#also throughout all this im just not counting alex because we work together once in a blue moon and been friends since preschool
Cherry On Top (Poly!Hamilsquad x Reader)
a/n: the ending is cheesy im so sorry 
requests: Poly!Hamilsquad with an insecure s/o who they keep ignoring (exhausted, too busy with work, etc) so s/o just starts going out late and hanging with some questionable people to forget about their loneliness. I need more hamilsquad angst pls
Can you do a poly hamilsquad × reader where the reader is super duper shy and really insecure but then the squad just kind of waltzes into her life and refuses to leave please?
word count: 3,017 words
Being a waiter and being extremely shy made it difficult for you to work sometimes. You’re always afraid to speak up loudly whenever asking people for their orders and would always internally freak out whenever they told you the order is wrong, but other than that you were very good at your job. You never had any bad experiences, except a few awkward ones, until a group of men came barging through the restaurant one day, talking and laughing loudly which caused many looks of distaste to come their way. Each one were gorgeous in their own way, but they were still being very annoying.
The man you first spotted was the tallest of the bunch, with dark curly hair tied up in a bun and a neatly trimmed beard. The next man was slightly shorter than the first but definitely stronger as you noticed his broad shoulders. The third man had curly hair like the tallest man, but it was tied in a ponytail to show off his freckled face. The last man was the shortest and had straight hair slicked back in a ponytail. He also seemed to be ranting about something while the other men looked at him amused.
You were taking orders from a young couple when they decided to walk in and you almost dropped your pen at the sudden noise. You grumbled and kept glaring at them over you shoulder while still trying to maintain a cheerful face for the couple. The hostess at the front desk tried to unsuccessfully calm them down as she led them to their seats which, unfortunately for you, was in your section. This caused a sense of panic to overwhelm you.
Usually when rowdy boys came into the restaurant they almost always either:
a) made fun of the waiter
b) flirt with the waiter
c) ignore the waiter until absolutely necessary
You didn’t mind the last one, but usually they gave little to the no tip stating you weren’t an ‘avid server’.  With this group you were praying for the last one as you cautiously walked up to their table while gripping you pen behind your back. They didn’t notice you yet as they were staring at the menu or laughing with each other.
“H-hi, I’m (Y/N) and I’ll be your server for tonight. Can I g-get you guys anything to drink?” You stammered.
Suddenly all the boys stopped talking as they looked up from the menus to stare at you. You started fidgeting nervously at the silence and you took a deep breath to calm yourself down as you looked down at your shoes.
Finally after what felt like hours of torture, one of them spoke up.
“I’ll have a lemonade.” The tall man said which you quickly noticed his French accent.
“I’ll have a diet coke,” said the stronger looking man. “And he’ll have a water to cool him down.” He pointed with a laugh to the shortest man of the group who seemed red with rage.
You looked at the freckled man, “A-and what are you having?”
He didn’t answer and just stared at you oddly while his head was propped by his elbow and tilted to the side. You shifted and started to shake under his stare.
“Laurens!” One of the men yelled.
“Oh sorry! I’ll have a sprite.” He said with a bright grin and a wink.
You blushed slightly and looked down to write down their orders and quickly walked away. Your face turned even more red as you heard them quietly whispering and you just knew they were talking about you.
You grabbed their drinks, but you tried to take a bit longer than usual so you wouldn’t have to face them yet. You shakily walked up to them as you balanced the drinks in your hand and handed them to each of their owners. You noticed as soon as you walked up their whispering stopped which further confirmed that they were indeed talking about you, or most likely in this case, making fun of you. You took out your pencil and paper to quietly asked if they were ready to order.
Throughout the entire time while you served them, they would always do the same thing.
Whisper once you walked away, stop when you came back, stare at you while asking if they needed anything else, repeat.
You tried to keep it together and not cry or become visibly upset in front of your other tables and the group of gorgeous men who caused the problem, but it was becoming increasingly difficult as the night progressed.
Finally, you gave them the check which meant they were leaving soon and so were you since your shift ends in ten minutes. Afterwards, you clocked out and walked outside to see it was pouring. You ran to your car and sighed as you were enveloped in warmth. You were about to drive away when you heard people arguing outside the restaurant.
You turned and saw it was the group of men from before, arguing about how they should get home. You realized they walked here and would most likely have to walk back in this weather.
