#also to anon with the wonderfully phrased ask i am working on a response :33
ask-vampire-weegee · 2 years
How did Luigi get turned? What were the circumstances?
okay so ive been thinking on it more and i think i have something a tiny bit less vague figured out,
this post may get long because i am stupidly prone to rambles so ill put it under a cut~ dnfjkasda
e.gadd noticed the measurement of paranormal energy/activity in a forest nearby one of his labs (he probably has multiple dude would be the kinda guy to go to another country illegally build an underground lab thats absolutely insane and full of unethical experiments leave and never come back) and asked luigi to go check it out, charlotte's (the name of the vamp that turned luigi, people following my main @your-local-uwu-artist likely know of her) house is covered by foliage and for lack of better term she's a hikikomori so she's very low profile, a number of ghosts (such as jim) live and/or often visit charlotte's estate hince why e.gadd's machines would have picked up on the location, E. gadd was completely unaware of this, he did not know that this was a possibility, i mean even if he was aware would NOT put it past the guy to send luigi anyway, but he would have than at least sent luigi prepared.
you know how vampires cant enter somewhere un invited? yeah so the reason why a vampire living alone in a spooky mansion would attack a poor visitor is probably cause said visitor didnt have the same decency the vampire has to at least knock and not just go walkin around someone elses home: because i think the concept that vampires are both monsters that will kill you and extremely polite very comedic
aka: charlotte attacked luigi because "the fuck this guy doing in my house??"
there are sorta multiple ways that one can be turned into a vampire, im still trying to decide what i can make sound scientifically believable so please keep in mind my only knowledge of biology and sciency things is limited to what one can learn from pokemon trivia, which is more than youd expect but like not alot
when vampiric blood is injected into one it can slowly infect the victims own blood via probably multiplying but im still deciding and procrastinating googling even more stupid questions fdsank
so bassically the vampiric blood would have to be able to overpower the victim's blood enough in order for the victim to turn, so while theres multiple factors for that we can try to split that into two main categories
vampires that died while/before turning (so like, when one dies during a vampire attack, most likely from blood loss, so the vampiric blood can take over very quickly and the transformation itself is painless, i mean dieing probably hurts a bit but like, if a turning was intentional and consensual this is probably the method used)
and vampires that lived through the transformation, which is what luigi is
the transformation can vary in painfullness and length depending on how fast it takes for the vampiric blood to take over: theoretically one could even prevent a vampire transformation if they treated it quickly enough, think of it like when your sick and your bodies fighting off an illness but instead of a cold its fucking vampirism and if your starting to show symptoms than its probably too late aknfdkja
in luigis case it likely would have been preventable if he called E.gadd earlier
luigi's transformation took over a week and was very painful, because the amount of vampiric blood injected wasnt alot, and he didnt lose enough blood for it to take over quickly, after transforming luigi slept for at least over a day, which was definitely terrifying for mario sense fun fact: vampires dont really have heartbeats
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