#also this is taking up so much of my time i hope you're all hapy
cherrypikkins · 1 year
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FE3H OC: Kitt Burgess - Support Conversations and Artwork
From an earlier poll, I wrote support conversations for the top three characters with my FE3H OC, Kitt (they/them). I also did some semi-related artwork. :3
More reading below the cut!
Hapi – Support Level C
Scene: Forest
Kitt: That was a close call. Way too close for my liking. You're not hurt anywhere, are you?
Hapi: I'm fine. Also, I could have handled it on my own without you butting in.
Kitt: I...suppose? Though with a Demonic Beast this huge, I'd rather not take any chances. What happened, by the way?
Hapi: What do you think happened? I was in a bad mood and sighed before I could stop myself. I do that, okay? Sometimes I can't help myself, so spare me your judgment.
Kitt: Right. Okay. That's what I suspected, but I thought I'd ask you first before jumping to any conclusions. No judgment here, I promise.
Kitt: Anyway. Since it doesn't look like you're hurt, I'll just run along and leave you be.
Hapi: Um, hello? Monastery is that way.
Kitt: I... know that? I still have a patrol to finish. But I'll head back once I'm done.
Hapi: Don't you have a report to write up? On what just happened?
Kitt: You want me to report you? That would be giving the Church free ammunition against you. Is that what you want?
Hapi: No, but that's what the Knights of Seiros do, isn't it? Keep an eye on troublesome kids like me and tattle to the Church when stuff like this goes down?
Kitt: Ha. Do I look like one of the Knights to you? That's a little worrisome.
Kitt: I'll just tell Seteth that I took care of a stray Demonic Beast and leave it at that. I'm the only one who knows you were ever here, and I'm happy to keep it that way.
Kitt: Or do you care that much about the rules?
Hapi: Heh. Not if you don't.
Kitt: I thought not.
Kitt: Although, if one of the Knights gets nosy and finds you here, nothing I say will stop them from jumping to their own conclusions. So, better run along now.
Hapi: Wait. Kitty-Cat. I'm sorry I barked at you just now. You probably figured, but I haven't had the best experience with the Knights or the Church.
Hapi: I guess I thought you were just another one of their lackeys.
Kitt: Ha. That's what I get for answering their every beck and call. I'm just trying to put out my best behavior, but Goddess knows they probably have a massive report written up on me somewhere.
Hapi: Huh. So they're keeping an eye on you too, then? They really are the worst. What sort of dirt do they have on you, anyway?
Kitt: I'm not going to tell you.
Hapi: Oh, don't worry. I wasn't expecting you to come out with it. Just thought I'd try my luck.
Hapi: Anyway, thanks for saving my skin. At least I know you'll be somewhere in the neighborhood in case something like this ever happens again. Which, I'm sure it will.
Kitt: Of course. Just come running to me and I'll take care of it.
Felix – Support Level C
Scene: Training Grounds
Felix: Hey, you.
Kitt: Me?
Felix: You skipped out on training today. Again.
Kitt: Huh. So you spotted me. I was hoping to be extra careful that time.
Felix: If you're not here to train, why are you even here? All you do is waste everyone's time, mine included.
Kitt: I was just stopping by to fetch my things. I'll be out of your hair in a second.
Felix: You're looking for your knife, right? I have it here, you know. You left it behind while sneaking off earlier.
Kitt: ...So I did. May I please have it back?
Felix: They say you can dispatch a Demonic Beast with ease, sometimes even a whole nest of them, without anyone helping you. Is that the truth?
Kitt: A whole nest of Demonic Beasts? That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?
Felix: That's what I thought at first. But I've seen you fight before. Why does it seem like you're always holding back.
Kitt: Not sure I understand what you're talking about.
Felix: There you go, with that act of yours. It's like you're afraid of something.
Felix: What's wrong? Is it beneath a slayer of beasts to fight against ordinary people? Or are you trying to endear yourself to others by pretending to be weak?
Kitt: If I was trying to endear myself to you, Felix, I would have gone for a different approach.
Felix: I'll say. Your attitude is really getting on my nerves, and you're not doing anyone any favors here. This is a military academy. Not a playground.
Felix: So instead of trying to fool me, and failing miserably, why don't you show me some of that incredible power I've heard people talk about?
Kitt: ...
Kitt: Because you're not ready.
Felix: Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?
Kitt: I'm not certain you want to know.
Kitt: May I have my knife back, Felix?
Felix: Hmph. Take it and go, already. I've wasted enough time with you.
Kitt: Thank you. Maybe one day I'll let you see what fighting a monster is like.
Kitt exits.
Felix: ... And here I thought the Boar was terrifying.
Claude – Support Level C
Scene: Library
Claude: Hey, Kitt! Perfect timing. There's something I've been wanting to ask you. If you don't mind me prying a little, that is.
Kitt: -sigh- Let me guess. This is the part where you bombard me with personal and invasive questions about my life history, correct?
Claude: Well, I wouldn't have put it quite like that...
Kitt: No need to dance around it, Claude, I've seen that look of yours. So do your worst and let's get this over with.
Claude: Cutting right to the chase, are we? Fine by me. Let's start with the basics.
Claude: You were born in a remote village in the southern part of the Oghma mountains, correct? Does that... make you Imperial by birth?
Kitt: Geographically speaking, yes. But there are a handful of remote communities scattered across Fodlan that neither the Empire, the Kingdom, nor the Alliance bother to keep tabs on.
