#also trans fem percy and trans masc anabeth
fierrochaseist4t · 2 years
Sparky sparky sparky! I MUST hear ur thoughts on wlw jasico and mlm pipeyna I'm so intruiged!!
okay so for the genderbend au im literally just switching my headcanons from what i have in the already canon universe 😭 for simplicity imma just say my genderbend au gender/sexuality hcs before i actually get into explaining dynamics and stuff (under cut since this is a ramble-y post)
nico - transfem genderfluid lesbian, she/he
jason - transneutral nb bi, they/she
reyna - transfem gay, he/they
piper - transneutral queer, they/he/she
also cw for talks of dysphoria and queerphobia
okay so first off wlw jasico bc yes. i love them sm. nico deals with a lot of dysphoria and comphet, a good deal of that comes from growing up closeted in the 30s. she's still got the idea that all "real" girls settle down with a nice guy and start a family, which she doesn't want, so it causes her a deal of dysphoria. after she spends some time at cj, she makes good friends with reyna and jason, both of whom are openly queer at the time. jason being bi and reyna being trans as well. they share experiences and help her learn to accept and love the fact that she's trans and a lesbian. eventually, he and jason develop feelings for each other but keep their relationship private. not necessarily secret, but they didn't go around telling everyone about the details and intricacies of their relationship.
now onto mlm pipeyna. i really like the idea of transmasc lesbian reyna in the normal pjoverse so naturally in a genderbent au im a sucker for the idea of transfem gay reyna. i think reyna would come to terms with himself fairly easily, given the fact that he doesn't really wanna change much about himself??? i see him still going by he/him pronouns because of familiarity and adding they/them pronouns to the list. both sets offer a certain kind of comfort for two entirely different reasons. they knew they liked guys since they were like 11 and basically just said "oh. yeah ok we'll go with this." didn't really tell anyone, just kinda let them figure it out when they never talked about any girls they liked and mentioned his various boyfriends he's had over the years. they're not too invested in romance but enjoy it and are a overall very good partner. piper i think probably took more time to accept themself, but when they did they had a very "oh you don't like it? sucks ig" attitude towards people who gave her shit about it. so im very much lead to believe that the two of them were comfortable with each other right off the bat and eventually developed feelings for one another. reyna took more time to develop feelings i think, but eventually were cool with how they saw piper and asked him out.
this was me when i saw this ask
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ty for letting me ramble about this 😭 <33
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