You sat in your car and debated with yourself. You wanted to offer them a ride but would they think that’s weird? Would it be awkward in the car? Would they make fun of you if you asked?
You decided to just do it and you took a deep breath as you approached them.
“H-hi, I overheard you saying you would probably have to walk h-home and I wanted to ask if you would like a ride?”
The men stopped and stared at you and you immediately regretted your decision and back pedaled.
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t want to seem weird especially since I was just your server but I felt bad for you guys an-an-and I’m sorry.” You blurted out as you covered your face with the sleeves of your jacket.
“Woah it’s ok! We were just surprised!” The short man explained. “We would be so glad if you gave us a ride. Y'see it was drier earlier and we decided to just walk and we didn’t know it was gonna rain and we were so hungry and-”
“Alex, shut up,” The stronger man glared teasingly and then smiled at you. “I’m Hercules, that’s John but we call him Laurens,” He pointed to the freckled man. “That’s Lafayette,” He nodded to the French man. “And this little guy is Alex.” He said as he wrapped the shorter man for a hug as Alex rolled his eyes.
“Your name is (Y/N), right?” John asked.
You nodded and tucked some of your hair behind your ear.
“We can’t thank you enough, mon ami,” Lafayette smiled as you led them to your car. “We will repay the favor somehow.”
You quickly blushed and told him it wasn’t necessary, but all the boys protested.
“C'mon (Y/N) you totally could’ve let us walk home and die in the rain.” John moaned.
You quickly tried to change the subject, “S-so what were you guys doing out and about? Were you just hanging out?”
Alex piped up, “It was date night for us.”
A beat passed when the dots connected in your head that they were all dating each other, “O-oh that’s nice! I h-hope you all had fun.”
They all grinned brightly at you when you didn’t seem disturbed by their relationship.
“It was wonderful, mon ami.” Lafayette grinned at you.
For the rest of the car ride the boys made jokes and asked about you, which you would shyly reply. You were fine with answering them until John asked if you were dating anyone.
You blushed and tried to spit out a reply until you noticed your GPS said you arrived.
“We’re here!” You exclaimed as you parked in front of their apartment building. Luckily on the drive over here, the rain stopped and fell into a light drizzle.
“Thanks (Y/n)! You’re the best!” John yelled as he ran inside hand in hand with Alex. Hercules gave you a wave before he walked inside, not minding the sprinkle of rain too much. You gave him a smile but turned to see Lafayette still in the back seat.
“Ah, (Y/N)! I was wondering if you would like to accompany us to lunch tomorrow? Since you were so kind enough to give us a ride in this terrible weather.” Lafayette asked.
You blushed and started to sputter, “ I t-told you really don’t have to! I-I mean I couldn’t just l-let you guys w-walk in the rain.” You ducked your head down. “It’s ok, Lafayette.”
Lafayette rolled his eyes, “(Y/N), I insist. Please come to lunch with us, we would love to see you again.”
You nodded shyly and gave him your number. He hugged you and gave a kiss on your cheek before he left the car, “See you tomorrow, (Y/N!)”
Ever since after that day the boys have never left you side. You were at their apartment more than your own and you never had a dull moment with them. Being around the boys helped you come out of your shell. You were still shy, but they helped you feel less insecure about yourself since they always gave you the sweetest compliments. There was only one downside to all of this however, you fell in love with not just one or two of them. Oh no, you fell completely in love with all of them.
Each boy was so different and unique and treated you so kindly that you couldn’t help it. They would give you so much attention and love that you felt like you were in their relationship too, but that wasn’t the case.
Lately, however, the boys have been ignoring you. At first you thought it was because they were too busy with their jobs, but they would still go out with each other and not with you. Your movie nights and sleepovers were cancelled over and over again and you couldn’t remember the last time you actually talked to one of them without them sounding disinterested.
You believed they were getting bored of you, which brought back your insecurities and shyness in full force. You never went outside anymore, only if you absolutely had to, and you completely stopped talking to the boys. Ever since you started ignoring them, they tried to contact you anyway possible, which both angered and upset you.
It’s alright if they ignore me but once I do it back it’s not alright? You would think angrily at night. Who do they think they are?
But then your mind would turn back around with a new thought.
They never liked you. They pitied you, idiot. Your brain would yell at you. You were only around for attention and nothing else.
