#also tho it'll be interesting to see if/how the giants are incorporated in game...
muzzleroars · 1 year
Yo, I was looking up information on Fraud to ask you questions but apparently in Dante's fanfiction at the end of Fraud and the start of Treachery there is the 'Central Well of Malebolge' which is filled with Giants, both biblical and greek all of whom are related to treachery, which leads on to the thought of Minos, or more exactly the giant husk that remains in Lust and also Sisyphus's giant corpse in Greed, both commited 'treachery' to heaven by reform and rebellion. I wonder if there is a connection between rebeling = get huge or if it was something manufactured by heaven or hell for some weird reason.
It would be interesting if on return to Treachery Gabriel's old body became a massive icy landmark and a reminder to all he lost. there is a metaphor there.
oooooh yes the pit of giants is an odd part of the inferno but it makes a very stark and startling end to dis as the poets reach cocytus - dante at first mistakes the giants for massive towers or turrets, believing them to be more hellish architecture before virgil corrects him. most are classical giants from greek myth, with the majority seemingly punished for defying zeus and now, ironically or perhaps fittingly, keeping guard around the frozen lake of the treacherous. however, there's a weird wrinkle in the souls here with the presence of antaeus and nimrod. antaeus did not join the rebellion against zeus; accordingly, he is unchained and assists the poets down to cocytus. but then nimrod is also located here - he defied god by building the tower of babel, but absolutely nothing suggests he was a giant in life. so it's quite possible these giants are representatives of pride as a forerunner to treachery, which has no other place in hell (yet does on mount purgatory and is considered a deadly sin)
it follows then that what you're saying makes a lot of sense, that like the angels perhaps husks have a secondary way of growing massive in size - angels have virtue, husks could have pride (as measured by heaven, and certainly deciding to rebel against their station - as lucifer once did - suggests a staggering amount). i'm also just SO fascinated with the idea of gabriel's cast off "husk" (as i think of fallen angels being sort of an equivalent to prime souls - they are a rebirth only achieved by the higher ranks). i love the idea of it being inert, not a threat of any kind, frozen and dead, but absolutely sickening for gabriel to confront. it may even be frozen totally in cocytus as all those in judecca are - twisted and locked deep in the ice, yet impossible to miss in its now enormous scale. and just the thought of him crossing over cocytus only to look down and see that....idc how close they are to the bottom of hell, they're turning around!!!!
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