#also tried to use more halftones but idk
martyryo · 10 days
how do you pick out such cool colors and outfits?!? :000 i love your art :3
Also, I'm sorry if answers will disappoint you but I don't have a thought behind color picking. Truth is lately I've been just using colors I like, trying to make them fit to the overall vibe of the drawing.
For example, in the vamp marla drawings I used a dark moldy orange cause it reminded me of rust and decay, and with that I added some tilted bright magenta lines to contrast it and make it pop. That's it. And to figure them out I just kept modifying the hue until I liked the combination. So I guess, play around with colors, be silly :3
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Oh also lines and halftones play a big role in my drawings. I don't like having many elements of the same value one next to the other, cause they don't make each other stand out. (imagine a plain outfit with EVERYTHING black. Nothing else. Kinda boring).
I try in fact to put dark areas next to brighter ones so their shapes are more distinct to the sight (the eyes in the drawing for example wouldn't be so visible if there wasn't the dark eyeshadow to drag your eyes towards them. The hair has subtle black lines as texture while the skin has halftones, this makes the brain perceive them as different).
Now for the outfits...well, since the past months I've been drawing the same 3 blorbos in their canon fits, soooo use reference I would say... referencing things is always the best thing you can do, from fits and especially colors if you're trying to obtain a certain mood or atmosphere (and I be forgetting cause I'm lazy but don't be like me 💥).
I did design the following fits out of raw imagination, but I needed some reference for cowboy and pirate fits on pinterest.
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In these cases I tried to add some recurring patters for each of them.
Narrator has many horizontal lines going on on the pants (design and the dangly things on the side) while also having like two belts and a string. More lines yippie!
With marla I went with earrings matching the necklace, while also adding lace (is that how it's called??) on the rims of her top, glove things and collar. For her top and skirt I went with vertical lines that are also present on her stockings while cloak/scarf has those repeating things at the end (me when I don't know clothing vocabulary).
Tyler has kinda the more boring fit cause I was getting tired. I was trying to go with items of the upper body being tighter while having large pants with bug boots, kinda triangle shaped, but ehh I need to work more on that. Reoccurring would be the flowy clothes folds cause I view them as soft materials contrasted with a more rough vest. I tried to add on that soap bubbles patterns but it's kind of a weak effect so fnenrne.
Again. Reference. And taking breaks between designs cause your brain at some point has enough of your ideas.
Uhmm idk if all this yapping in an okay answer for you, I spent all afternoon trying to analyze my drawings and I was going insane. But I thank you for asking cause you made me realize I should adapt to a stable technique huehue =w=
Also for school work, when I need to pick colors, the website I linked below is the tool I always use. You can search for an already existing palette or generate a random one u.u
Lmk if you wanna know anything else, I'll try my best to answer. Have a great day <3
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