Since you were so shy, the only friends you had were your coworkers and the boys. You never hung out with any of your coworkers, but you got along well with a couple of them and today you decided to stop mourning and go out for once. You were finishing getting ready when you got a text.
jmads: (1:28 PM)
u almost ready? im outside
You quickly slipped on your shoes and grabbed your belongings before locking the door. You waved when you saw James but stopped slightly when you saw another person who you did not know.
“Hey (Y/N), I know we were suppose to get some food together but Thomas here asked if he could tag along.” James asked.
You waved shyly at Thomas and he smirked. He didn’t give you the best vibes, but if James was friends with him he couldn’t be too bad.
The three of you walked down the street and came up to the little café that you always loved. You were about to sit next to James when Thomas wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“Come sit by me, (Y/N). I don’t bite…much.” He grinned mischievously.
He plopped you down right next to him, a little to close if you were asked, and kept his arm around you. You tried to talk to James more, but he just kept asking you questions to “get to know you better”.
“Y'know,” Thomas said as he scooched closer. “Madison never told me how gorgeous you are.”
You tried to move away but he held you close to his side.
“But I have heard it from Lafayette.”
You head snapped up and froze, “H-how do you know Lafayette?”
“Oh now you wanna talk,” He chuckled. “Me and Lafayette go way back, darlin’ but enough about me. Lafayette used to talk to me all the time about you. How him and his boyfriends love ya to death.”
The more he talked the more you started to fidget. You knew somehow this was leading to something bad.
“Y-yeah, I’m good friends with a-all of them.” You played with the hem of your shirt.
“But they ignore you now don’t they, sweetheart?”
Your eyes went wide and you tensed up, surprised and shocked that he knew such a thing.
“I bet that hurt you. Didn’t it, darlin’? Aren’t you upset with them?” He asked with a fake pout, mocking you.
“Thomas that’s enough, not now.” You heard James warn as he looked over at another table, but Thomas ignored him and kept going.
“I bet you’re looking for someone to patch that hole up. Someone who could make you happy.”
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and nodded. Thomas got closer and cupped your face.
“I can be that person, (Y/N)”
It looked like he was about to kiss you until…
“(Y/N), what the hell?” Someone yelled and grabbed your arm for you to get away from Thomas.
You looked up and saw Alex glaring at you, red in the face with John behind you looking defeated.
“Why were you with Jefferson? And why was he getting all close to you? How do you know each other?” He yelled at you while you stood frozen on the spot. “Never mind all the we’re going home. Goodbye Jefferson!” Alex taunted.
He barged out of the café while John held onto you. You looked at him confused and wanting answers, but he just shook his head and told you to wait until you got back to their apartment.
You sat in the car in tense silence, with Alex fuming in the driver’s seat while John looked dejected out the window. Nobody spoke all the way to their apartment.
As you walked into the door of their apartment behind Alex and John, the memories of being with them, being left alone, and what just happened all flooded into your mind. You heard Alex yell angrily for Laf and Herc while you were still reminiscing and you soon started to sob.
“(Y/N)? Ma chérie, what happened?” Laf questioned as he came out of the bedroom. He and Hercules were about to hug you when Alex interrupted.
“Don’t hug them! They were getting all cuddly with Jefferson earlier,” Alex screeched. “Plus they’ve been ignoring us!”
You suddenly stopped crying and tensed up. You were ignoring them?  
YOU were ignoring THEM?
Your self control shut down.
“EXCUSE ME?” You yelled as the boys flinched. “Last time I fucking checked you four were ignoring me! I was trying to contact and hang out with you guys and I barely ever got a hello from any of you! I thought at first you were busy with work but then I would see you all getting breakfast or some shit!”
The boys stared at you, frightened, as they never heard you yell that loudly or curse.
“And to put the cherry on the mcfucking top, once I decided to ignore you, next thing I’m getting texts out of nowhere! Asking me to hang out! How fucking hypocritical! I’m not some little toy where you can tell me when you want me and when you don’t!” You were so angry tears started to fall from your eyes as you screamed.
“So,” You whimpered softly, a drastic difference from just a moment ago. “Why were you ignoring me?”
The boys’ faces softened as they saw your tears. They looked at each other before Hercules spoke up.
“We were…trying to plan on how to ask to join our relationship.” He said softly as he stepped closer to you.