Kitt: Mainly because we aren't important from an economic or militaristic standpoint.
Kitt: My village is - was - one such settlement. We didn't have ties to any of the ruling powers, and we rarely ever dealt with the outside world, unless it was with the Church. With some exceptions.
Claude: Okay. That I can understand, except for one small detail. I'm pretty sure I've asked everyone up and down the monastery. Why does it seem like no one has ever heard of your village?
Kitt: If you're caught up on recent history, you should know that my village doesn't exist anymore. It was wiped out by Demonic Beasts. Things like that happen all the time. Surely you and the others must have heard.
Claude: Well...yeah. But that's what makes the whole thing so bizarre.
Claude: If it was wiped out a few years ago, there has to be a record somewhere. As you say, things like that happen every so often, and it's not exactly secret knowledge when they do.
Claude: But I've searched just about everywhere in this library, and I haven't found anything written in the past decade about a village in the Oghma Mountains that was destroyed by monsters. Let alone one with a sole survivor.
Kitt: I'm not sure I'd call myself a 'sole survivor'. ...I mean, there could have been others, but the Knights never bothered to confirm it.
Claude: Is that so? For a disaster like that, you'd think they'd keep some kind of documentation. ...Unless the documents are missing, somehow. Do you think they were confiscated by the Church for some reason?
Kitt: I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. Books disappear from this library all the time at the behest of the Church.
Claude: But these aren't just books written by some random dissident. These are recent historical records. Without them, it's like your village never existed in the first place! Doesn't that bother you?
Kitt: It's clearly bothering you, though I can't understand why. Exactly how far are you willing to go just to satisfy that curiosity of yours?
Claude: Well for starters, I could ask you the name of your village. It's just a name, but you'd be giving me a lead, at the very least.
Kitt: Perhaps. But that's dangerous knowledge you're chasing after. I'd rather not.
Claude: Hey, hold on a second. You said I was allowed to ask you 'personal and invasive' questions about your life history.
Kitt: True. But I never promised that I would answer them fully, honestly, or at all. The Church prefers that I keep my mouth shut, and ... it's better that I play by their rules.
Kitt: I'm sorry, Claude.
Claude: Right, well. It's not like I've done much to earn your trust. So, I don't blame you for playing it safe, especially when the Church is involved.
Claude: I guess that means you don't know the whole truth of what happened either.
Kitt: No. But I don't let it bother me. Everything about my village ... well, it's all ancient history now.
Kitt: ...Good luck with your research, though. Do let me know if you find out anything new.
Kitt leaves
Claude: Huh? I mean... For sure. I'll keep you updated.
Claude: Ancient history, huh...? Not bad for a lead.
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aubins · 1 month
Lambert had taken his time to read more into his students’ records and profiles. Of course, the documents were vague and didn’t offer that much information about them- which was expected considering their condition as abyssinians, where anything about one’s self as past are kept well under a veil, an unwritten rule to not pry. But at the very least, he wanted to know their birth dates.
Regardless of what they did or didn’t do, of who their true self is, of how their past developed- Lambert wished to at least celebrate the very fact that they chose to defy fate, persevere and now live.
“It is good to see you, Yuri.” The professor approached slowly, an easy smile on his features. “Not much going on today, I assume?” Which was a blessing. As much as the Wolves tried to function like an academy house, in the end they doubled as the Abyss’ main line of defense. Days where everything was peaceful and attempts to infiltrate the underground’s many tunnels were few to none were incredibly rare. “One must keep their eyes open at all times, but taking a moment to rest both mind and body is also a necessity.”
A wooden box was produced from under his cloak, the cover a deep brown and unassuming as he handed it to the house leader. “For you. To make an already good day even better, or so I hope.”
It was a board game- chess. Lambert had found it in one of his days walking around Garreg Mach’s marketplace, eventually coming across a small store of antiques. It was a chess game like any other, but such resources in the Abyss were difficult to come across and depended solely on the merchant's willingness to bring business underground.
“I thank you for everything you do for Abyss and its inhabitants. And for what you have done for me, as well. You are the best student a teacher could ask for.” He smiled fondly. "We may play a match later if you would like. Enjoy your day, Yuri.” Happy birthday.
It is a quiet day in Abyss, as far as days in Abyss go. Unusual, certainly, but never unwelcome. Yuri counts the minutes of their shift in silence, time ticking even when there is no clock to hear. Even still, despite the quiet, the approaching footsteps do not earn the mockingbird's startle.
No, they come from the wrong side for an intruder.
Lilacs turn toward the professor, lips twisting into a grin in greeting. Where Lambert's is slow and easy, Yuri's is sharp, its pointed edges more familiar upon their features than a warm smile might have been. “Hello, Professor Lambert,” they hum, perfectly at ease. “No, it seems our usual friends haven't been up to it today, but there's never any rest for the wicked. I don't suppose you're here to relieve me of my shift?”
They've memorized the schedules; they already know he is not. Either Constance or Hapi will come around in the next ten minutes or so, and Yuri will be free to wander off to their own business. But until then, they doubt Lambert is only here for some idle chatter. He must have some business.
And he reveals such from beneath his cloak, the box accepted with a curious quirk of their brow as steady hands work to pry it open and see what secrets lay within.
Then, Yuri laughs. Not unkindly— perhaps it is merely innocent surprise.
