#also this is unedited and it’s 1:40am so it ain’t gonna happen I apologise
brassknucklespeirs · 2 years
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Lᴜᴄᴋ Bᴇ Oɴ Mʏ Sɪᴅᴇ [Rᴏɴᴀʟᴅ Sᴘᴇɪʀs x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
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Genre: Angsty Fluff
Warning: Mention of killing people, graphic depictions of said killing, graphic depictions of warfare, strong language, mention of weapons (rifles and knives)
Prompt: Requested by @mads-weasley​ “I was wondering if I could request a fic where Ron and the reader are secretly together and she missing like Bull in episode 3 (Carentan) and Ron is going crazy trying to find her. When they do find her, she's okay, but dinged up -> he gets all emotional when he gets to talk to her alone because he realizes he almost lost her”
A/N i hope this helps you feel a little better hun, made it extra fluffy at the end just for you <3 
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This wasn’t how everything was supposed to go. It was only supposed to be a passover town, they’d duck in one side and come out the other and continue their trip to Hagenau with no problems. Somehow, problems were found. Several hidden companies of German troops had been waiting to strike as 2nd Battalion rolled in to the town, and chaos had ensued.
She sulked in frustration, thinking of how she was supposed to be with her company on their way to Hagenau, sitting with her platoon as they pulled up in the trucks to their new position. Instead they’d have likely done that without her already, all while thinking she was dead and gone. Her chest had clenched violently as she thought of everyone Easy company had lost and how they’d have likely already added her name to that list. She knew there would be some who would hold out a little hope, but the men were tired and Bastogne had taken so much from them that she wouldn’t blame them for thinking the worst.
The lieutenant was lucky, after being separated from the company as they withdrew she’d been able to tuck herself away under fallen rubble of what used to be someone’s home, hidden away from sight. She’d heard the trucks distantly as they drove off, hearing the sound of gunfire turning to silence shortly after. Y/N’s heart had sunk to her stomach at this, she’d felt helpless and lost, but in catching herself beginning to give up she’d wiped the idea from her mind as much as she could. Uninjured and still breathing, she’d reminded herself of how far she had come, how many people had gone so she could keep fighting, how much she had to live for. With squared shoulders and fingers clenching tightly round her rifle, the woman had waited for the cover of darkness before moving out. 
This wasn’t how everything was supposed to go. The man thought while pacing back and forth, his bottom lip pinched between his thumb and finger. There was a deep pit that had dug itself a home in his stomach, anxiety scratching at his skin as he stood by the river splitting Hagenau in two. Nixon walked up from behind him, calling to him firmly.
“Any news?” Ron asked, trying to hold his voice from trembling. It had been almost two days since they’d withdrawn from that god-awful town where he’d lost her. It had been frustratingly stressful no one knowing a damn thing about her whereabouts aside from the comment from her sergeant, Donald Malarkey, about how he’d last seen her alive, and that she was cut off from any exit routes. He would usually be one of those who would hold out hope for his officer and friend, but the previous loss of some of his other closest friends had led him to simply slump his shoulders in defeat after he heard the news she was missing. 
Nixon had questioned the company CO intense concern in his head but decided to keep it to himself as he simply shook his head and moved to stand beside the man. Ron sighed in frustration, moving to pinch the bridge of his nose and screwing his eyes shut to stop them from watering. 
“We also can’t risk a search party right now, not with the patrol orders coming through.” After watching the utter look of defeat spread over the man’s face, Nixon raked his mind for any kind of reassurance he could offer him. “But this is Y/N we’re talking about, she’s likely taken the road back to our previous position and will soon be on the next truck on her way here.” A pat on Ron’s shoulder ended the conversation as he tried to ignore the gnawing feeling in his stomach. He had a job to do as company CO, and he knew Y/N would want him to continue as if the world wasn’t going to stop spinning. But Y/N had been just that, his world, his anchor, his rock and his love. Her absence had sent him into a frenzy of emotion and those around him had started to notice the way he was losing his cool. He knew this couldn’t happen though, the men had gone through too many incompetent leaders and as Nixon continued to watch him carefully, the man had simply squared his shoulders and wiped the expression off his face. He cleared his throat and gulped down everything left unsaid before turning to the intelligence officer, spotting the red headed XO walking towards then from over his shoulder.
“So for tonight’s patrol, sir, I was thinking Liebgott, Grant...”
