment, or do you have to bring your own?
Is there adequate telephone coverage and WiFi?
How much do you have to pay in deposit?
What is the cancellation and refund policy?
As mentioned, it is a good idea to reserve the room as early as possible, to get the best possible price.
8. Promote this event
This part also depends on the event you are organizing. It can be as little as sending an email to your colleagues. Or as much as a full marketing campaign.
If you are hosting a larger event, you should also consider the following:
Social media posts and commercials
Flyers and posters
Blog posts
Event listing websites
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Direct mail invitations
Courtesy: Corporate event planner in Lahore.
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Supercorp - The Fame AU
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Request: Singer!Kara Actor!Lena  Kara is on tour around the world and Lena is invited to the ellen Show, and they talk about her career and ellen ask her about her life with Kara
a/n: omg this was such a cute idea LOL thank you so much to whoever sent this! This may have taken a little longer than I’d like to admit because I got carried away with “research” and kinda binged Ellen’s interviews on youtube... oops. I love kissing ass, this entire fic is just me kissing their ass and building up the two nerds so hard. You will see what I mean
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“Alright, enough, I get it. Stop clapping, I know I’m awesome.”
The crowd laughs and the clapping eventually dwindles. Ellen grins at the crowd good-naturedly before addressing the camera. Before she can say anything, someone in the crowd whoops and instigates another flurry of sound and laughter and she looks into the crowd.
“Hey! One more time and I’m gonna find you so you can be the next victim of my hidden camera pranks.” She scans the crowd and sees various groups of people laughing and whispering. She’s still grinning when she continues.
“Well, I guess you all know her, she’s America’s sweetheart, and she was on the show a few weeks ago before embarking on her Red Sun world tour.” Cheering erupts gradually and Ellen lets the crowd quiet itself. “I mean, this is my show after all, why wouldn’t I be here? You might remember America’s sweetheart, and also Kara Danvers promoting her album-” the crowd laughs and Ellen pauses.
“Right, Kara Danvers, well she’s not here and we’re not going to talk about her. We’re going to get the next best thing that her manager could spare us and I guess we had to settle, so whatever. Lena Luthor, everybody!”
Right on cue, Ellen’s resident DJ, tWitch, plays a short sample of upbeat music as Lena Luthor walks out from behind the stage and waves at the crowd that is excitedly welcoming her. She and Ellen hug and the music dies down when they sit on their chairs.
“You know, I really wasn’t ready for all that. I thought you were going to have more to say after your whole speech. Your producers had to practically kick me through to get me moving.”
“Nope, sorry, we only care about Kara Danvers, and whoever you are, Miss... Luthor? Miss Emmy award-winning lead actress for a drama series Lena Luthor?” The crowd cheers and Lena nods her head, gesturing grandly and exaggeratedly at the crowd’s response.
“Ah yes, that is me, all me, thank you very much.”
“And Oscar nominee for best actress in a supporting role, directing for your own film, The Spacewalker, and also best picture for the movie you were part of, National City?”
Lena clicks her tongue and relaxes into the side of the chair. “Ah, yeah, didn’t quite get those. Sore topic still, I’d rather not talk about it.” She smiles cheekily to the audience as Ellen speaks.
“Gee, well I am sorry. It must be so difficult to be so accomplished. Let’s talk about your equally famous girlfriend then.”
Lena breaks into laughter despite her cool facade and Ellen seems smug to have done so.
Lena composes herself easily. “Right. Okay, shoot.”
Ellen smiles, “But really, let’s talk about what you’ve done for a second.”
“My god, make up your mind.” Lena stage whispers to the crowd.
“You’ve been jumping all over the place, haven’t you? I mean, there was your supporting role in Fall From Grace, starring alongside Clark Kent. That was pretty serious wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, that was a bit of a toughie, that one. Took a lot out of me.”
“Really, I don’t think I’ve seen you cry so many times than in that one film.”
The crowd laughs with Lena.
“I got lucky though, Clark is such a sweetheart. His humour made things so much easier when the cameras weren’t rolling. It’s hard to always be so heavy and deep in your feelings, and I’m just not that kind of actor like some are. I’m glad he’s a bit the same way though. I don’t know what I would have done with myself if he walked around set looking like everyone had kicked his dog or something just to stay in character.”
“And right after all this crying and emotional turmoil that I don’t even want to think to get into, you direct your very own film? This is your first film, completely your own and it’s already Oscar nominated, like are you kidding me?”
The crowd erupts in cheers and Lena smiles, thanking the audience with a humble wave.
“It’s become sort of my baby, yes,” Lena says, nodding.
“That was an excellent movie by the way. It really was, no- I’m not just saying that. I’ve even stuffed a copy of The Spacewalker for everyone in the audience to take home. I must have bought too many or something, I don’t know.”
“All that in a year, a truly wild year.”
“Right, do you ever rest?”
“No, I can’t say I do. I’m riding on a bit of a high right now, so why the hell not?”
“What now? What are you going to tell me now? Are you going to tell me you’re writing a book next? That you’re doing voice acting now?”
“I mean, I would like to write a book one day.”
“Save it, please, some of us aren’t so accomplished as you.”
“Though I can’t really say much else but I can mention some work being put into a new video game series.”
“Are you serious? Really? I was just joking about all that!”
“Oh, awkward.” Lena chuckles as she humours Ellen. “But yes, I tell you the truth! Apparently I’ve got a nice, soothing voice with a pleasant accent.”
“Are those the only prerequisites to do video game voice acting?”
“Well they’re allegedly going to strap some face recognition software onto me - if I got my terms correct, some tech reminiscent of headbraces that I may or may not have worn as a child, and they’re going to put me in a big black bodysuit and capture all of my movements to use for their character. It’s going to be me, for all intents and purposes. I’m pretty much virtual now.”
“That’s amazing. That is really something. I am happy for you though, you are just so busy and you have so many great things happening to you. Who better for all this than Lena Luthor, right?”
The crowd roars with cheers and applause again. It actually takes the room a while to calm down.
“You’re so put together, you’re exactly the type of person I should dislike. A very happy love life too if the gossip I read is true. Am I right or am I right?”
“You are not wrong, Ellen.”
A few people from the crowd whoop and holler and Lena smirks as she waits for Ellen’s interrogation.
“I take it that you’re keeping busy? You can’t miss what’s-her-name too much?”
“Who? Oh, do you mean Kara?” The audience laughs and cheers, some “ooh-ing” as Ellen indulges them in their rowdiness.
“You’re dating?”
“I think so?”
“How is that going for you? Do you miss her?”
A soft smile spreads on Lena’s face, and she answers just a beat or two after she takes a moment to herself to remember her girlfriend.
“Yeah, I do actually. Don’t tell her that though. We didn’t really get much of a goodbye apart from a quick kiss before they’ve jetted her off for her world tour. I’m so proud of her, truly! We’d only became official at the end of her Down to Earth tour, so this whole music tour thing is a bit new to me too.”
“Everybody loves you, you know. You two are hashtag OTP goals, according to the consistent influx of fans invading my mentions on Twitter.”
The crowd comes alive in agreement and Lena laughs. “You’re all going to make me blush.”
“I’m getting a call from somebody though. This is so awkward, I’m sorry, I have to get this.”
The studio rings with the tone of a telephone as Ellen answers into the room, promptly ending the ringing. “Hello? Hello? Hi, yes, sorry, I’m kinda in the middle of something. I don’t want the vacuum cleaners you’re selling. Is anyone there?”
There’s a brief pause before another voice fills the studio. “Hello? This thing is on right?” the voice addresses someone else indirectly and seems to remember the phone call at hand. “Oh, shoot. Hello?”
Suddenly, the screens behind Ellen illuminate and indie-pop star Kara Danvers’ face fills the entirety of the panels. Lena bursts into laughter as Ellen grins mischievously (another surprise successfully pulled off), and the crowd is absolutely thrilled as people cheer and clap and some even scream.
“Who is this? How did you get this number?”
“What? You called me! I don’t even know you.” Kara’s indignant huff fills the room and feeds into the delight of the crowd. Despite her own act, amusement twinkles in her eyes.
“That hurts, Kara. I’ve got your girlfriend with me.”
Kara brightens up instantly and this isn’t lost on anyone in the studio as they laugh. “Oh, Lena? Hi, I miss you! Is Ellen being mean to you? Is she being mean to me? Why didn’t you answer my text?”
Ellen and the crowd laugh as Kara’s attention completely shifts to her girlfriend. Lena shakes her head in fond amusement.