Ah, chess. They suppose they must have an old set somewhere, stored away in some dusty corner to be forgotten. This one is new and pristine, and they pick a piece— the white king— to twist between their fingers as they glance back at Lambert. He makes no mention of their birthday, but they doubt there's any other reason for it. How thoughtful of their dear professor.
Their smile warms, just a little. Really, if you've been on their good side for long enough, it's not such a strange expression on their face. “Now, now, professor. You flatter me, but don't let anyone else hear you say that. You might be accused of favoritism.” They let the piece drop back amongst the rest of its peers, the box snapping shut. “But thanks. I'll hold you to that game later.”
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indigowallbreaker · 3 months
Can we get Yuri and Claude with #65 from the kiss prompts for MerMay 🥺🥺🥺
I cannot conceive of their ship name for some reason so here's hoping I've tagged it in a way that makes this findable to the right people! Don't want someone missing their Claude/Yuri fix <3
[other mermay prompts]
65. One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other
Yuri heard Claude long before he spoke.
He could always tell when Claude was approaching. Balthus tended to swim like he was fighting the water itself. Constance swam more delicately, hiding from the sun's rays as best she could. Yuri could never hear Hapi approaching and had come to accept that, if it was too quiet, she was probably swimming up behind him.
Claude, though, had a distinctive way of moving through the ocean that Yuri couldn't explain. It used to soothe Yuri to hear the tiny changes in the environment that meant Claude was near. This time, Yuri had to stop himself tensing as that peculiar swish of Claude's tail grew louder.
"There you are," Claude greeted.
"Claude," Yuri returned.
A hand brushed the middle of Yuri's back, just underneath his long hair. "My guess is you had a rough week?"
"Something like that."
"Sorry I wasn't around. Anything I can do to help?"
Yuri looked over his shoulder at Claude, taking in his earnest expression and not letting it fool him for a second. "Perhaps there is."
Spinning around, Yuri shoved Claude against a boulder, one hand holding Claude in place and the other pressing his abalone dagger to Claude's neck. Claude pushed on Yuri's chest in a halfhearted way-- but froze under Yuri's intense glare.
"How long were you going to deceive me?" Yuri growled.
Claude had the nerve to furrow his brows. "Deceive you?"
"You lead me to believe you were just some innocent merman from the northeast seas. Just a humble traveler exploring the Fódlan oceans." Yuri gave a low, humorless chuckle. "I was fine playing along, you know. Despite my best efforts, I'd come to see you as one of my people."
"I am, Yuri." Claude reached up for Yuri's wrist, but Yuri elbowed him away. "What did I do to--"
"I followed you the other day."
That single declaration changed Claude's entire demeanor. He stiffened, puzzled expression dropping into a resolute grimace, and he stopped all feeble attempts of getting away. His gold tail edged in brown pressed against the rock in subservience as he came to the correct conclusion that there was no hiding from Yuri anymore.
"That wasn't how I wanted you to find out." Claude's voice was more measured now. No longer was he talking to his lover, but to his attacker.
Yuri sneered. "Did you intend for me to find out at all?" He leaned in closer, forcing himself to glare into those kelp green eyes. "You're a monster. Half merfolk, half human." He spat the last word.
"I prefer half Fódlani, half Almyran."
"Same thing."
"It's not."
"Monster," Yuri repeated. "What was your plan? Spy on us for the humans? Embed yourself in the community until we were ripe for the taking?"
"Would you believe me if I said my plan was peace?"
Yuri barked empty laughter, letting the tip of his dagger mark a dot of blood on Claude's neck. "Impossible. They are them, and we are us." His eyes narrowed. "And you are neither. Much as you pretend you could be both."
Instead of flinching away from the dagger, Claude leaned forward, causing the dot to become a line across his dark skin. It was Yuri who flinched and pulled it back. "I transform into a human around the time of the new moon," Claude stated. "I've lived as a human. I've lived as a merman. I could tell you everything each side hates about the other-- but I can also tell you how alike we are." A sudden smile took his face. "My teacher, Nader, loves a drink and a good arm wrestling match almost as much as Balthus."
Damn Claude and his infectious smiles. Yuri had to consciously hold his own back. "Why should I believe a word you say?"
"I thought..." Trailing off, Claude leaned forward again, swallowed, tried again, "I thought, if anyone would, it would be you."
Yuri let the dagger fall as Claude finally surged out of his loose hold. At first their lips brushed together so lightly that Yuri thought that would be it. That this truly was a ruse and Claude would snatch up his dagger while Yuri was distracted.
Then Claude pressed against Yuri again, and Yuri opened for him. He let Claude-- a half human, a mostly monster, one of his people-- guide the slow drag of their mouths. Claude's tail-- a tail that didn't exist for a few nights every month-- bumped against Yuri's and Yuri found himself wanting to ask a hundred more questions.
But first there was this kiss. All the rest could come after. Yuri wound his arms around Claude's neck and tried not to think about the gills there closing up, tried not to think about that tongue speaking the human language-- and tried only to think of Claude and his crazy, foolhardy, plausible peace.
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missgeniality · 1 year
Hoe are you doing???!?!!????
I just reread the strip lawyer and omggg your mind!!!!!!! Lemme kisss OMGGGGGGGG LIKE HOW CAN YOU WRITE SOMETHING SO DELICIOUS I CAN DIEE REREADING TAHT FOREVER!!!!!!!!!