“You…what?” You asked as you tried to dry your eyes.
Hercules and Laf enveloped you in a hug, “We really like you, ma chérie. We just couldn’t think of how to ask you and we were so busy that we didn’t even notice that we weren’t paying enough attention to you.” Laf snuggled his face into your hair.
You giggled, “R-really?”
“God (Y/N) we were making it so obvious,” John stepped into the hug. “We absolutely adore you and would do anything for you."
You looked over at Alex, who looked absolutely heartbroken and for once in his life, speechless.
“I-I’m so sorry, (Y/N) I didn’t know you were so lonely and I d-didn’t mean to make you cry it’s just that,” He took a deep breath. “We care about you so so much and we were so afraid to fuck up our friendship with you if we asked you out and t-then you ignored us and it broke our god damn hearts.”
Your heart was breaking at seeing Alex like this. You wanted to pull him into the hug, but you knew he had more to say.
“A-and then I saw you with Jefferson and I just couldn’t take it an-an-and, God we just love you.”
He fell into your embrace as the five of you hugged and you were so happy you started crying again.
“(Y/N), baby, what’s wrong?” John cupped your face.
You shook your head and looked at each of your boys, “I love you all too. And I would be honored to join your relationship.”
All of them cheered as you felt your face become buried in kisses and you knew you would never be ignored again.
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scarybasementmedia · 5 years
I am huge fan of Childs Play, ever since I was younger and I saw the movie I found him hilarious yet scary. As I am sure many of us in our generation did. To us Chucky was a icon, a doll that came to live to kill and threaten, destroy possess and maim. All of it was great, following its release in  1988 I am sure many people felt the same as me. Horrified yet they loved it, which I do believe is how horror is supposed to make you feel. The original Childs Play starred Catherine Hicks, Chris Sarandon, Brad Dourif and Alex Vincent. Everyone felt bad for poor little Andy Barclay and we somehow eerily enough LOVED Brad Dourif as Chucky. I questioned my sanity as to why I loved him that role so many times. I couldn’t ever come up with a answer it was always just BECAUSE HES AWESOME! And that laugh….oh that laugh!!! So that being said I am not going to do a review but rather a slight comparison on the good and bad of both the original and the remakes and the newest rendition. Its going to be a long ride so sit back and enjoy and maybe we can be “friends to the end”.
                                                             Childs Play- 1988
Starring Brad Dourif as Chucky, Catherine Hicks, Chris Sarandon and Alex Vincent
In 1988 Childs Play was released and honestly I must say to this day it holds up. The original is a classic, filled with classic kills. Brad Dourif does a marvelous job as the voice of Charles Lee Ray, the former murderer trapped in a dolls body by some strange voodoo spell. Next we meet Karen Barclay single mom to a child named Andy who is celebrating his birthday. Through a string of strange events she ends up with the Good Guy Doll and gives it to her son.
Not to long after, at all a string of murders happen leading them straight to Andy. How sad! No one believes him and the usual story unfolds, mom founds out the truth, the doll tries to murder her they take him out with a bang, literally. Brad Dourif is pretty much epic in the role of chucky and I was beyond upset when I heard that they are making a new one BUT Brad Dourif would not be reprising his role as Charles Lee Ray aka Chucky.
I mean come on! There is no Chucky without Brad Dourif. So needless to say initially I boycotted this film heavily. I was setting myself up for disappointment, etc.  You know the usual shpeel about no one can replace Brad Dourif. Then news hit the dramatic air waves about the one who would voicing the new Chucky and I was instantly thrilled to my core. I thought, “maybe now this movie may have a chance with me”. To avoid spoilers I wont say till we get to the end of the article. I digress, all acting was amazing and the roles were acted to full potential and it was a great horror film although for someone like me it makes me laugh especially when he swears so often its worse than Negan from walking dead.
Childs Play 2-1990 
So low and behold as hollywood does with popular movies or characters, they made a second one. Now, this one wasn’t bad either, this one again focuses on Andy who is now in foster care because his mom is institutionalized. Chucky proceeds to again destroy his life and pass his soul into this living boy at all costs. Ruining Andy’s chance at any happy childhood. Still claiming hes your friend to the end etc. Now this is when the movie to me started taking a little more comical turn. Some of the lines that spew out of chucky’s mouth are beyond hilarious and I always laugh a couple times throughout the show. Its worth the watch I think. Especially if you LOVE Dourif as Charles Lee Ray. I always wondered what he would do once he took over this child, destroy everything? Kill people? I want to know!