“Darling, there is such thing as a time difference.”
Kara’s eyebrows crinkle and she stares at the screen, seemingly staring right into the studio full of people when her face lights up again. “Ah, right. That must have been 4am for you.”
“I was not very pleased being roused awake by N’Sync’s ringtone waking me up with this one’s quadruple texting habits.” Lena points to Kara’s face as she addresses Ellen and the crowd.
“Whoa, okay! Way to expose me, babe.”
Lena smiles at the petname and the audience collectively “aw’s”, only to be mixed with laughter when Kara squints her eyes and playfully glares at her screen, speaking to the people of Ellen’s studio, “Oh, gross.”
Lena sticks her tongue out at Kara, who returns the gesture instantly. Ellen, freely smirking, decides to butt in.
“Kara, where are you right now? What time is it?”
Kara lights up in excitement, “Oh! I’m in the Philippines! It’s like midnight here. The 12 hour difference kind of helps. I love it so much here! I wish I could explore more, it’s so pretty. Babe, we have to come back.”
“Alright, dear.” Lena smiles up at the screen.
“Kara, I’m going to take your girlfriend back now, you’re taking up too much of my segment time.”
“Ah! Why didn’t you say so, alright I love you all! Thanks for having me, Ellen! Everybody, come out to the Red Sun tour, I’ll be coming to a city near you to see all your wonderful faces! Thank you so much for all the love, you guys! I’ll see you there! Lena, text me, I miss you!” Kara blows a quick sloppy kiss to the screen and the crowd cheers one last time before the video call cuts out to Kara waving animatedly.
Ellen hastily addresses the cameras, “We’ll be back after this break. Once again, Lena Luthor, everybody!” She gestures to Lena who waves at the camera.
The cameras pan out and their mics are cut. Lena stands up and leans toward Ellen, opens her arms for a hug. They share a silent conversation; Lena thanking Ellen for the surprise, Ellen grinning easily at her, and the program shifts into the commercials.
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swelldomains · 7 years
10 PPC Continuity Tips - Alignment of Keywords, Ads, and Landing Pages
Does your business require an economical methods for quickly creating new business leads? Pay-per-click marketing (PPC) is one of one of the most economical techniques for demand based list building. The numbers don't exist:
-Although only 6% of Google and Bing individuals click on a paid search result, PPC advertisements represent 64.6% of clicks for keyword searches that imply high commercial intent. -The click-thru-rate for PPC advertisements nearly tripled in between 2011 and also 2012, rising from 4.8% to 11.1%.
PPC advertisement copy is provided as advertisements at the top of online search engine results, this makes up for a company's page not making it to the top of search results. Online search engine likewise provide top priority to funded listings: Pay Per Click ads inhabit 85.2% of the above-the-fold room, organic search engine result receive just 14.8% of this space. It's no shock that the top 3 listings produce 41.1% of all clicks which all 3 of these listings are generally PPC ads.
PPC advertising and marketing could offer your business an adaptable, budget-friendly strategy for broadening and tweaking inbound list building campaigns as your firm endeavors right into brand-new industries or targets new customers. While PPC provides several affordable advantages, it is not simply a "collection and also fail to remember" advertising and marketing method. Improperly picked key phrases, ineffective call-to-action, as well as an absence of alignment between ad duplicate as well as landing page could sink your Pay Per Click high quality score, increasing campaign costs, reducing ad direct exposure and also inevitably blowing your internet marketing budget.
Why PPC Ad Alignment Matters
Your PPC quality score is necessary not only as a vital indicator of previous Pay Per Click campaign efficiency, yet additionally as a forecaster of future performance. Google utilizes your quality score to determine the quality and also performance of your PPC projects. The higher your score, the much more "pertinent" your advertisement content. Ultimately, greater racking up ads equate to lower advertising and marketing expenses, raised advertisement exposure, and also much better advertisement positioning.
Alignment matters - and also we do not just mean the wheels on your car. Worldwide of Pay Per Click advertising and marketing, the positioning of key words, phone call to action and landing page design is key to driving clicks and also conversions. Could your Pay Per Click high quality rating make use of a tune-up?
Follow these 10 PPC continuity finest practice suggestions:
1. Think beyond keyword match. Yes, key words are essential and ought to be constant across all elements of your Pay Per Click campaign. However in the press to locate and maximize the very best performing keywords, it's all as well easy to appear like a computer system as well as not a human. What happens if you were talking with your customer on the phone or in person? What would be the tone as well as mood of your conversation? Match the landing page duplicate, graphics, images, video clip, etc. to the tone and also state of mind that would certainly be conveyed in an everyday conversation.
2. Segment your ads. From geo-targeting to demographics, Google AdWords offers lots of advanced segmentation choices for better linking with your target consumer. Utilize these advanced segmentation tools to create ads for certain consumer groups. For example, if your business sells exquisite pizza, you will intend to create one AdWords campaign targeting workplace workers looking for a quick lunch and a second campaign targeting university trainees that are food craving a late-night study break. You could do this by regulating the time of day various ads will be shown or even geo-targeting the postal code connected with your regional college campus versus the postal code related to your city's downtown business district.
3. Enhance landing page relevancy. To boost landing web page significance, start by thinking like a business organizer, not a channel manager. Prospective clients will not convert if their pay-per-click encounter is not appropriate. What can you do making their experience much more appropriate? Suit the look of your touchdown page to the ad web content. If your advertisement is targeting a particular issue, do not redirect your result in a basic landing page. Rather, re-state your individual's trouble or pain factor as well as clearly stress your remedy. If you are an on-line bath and also body store as well as you run a PPC ad campaign for your down comforters, do not send your leads to the primary home page or even the general page for bed linen. Send them straight to a page showcasing your premium down comforters.
4. Improve landing page copy. While your landing page duplicate must always be persuasive, various language will work with different customers depending on where they remain in your purchaser cycle. When composing your call-to-action copy, take into consideration the site visitor kind that will be showing up on each specific landing web page. Summarize your distinct marketing recommendation in five lines or less, make use of bullets whenever feasible to maintain copy concise and very easy to understanding. While you must be expanding upon the message made use of in your PPC ads, it is additionally an excellent concept to repeat long-tail key words expressions that aided to bring your target cause the landing in the first place.
5. Get visual. The ordinary landing page site visitor determines in simply seven secs or less whether they will certainly stay on the touchdown web page or click their browser's back switch. If your touchdown pages are under-performing, it suggests the web content does not straighten with your customer's expected experience. While touchdown web page copy is essential, so as well is your page's overall layout. Get rid of visual "scrap" that crowds your landing page phone call to action. Instead, select a single graphic or brief video clip that represents your company's one-of-a-kind marketing proposition.
6. Simplify sign-up forms. Yes, opt-in kinds for e-mail marketing, item examples or white paper downloads are a vital touchdown web page component. Nevertheless, extensive sign-up types will ultimately dissuade leads from sending their details as well as disrupt PPC ad/landing web page continuity. Possibilities excel that the loss of potential clients will far outstrip any possible benefits that you may acquire from obtaining supplementary info like business size, sector or yearly sales numbers. Generally, keep the info you should a bare minimum, the fewer required forms, the better. If you do have to catch a substantial quantity of information from your leads, consider splitting the opt-in type over multiple screens and indicating to your lead where they remain in the procedure as they move with each screen. This will certainly simplify the opt-in process and minimize touchdown page bounce rate.
7. Remove navigation options. Don't give your leads a need to click off your page! A major internet experience, total with menu bars, offers a lot of possibilities for cause leave your web page. Each navigation alternative on your landing web page dilutes your lead's focus and increases the web page's bounce rate. Eliminating a menu bar, a residence button and also other navigation choices will simplify the click-to-buy process and also maintain leads focused.
8. Be tactical with content placement. Place your key message and also call to action above the fold. The "layer" is the bottom of the display for the average web browser resolution of your target audience. As well as of course, keeping content over the fold really does matter. For Western site visitors with a delegated ideal analysis design, touchdown page eye monitoring researches regularly reveal that the top left corner is where the eye wases initially drawn. As we read entrusted to right, the mid-right part of the web page is an all-natural relaxing point for the eyes, making it an optimal location for an influential call-to-action. Consider the visual picture you are utilizing on your web page. Our look is attracted to faces, and we generally follow the stare of this face. As an example, if the person is seeking to the right, our eyes will normally follow this look- and also ideally arrive at persuasive call-to-action copy!