On that note can you give me a peak , or perhaps just warning tags, of any of your wips with other sexy ass smut please?????? I just want to know what you're thinking next cause ksurjekssllsworbkeslslslsllslsls every time i read your fics my brain is like omg what was she thinking 🧐😯🧐
Thank you and i really hope you have a blessed day today for making me so giiddy this early in the morning.
P.s. pls tell me where you read manga and watch anime and some spicy and sweet recommendations please.
I love comedy and I have never watched anime. I don't like action though. Just something lighthearted (and a bit raunchy if possible) to keep me entertained hehe.
AAAAHHHHH IVVYYY I can't believe you could reread a fic of mine and still find it enjoyable, that is the biggest compliment, thank you so muuuccchhhh 🥺🥺🥺🥺 <3
WIP... I have only two at the moment... one is stigma... that has been going on for 2 years now (insert a pic of mine completely ashamed of myself) - that doesn't really have much smut, and there is more of a plot in that. Hence, the porn monster in me is having difficulty finishing it ehehehe 🐥 another one is a part of keynote! i have some ideas, im still thinking it through, but THAT will be smut galoorreeee! i want them to try new things, i want hoseok to push his own boundaries along with yn's, so that will be fun to write :3 I'm so happy you're looking forward to them, I will drop snippets when I get time to write them eheheh <3 Thank you so much for making my weekend with your kind wordsss 💓
So manga, I usually use https://mangatoto.net/, I find most of the ones I read over there. Anime I usually just go to Netflix and watch whatever is there, but you can also use gogoanime to watch whatever you want!
Comedy and raunchy... I will drop the manga's I've read recently, they should fit your taste ehehehe they're mostly erotica + cute romcom!
DISCLAIMER: A lot of manga get discontinued often, so I can't guarantee these are all completed!
Oshiete Kudasai Fujishima-san - this is GOOD. Consent is great, the male lead is hot, the sex is actually really good and not the same scene repeated 50 times! But... the female lead... this one comment sums it up:
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(Rio being the female lead) But I still recommend it!
2. Hapi Mari - This one is really nice! I like the character dynamics, it is not super explicit but the characters are sketched out pretty well. Slightly dumber female lead, but its not as bad as the previous one!
3. Osananajimi Bartender to Hajimeru Kaikan Lesson - short I think, the art style is not to my liking. But the characters are so nice, and the side characters are sweet! And they have this 'cocktail language' that is very cutely used hehe, good read! And CONSENT!!!
4. Tada no Renai nanka de Kikkonai: Kojirase Joushi to Fetish na Buka (We Can't Do Just Plain Love: She's Got a Fetish, Her Boss Has Low Self-Esteem) - The title is pretty funny lmaoooo and I love this manga the most of them all!! This female lead is TO DIE FOR. The concept of this manga is really fun, so this is honestly such a hidden gem. I highly recommend this.
5. Talk To Me - this is actually a manhwa, so the art style takes some time to get used to. Also a little slow, not much happens each chapter, but its a very cute light-hearted read, smexy smexy though! The 2 couples are written very well, so I am currently enjoying this quite a bit ehehe
As for anime, my recommendation of Kaichou Wa Maid Sama still stands!! It's a good anime, and the manga left me in tears <3 Other than that, here are some of my favs that fit your taste (none of these are erotica like the mangas, but they're still very funny):
The Disastrous Life Of Saiki Kusuo (deadpan humour, love it)
Gintama (this is my fav anime of all time, but it has fighting in it as well)
Great Teacher Onizuka
The Way of the Househusband
Ouran High School Host Club (!!!)
Food Wars (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Monthly Girls' Nozaki Kun (so so cute and funny)
Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto
Wotakoi (extremely cute and very light hearted, office romance)
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War (!!!!!)
*deep breath* That is all from me LOOLLL I'm sorry I laid out a huge ass list but I was too excited to talk about my recs. I hope you enjoy them, please tell me what you think of them once you read/watch them!! Thank you once again for sending me this sweet ask <3
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justice4sasuke · 3 years
So I'm not supposed to hate Itachi for how he was in regards to Sasuke because he eventually admits he was wrong and changes? Even tho he literally abused and traumatized Sasuke for life? I'm sorry but admitting to your wrong doings and saying you're sorry is not enough and does not make up for fucking up someone's life. Itachi fucked Sasuke up so he could manipulate him onto a path of revenge because he felt like he should die by Sasuke's hands. He was selfish in doing so and didn't think how it would affect Sasuke. I'm sorry, Itachi did not give the other members of the Uchiha clan the chance to choose how they wish to die, he made that choice for them, so how come he thinks he has the right to decide how he should die? He should've died slowly eaten away by his illness. Itachi not only fucked up Sasuke as a person, but Sasuke as a character. What is Adult Sasuke if not a slightly altered version of Itachi? What was Sasuke's idea of a Hokage if not a person who emulated Itachi? I think Itachi is one of Kishimoto's biggest fuck ups, if not the biggest.
I think the one thing I want to say out the gate is no, I don’t think admitting wrong and saying you’re sorry is enough. I think all good apologies require follow through, unless of course like Itachi they die (or...die again? go back into the ether? whatever Itachi’s case is). Itachi had to go. He was already dead and he couldn’t just stick around with all the other dead characters to continue doing actionable things to show Sasuke he was sorry. I don’t think not being able BE THERE to follow through on making up for you wrong doings means your apology doesn’t count though. I just want to project more kindness onto the world than that would allow. 