Childs Play 3 
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This movie came out in 1991 and now shows a more mature Andy going to military school, or a school for troubled youth I cant remember all that great. Either way, he is there and chucky comes back. How surprising, not really. Its a little more action packed with more kills from Chucky and for some reason I find them highly amusing.
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This time Chucky finds a new victim. A young boy named Tyler, who chucky proceeds to manipulate to crap and transfer his soul into instead of Andy. Once again Andy and his girlfriend…friend. Decide to destroy that killer doll once and for all.  We all took a huge sigh of relief knowing that Chucky is destroyed for good. Yeah, NO! Eight years later we were then introduced to honestly one of my favorite installments,
                                                                Bride of Chucky
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Bride of Chucky is so full of dark humor that it is hard to take it as a scary film. Starring Jennifer Tilly as Tiffany Valentine and Brad Dourif as Chucky once again, it centers  around Tiffany. Bride of Chucky also stars, Katherine Heigle and some other well known actors and actresses. Basically Heigle is in love with a bad boy and her uncle doesn’t want her too be with so they take the two dolls thanks to a scheme set up by Tiffany and high tail it out of the town leaving a wake of murders behind them and getting blamed.
Tiffany we find out is Chucky’s murder obsessed, kick ass girlfriend/ fiance. Which doesn’t last long. Through another unfortunate event completed by a toaster in a bathtub Chucky sends her soul into the doll of a good guy female doll adorned in a wedding dress and veil. Tiffany wakes up pretty damn peeved at him and literally cuffs him in the face screaming and throwing a fit because I mean hey she turned into a doll!
The rest ensues quite hilariously with over the top lines about knives going out of style and how Chucky looks like Martha Stuart. It also shows the twisted relationship between Chucky and Tiffany. It was enjoyable and downright dark and funny.  Not the best but not the worst…in the series. Up until this point they are enjoyable and have some direct appeal for some odd reason right? I thought so too. Then this happened…
                                                                             Seed of Chucky- 
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Seed of chucky came out and it was one of those moments where after I viewed it I simply said “I cant even….” So it turns out the kid that Tiffany popped out at the end of the Bride of Chucky ends up getting found by some cop who then makes a puppet show out of the kid…puppet …whatever it is. He ends up being named Glen/ Glenda because of his …no gender issue by being a doll. So yeah a literal gender confused puppet basically. So its never clear if he is a boy or girl. Im just going by boy because in the end that is what he ends up choosing.
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Eventually he escapes desperate to find chucky and tiffany. Meanwhile two recreation dolls used in a movie of chucky and Tiffany end up with the souls of chucky and Tiffany again because their son uses voodoo to bring them back…again. So now their main focus is to get Jennifer Tilly knocked up so that they can all pass their souls into Jennifer, her chauffeur and… ummm they want to impregnate her with chuckys baby …by a voodoo pregnancy. Basically a turkey baster….and you get the idea. So that succeeds and she has twins…. in the end one twin has glen and the other one i think is just normal. But Jennifer Tilly has Tiffanys soul and is just a murderous b****. Beats her maid to death and yeah…. thats that. Its just so full of ridiculousness that I actually enjoyed it.
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  So next we will take a look into the Chucky ….sequels that are more modern. The ones that came after. They aren’t bad movies they tried to fix a movie series that went from serious to comedic and even though the storylines were dark people didn’t approve of the new Childs Play movies. Such as Curse of Chucky and Cult of Chucky, that tried to make sense of a whole bunch of plot holes that just added way more questions than filled them in. The coolest part about the films was that Nica Peirce is played by Brad Dourifs daughter Fiona Dourif. And of course he reprises the Chucky role which was the best part. Chucky had a new updated look which…honestly didn’t do much. They just should have used the sewn up doll. The storylines are kind of simple but for these two films you just need to watch, they aren’t terrible at all. They are amusing and Chucky is creepy but for some reason they just didn’t seem to hold up as well as the others did. Oh and a surprise by the one and only Alex Vincent. That was a huge yay from me.
My favorite out of the two would probably be Cult of Chucky. It kind of brings it all together in the end and without ending it shows a somewhat conclusion to the utter chaos that these movie franchise seemed to raise. So they aren’t bad movies they just aren’t the best of all of them and still leaves major plot holes.