9. Build trust. Many thanks to the expansion of spam, web link baiting as well as various other on the internet marketing scams, establishing depend on is vital to Pay Per Click connection. Stay clear of newfangled sales techniques such as, "BUY CURRENTLY!" or "LIMITED TIME DEAL!". Not just is using all caps offensive (that's the matching of shouting in a possible customer's face), but that sort of message will also send your clients directly to clicking their back browser switches. Rather, develop trust fund and develop authenticity by showcasing endorsements, testimonials or industry affiliations, a little industry logo is perfect for keeping the touchdown web page layout clean. In the age of on-line comparison buying, point out verifiable realities. If you showcase get in touch with info on your landing web page, consider consisting of a straight line to your sales department. A telephone number tells individuals that you are legit company with real people on the various other end who can answer their questions. For continuity, if you consisted of a number in your PPC ad, make sure that this number matches the sales line on your landing page.
10. Develop a clear course to the sale. From mimicking Pay Per Click text in your landing web page duplicate to providing leads directly to a certain product, creating a clear path to the sale will certainly drive your conversion prices. Take into consideration the adhering to Pay Per Click advertisement for a Nine West shoe sale:
The heading copy "Nine West Closeout Offers - Save as much as 75% on 9 West Shoes" is spot-on. The internet site link likewise consists of "9 West", which is key for click-thrus. The 4.5 star score and also "44,763 testimonials" establishes the website's reliability from the very start. When we click via, we are taken straight to the sale web page for 9 West shoes:
Overall, nonetheless, the connection in between the PPC campaign as well as the target landing web page is really strong. One method this encounter could have been enhanced, nonetheless, is if a banner or headline on top of the page repeated the "9 West Shoe Sale Approximately 75% Off" message as opposed to marketing Sperry Topsiders, which might be confusing.
Here's one more great example of Pay Per Click ad and touchdown page connection:
HubSpot's PPC ad for a totally free trial deal plainly states the deal in the headline and also by consisting of the variety of Google+ followers in the advertisement copy (almost 30,000), this incorporation enhances HubSpot's legitimacy as well as trustworthiness.
HubSpot's landing web page is spot-on as well. The heading reinforces the 30-day test deal, the web page format and also design is cleanse, and the sign-up form on the right-hand man side motivates visitors to "Start Your Free Trial Offer Currently". Offered that HubSpot's business is lead generation, it's not a surprise to discover such fantastic continuity in between their Pay Per Click advertisement as well as landing page.
Build PPC Continuity Around Encounter, Not Clicks.
Yes, this might appear counter-intuitive, yet hear us out: be smart about just how you enhance your PPC projects and also build connection throughout advertisements as well as landing pages. While clicks are necessary, at the end of the day, 10,000 clicks are useless if not a solitary among these clicks converts. As competition boosts as well as the cost of clicks climbs, clever connection programs not only raise the value of each customer, but likewise make sure that the customer clicking via to your touchdown page is a very certified lead.
From clever bidding approaches that concentrate on long-tail keyword phrases to enhancing landing web page style, invest your time concentrated on taking full advantage of the customer encounter. The best-aligned PPC projects concentrate on the long-tail keyword phrases that are more probable to connect with a target audience as well as also have a lower CPC. While there could be fewer overall clicks, these clicks are likewise greater quality, which ultimately results in greater conversion rates.
Bottom line:
Successful PPC projects make use of the VCCC technique: Presence, Creative, Connection and Conversion. PPC projects deliver the greatest number of leads and the most effective ROI when they are very carefully taken care of to regulate keyword bidding process prices and also drive conversions through far better positioning. As soon as you've generated your leads, do not allow them rot. If you market just one product to a client who arrived on your landing web page via a PPC advertisement and also never learn through them once again, that's a pretty pricey way to do company. Great connection builds your brand name and hooks your customer from day one - and also a great lead nurturing project will certainly guarantee repeat business.
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emmamiri8 · 5 years
Modern Office Design Ideas To Attract The Best Employees
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For what reason Is Your Office Interior Design Important? 
Would you like to draw in the best workers to your association? Do you find yourself competing for top ability in a hot activity showcase? Do you try to lessen your worker turnover rate? Nowadays, payor financial pay alone isn't the main factor driving representatives to a work environment. The present best representatives request a work environment that invigorates inventiveness, cooperation, and correspondence while likewise reducing pressure and uneasiness. This is particularly valid for twenty to thirty-year-olds but on the other hand, is valid for individuals in other age bunches also. 
Other than representative inclination, your office interior design is significant for another explanation: It legitimately impacts worker efficiency, which straightforwardly influences your association's primary concern. In a perfect world, you need a work environment that enables individuals to center and focus at whatever point required, and to team up and convey at whatever point required. You additionally need a working environment that is physically and rationally agreeable so individuals can perform and work at their best. This is what the present current office design patterns are striving to accomplish. 
This definitive guide is a rundown of the 7 most significant office topics and design ideas that you have to know to pull in and retain the best and most qualified representatives to your association. We should begin. 
1. Movement Based Working 
The present cutting-edge companies are currently using an office design plan called Activity-Based Working. This means a worker can work anyplace in the office that suits their present movement. 
For instance, if a representative needs to accomplish something that requires an elevated level of fixation and center, the individual in question can move to a detached calm region to decrease interruptions from colleagues. Then again, if a representative is doing something that requires a close coordinated effort with collaborators, for example, learning another product application or overseeing another worker, at that point the individual in question can sit at a conventional work area found promptly beside other colleagues in an "open correspondence" sort of seating plan. 
Here is a progressively broad rundown of all the various kinds of zones in an Activity-Based Work condition: 
Open Office Areas – These are zones of the office workspace that have a progressively conventional sort of seating plan where laborers are situated exceptionally near each other with no dividers or desk area obstructions separating them. Commonly, instead of every laborer having their very own individual work area, they share whole long workbenches. Every specialist has their own individual zone and things on the workbench, for example, a PC screen, console, mouse, landline telephone, and different embellishments. Open office territories are appropriate for profoundly community work exercises, for example exercises where individuals may need to pose visit inquiries of each other. Open office zones are well known among individuals working in deals and marketing. The greatest impediment of open office zones is commotion and interruptions from colleagues. Open office zones additionally need total protection, which isn't required for individual telephone calls yet in addition to direct business exercises, for example, private telephone calls with customers. 
Security Areas – These are either little, encased, sound-evidence corners or confined calm zones that enable an individual to make classified or private telephone calls. These corners or zones may likewise be utilized to hold careful meetings between two representatives. Numerous private telephone calls are absolutely impromptu and unscheduled. In those circumstances, a worker can rapidly move to a private region quickly after receiving a touchy telephone call from somebody. 
Calm Focus Areas – These are territories where individuals can think profoundly without interruptions from others. The kind of setting can go from a separated easy chair to a tiny room that is sound-confirmation. 
Meeting Areas – These are zones where gatherings of individuals can meet to talk about anything they have to examine. The meeting territory can be either an encased room or a parlor region. Meeting territories come in various sizes to oblige various quantities of individuals. In certain associations, meeting territories are a constrained asset, so individuals need to timetable and hold schedule openings ahead of time for each meeting room. Unrehearsed meetings between two individuals can be held in parlor zones or little tables. 
Parlor Areas – These are zones with loose and comfortable seating and will have such things as couches, sofas, easy chairs, unit seats, and footstools. These territories are appropriate for a wide range of exercises including off the cuff meetings, bunch meetings, parts from work, and exercises requiring centered focus. For exercises requiring centered focus, it involves individual inclination whether the representative needs to work in a parlor region or at a customary work area. 
Bistro Areas – These are regions where individuals can plunk down to have lunch or tidbits. They are perfect spots for individuals to coolly brainstorm new thoughts, examine the most recent venture, or keep running into old partners and find out what they are as of now up to. 
Movement Based Working is another pattern that tackles a large number of the issues of the more established and progressively conventional sort of office arrangement called the Open Office Plan. The Open Office Plan has been around for a long time. With the Open Office Plan, individuals work firmly together in open spaces with no obstruction between them. The Open Office Plan was really the response to a significant number of the issues of the even more seasoned and increasingly conventional desk areas and private offices. 
The greatest shortcoming of the more established Open Office Plan is the inevitable interruptions and clamor from associates which can square exercises requiring centered fixation. A few people prosper when taken off alone to focus on their assignment while others thrive in an increasingly social condition. The Activity-Based Working model combines the best of the two universes. It enables individuals to pick the kind of work setting that is most reasonable to them at some random minute in time. 