Next I feel like this anon is falling into two common traps: 1. of not viewing Itachi as a character also shaped by his own experiences and trauma. Itachi didn’t come out of the womb and massacre the clan, his views and experiences in life led him to that point. 2. that Sasuke, the victim of most of Itachi’s mistakes, forgives him. 
Good characters are complicated, because people are extremely complicated. And abuse and trauma just makes people even more complicated. I think Itachi was traumatized by a war that doesn’t go well explained or detailed by Kishimoto, but I don’t think that takes away from the intended effects of it on Itachi’s character. Itachi is a person like so many others in the Naruto universe who fell for the nationalism of the world he lives in. Itachi was a teenager surrounded by adults that used him for their own ends. The Uchiha clan was right to want better, but to do that they used a teenager as a spy for their ends. The Konoha government used a teenager’s loyalty and trauma to convince him he was in a zero-sum game of peace in the village with the Uchiha clan secretly taken care of or an all out war with the Uchiha clan that would put the village in danger. An adult threatens Sasuke’s well-being to assure Itachi makes a decision to side with Konoha. 
I think Itachi was wrong about everything, some are his own fault and some things aren’t. I think feeling forced into these situations made Itachi angry at the Uchiha clan and it would make sense for him to also be angry at Konoha, but Kishimoto wanted to hit the brakes on making Konoha look bad so what would have been a wonderful moment of Itachi realizing he was conned and wronged by Konoha doesn’t happen. I think Itachi thought he was doing the right thing when he wasn’t and hated himself and suffered for years because of it, thinking the entire time that Sasuke would kill him and it would be what he deserved, too young and naïve to consider the privilege of choosing how to die that he took from others and I think he died when he was just 21-ish thinking he did the best he could.
I think Itachi did everything wrong and got what he deserved for it, now Sasuke wants to destroy Konoha which is the opposite of what Itachi wanted because Itachi was wrong and fucked up. I think Itachi getting confronted with who Sasuke actually is as a person makes him realize that his version of “loving” and protecting Sasuke was wrong, and he cannot fix it or expect forgiveness but he can convey what he learned and that is that Sasuke will make his own decisions and Itachi will love him no matter what which is the true meaning of loving someone. Would if have been better if Kishimoto took that additional step and made Itachi realize Konoha was wrong and he was wrong to take part in the genocide? Hell yes, it would have been amazing, but I’m not about to not recognize the things that go right just because everything wasn’t done right.
And the thing about abuse that I don’t think gets discussed enough is that you don’t have to forgive your abuser, but you can if you want. Abusive people aren’t spit out of a pit from hell, they are probably someone who was also abused who fell into perpetuating that cycle and if we can’t recognize someone’s humanity and help them out of that cycle if they try then we as a society aren’t going to get better. That’s just my feelings on the topic. In relation to Naruto, I think despite some issues we could discuss like Sasuke’s need to glorify and martyr Itachi in his head, there is an element of forgiveness too. Sasuke does have anger towards Itachi too and recognizes of course how Itachi hurt him and confronts Itachi on his inabilities, but ultimately he can forgive that. Whether an outsider thinks it is forgivable or right doesn’t really matter in that regard. Also I think it’s important to recognize how Itachi gives Sasuke one thing he really needs that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE will ever give him. 
So yeah, in the grand scheme of Itachi as a character I think it is missing the point and you are doing yourself a disservice to hate Itachi specifically for his treatment of Sasuke. It is probably the only character arc aspect of the series I find complete. Get into it. 
Also adult Sasuke? From like Boruto or something? I don’t read/watch Boruto and I have an About for this blog that clearly states that I’m only discussing the Naruto manga, those 700 chapters, so anything outside that doesn’t count for my purposes. I want to stick to only talking about Kishimoto’s intentions for the series as he chose to wrote them in that main series.
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onebangtanstan · 4 years
Power Style - Chapter Nineteen : The birthday
I've been in front of my closet for 30 minutes deciding what to wear. I really have to get ready for Yoongi's birthday. I can't be late, Hobi would kill me.
I can't believe it's already Friday. I've been so busy at work these last 2 days that I didn't even realize how quick time went by.
Back to my closet. Thankfully I already did my hair and makeup, I literally just need to put some clothes on. I'm staring at the neatly organized shelves, hoping for an outfit to magically appear in front of me, when I notice the orange fabric. Perfect! I haven't worn that in so long. I match the skirt with a black body suit and black heels, put my coat on, and 5 minutes later, I'm in a cab heading to Tae's place.
We made plans to meet at his with Kook, so we would arrive together.
My phone rings while I'm still in the cab.
« Hey Tae, what's up? » I answer
« Hey Gina, Hobi just texted, we have to get there sooner, how long til you get here? »
« Um I don't know, 3 minutes I guess? »
« Ok we'll meet you downstairs. »
« No problem. »
As soon as I get out of the cab, I'm grabbed by Kook and Tae and almost shoved into their car.
The three of us are now sitting in the back of a van, heading towards Hobi and Jin's appartment.
« Sorry about that, we really have to hurry » Kook says.
« That's ok, I'm guessing Hobi's plans didn't take as long as he expected? »
« Exactly. So he's making us all rush there so we're there before they get home.» Tae says.
« Anyway, how are you G? » Kook asks.
« Good, working a lot for you guys, but it's super interesting! »
« I can't wait to see what you've prepared! » he answers.
