#also this was the post the cartoonist reblog was foreshadowing
ntls-24722 · 1 year
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another weird and stupid thought, very biased, but there is somethin in my heart that says that DJMM is in one way or another, full of life, and i wanna watch my words bc djmm is not humanlike or lifelike. he is stiff in the face and he is not expressive nor lively even though his actions are smooth for his size.
But it's the way he sleeps - even though his eyes are wide open and so is his mouth, what weirds me out is that he doesn't snore, instead you hear him breathing, the floorboards creaking around him and the quiet droning melody emanating from him.
If the fog were any closer I swear on my life you'd see his breath cut through it.
also, some yearning for the yearning website. as a treat.
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