2. The Flexible Workspace 
A hot new design idea that is gaining footing is what is known as the adaptable workspace. Adaptable workspaces include work areas, tables, and seats that are effectively versatile and effectively resizable. This is as opposed to the more conventional office plan where the areas of work areas, seats, tables, and different assets are fixed and unchanging. 
For instance, in an adaptable workspace plan, a meeting table can be effectively and immediately resized by attaching or detaching particular segments of the table. These measured segments can be effectively moved around on the grounds that they are on wheels. Work areas and workstations can likewise be moved around effectively in light of the fact that they are on wheels. This permits the dynamic formation of new groups and lifts joint effort between laborers for the present moment and long haul undertakings. 
Some adaptable workspaces likewise highlight unassigned seating game plans. This implies every representative isn't allocated to a particular work area or workstation and can pick any work area or workstation on a given workday. This idea is made by conceivable by the present current pattern toward a paperless working environment where almost all information is digitized by PC. All things considered, the advanced work environment is looking increasingly more like a straightforward work area and seat with just a PC, screen, mouse, and console. Numerous companies and associations are likewise moving toward storing information on systems and remote document frameworks instead of nearby PCs. These components take into account unassigned seating courses of action in the work environment to turn out to be increasingly pragmatic and simple to execute. 
Unassigned seating is thought to improve joint effort between workers since the present tasks are becoming progressively unique and free-flowing. It is likewise thought to upgrade by and large occupation execution, as certain representatives might want to work where they can best focus and concentrate on their work. 
Google Garage is maybe the most extraordinary case of an adaptable workspace. Google Garage is a workspace zone where any Google worker can go to brainstorm new item thoughts through hands-on experimentation with various physical items, gadgets, and devices, for example, 3D printers. In this workspace, the majority of the tables, work areas, whiteboards, and seats are on wheels. You can compose on the tables and dividers. Power links and ethernet system links stretch out from the ceiling toward the floor so work areas, workstations, and meeting tables can be moved anyplace in the room while as yet being controlled up and associated with the system. The majority of their hardware and gadgets are likewise mobile on wheels. 
In spite of the fact that you most likely don't need to go that far to give a powerful domain to your representatives, Google Garage is an incredible case of the kind of working environment that a significant number of the present representatives are leaning toward. 
3. Bringing Nature Into The Workplace 
One of the most dominant and enduring patterns presently reshaping America's work environment is reconnecting individuals with nature. This is called a biophilic design. 
The biophilic design depends on the reason that people have an innate need to associate with nature and that when this association is made, it brings about better wellbeing, focus, inventiveness, and work execution. The hypothesis behind the biophilic design is that it improves both physical and mental wellbeing. Indeed, biophilic design lessens pressure and upgrades disposition. 
The design may utilize any of the following components in offices and work environments: 
Common Light. Daylight and sunshine are brought into the building through enormous glass windows, glass dividers, glass entryways, and biased based impediments. High discriminatory limitations are utilized for normal regions, for example, building halls. Common light is viewed as more beneficial than fake light. 
Flowing Water. This includes fountains, streams, and mini-cascades. In spite of the fact that these models may be over-the-top for some little offices, they are increasingly fitting for building anterooms, basic regions, and huge offices. 
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clausvonbohlen · 7 years
My Zen Rakusu
After three months investigating plant medicines in the Amazon, I flew to Japan with my friend S. My first visit was back in 2009, also with S, who lived there in his teens and speaks fluent Japanese. On that occasion we visited the ancient monastery complex of Koya-san, in the mountains south of Osaka. It was winter, and snowing, and I remember watching a monk sweeping the entrance to one of the monastery buildings. He did it so beautifully, and seemed so at peace with himself and the world, that I resolved that one day I too would visit a monastery in Japan and participate in monastic life. This trip to Japan, which would coincide with sakura – the cherry blossom period – seemed like the right moment, and a good way to consolidate my recent experiences.
  Since returning from that first visit in 2009, I have become increasingly fascinated by Zen. At that time I was living in San Francisco. I read Kerouac’s ‘Dharma Bums’, and I followed in his footsteps by climbing up Matterhorn Peak in the Hoover Wilderness. I read D. T. Suzuki, and I tried to get to grips with haikus and koans. I read John Welwood’s ‘Gradual Awakening’, and I was very struck by his description of a meeting with the Tibetan teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Welwood wrote:
 ‘I remember once walking into a room for an interview with him and being astounded by the vast space that seemed to radiate from him in all directions. It felt as though the roof and walls of the room had been blown out. Never having experienced anything like that before, I found it tremendously magnetic.’
 In addition to Zen, Japan has also provided me with both the most and least romantic experiences of my life. The former happened on that first visit in 2009, on a freezing night in Tokyo, in an all night florist’s. I met a gentle lost American girl, and paid for her flowers, and we walked for a while together and parted company on a windy street corner. We said goodbye with tears in our eyes, maybe because of the wind, but also because of the transience of life, and the other outcomes almost possible but not, and the things unsaid and maybe unsayable.
  The least romantic experience happened on a visit a couple of years ago, also in Tokyo, at the tail end of a long and humid summer. I must have been spiked with Rohypnol, or a similar dissociative ‘predator’ drug, since I have almost no memory of the night, something that has never happened to me before. The same thing happened to the friend I was with, and we later read online warnings from the US embassy about Nigerians in that area of Tokyo who were known for these nefarious activities. The drugs don’t knock you out, but they make you immensely suggestible; the snippets of memory I do have are of walking to numerous cash machines, accompanied by my new Nigerian ‘friends’; exceeding the withdrawal limit on all my bank cards (as I later pieced together from the receipts I found screwed up in my pockets); paying for large quantities of alcohol in a succession of seedy bars; and canoodling with two Columbian girls who, in retrospect, were almost certainly not the sweet, unbiased, and reciprocally enamoured civilians that I assumed at the time.  And then coming home the next day, rather dazed, with a wallet mysteriously empty not just of Yen, but of all the foreign currencies too.
  On that visit two years ago, I also went to Kanazawa, a city on the west coast about halfway between Kyoto and Tokyo. I fell in love with Kanazawa: it is less touristy than other places, boasts the Kenrokuen gardens – the most beautiful Japanese gardens I have ever seen -  as well as the D. T. Suzuki museum, whose two or three exhibits are not nearly as significant as the building’s clean lines, contrasting textures and calming use of space.
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                   D.T. Suzuki museum in Kanazawa.
But above all, I fell in love with Kanazawa’s 1950′s American aesthetic, the kind of thing that Kerouac would have seen during his travels back and forth across America. And the light is reminiscent of Edward Hopper’s magnificent, lonely, brave paintings from the same period.
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         Kanazawa, oddly reminiscent of Kerouac’s America.
I always wanted to return to Kanazawa, and I was very happy to discover that there is a Zen temple in Kanazawa that hosts visitors. I found an email address for the Guestmaster and wrote to him. My email went unanswered, so I wrote again, and again. I was not dismayed, since I knew of the Zen tradition in which an aspirant for instruction is turned away by the Master the first three times, though he should be accepted on the fourth. This proves that the aspirant is serious. In addition, a Master should always be asked to teach, rather than offer to do so; presumably, this ensures that the teaching is given for the right reasons, and not to inflate the teacher’s ego, or win fame.
  However, the Guestmaster never answered my emails, so I asked S to accompany me to the monastery in order to present my request in person, and in Japanese.  We stopped in Kanazawa on our way from Kyoto to Tokyo.
  Kyoto abounds with Zen temples and gardens, and we had visited a number of them. They are small, beautifully maintained, but also busy, and you have to pay to enter each one. Daijoji Temple in Kanazawa, by contrast, was a much bigger place, surrounded by tombstones on a wooded hill on the outskirts of town, with a view of the distant ocean. Enormous old trees cast dappled shade and created the sense of peace that I remembered from my visit to snowy Koya-san, where I had seen the sweeping monk. The huge and imposing red entrance gate was open, so we entered the temple enclosure and wandered down ancient wooden colonnades and past ornate Buddhist warrior carvings. There was no one around, and it was  unnerving, but also magical, to be able to explore this space all by ourselves.
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                      Daijoji Temple, Kanazawa
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Eventually we found a monk who was in the middle of performing his chores with a dishcloth tied round his head. S explained my request. The monk looked very surprised. Another, chubbier monk then arrived. He was more senior, and S repeated the request, adding that I had already emailed three times to the Guestmaster. This caused both monks some embarrassment. The chubby one disappeared for a while. On his return he explained that if I were to stay for a week, as I was hoping, then my visit would coincide with ‘seishin’, the intense five day period of meditation that happens once a month. Would that be ok? I tried to appear confident and said that it would. In that case, they said, they would present my request to the abbot, and we should telephone the monastery that evening to hear the result.