                                                                 Childs Play-2019
Lets talk about Chucky himself, although I do admit he looks slightly….strange and different I do have to say that for what the movie is about it does work. I wanted Brad Dourif to be Chucky so bad but when I heard that it is going to be Mark Hamill my hopes sky rocketed. Mark Hamill is amazing in everything he is and never fails to make a impression on whoever plays. So Chucky himself was saved for now. At least there was that much. Mark Hamill was a definite great choice for the voice seeing as how Dourif wasn’t a option.
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So now storyline? What was the storyline going to be? Voodoo and mysticism, dead serial killer possessing a doll. I was praying they would stick to the script of the original. Then i saw the preview and all I said was nope nope nope STUPID! So I sat myself down and decide to power through it and I came out pleasantly surprised. The Storyline itself is plausible in the world we live in. Less fake and more believable, technology becoming almost sentient and wanting to make you happy at all costs because that is what it is supposed to do. Its a recipe for disaster and I mean remember Furby’s? So there is no denying that this could be plausible for us in the future right? The acting from the young boy playing Andy was so well done, honestly the only complaint I have is Aubrey Plaza. Shes not a bad actress she just wasn’t right for the part I think.
As for kill count, I wasn’t keeping track I didn’t care because honestly the new unique ways of death were so awesome. I mean…come on you have to admit the saw part is quite ….. painful looking. I wont give away to much of the storyline because I know some still are waiting for the release. I was surprised by it and I was surprised that I did thoroughly enjoy it. It didn’t drag on and on, it jumped right in from the beginning with a huge WTF! A doll with a computer chip that has the limits erased so there is basically nothing he can and can’t do. So his mission to keep Andy happy means killing his cat and mutilating his mothers boyfriend (that one I didn’t blame him for). And honestly in some parts I felt sorry for Chucky. Weirdly…. Childs Play 2019 was win, because it wasn’t ridiculous trying to feed off old scripts that are way to overdone to the point where plot holes arent just holes they are now canals. This was something completely new and more reasonable and plausible because its something I could see happening. I think it is worth the watch and I will be watching it again when it comes to DVD.
    Did you enjoy the Childs Play movies? Which ones are your favorites? Have you seen the new one ? Let us know! Like Share and spread the love of all things dark and horrific.
A Friend to the End- Childs Play vs Childs Play I am huge fan of Childs Play, ever since I was younger and I saw the movie I found him hilarious yet scary.
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survivedeathvalley · 7 years
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Paul tried it.............. he really did huh!!! Its funny how even though I helped 0% in the challenge I still stayed. I've got the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad with me and that's all I need. As long as I have those numbers, I feel great. If we end up losing again.. bye bye Mattie! 
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honestly at this point of the game my alliance is intact and hopefully we make it to merge or in a good place if there's a swap but im not worried whatsoever
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Well, I stuck with Misty and Bianca, and Mattie is going to draw the flag, I think.  So this will be exciting, i'm perfectly okay with handing over the reigns to someone else during this challenge, hopefully it will earn us our first win! 
