#also this is not a censorship thing but in lm 1.5.3 new translation has 'he's a lone wolf' about valjean from the ladies instead of 'bear'
persefoneshalott · 2 years
Les mis censorship adventures 9
lm 1.5.5
"That man was composed of two very simple and very good feelings, within reason, but that he almost turned bad by dint of exaggerating them; respect for authority and hatred of rebellion.(CUT) Javert enveloped in a sort of blind and deep faith every one who had a function in the state, from the prime minister to the rural guard." (Old spanish translation, Nemesio Fernandez Cuesta 1862 p. 155-156)
"That man was composed of two very simple and very good feelings, within reason, but that he almost turned bad by dint of exaggerating them; respect for authority and abhorrence of rebellion; and, from his point of view, theft, murder, all crimes were nothing but forms of rebellion. Javert enveloped in a sort of blind and deep faith every one who had a function in the state, from the prime minister to the rural guard." (New spanish translation, Maria Teresa Gallego Urrutia 2013 p. 198-199)
crimes bad idk
THEN they cut out the line where it's mentioned Valjean is nice to Javert.
"Javert was like an eye always fixed on Mr. Madeleine: an eye full of conjectures and suspicions. Mr. Madeleine had finally noticed; but it would seem such a thing meant little to him. He didn't ask Javert a single question; he neither sought him nor ran from him; and suffered, without appearing to know of it, that uncomfortable and almost heavy gaze. (CUT)" (old translation)
"Javert was like an eye always glued to Mr. Madeleine. An eye full of suspicions and conjectures. Mr. Madeleine had ended up aware of it, but he gave the impression of thinking it insignificant. He didn't ask Javert a single question; he neither sought nor avoided him; he bore, as if he didn't notice it, with that annoying and almost oppressive gaze. He treated Javert like he did everyone else, with ease and kindness." (new translation)
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