  Back in our hotel, I was feeling nervous, so I went to the sauna and watched a sumo match on the tv in there, alongside a lot of elderly Japanese men. On returning to our room, S informed me that my request had been accepted. I was jubilant, though at the time I didn’t fully realize what I had committed to.
  When I returned to the temple a few days later, I was greeted by Godo Roshi, the monk in charge of novices, and the only one who spoke some English. I picked up my futon and followed Godo Roshi down a series of paper-paneled corridors - confusing since the doors and panels look the same  – to my room, a small empty space enclosed by more paper panels. On the way, I had to change from outdoor shoes to sandals to slippers and finally to socks, an action that I would end up repeating countless times every day. On this first occasion, I was paid the only verbal compliment that I was to receive all week: when I placed my slippers on their shelf, Godo Roshi nodded his approval and said, ‘Very elegant.’
  I had been given a timetable as well as a short book on Zen, in English. The timetable came as a bit of a shock. Every moment of the day was accounted for, down to five minute segments. I would have to be up at 4.30am every morning for an hour of seated meditation (zazen) in the the zendo, followed by half an hour of sutra chanting in the main hall, then an hour of floor cleaning, then breakfast at 7am, a brief rest, and 10 more sessions of zazen throughout the rest of the day, alternating with more chores and brief rest or study periods.
  Despite going to bed early (around 10), the mornings were tough. My visit had coincided with a cold snap. The temperature dropped to 3 degrees at night, and it was no warmer inside the monastery than out. By day, when the sun shone, it was in fact colder inside. And I was not allowed to wear either a hat inside, or socks inside in certain parts of the building, so it was often a struggle to keep warm.
  I found mealtimes to be more challenging than the sessions in the zendo. Zen is very highly codified, nowhere more so than during meals. There are precise actions to be repeated every time, and I am sure there were many more of which I was unaware. Meals are the same every day: gruel for breakfast, rice with sides for lunch and for dinner. The bowls have to be placed in the correct formation and chopsticks angled in the right directions to accompany each phase of the meal. Food has to be wolfed down at lightening speed. This is partly because it is rude to finish after the abbot (who, despite being ancient, is a champion speed eater), but the deeper reason is so as to avoid developing an attachment to the pleasure of taste.
  I found it very hard to wolf down rice using chopsticks. I was invariably the last to finish, and although the other monks were never so impolite as to stare at me, it is nevertheless disconcerting to be stuffing your cheeks like a chipmunk while 8 impassive Zen monks sit around you, models of stony-faced silence.
  At the end of the meal, you have to leave two slices of horseradish in the top left hand bowl of the four in front of you. Hot water is poured into that bowl and you use the horseradish slices to mop the inside, pushing them around with your chopsticks and thereby cleaning the bowl. The water and horseradish slices are then poured into the other three bowls, in the right order of course, and finally the resulting liquid is swallowed. It doesn’t taste bad, and obviates the need for all but the most superficial washing up, which is performed in a similarly ritualized way by the novices and junior monks. At the end, you stand in a circle and say, utz gari sama desda, which means, thank you for your work.
  This may all sound fairly torturous, and in many ways, it was. And yet, after a few days, I found myself feeling more relaxed, and happier, than I have for a long time. In part, I am sure this had to do with the digital detox - the blissful escape from constant connectivity. The fact that every moment of the day was accounted for, and there were no choices or decisions to be made, also contributed to an increasingly deep sense of tranquility.
  Zazen itself is very simple, there is only one instruction: just sit. Do not think. Do not worry. Do not plan. Do not feel regrets. Just sit, in the correct posture, and observe. Do not follow thoughts, or try to block them out. Watch them arise, and let go of them. It sounds so easy, but of course, it is not.
  The other forms of meditation I have encountered have focused on an object, such as the breath, or a mantra, or a particular emotion. But zazen, with its emphasis on not doing anything, seemed particularly beneficial for me, given the restlessness of my mind.
  Of course, without any mental discipline at all, a session of zazen is likely to descend into one long reverie. But in Zen, I think that the discipline comes not from the meditation itself, but rather from every other aspect of life. That is why everything is so highly ritualized. You constantly have to focus – on how to change your footwear, how to eat, how to wash up. Mental discipline is learned through the hundred thousand other aspects of daily life, so you are in a much better position to truly ‘just sit’ when it is time to meditate.
  That is one very sensible aspect of Zen. Another is that you always meditate with your eyes open, though unfocussed; it is very hard to fall asleep when your eyes are open. And also, sessions only last 50 minutes, which is about the maximum concentration span for most people. Zazen is followed by kinshin, a few minutes of very slow walking meditation. It is a good way to finish.
  After the first morning session (in the dark), and the sutra chanting (a rather obscure business, and the most highly ritualized of all), my duty was to mop the long corridor, using a wet rag. It was a very simple task, and of course a repetitive one, though doing it well, and elegantly, was actually rewarding. And this is another aspect of Zen: you do things for their own sake, and not as a means to an end. That is what makes them meaningful. And that is also the key to unlocking Japanese culture, which can often appear so obscure. Everything is done to the highest possible level, because that gives it meaning.
  As I mopped the floor in my bare feet, and with my breath condensing in the cold air, I was surprised to be feeling content and at peace with the world. The German words ’Arbeit Macht Frei’  (work makes you free) came to mind. Yes, there was a form of liberation in what I was doing. It was so menial a chore, and yet I was happy. There was nothing to desire, and no choices to be made; where were the causes of suffering? But then, with a jolt, I remembered where those three words had been most famously displayed: above the entrance gate to Auschwitz. How utterly incongruous, a Buddhist truth taken up by a concentration camp. The monastery was nothing like a concentration camp, and it was certainly strange that a truth hidden in those words should crystallize for me here.
  That first evening a girl called Aida, from Azerbaijan, passed by the monastery to explain a few things to me. Aida spent 6 years in the monastery but is now teaching Japanese culture at Kanazawa university. She is a true polymath. In order to be able to stay in Japan, she had needed a student visa, and so, with no prior knowledge of Japanese, she had done PhD in neuroscience, in Japanese. She was also fluent in Russian, Arabic, Turkish, English and Spanish, as well as Azerbaijani.
  A few days later, with Aida as interpreter, I had my first formal interview with the abbot. He presented me with my own rakusu, the Zen Buddhist bib - sewn together from 16 or more strips of cloth - that is worn around the neck. The rakusu represents lay ordination. On the inside, the bearer’s name and status is painted in elegant calligraphic kanji, using jet black ink on a white silk backing. The abbot turned the bib around, and Aida translated the writing: Claus von Bohlen, London representative of the World Zen Centre based at Daijoji Temple, Kanazawa.
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 A Zen monk wearing his rakusu
Aida was laughing a lot. Did it strike her as so ridiculous, or was her bright humour the result of 6 years in a Zen monastery? I never found out. She showed me how to wear the rakusu, and how to fold it and replace it in its silk envelope – predictably complicated. Then she asked me how I felt.
  ‘Elevated,’ I said. Aida translated. The abbot nodded.
  I was to see Aida on two more occasions, and it was a relief to be able to ask her some more detailed questions. My interactions with the other monks were very basic. The monk in charge of my training spoke no English at all. On a number of occasions, he needed to reprimand me (most severely, when I arrived one minute late for my solitary evening meditation session). He relied on the voice activated version of google (mis-)translate, with frequently bizarre results. He said something in Japanese into his phone, and then held it towards my ear: ‘Do not shit on the elephant. Everything is training.’
  The chubby monk whom I had met on my first visit to the monastery was a very kind man. I think he felt sorry for me because I had to request half-portions in order to finish my meals on time.  In the evenings, he occasionally passed by my cell to present me with biscuits or the peculiar chewy rice cakes called mochi.
  When it came to the meditation itself, no instruction was given. The book was a help, as was one comment that the chubby monk made: ‘Do not do zazen. Be zazen.’
  And this, to me, is the endless fascination of Zen. So simple, and yet so very difficult. Just sit. Be zazen. And the truisms: wherever you go, there you are… So obvious, and yet how easy it is to think that one can run away from troubles, when in reality we carry most of our suffering around with us. And then the haikus, so mundane, and yet they imply the whole world by its absence, in the same way that the negative spaces in a drawing create the solid image. So very elliptical, so very Japanese.