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Alright, so the vote actually went as planned. Tanner went home unanimously while voting for Alex. This is great because it means that if I'm on a tribe with snakes that they have yet to embrace those negative tendencies. https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-11-2015/cVGFpC.gif Also, after getting voted out Tanner got online to message me (and everyone else according to the hosts) the word "fake". I'm just... https://img.memesuper.com/3bc6766bbe76cc8447a30d21e851df82_1000-images-about-gifs-on-gif-meme-guy-blinking_624-352.gif 
Tanner literally said nothing to me yesterday except what's up? I even gave him a response which I count as a chance for him to respond, no? Like... if you don't say anything to me during the day then: 1. How are we supposed to strategize if the vote is going to fall any differently 2. How are we supposed to vote for the same person - at all 3. Why would I want to play with you - that makes for a very unreliable alliance http://rs207.pbsrc.com/albums/bb263/slimkid_buckeye/animations/bang-head_zps471ffe0c.gif~c200
Also, our immunity challenge is flag making. Which... I'm a shady ho and I'm gonna say, works better as a reward challenge. Given the amount of people who claim not to be creative in this community making a challenge dictate safety based solely on creativity is a "no" from me. http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb4x3nlrJh1rt2432.gif 
Our challenge is fun though because it's kind of "themed" based on the sorting hat's opinions of us. And the sorting hat decided our tribe was full of the goody-goodies or is it goody-two-shoes? I don't even know, honestly. Anyway.. so I was thinking angels because when I think good I just... think of heavenly bodies? I dunno https://m.popkey.co/a7fc03/e09Oo.gif 
And then Alex, gem that I adore suggest superheroes! And I'm on board completely. These super powered people and all the good they do for the world are perfect. Also, potential for something really cute. Now, if I were an artist this would be absolutely perfect... but I'm not. And Alex already made something so that's neat. I think I'm gonna see what I can do to make it more high quality or something (maybe change it around a bit) since it looks a little pixelated, but yay!  It's adorable. http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/legacy.images/smosh-pit/122010/Batmanlovescookies.gif
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I actually... lowkey hope we lose this challenge LOL "When bitches vote for me, bitches go home" Sound familiar Mattie? And just THINK how iconic it would be if Bianca, Gabby, and I were the sole members of Panamint and slayed the tribe swap
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I'm still doing nothing this week and that makes me happy, i hope they don't need me, disconnecting for awhile is nice, i wish i could do it with my main account. 
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I honestly don't know what I expected out of this experience, but it wasn't this. When I played Divergent, the cast was about 70-80% active throughout an entire day. But this time, it's only active about 25% of the day. The only two people who even say or do anything are Giruga and Dianna, the two people I dislike the most. I have to work from ground up with building relationships with these people because I haven't been present to do that from the start, and I'm worried that my window of opportunity has closed up already. I wanna get the two of them into a chat where we can stick together as the active people of the game (so far). If I have it my way, we can vote off William or whatever his name is. Even though Layla and Kat are more useless than he is, I think he's trying to be deceptive about everything (saying he's NEVER played orgs before, or how he has NO idea how to make alliances) while most people just conceal their personal lives. I find it difficult to socialize too and I have shared these laments with Dianna in the past because we both know it's difficult to engage in proper conversation with others without unintentionally giving ourselves away. I hate that. And also, this game is helping me finally go over the bridge for ORGs. I truly think this will be my final experience, and so far I don't have hopes that it'll be a good one. I'm at a crossroads with these games and my personal life, because I can only take one path, no turning back. I want to say that at the end of this, I'm ready to move on. I'm ready to be happy again. I don't know if I'm here for the right reasons, but let's just try to make it right.
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I'm actually... very happy with the flag I made. Imagine if I win this challenge for our tribe after not being here for the last 2? Come on redemption arc!
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I wish I knew what was happening. I've gone days without being able to get on Skype bc of the toilet incident. It wouldn't surprise me if they just vote me out lmao
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Going to tribal sucks but hopefully the outcome favors my game. 
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WHEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won for our tribe.... and now I'm gonna get them to send me to the devils hole so I can search out some idols bicth yes!
Alex? Barely know him but an Icon! My time at the Devils Hole was short. I found nothing, but my main goal was to find new potential alliances if we swap. As I said.. It was short so idk if I was allthat successful. 
Tribe swap has occurred...
This is so ICONIC!! I got Bianca to pick Alex.. who I'm good with from Devils Hole I got Alex to pick ME I got to pick Gabby.. my ally from my tribe I got HER to pick Giruga who seems like I could get him on my side I LOVE BEING A MASTERMIND!
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We swapped last night while I was away which is fine I'm still with Jenny. We've got work to do since everyone else comes from the same tribe but that's ok bc I found an idol! My first ever idol in my org career oh boy. I'm not telling anyone yet bc idk if I really trust Jenny or Alex completely yet, we'll see 
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I'm really nervous about tribal if we go or we lose bc if we win Giruga could go home but if we win there's a chance the other 3 might have an idol
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So Giruga and I were talking He seems pretty cool and someone I could work with. He's the only one from his old tribe on this tribe so I think I could easily swoop him up. I am worried about the other 4 on our tribe noticing that us 3 Panamint members are close. I wanna work with Alex but I'm worried about his bonds with the other Zabrinskie members. Sooo yeah I'm just trying to make a deal with Giruga rn and hopefully if we go to tribal I'm in majority and my edit stays good! (I'm hoping CP4.... Last episode I better have gotten a positive edit and the one before that I probably got a negative one when Paul went home)
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so i was late to the merge party... oops. i like the newbies on my tribe and i also like that now we're at one world, i can get to know everyone now! 