« I hope it will be good enough » I tell them
« Oh don't start, of course it will. » Tae almost scolds me, making me laugh.
After a few seconds of silence, Kook speaks up.
« So, about tonight, like we said, stick with us and we'll keep you as far away from Jin as possible. If at any point you want to leave, this car will be on standby, okay? »
« Okay, thanks guys. »
« Don't worry. »
« He better not pull any shit tonight. » Tae mumbles.
« Hey, Tae, don't. »
« I swear Kook, you know what I think about his behaviour. »
« I know, I know. » Kook put a soothing hand on Tae's lap. « Let's just think of Yoongi and make him spend a great birthday. »We all agree.
« He's probably expecting us to be there to be honest. » Tae answers.
« True, but still. » says Kook.
The three of us get out of the car and into an unfamiliar building. I follow the boys into the lift, clearly not knowing where I'm going, and we arrive at the last floor. A single door is in front of us, slightly open. We can hear Namjoon, Jin and Jimin's voices from outside. We walk in and find them sitting around in the couches. The boys all greet each other, but suddenly go back to their conversation when they see me walking behind Tae and Kook. Jin even scoffs at my sight. Is he for real? Chill, Gina, just ignore him.
I am in awe of the appartment. I'm standing in the middle of one huge room. The kitchen is on one side, seperated by an island, 3 velvet couches are placed around the biggest fireplace I've ever seen. A beautifully dressed table occupies the other side of the room. It's clear that Hobi decorated the place, his energy is overflowing in all the colourful details.
« Can I take your coat? » Kook's voice makes me snap out of my gaze.
« Yes thank you! »
I let my coat slide off my shoulders, revealing my outfit.
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I feel stares on me as I do so.
« Well fuck. » says Jimin. « She sure can dress. »
« Um..thanks Jimin. » His comment flustered me, first of all because it's coming from him, secondly because I wasn't expecting that reaction.
« You really look stunning, G. » Kook agrees before leaving me in the middle of the room, with nowhere to go. Tae is gone somewhere else, so I'm just standing there by myself, feeling so tiny in front of these 3 men I don't have any desire to talk to. As I'm still looking around, I notice Namjoon's glare on me. What's his problem? Our eyes meet for a split second before he takes a sip of his beer and turns back to his conversation.
« Here you go, darling. » I sigh in relief at the sound of Tae behind me. I turn to see him handing me a glass of champagne.
« Oh, thank you. »
I grab the glass and just hold it. I really don't want to drink tonight, I know that if I do, I'll be piss drunk given how tired I am.
We finally get news from Hobi, who is on his way up with Yoongi. We all sush and wait for the door to open.
« SURPRISE!! » We all exclaim.
Hobi is looking at Yoongi, waiting for his reaction. He smiles at all of us, but especially at Hobi who looks disappointed.
« Is that all? »
« Babe, you organize this every year, and you say the same thing every year. I knew it was happening, but thank you so much, I love it as always. » Kook, Tae and I giggle since we've anticipated that reaction from him. Yoongi brings Hobi in for a cute kiss, making all our hearts melt.
« But hey, there's another person this year! Look Gina's here! » Hobi says, turning his head to look at me. « Who looks fucking amaZIIIING, oh my god, girl! »
« Thanks for being here guys, and Gina too. » Yoongi tells us calmly, being his normal self. « Right, who's getting me a drink? » I giggle, but the others look at him, waiting for the joke. « What I can't take advantage of today? It's my day, so someone go get me a drink. »
Namjoon stands up « Fine. Whiskey? »
« On the rocks. » Yoongi confirms.
« Yeah, yeah, we know. » Namjoon answers ironically.
We're now all sitting in the living room, talking and laughing. I'm staying safely between Kook and Tae, while Jin and Jimin are on the opposite couch, Yoongi is talling to Namjoon on the last couch, and Hobi is going around the room being the perfect guest pleaser. He keeps on insisting to bring me another glass of champagne, but I stand my ground. I drank one glass, and now Îm sticking to water. Which I need to evacuate by the way.
« I'm just going to head to the bathroom real quick. » I tell the boys.
I follow Kook's directions into the only hallway leading out of the living room. After my business is done, I check myself out in the bathroom mirror. It's true, I do look good.
As I walk out the door, I bump into a hard chest. I instantely know it's Namjoon. I recognize his scent. A mix of Tom Ford perfume and just a tad of cigarette.
I turn around, and just as I guessed, I'm faced with his torso. I look up to him, only to see his eyes locked into mine.
« You should watch where you going. » He says, in a low voice.
I gulp. That voice is sending shivers down my spine. Just as I suspected, the slightest amount of alcohol is affecting me already. I pull it together.
« And you shouldn't be waiting behind doors. » I answer back, raising an eyebrow at him.
I can feel my legs shake as his gaze is still penetrating my eyes. Ok, yeah, he's hot. Especially like this, his white hair slicked back, his loose shirt letting his muscular chest appear.
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I won't break the gaze. He won't win this, even though it's so hard to stay this way, my back against the door and his big figure towering me.
He finally breaks the silence, but not the stare.
« May I use the bathroom? »
« Oh, uh, yeah sure » I move to the side to let him through, but my weak legs can't seem to carry me anymore. I feel my balance leave my body but his hand catches my arm just as I'm about to ungracefully fall onto the ground. His skin against mine feels like an electric shot rushing through my body, all the way to.. well, you guess where.