  My favourite, I think, is by the 19th century poet Masaoka Shiki:
 Butterfly asleep on a stone
You must surely be dreaming
Of the sad life of me.
 Zen is profoundly artistic: it is about harmony, and beauty, about doing things for their own sake, and also about impermanence and transience and time’s inexorable decay. From the perspective of Zen, everything can be an object of meditation, nature above all, most famously in the form of cherry blossoms and the turning of the leaves in autumn. They all bring home the fundamental truth of impermanence, and so much of human suffering stems from the attempt to escape or repress that truth.
 On one or two occasions during zazen, I experienced moments without thought - the spaces between thoughts. Of course, as soon as I became aware of it, then the unverbalised moment was lost and thought once again entered the picture. But those few moments consisted of pure awareness, pure consciousness without objects or boundaries. They made me realise that all my life I have seen the world from one perspective, or in one dimension; this felt like an entirely different vantage point, a whole new dimension, and one that dwarfs all that I have known up until now. They were just glimpses, but they were sufficient for me to understand why a person might devote their entire life to the practice of Zen.
 These were my thoughts as I left the monastery. The cold snap had passed, the breeze was a caress, and the cherry blossoms were just on the point of exploding like pink powder puffs in the Kenrokuen gardens. And I was homeward bound.
 Back in the UK, I stuffed all my clothes into the washing machine. As Jack Kornfeld said, ‘After the ecstasy, the laundry.’ But in doing so, I overlooked the black silk envelope that contained my Zen rakusu, and it also went into the machine.
  When I subsequently took the rakusu out of the washing machine, I saw to my horror that the beautiful calligraphy bearing my name had almost been washed out of the white silk lining. My heart sunk. I had worn the rakusu for one of the most challenging weeks of my life. I was proud to have got through it, and proud of my official status as representative of the World Zen Centre. I cursed my stupidity, but the irritation sat like a stone in my chest.
 And then I realised how long the road is. This was suffering: my attachment to an object, to the status it conferred, and to an idea of myself. This was pride, and vanity, and desire, and all those emotions that cause suffering again and again. Sometimes desire can be satisfied, or pride validated, but the relief is only temporary, and the cessation of pain should not be confused with happiness.
 But is it so simple? Does attachment always cause suffering? And isn’t  suffering a part of what it means to be human, and to lead a full human life? Should we really aim not to feel attachment to our families and loved ones? These are difficult questions and I do not have the answers. I suspect that there is a middle way, a balance somewhere: it must be possible to love without clinging, to give without needing anything in return. But it is very hard. And like so much in this field, the balance is a delicate two-step, an oblique sideways glance: we find happiness when we cease to chase it; we alight upon one-pointed concentration when we stop trying to force it; and love is purest when it is based on surfeit and not on lack.
  That is what the laundry taught me.
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dolgeblog · 5 years
Free HTML templates in Pgtemplates
rIn advancing years making a site has some incredible events, an encounter without (basically) no anguish. Carelessness programing or need to comprehend confounding contemplations like HTML, CSS or FTP. Right now, the chief test will be to find among so a lot offer which will be the best web maker for your endeavor.
 Different stages to make site pages offer free bundles for you to make a free site page. As they are energized in the cloud, you don't need to stress over empowering or complex establishments. All you'll need will be a program (eg, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Microsoft Edge) and a PC with a web alliance.
 Sounds direct right? By the by, it is well worth looking upsides and downsides of web makers. So to spare you time, we have chosen to do it with no other person's help and notice to you what is the best stage to make a free and direct site.
 What stages to make free goals merit trying? Here you will discover an overview of the best 13 that offer free plans.
 Substance of this post :
 How to make a free site page a little piece at once?
 This is the ideal open entryway for us to locate the best web maker for your undertaking:
 Webnode: Modern supervisor yet with explicit deterrents
 Webnode has totally empowered its structure beginning late, it has become something current. The organizations they have included change as per PDAs in this way and have a colossal measure of style; A pity you can't transform them once you've as of late picked one. Working with Webnode is particularly common, and precisely true to form, you can in like way select a segment plan on the off chance that you need more.
 Webnode offers a unimportant effort assortment at $ 3.95 reliably, generally letting you utilize your own space name that you beginning at now have (e.g., tu-negocio.com) and landing at its decision help. Notwithstanding, you need to comprehend that the little reference advancement will keep appearing. His blog is constrained and you won't have the decision to make an online store with Webnode.
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 Kind of free approach URL : name-que-elijas.webnode.com
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 What they ought to improve : They should fuse and improve a touch of their capacities (eg, blog or electronic business). The web space isn't liberal since they essentially offer 100 MB in the free arrangement. It doesn't go with SSL encryption, something they should fuse.
 > Review and finish assessment
 > Try it limitlessly : https://www.pgtemplates.com/
 The world's most noteworthy web maker is Wix. It has a more unmistakable number of clients than some other web maker and it's unquestionably not difficult to perceive any inspiration driving why. It is furnished with remarkable functionalities and uncommon configurations. An unbelievable choice to make a paid site, yet and to make a free site, will it in addition be a normal other choice?
 Considering, the brilliant answer is no. It has a similar issue as Weebly, the footer business, or rather, progressions are irrationally self-evident. Since it not just has your footer, there is in like way one distinguishable at the upper right of your site.
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 Sort of free arrangement URL : account-name-wiki.wix.com/picked name
 What we like : The astounding confirmation of structures and the flexibility of its chief. Moreover, its App Market, which licenses you to add applications to give more highlights to your site, has a great deal of employments. The free game-plan offers 500 MB of web space, they are liberal. There is no constraint on the measure of pages you can make and you will push toward all SEO limits.
 What they ought to improve : Wix advertisements are nonsensically obvious. The URLs are extremely long and this makes it difficult to review.
 > Review and finish evaluation
 > Try it futile : https://www.pgtemplates.com/
 This Latvian affiliation is no doubt the most modest maker on earth. Is astounding that they let you make multilingual goals to no disservice , something that you can not get with some other supplier. Among different points of confinement it goes with a blog, an online store and better than average SEO choices. Besides, the promotion they appear at the base of the page is mindful so as to such an extent, that an enormous piece of your clients won't see it. In its free course of action it offers 500 MB of web space, which ought to be adequate for most clients.
 the other hand, paying little heed to the manner in which that the article executive is certainly not difficult to utilize, it is very obliged when showed up distinctively comparable to its enemies. For instance, certain parts, for example, picture introductions must be added to one sort of page. This makes Mozello not as adaptable as others.
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 Sort of free course of action URL : name-que-elijas.mozello.com
 What we like : The advancement at the foot of the page is too much discrete and the chance of making free multilingual goals.
 What they ought to improve : The manager should be dynamically adaptable and join new segment.
 Weebly: An incredible web raised with a hell
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 It is a grand thing that is unquestionably not difficult to utilize. It even has an App Center with which you can show applications that will permit you to build up the limits of your site. Segment plans start at $ 8.
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 Kind of free blueprint URL : name-que-elijas.weebly.com
 What we like : Your structures versatile to cell phones and your App Center with unapproachable increments. They offer 500 MB of web space and don't force the SEO decisions of any page. Nor does it limit the measure of pages you can make.
 What they ought to improve : The most colossal impediment is that you have a headway in the totally clear footer. Furthermore, out of the blue, it regardless of everything doesn't have SSL encryption.
 > Review and finish appraisal
 > Try it futile : www.weebly.com
 Jimdo: Create a free and essential site page
 The best thing about Jimdo is that it won't cost you an eye all over on the off chance that one day you pick you need a part plan. Its progressively reasonable strategy costs $ 10 and will let you utilize your own space name.
 Not just the total of your organizations are accessible in the course of action to no disadvantage, also, these are impeccable with cell phones and tablets as they are versatile. They comparatively have an application for PDAs that will allow you to make and change your site any place you are. Furthermore, the extraordinary to beat everything is that Jimdo licenses you to sell up to 5 things with the free approach. In any case, you need to review that right now SEO choices (eg, title and meta-delineation) are editable for the purpose of appearance.
 Sort of free arrangement URL : name-que-elijas.jimdo.com
 What we like : The article business that shows Jimdo's free approach is practically nothing and unnoticeable. There is no page limit and also intertwines a blog. It besides goes with SSL encryption.
 What they ought to improve : Your organization affirmation could be better. There is no application spot to put in new highlights and along these lines widen the potential aftereffects of your site.