The trip out of that god-forsaken town was luckily quick and quiet for the woman as she slunk behind building corners and crawled her way through the grass undetected. The road back to Easy Company’s previous position however, not so much. She had been so close, dodging several German patrols and making good progress overall. That was until she’d messed up. Night had fallen again, the moon full and bright as the third patrol of Krauts had moved towards her. It was only half a squad of men but she didn’t doubt that at least a company was not far behind them. She thought she’d be fine, she really did, but as her exhaustion started to catch up on her, she had slipped. The sound of her strangled gasp and the snapping of sticks had given her away, the men quickly yelling for her to show herself. Her blood ran cold, her chest constricting as she realised just how screwed she was. That didn’t stop her from quietly pulling the rifle off her shoulder and readying her aim. If this was her end then she was going to go down fighting. 
Y/N counted six men advancing towards her, her mind reeling as she thought of her options. She decided then she’d have to use several different tactics; distraction, camouflage and then throw her absolute all into a last assault. The woman took a breath, calming her rapidly beating heart before she begun.
The sound of something behind the men had startled them into turning there backs to her as she placed her outreached hand back to her rifle after letting go of the rock. The yelling from the men helped mask the sound of her movement as she moved quickly, taking up position behind a thick fallen tree that had a space big enough to slip into. She took a strained breath, clutching her rifle to her chest as she waited. They had started to search for her, splitting themselves into two smaller groups of three. She watched one group walk passed her through a gap in the rotting tree trunk before glancing back through a different gap to see the other three men moving back in the direction they’d come. Her eyes flickered between the two groups as she weighed her options, trying to decide what her best bet was. After noticing the rank on two of the men who had stupidly split off in the same group, she had chosen her first kills. Cutting the soldiers off from any form of leadership would send them into a frenzy, one that she hoped she could survive, especially with a few moments to spare before the other group would turn back in her direction. She hoped that they would be slow enough not to be able to pinpoint her position, she also hoped they’d shot in any direction but hers, that she could wait long enough for them to think she was dead before they too would be targeted.
Inhaling deeply through her nose before letting it slip from her lips, the woman aimed her rifle, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of it. Y/N praised her sharpshooter ability in that moment as she let off the quickest three shots she could, each finding their mark as the three German soldiers fell quickly to the ground. The spray of bullets began promptly after, and she watched the trail of marks making themselves in the trees behind her. She could tell by their placement that they indeed had no idea where she was hiding and were just shooting in hopes of hitting anything.
A single bullet broke through the rotting wood of the tree, grazing the woman’s shoulder and she thanked any higher being that the noise was loud enough to mask her quiet cry of pain. The noise began to slow, causing the distant sound of a larger assault to be heard in the background. The German’s begun talking rapidly to one another as they picked up on what Y/N assumed to be their platoon under attack in the distance. Luck was certainly on her side today. She grasped her upper arm tightly trying to relieve the pain of the small graze wound while watching as the two of the men scrambled back to their platoon.
One man was left to wander the forest looking for the intruder to ensure they were dead. Stupid idea that was, she thought as she raised her rifle once again, yet as her finger tightened on the trigger, the distinct click of an empty barrel was heard. The woman cursed while moving to grasp another magazine only to pat down an empty hip. Her eyes glanced around in frustration before landing on her fallen ammo that sat tucked under the bush she had placed herself in earlier. Her gaze fell on the soldier as he wandered between her position and the ammunition, a level of stress and anger rising quickly within her. She decided then on her next move as she quietly placed her rifle down onto the ground beside her, moving to grasp at the large knife that was strapped to her waist. She glanced down at the knife as she remembered the man who had given it to her after placing a gentle kiss to her lips.
“I hope the most you’ll have to use this for is to cut yourself out of your chute but in case you don’t just remember to aim for the throat.”
Y/N had laughed when Ron had told her this because in his own way, this was how he showed his love. He had never been the most emotionally open aside from the physical affection he often showed her when they were by themselves and so he had other ways to show how he felt.
She pulled herself away from the memory before tightening her grip on the sharp weapon. The woman manoeuvred her body quietly out of the tree trunk and waited behind it as the soldier walked closer. Using her previous tactic, she threw a nearby rock into the distance and smiled slyly as he turned towards the noise. Crouching, she crept closer and was so close to striking before he had snapped his head back to her, his weapon raised in her direction. Her breath caught in her throat for a split second as they stared at each other, fear obvious in both gazes. The glint of moonlight on the weapon in her hand had been her motivation as she leapt at him just as his finger pulled the trigger. He narrowly missed her as she caught him round the front and shoved the knife into him. She had looked away quickly, blood squirting across her body and face as the metal met its mark.
She hasn’t stuck around after that, quickly pulling the knife from his neck, trying her best to ignore the noises that escaped his throat. Y/N blinked the tears back, quickly moving to grab her rifle and ammo from their places before taking off in a sprint away from the scene.