He sets me back up on my two feet and lets go once he sees I'm stable.
« As I said, watch where you're going. » He says before letting himself in the bathroom.
It takes me a few seconds to gather myself. I shake my head and make my way back to the living room where Hobi stops me.
« Babe, you good? You look like you've seen a ghost. »
« No I'm good. » I tell him, raising an eyebrow at him. I also notice Kook and Tae staring at me, probably wondering the same thing as Hobi.
« Guys, I'm fine! Just tired » I smile at them.
« Okay, I guess. » Hobi is not convinced. « Anyway, sit down, we're doing the present. » I follow his instructions while he goes to stand in front of the fireplace, right in the middle of the couches. « Hey everyone! I just need to say something real quick. Wait where's Joon. »
« Bathroom. » I instinctively say, making them all turn their heads to me. « I saw him while I was coming back. » I try to save myself. Of course, Hobi, Tae and Kook are looking at each other, trying to figure out how that plays in the fact that I looked shaken.
« Joon, hurry please, Hobi wants to speak! » Yoongi says. It's clear that he's tipsy right now, he's louder that usual.
« I'm here, go ahead Hoba. » Namjoon appears from the corridor, still fixing his outfit from his bathroom run. He straight up stares at me while going back to his seat. I feel the two boys around me intrigued about what they just saw.
« Ok, cool. » Hobi starts. « I would like to raise my glass to Yoongi. Babe, I wish you a very hapy birthday, here's to many more.» Everyone raises their glass with Hobi. « I know you don't like presents buuuut we all chipped in to get you something you've wanted for a while. Before you say anything, please follow me outside. » We all go, already knowing what it is, but wanting to see Yoongi's reaction.
« Ta-daaah! » Hobi says, revealing a brand new barbecue.
« Wooooow! » Yoongi exclaims. He really loves it. « Thanks everyone! You really didn't have to. »
« Of course we did. » says Hobi.
« I can't wait to use this bad boy. I'll make you all dinner sometime. »
Hobi is happy, at least he wasn't expecting the present.
We all stay outside for a bit, the fresh air helping the drunk ones sober up. Jin and Yoongi are in awe of the barbecue, while the others are having a chat around them. I slip myself away to go lean on the edge and admire the view. I could never get sick of it.
I hear them go back inside one by one, but feel someone coming towards me.
« Hey, Gina. »
« Hey Yoongi. Happy birthday. »
« Thank you. Hobi said you chipped in for my present? » I nod. « You didn't have to. »
« I wanted to. »
« Well thank you. And thank you for helping Hobi out when he needed it. »
« Of course! It makes me so happy to see you guys now. But don't keep him away from me for too long! » I joke, making him smirk.
« I promise. I just don't believe it's real yet, so I don't want to let go of him. »
« It is Yoongi, he's yours. »
He sighs and smiles while looking at the view for a few seconds. We stand there side by side admiring the lights coming from all over Seoul.
« Hey by the way, » he says « I know we haven't talked much since we had dinner together, but you do know you can count on me right? I've heard what happened with Jin, and just wanted to let you know that I'm here. I'm not the talkative type in case you haven't noticed. » We both giggle. « But that doesn't mean I'm not there for you. »
« Thanks Yoongi, I really appreciate that. » and  I do. His words send a calming wave through my body. « Same goes for you. »
« Thanks. »
We don't need to talk. Just being there with each other is comforting to us.
« I'm going to head back inside before Hobi goes around asking where I am. »
« It might be too late for that. » I say as I hear his voice from inside. « Where's Yoongi? »
« That's my cue! »
I smile as I watch him go back inside, and see Hobi rush to him as he does.
« There you are! I've been looking all over fo-» I hear him say before Yoongi pulls him in for a passionate kiss.
The way they look at each other after that kiss makes my stomach tighten. I want that too.
Fuck, now I'm emotional. I reach my hand into my bag to grab a cigarette. Yeah, I started smoking again. I light it up and stare at the moon while smoking. I start humming without noticing.
Moonchild, don't cry. When moon rise, it's your time.
« That's beautiful. »
I jump at the sound of Namjoon's voice. « Fuck, you scared me. » I say turning to him. « And you made me drop my cigarette. » I add, realizing that it's no longer in my hand but probably lying on the sidewalk all the way down.
« You need to chill. »
« Please don't start. » I show my back to him and start looking for another cigarette.
« Here. » he hands one to me and lights it up once I have it in my mouth.
« Thanks. » I proceed to walk to the other side of the balcony.
After a few minutes of silence, I hear him getting ready to talk.
« What were you singing? » He half shouts, given the distance I put between us.
« A song. » I let him know, looking at him with a smirk on my face. I'm being a smart-ass I know. But it worked. His jaw is clenched, indicating that I pissed him off. It makes him look hotter too. Not that I care though.
« I figured. What is it? » He asks harshly. I guess his love for music is stronger than his hate for me.
I take my time to answer, appreciating the last drags of my cigarette.
« None of your business. » I point out as put my cigarette out, staring him down before turning my heels and going back inside. I saw the annoyance in his eyes, and still feel it on me as I'm walking away. He didn't get what he wanted this time.
I spot Kook on the other side of the room.
« Hey, I'm going to head home, where did you put my coat again? »
« Oh I'll get it for you! »
« Leaving so soon? » I turn around and see Jin walking towards me.