 One.com: It's not free yet unassuming
 It must be said that One.com isn't free similar to different suppliers with freemium models. It has a practical expense. One.com prohibits its own space, you should contract it unreservedly. The site won't have progressing, yet it has a stunt: you can just make 5 pages, on the off chance that you spend it will be broadly dynamically over the top.
 On the off chance that what you need is an (unbelievably) little site, without promotions and you must have your own domain name, One.com can be a superior than normal and exceptionally subtle other option. Goodness, and in the event that you have to utilize WordPress and not the web creation sort out that One.com offers, this won't be an issue; Also here there will be no constraint of pages you can make
 Screen gets :
 Sort of free course of action URL : picked name.com (.es, .co, .net, and so forth.)
 What we like : It's extremely flexible: you can utilize both WordPress and its web maker. It is a superior than normal choice to begin (expertly) without paying a lot.
 What they ought to improve : The 5 page limit isn't cool. Notwithstanding the way that the web maker they offer satisfies their work, it isn't the best in the market. The entirety of its plans are adaptable and present day.
 000webhost has a spot with a similar amassing as Hostinger, an overall conspicuous web empowering affiliation that utilizes 000webhost to offer free promising associations. It is constrained to 1 GB of room, 10 GB of transmission limit and a point of imprisonment of 2 site pages, at any rate on the off chance that you truly would lean toward not to utilize WordPress, they have a free site authority.
 In the event that at whatever point you choose to go to the astonishing strategy to dispose of these goals, you would pay about US $ 9 reliably . Notwithstanding the way that really there are unfathomably improved instruments, (for example, Wix or Weebly ) with close to offers.
 What we like : It's fine that, to make the pages, you can utilize both your own foundation and WordPress. The free structure even permits you to relate a zone name bought on another site. They additionally have for all intents and purposes 200 associations to explore and are mentioned by divisions.
0 notes
opulentlyblog · 5 years
Free HTML templates in Pgtemplates
rIn advancing years making a site has some incredible events, an encounter without (basically) no anguish. Carelessness programing or need to comprehend confounding contemplations like HTML, CSS or FTP. Right now, the chief test will be to find among so a lot offer which will be the best web maker for your endeavor.
 Different stages to make site pages offer free bundles for you to make a free site page. As they are energized in the cloud, you don't need to stress over empowering or complex establishments. All you'll need will be a program (eg, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Microsoft Edge) and a PC with a web alliance.
 Sounds direct right? By the by, it is well worth looking upsides and downsides of web makers. So to spare you time, we have chosen to do it with no other person's help and notice to you what is the best stage to make a free and direct site.
 What stages to make free goals merit trying? Here you will discover an overview of the best 13 that offer free plans.
 Substance of this post :
 How to make a free site page a little piece at once?
 This is the ideal open entryway for us to locate the best web maker for your undertaking:
 Webnode: Modern supervisor yet with explicit deterrents
 Webnode has totally empowered its structure beginning late, it has become something current. The organizations they have included change as per PDAs in this way and have a colossal measure of style; A pity you can't transform them once you've as of late picked one. Working with Webnode is particularly common, and precisely true to form, you can in like way select a segment plan on the off chance that you need more.
 Webnode offers a unimportant effort assortment at $ 3.95 reliably, generally letting you utilize your own space name that you beginning at now have (e.g., tu-negocio.com) and landing at its decision help. Notwithstanding, you need to comprehend that the little reference advancement will keep appearing. His blog is constrained and you won't have the decision to make an online store with Webnode.
 Screen gets :
 Kind of free approach URL : name-que-elijas.webnode.com
 What we like : The Webnode headway that the free course of action shows is near nothing and the game plans are versatile to telephones. It doesn't restrict the measure of pages you can make and you can alter the SEO alternatives for all pages.
 What they ought to improve : They should fuse and improve a touch of their capacities (eg, blog or electronic business). The web space isn't liberal since they essentially offer 100 MB in the free arrangement. It doesn't go with SSL encryption, something they should fuse.
 > Review and finish assessment
 > Try it limitlessly : https://www.pgtemplates.com/
 The world's most noteworthy web maker is Wix. It has a more unmistakable number of clients than some other web maker and it's unquestionably not difficult to perceive any inspiration driving why. It is furnished with remarkable functionalities and uncommon configurations. An unbelievable choice to make a paid site, yet and to make a free site, will it in addition be a normal other choice?
 Considering, the brilliant answer is no. It has a similar issue as Weebly, the footer business, or rather, progressions are irrationally self-evident. Since it not just has your footer, there is in like way one distinguishable at the upper right of your site.
 Screen gets :
 Sort of free arrangement URL : account-name-wiki.wix.com/picked name
 What we like : The astounding confirmation of structures and the flexibility of its chief. Moreover, its App Market, which licenses you to add applications to give more highlights to your site, has a great deal of employments. The free game-plan offers 500 MB of web space, they are liberal. There is no constraint on the measure of pages you can make and you will push toward all SEO limits.
 What they ought to improve : Wix advertisements are nonsensically obvious. The URLs are extremely long and this makes it difficult to review.
 > Review and finish evaluation
 > Try it futile : https://www.pgtemplates.com/
 This Latvian affiliation is no doubt the most modest maker on earth. Is astounding that they let you make multilingual goals to no disservice , something that you can not get with some other supplier. Among different points of confinement it goes with a blog, an online store and better than average SEO choices. Besides, the promotion they appear at the base of the page is mindful so as to such an extent, that an enormous piece of your clients won't see it. In its free course of action it offers 500 MB of web space, which ought to be adequate for most clients.
 the other hand, paying little heed to the manner in which that the article executive is certainly not difficult to utilize, it is very obliged when showed up distinctively comparable to its enemies. For instance, certain parts, for example, picture introductions must be added to one sort of page. This makes Mozello not as adaptable as others.
 Screen gets :
 Sort of free course of action URL : name-que-elijas.mozello.com
 What we like : The advancement at the foot of the page is too much discrete and the chance of making free multilingual goals.
 What they ought to improve : The manager should be dynamically adaptable and join new segment.
 Weebly: An incredible web raised with a hell
 Weebly is one of the most imperative bore (and remarkable) makers of today. All things considered, as we are looking they offer limitlessly, we ought to be genuinely harder with them. For what reason doesn't your free strategy shine? Since the progression they place at the base of the page is huge, it even lights up when you fulfill you over it.
 It is a grand thing that is unquestionably not difficult to utilize. It even has an App Center with which you can show applications that will permit you to build up the limits of your site. Segment plans start at $ 8.
 Screen gets :
 Kind of free blueprint URL : name-que-elijas.weebly.com
 What we like : Your structures versatile to cell phones and your App Center with unapproachable increments. They offer 500 MB of web space and don't force the SEO decisions of any page. Nor does it limit the measure of pages you can make.
 What they ought to improve : The most colossal impediment is that you have a headway in the totally clear footer. Furthermore, out of the blue, it regardless of everything doesn't have SSL encryption.
 > Review and finish appraisal
 > Try it futile : www.weebly.com
 Jimdo: Create a free and essential site page
 The best thing about Jimdo is that it won't cost you an eye all over on the off chance that one day you pick you need a part plan. Its progressively reasonable strategy costs $ 10 and will let you utilize your own space name.
 Not just the total of your organizations are accessible in the course of action to no disadvantage, also, these are impeccable with cell phones and tablets as they are versatile. They comparatively have an application for PDAs that will allow you to make and change your site any place you are. Furthermore, the extraordinary to beat everything is that Jimdo licenses you to sell up to 5 things with the free approach. In any case, you need to review that right now SEO choices (eg, title and meta-delineation) are editable for the purpose of appearance.
 Sort of free arrangement URL : name-que-elijas.jimdo.com
 What we like : The article business that shows Jimdo's free approach is practically nothing and unnoticeable. There is no page limit and also intertwines a blog. It besides goes with SSL encryption.
 What they ought to improve : Your organization affirmation could be better. There is no application spot to put in new highlights and along these lines widen the potential aftereffects of your site.
 One.com: It's not free yet unassuming
 It must be said that One.com isn't free similar to different suppliers with freemium models. It has a practical expense. One.com prohibits its own space, you should contract it unreservedly. The site won't have progressing, yet it has a stunt: you can just make 5 pages, on the off chance that you spend it will be broadly dynamically over the top.