Her feet carried her at top speed for a good ten minutes before her body began to give out on her, exhaustion and pain finally taking its toll. Her luck was running out as her left foot hit an exposed tree root, sending her forward to the ground in an instant. She hit the floor harshly, her breath knocked from her chest instantly. If she wasn’t so tired she may have just burst into tears out of frustration, but instead just closed her eyes and let the world go dark.
The woman had jolted awake as the stretcher she lay on moved beneath her. No, not the stretcher, the jeep. Y/N scrambled up, clutching for the knife once again before realising she was holding a weapon to the throat of an American soldier.
“Ma’am, you’re alright. You’re safe. We’re almost back to the aid station.” The young man had cried almost desperately as he glanced down cautiously at the metal pressed to his neck. She yanked the knife away quickly and stuttered an apology and asking where the aid station was. His answer was all she could have hoped for, clearly her luck had indeed not disappeared on her as the truck pulled into the previous position she had last left Easy company from.
The driver, a private, and the medic had jumped quickly from truck and moved to pull her stretcher up only for her to shout at them.
“No, no, no. I’m fine, I don’t need no aid station.”
“Ma’am please. We found you passed out on the side of the road shortly after 1st Battalion got rid of the German platoon snooping through the forest. You’ve got a bullet graze to your shoulder and likely severe exhaustion.” The medic had called to her as she jumped off the stretcher, ignoring the men trying to stop her. She rolled her eyes, trying to steady her shaking legs to ensure they didn’t see more reason to keep her from getting back to her company.
“I’m merely tired, just like the rest of you, don’t make it sound worse than it is. And the bullet graze can wait a little longer to be sorted. All I need to know is where is Easy company, 2nd Battalion?”
“Easy Company? They’ve not long taken up position in Hagenau after finding an alternative route.“
“Great. Driver, get me back on that jeep, you’re taking me there right now.” The private had widened his eyes, closing and opening his mouth like a fish before turning his gaze to the medic. The medic had shaken his head at him before the driver looked back at her muttering that they would send a runner ahead so they knew she was fine while they took her to the aid station. She squinted her eyes at the young man before taking a step closer towards him, almost standing nose to nose. “You will get me to Hagenau right away, that is an order private.” She said lowly, sparing a menacing glare at the medic over his shoulder as he went to open his mouth. “The aid station can wait, our medics in Easy can fix me up when I get there. Now let’s go. Now.”
She wouldn’t admit that she was embarrassingly close to falling asleep on the drive to Hagenau but even if she had welcomed sleep, she would have scared the living daylights out of the private just a little more to keep him quiet. The ride wasn’t the shortest and the excitement to return back to her company, her platoon and her love had driven her close to insanity, her legs constantly bouncing uncontrollably. The jeep barely pulled up into the town before the woman was out of it running towards a shocked Malarkey who had been walking between platoon housings when he’d spotted her.
“Lieutenant, you’re…you’re okay. You’re alive.” He’d barely stuttered as she’d reached out to pull the man in for a much needed hug.
“I’m right here Malark, couldn’t leave my favourite platoon sergeant to run things all by himself now could I?” She replied through a tired chuckle. His eyes had lit up when he’d seen her and continued to shine as he let a rare genuine smile pull to his lips.
“Well, I’m glad you’re back. Captain Speirs had been going a little stir crazy without you around. Almost thought he was ready to lead the entire company back to look for you.”
“It’s glad to be back Malark. Now speaking of Captain Speirs, where might I find him? Should probably let him know I’m back.” The red headed man had watched as the emotion swam through her tired eyes at the mention of the man, noting that she looked almost desperate to find him. He nodded his head towards one of the buildings behind him.
“He’s in a briefing with Captain Winters and most of the platoon. There was a patrol last night, we lost Jackson. Think they’re planning another but I’m not sure yet.” The woman’s face had dropped at the mention of the young boy she’d come to know.
“Jackson. Well that’s a real shame.” Was all she could manage from her lips as she turned her head away to blink the tears back. “I-uh-guess I should head in and see what’s happening.” She continued, to which Malarkey nodded his head in understanding.
“Well, again, it’s good to have you back Y/N/N.” She’d managed a small smile back at the man before she set off towards the house, following the sound of Captain Winters voice into one of the rooms. She collected herself quickly before taking a quiet step round the doorway and listening in on the conversation.
“Which is why tomorrow morning you will report to me that you crossed the river and were unable to secure any prisoners.” The red headed man had said to the men, all of whom were oblivious to the missing woman who lingered behind them still in the doorway. Her eyes had trailed over them all carefully before landing on the mess of brown hair directly before her. She felt her chest lurch as she finally realised she’d made it back to them, to him, and though her arm hurt from her graze and head throbbed from exhaustion, she was generally okay.