« Go away, Jin. »
« I asked you a question. »
« Jin. Get the fuck away from her. » Tae shouts from the other side of the room, making Jimin and Hobi look at us.
« Relax, we're just talking. » Jin answers. He's clearly drunk.
« I have nothing to say to you. » I let him know, in case he hadn't understood yet.
« Ok, what the fuck happened here? » Jimin asks.
« What happened is that Gina is an ungrateful bitch. » I notice Jungkook grabbing onto Tae who is ready to jump on Jin.
« Excuse me? Wow, ok. You should look in a mirror Jin. » I spit at him before turning my heels.
« Oh, I see. » says Jimin. « Jin was a dick once again. »
« Exactly. » I answer, putting my coat on.
« Hey don't leave, we were talking. What was it about the mirror? I already know how handsome I am. » That would of made me laugh a week ago, but now it just grosses me out.
« Hey, Jin, let it go. » We turn to Namjoon who is standing at the balcony door. Jin walks away from me his hands in the air as if he was getting arrested.
« Right, I'm leaving guys, have a good evening. Thanks for inviting me Hobi. » I take him into my arms.
« You know I'm calling you tomorrow right? I need to know what happened here. As soon as I'm done taking care of my drunk baby. »
« No problem. Say bye to Yoongi for me. »
Kook and Tae walk me back to the door and bring me in their arms as goodbye.
« Call us if you need anything. » Kook says.
« I know. »
« Anything. » says Tae. Ok, angry Tae is scary.
« I will, I promise. Bye guys. »
« Bye, G. »
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pantalaiimon · 7 years
i hope this isn't too rude but would you be willing to explain why you hate macron? i'm american so i don't know much about it, but everyone i've seen talking about it today seems happy & i'm just genuinely curious why you're not? who would have been better?
Don’t worry, you’re not being rude at all :)
First and foremost : he’s a liberal. Liberalism is a cancer of the modern world. that man is a product of the world of finance, and works for their interests and theirs alone. Now, I strongly believe finance to be the greatest evil of our time. It is an all-powerful tool, completely devoid of anything humane, and if you start digging into what it’s responsible for, what you’ll come up with will sicken you. This is the foremost part of his policy that worries me, but technically there’s not a thing he stands for that i agree with : be it politics, economics, social agenda, the EU, borders, unlimited refugee flow, etc. France, as a nation, stands everything to lose with him as president ; EU bureaucracy, finance, and the globalisation agenda will win everything. we will still have massive unemployment, our economy will still be shit, our debt will worsen, we will lose even more of our strength as a nation, etc etc etc
Second : that result today was artfully manipulated into happening just the way it did, and the kind of power it suggests both worry me and disgust me. the Macron phenomenon was entirely created by the media. No-one really knew him a couple of years ago. However he had powerful allies (within the banking and finance world), that in turn had power over the media : he got excessive media coverage, so that at some point he started getting legitimacy. And from there, he started getting votes from people who didn’t like any of the main candidates and were looking for someone who stood a chance to win against them : the media told them this guy had a decent chance, so they rallied to him. Then came the mudslinging to bury the one candidate who was the original favourite (still a fucking twat and i’m hapy he lost, but that thing happened for a reason). So basically today’s result comes from mass manipulation. and that is worrisome. oh, and what infuriates me is how many people don’t even question it.
of course you’ve also got the fact that he worked within the last government, never truly defected from it (he only did it as part of his plan to get a true chance at winning, since the last government was so unpopular - and with reasons), and that his winning technically means that Hollande (the most incompetent man to ever stand as president) just got re-elected, and we will get five more years of the same. though my pessimism tells me it’ll actually be worse, since macron having left the left means he won’t even pretend to do all the social stuff that the left uses as it’s glossy forefront. France needs a change in politics ; well, no matter what the media tries to say, this is not a change. not in the least.
i mean i could talk for ages truly (i still haven’t even mentionned how his speeches are completely incoherent and contradictory, how his programme is the foggiest, what a terrible orator he is, the stuff he said abt colonialism (and i’m a product of colionalism so i actually hate it, i have family history tied to two independence wars, but what he said was wrong and worries me from someone who’s supposed to work for our country, not hinder it), his disregard for french culture, etc.), but anyway what i’d like to tell you is that if you’ve only heard people being genuinely happy today, then i’d advise you to broaden the circle of people you talk to. i think the greatest way to get to thinking freely is by being exposed to as many ideologies as possible, truly listen to them, and use your own discrimination and critical thinking to choose where you want to stand. so that’s also why i don’t want you to agree with what i said, but see what you can take away from it (i’m afraid it won’t be much, since i’m tired and this is far from the best answer i could have typed out, sorry)… and it’s fine if you disagree with everything i said, as long as dialogue is possible.
oh which brings me to your question of who would have been better : i’m afraid in my opinion le pen would have been slightly less worse, but only slightly (i do not like the woman, and the emotion she uses, nor do i trust her to be competent on a number of topic). (and this is why i said i value an open dialogue: because this kind of opinion could easily get me into trouble on tumblr.politicallycorrect… this website so loves to simplify stuff, and will immediately categorize me as a racist cunt, which lmao : this is so unnecessary) anyway… actually better, truly better? mélenchon didn’t make me go crazy for him, but of the four main candidate, he was far far better than any of the other ones. and a lot of the ‘small candidates’ who never stood a chance would have been better.
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