 On the off chance that what you need is an (unbelievably) little site, without promotions and you must have your own domain name, One.com can be a superior than normal and exceptionally subtle other option. Goodness, and in the event that you have to utilize WordPress and not the web creation sort out that One.com offers, this won't be an issue; Also here there will be no constraint of pages you can make
 Screen gets :
 Sort of free course of action URL : picked name.com (.es, .co, .net, and so forth.)
 What we like : It's extremely flexible: you can utilize both WordPress and its web maker. It is a superior than normal choice to begin (expertly) without paying a lot.
 What they ought to improve : The 5 page limit isn't cool. Notwithstanding the way that the web maker they offer satisfies their work, it isn't the best in the market. The entirety of its plans are adaptable and present day.
 000webhost has a spot with a similar amassing as Hostinger, an overall conspicuous web empowering affiliation that utilizes 000webhost to offer free promising associations. It is constrained to 1 GB of room, 10 GB of transmission limit and a point of imprisonment of 2 site pages, at any rate on the off chance that you truly would lean toward not to utilize WordPress, they have a free site authority.
 In the event that at whatever point you choose to go to the astonishing strategy to dispose of these goals, you would pay about US $ 9 reliably . Notwithstanding the way that really there are unfathomably improved instruments, (for example, Wix or Weebly ) with close to offers.
 What we like : It's fine that, to make the pages, you can utilize both your own foundation and WordPress. The free structure even permits you to relate a zone name bought on another site. They additionally have for all intents and purposes 200 associations to explore and are mentioned by divisions.
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smarthome25-blog · 5 years
The Best Smart Home Security Systems
The Internet of Things has made it easier than ever to set up a smart home in which you can remotely control your door locks, lights, thermostats, vacuums, lawn mowers, and even pet feeders, using your smartphone and an app. It's also made it simple (and relatively affordable) to monitor your home from pretty much anywhere. Smart security systems are highly customizable and available as do-it-yourself kits or as full-blown setups that include professional installation and monitoring.
The Internet of Things has made it simpler than at any other time to set up a keen home wherein you can remotely control your entryway locks, lights, indoor regulators, vacuums, yard trimmers, and even pet feeders, utilizing your cell phone and an application. It's additionally made it basic (and generally moderate) to screen your home from essentially anyplace. Shrewd security frameworks are exceptionally adaptable and accessible as do-it-without anyone else's help packs or as out and out arrangements that incorporate proficient establishment and observing.
Contingent upon your needs you can go with a framework that you screen yourself, or pay a membership expense to have your home surveilled all day, every day by experts who will contact your neighborhood fire and police divisions when cautions are activated. You can even exploit on-request observing administrations for when you're away in the midst of a get-away. Obviously, the more inclusion you have, the more you can hope to pay.
In case you're not prepared for a devoted security framework, there are a lot of individual gadgets accessible that let you screen your home from anyplace utilizing your telephone or tablet, including indoor and open-air surveillance cameras, video doorbells, movement sensors, and brilliant locks.
This is what you have to realize when choosing how to verify and screen your home while you're away.
Streamlining Security and Home Automation
A keen home security framework interfaces with your Wi-Fi arrange so you can screen and control your security gadgets utilizing your cell phone and an application. Passage level frameworks, as a rule, incorporate some entryway and window sensors, a movement indicator, and a center point that speaks with these gadgets utilizing at least one remote conventions, for example, Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, Zigbee, or an exclusive work arrange. You can include the additional entryway, movement, and window sensors to give inclusion to your whole house and fabricate a far-reaching framework that incorporates entryway locks, carport entryway openers, indoor and outside reconnaissance cameras, lights, alarms, smoke/CO locators, water sensors, and then some.
A word about remote conventions: ideally, all home security segments would utilize a similar remote standard to speak with the primary center, however factors, for example, control necessities, signal range, cost, and size make it essentially difficult to choose only one. For instance, littler parts, for example, entryway/window sensors ordinarily use Z-Wave or Zigbee innovation since they don't require a great deal of intensity and can be controlled by littler batteries. They additionally work in a working topology and can help expand the scope of organized gadgets. Notwithstanding, neither one of the protocols furnishes the data transmission that you get with Wi-Fi, which is the reason it is generally utilized in surveillance cameras to give smooth video spilling and indifferent gadgets that require a fat pipe. In addition, Z-Wave and Zigbee gadgets are associated and controlled utilizing a center point, while Wi-Fi gadgets can be associated straightforwardly to your home system and controlled with an application. At last, Z-Wave and Zigbee gadgets use AES 128 encryption, and since they work in a shut framework with a devoted center, they offer more security than Wi-Fi gadgets.
Any brilliant security framework deserving at least some respect offers segments that work together in a consistent situation and can be controlled utilizing modified guidelines. For instance, you can make guidelines to have the lights turn on when movement is distinguished, have your entryways open when a smoke caution goes off, and have a camera start recording when a sensor is activated. A few frameworks store recorded video locally on an SD card or a strong state drive, while others offer distributed storage. Privately put away video is a decent decision for do-it-yourselfers on a spending limit, however, you must be mindful so as not to overwrite video you may require later. Distributed storage makes it simple to store and access recorded video, however, it can cost several dollars for each year relying upon your membership. A few frameworks offer both distributed storage and nearby stockpiling, and some give a committed stockpiling drive that gives you DVR abilities with time-pass recording, which makes it simple to discover a video occasion that occurred at a particular point in time.
The majority of the frameworks we've tried element an application that gives you a chance to utilize your cell phone as your war room to arm and incapacitate the framework, make standards, include and erase parts, and get message pop-ups when cautions are activated. Most applications likewise enable you to do things like view live and recorded video, lock and open entryways, change indoor regulator settings, and quiet alerts. Some applications will even utilize your telephone's area administrations to consequently arm and incapacitate the framework as per your physical area. The more costly frameworks ordinarily accompany a divider mounted board that goes about as a correspondences center point, with a touch-screen show that enables you to do everything the application does. The presentation gives you a chance to speak with an expert observing assistance when an alert is activated and see video from any of the introduced surveillance cameras.
DIY Home Security Systems
Do-it-without anyone's help security arrangements are perfect for spending customers since they can spare you a group on establishment charges and membership expenses. Most DIY frameworks are anything but difficult to introduce and are sold as packs that you can arrange to suit your particular needs. As your needs develop you can arrange extra sensors and different parts whenever the timing is ideal and pair them to the framework in only minutes.
Your essential section level DIY framework may just help a couple of remote conventions and for the most part offers a constrained choice of extra segments, while increasingly costly DIY frameworks will bolster various remote conventions and are perfect with many extra segments. Some DIY frameworks are self-observed, which means you'll get cautions when gadgets are activated, however, it's dependent upon you to contact the nearby specialists if there's a break-in or a fire. Be that as it may, DIY sellers are progressively offering proficient observing administrations.
Look at our picks for the Best DIY Smart Home Security Systems to become familiar with do-it-without anyone else's help center points, parts, and checking alternatives.
Dwelling place Security Starter Kit
Expert Home Security Systems
While numerous frameworks utilize remote parts that are introduced utilizing twofold sided tape, some very good quality frameworks use segments that require a proficient establishment. These soup-to-nuts frameworks commonly cost extensively more than DIY frameworks and offer day in and day out proficient checking, however, you may need to go into a multi-year agreement and pay a heavy end charge in the event that you break it. They more often than not utilize contact screen center points that contain RF, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and Z-Wave radios, enabling them to speak with and control a huge number of segments including entryway and window sensors, entryway locks, glass break locators, indoor and outside cameras, light switches, movement and water indicators, smoke/CO alerts, indoor regulators, video doorbells, and a large group of other home mechanization gadgets.
With an expertly observed framework, when a smoke or interruption caution is set off, a specialist will initially attempt to contact you by means of the two-way control board before calling your recorded telephone number. In the event that you neglect to react, the operator will call 911 to dispatch a crisis responder to your home. The pleasant thing about expertly introduced frameworks is you don't need to lift a finger; after you've put in your request a specialist will go to your home, set everything up for you, and demonstrate to you how the framework functions. It's essential to take note that in certain territories you may need to petition for a grant to have a security framework introduced in your home.
About the majority of the most recent DIY and very good quality home security frameworks offer help for voice control by means of Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and at times Apple Siri, which enables you to open entryways, change indoor regulator settings, open the carport, and arm or incapacitate your framework with a verbally expressed direction to an associated gadget like an Amazon Echo or a Google Home speaker. Numerous likewise offer help for IFTTT (If This Then That) applets, which use triggers from IFTTT-good web administrations and gadgets to make an activity. For instance, you can make an applet that says if a carport entryway is opened to turn on the floodlight.
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