“Understand?” Captain Winters had asked the men, who replied with nods and responses of yes.
“If I’m being honest, Sir, I don’t really understand.” She said loudly, startling all the men in the room, and she held herself back from chuckling as they jumped in fright. The room erupted in cheers as her platoon members realised who was standing before them, some jumping from their seats in surprise. She looked to Winters as he smiled happily at her.
“Lieutenant L/N. It’s good to see you.” He said to her, stepping towards her. Nixon stepped forward behind him with his usual dopey smile on his face, patting her gently on her uninjured shoulder.
“Y/N, you crazy, crazy woman.” She rolled her eyes at him jokingly before her gaze turned to the man over the intelligence officer’s shoulder as he stepped forward. He kept his face stern but she knew his facade was close to cracking as he blinked the tears away from his eyes and cleared his throat.
“L/N. Welcome back.” He spoke, careful not to break as he stared at the woman so intensely. The longer she looked at the man, the more she felt like running to him and breaking down in his arms, leading her to quickly look back to Winters.
“I believe we may have a few things to discuss, Sir.”
Y/N had spent the next hour or so filling her three superiors in on what happened before they too did the same for her, though a lot of this time was spent trying not to look at the man she loved as she felt the emotions hit her full force every time she did. She’d then been promptly sent off to the makeshift aid station to see Doc Roe upon realisation that she was still bleeding from her arm, likely having reopened the wound in her excitement. It was a good thing she was sent away too, as she’d all but stumbled over to the building, swaying on her feet gently.
Gene had set her up quite nicely with her own room to rest after cleaning and wrapping her arm. After giving her a new uniform and time to wash, he’d firmly told her that if she didn’t rest he would have to turn to extreme measure, god knows what that means, yet his threatening eyes were enough to get her to do so. She’d fallen asleep not long after he’d left the room, her gentle breathing the only noise in the room.
The woman had woken several hours later as she felt a hand stroking her hair. She opened her eyes and made eye contact with the man she loved, a groggy hum leaving her throat as she carefully reached for him. He smiled down at her, taking a hold of her outstretched hand and placing a kiss to the top of it. Upon further inspection, she came to notice the tear stained cheeks and red eyes of a man who had clearly been crying. She sat up slowly, a groan leaving her lips as her stiff body ached. After settling herself upright directly in front of him, she reached her other hand out to wipe the tears away. Ron sniffed quietly before nudging his face further into her palm, his hands still firmly grasping her other hand.
“What’s wrong, my love?” She said to him gently. His eyes flashed with pain and sorrow but also love and joy.
“I thought I’d lost you.” He replied, his voice no louder than a whisper, his grip tightening on her hand. “I thought you weren’t coming back. I’d held a little help but after the second day I just…I felt helpless. I couldn’t send a patrol, I couldn’t go myself, I couldn’t do anything dammit. All I could do was sit here and hope you weren’t dead in a ditch with a bullet in your skull. Oh god, I dreamt of it you know. I saw you, wide eyed and limp with a bullet between your eyes and I just…I couldn’t stop seeing it. And then you show up in that room covered in blood but with a smile on your face and I just…” Ron was spiralling by this time, the tears falling rapidly down his face as he leant further and further into Y/N’s touch. His usually bright eyes held such deep emotion in them as he felt like someone was releasing their hand from clutching at his heart. He moved one of his hands to grab at her cheek gently, his gaze taking in every detail on her face as he made sure she was really there in front of him. “I love you Y/N, so damn much. The pain that haunted me when I thought you were gone, it was so immense that I…Y/N I can’t breathe without you. And now that you’re back I hope I never have to again.” She smiled at him, her own tears slipping down her cheeks which he had been wiping away one by one.
Without another word, Y/N had moved to grasp the front of his uniform before pulling him forward. Their lips clashed intensely as they poured their emotions into one another, every feeling of grief, of adoration, of sadness, of rage. Ron had both hands on her face at this point while hers rested on his chest, her fingers clutching at his coat. Y/N let out a quiet hum satisfaction when one of his hands moved to grasp at her waist, pulling her closer to him as he smiled into the kiss. They’d pulled away shortly after, taking in the others slightly swollen lips and red eyes. They smiled adoringly at each other while holding one another as close as they could, Ron’s body now pressed into the bed with one of Y/N’s legs draped over his own. His fingers played with the ends of her hair as they continued to stare, savouring every moment they could get.
“I guess luck really was on my side when it brought me back to you.” She whispered gently.
“Oh no, if it had anything to do with getting you back to me, then luck was definitely on my side.”
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