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So one world, huh? That's a thing. Interesting to finally meet all these people and see what their like. I need to start making alliances, otherwise I'm screwed.
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I...  Giruga and I are flirting by sending dog memes to one another I'm----   anyway, maybe this means that we can swing him over to our side to dominate the vote. ;) 
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A fucking tribe swap, and one world. Imagine that. At least now I can start getting a feel for everyone that wasn't originally on Panamint. I've been talking to Dianna a bit because I remember going to DH with her, but sadly she isn't on my tribe so I can't really align myself with her. The bright side is that my alliance with Misty and Gabby (queens!) is all on the same tribe as me. If we can pull in another member of our tribe we could have the numbers to control votes if we ever have to go to tribal. Bless random.org for making me a captain <3 <3 <3
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Dianna HAS to be either Dom, Nick or Nic.  Or Ashley but I'm betting it's Dom.  Dianna and I worked close together in Festive BB, and then it was revealed that she was a catfish played by Ashley >.>.  I don't think Ashley would play her again but Dianna's handwriting looks a lot like Dom's now and Dianna, then Ashley and I were a duo until she cut me at final 3 after winning the final HOH!   but I've played two games with Dom, hosted him once and he's hosted me once, I KNOW HIS TYPING STYLE AND the putting 'ME' after everything anywhere, that has to be him and I'm taking notes.  
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So we lost.. it sucks. However it gives me more air time so? I love a good bright side! Anyway, of course Gabby/Bianca and I start talking. Apparantly Alex/Kai are pulling her into an alliance. Alex is cancelled. I mean.. how dare he not include me. But anyway. Adelaide may not have spoken to me yet but... Kai, I've got my eyes on you. For now I'm gonna work on Giruga wish me luck!
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my alliance didnt want to throw this, but I did. so I performed poorly. I submitted a score of about 3000, which isn't great by any means. If my tribe loses, I'll claim that my second submission (of about 5000) was not scored and I'll make a very public argument over it. of course, the hosts cannot do anything, and effectively send my tribe to tribal council :) then, I'll flip on the old titus bitches and send one of them home (PROBABLY Kat because I don't like the game she plays) I want to go the distance with William and Dianna and Giruga, but Kat is way too unknown for me to ever trust her enough to keep her around. I'll start talking to the three other people on the tribe and hopefully get them to turn their sights from the bigger threats of Will and Dianna. For my strategy, Will and Dianna will be the perfect shields to take into another swap but also the merge. They've got numbers swarming them and I want to minimize our status as threats by having five of our original tribe members going into a merge, and I know that I'll be deceiving them bad, but I hope they don't hold a grudge. Although I'm turning over a new leaf as a player by truly wanting to stay loyal to big threats, I'm still playing the same, old, jaiden way
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At this point I don't even have to try at challenges bc I'm always on the winning team *giggles*
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Giruga just told me he wants to work with me and the other neutrals Which is the best news I could've heard right now!!!!! I trust him a lot and him plus us three makes four. Tbh I don't really care who goes home between Kai or Adelaide or Alex at this point. I'm just excited to have numbers 
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IT ONLY TOOK LIKE 800 TIMES AT THE DEVILS HOLE BUT I FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING GAME CHANGING. I have the ruby idol, which could automatically makes a rocks situation if I feel festive enough for it. Hopefully I won't be in a position to use it for a while since I now have an alliance with Misty/Gabby/Giruga in addition to my alliance with Misty and Gabby. I feel good about having majority on the tribe, but I'm trying to stay close to Dianna since she's on the other tribe. I think I'm gonna give her my glow stone when I'm done with it, so that way I can prove that I trust her. I just hope I'm not making a huge mistake.
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Aaaa whatwhat isit haopening?!?!!?
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I can't make a video right now, but in the event that I get voted out tonight I just wanted to say a few things. So far I've aligned myself with the Neutral tribe and I'm really hoping I'm not being screwed over... because I seriously want to work with them, especially if it means down the line I can flip the game on old Titus. Please just let me survive my first actual tribal!!!!
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Help I am being held hostage and the only way to get my freedom is if I make a confessional.
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0 notes