#also tv series: transparent (2014) - dig (2015)
clarabowlover · 4 years
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Happy Birthday To Gorgeous American Actress Alison Sudol
(Born 23rd December 1984)
Pics: Listal.com
Gif Source: Bing Images
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Robot! Here's Some Bitcoin For You
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/happy-thanksgiving-mr-robot-heres-some-bitcoin-for-you
Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Robot! Here's Some Bitcoin For You
If it’s crypto-related, the crypto fans will notice it. Bitcoiners saw a Bitcoin (BTC) address in popular TV series Mr. Robot and, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, have actually sent some of the world’s number one cryptocurrency to it.
For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, Mr. Robbot is a USA Network’s show about a young, unstable cyber-security genius, called Elliot Alderson, running since 2015 – a show which obviously pays attention to details. For our purpose, the episode that matters is the one aired on November 24, which depicts the protagonist utilizing his expertise and a "crypto tumbler" to skillfully code a "coin-cleaning" program. What mixers do is help users gain more privacy and hide their history by mixing coins between more users. Therefore, Elliot here was using it to hide his history, likely before turning into fiat the coins he took, which aren’t his.
Viewers seemed to want to change the “his coins” part of the last sentence, as they’ve started sending Elliot some crypto. They’ve noticed an address in Elliot’s program, realized that – yes – such an address really does exist on Blockchain.com, and decided to send it sats. Now, you may wonder why anybody would be sending hard-to-acquire BTC to an address of an unknown person. We don’t know. There have been stories that people are attempting to rescue characters they see on TV shows, believing they’re real, and fans often try to connect to their sources of interest in any way they can, but in the case of the Cryptoverse, it’s most likely a joke of some sort.
Anonymous as it is, blockchain is also transparent. Hence, there are still things we can see from an address and its transaction history. The legacy P2PKH (Pay To Public Key Hash) address in question is 1MbwAEKJCtPYpLPxEkUmZxwjk63nQrpbXo, found here. At the moment of writing, 16 transactions have been recorded, starting with November 25, a day after the episode aired. Total amount received to the address is BTC 0.00295923, which is currently some USD 22.
However, BTC 0.00228086 BTC (c. USD 17) has been sent from the address to external addresses already, with the balance remaining at BTC 0.00067837 (USD 5).
Digging deeper, we find that most of the related addresses have small balances and 1-2 transaction, all made in this three-day period. Three related address stand out from the crowd.
One SegWit address has had 11 transactions since mid-August 2019, with a total received of BTC 0.02906753 (USD 217) and remaining balance of BTC 0.00006050 (USD 0.45).
The second SegWit address has had 353 transactions since late April 2019, with a total received of BTC 1.48987753 (USD 11,120) and remaining balance of BTC 0.87598436 (USD 6,558).
The third is a legacy address that has had 835 had transactions since December 2014, with a total received of BTC 872.39454568 (USD 6.5 million) and remaining balance of BTC 0.00351266 (USD 26).
We’ll see if more BTC will be sent to ‘Elliot’. Meanwhile, BTC is currently (12:20 UTC) trading at c. USD 7,503. It appreciated 2.91% in the past 24 hours, though it fell 5.8% in a week.
Happy Thanks/Bitcoin giving!
Source: cryptonews.com
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Joined Oct, 2010
Follow @joelgascoigne
Since starting Buffer from my bedroom in the UK, it's been incredibly fun to build it into a powerful social media tool used by hundreds of thousands of people. We're also trying to create one of the most interesting and fulfilling places to work, so I spend a lot of my time thinking about company culture. My work is split between growing the company and working with the team on all areas of product, engineering and customer happiness. I also love to exercise, travel, and help other startup founders.
Joined May, 2012
Follow @ay8s
I love to keep up to date with the latest and greatest things Apple has released and hack away at them, whether its at Buffer or on my own side projects. In my spare time I hack away on various side projects like CouchQuiz & ShutterSpots. I also love to fuel my coffee addiction in various coffee shops.
Joined Aug, 2012
Follow @carokopp
I feel truly grateful anytime a customer reaches out to us because it gives us an opportunity to learn something about our product or simply talk to someone really darn cool. I love the warm-fuzzies that come from helping people use Buffer in a more awesome way. Besides Buffer coworkers and customers, the things that make me happy usually include a sport (tennis, lacrosse, frisbee, you name it) or a very hot tea with honey.
Joined Feb, 2013
Follow @nystroms
It is a great feeling to be working alongside such an awesome and inspiring team whose main purpose is to deliver happiness all around. I love to be able to offer people that little extra bit of happiness when helping them use Buffer and I find these interactions to be the best resource to turn Buffer into an even more amazing tool. When I'm not on my Macbook you'll probably find me exploring a new city or beach!
Joined Feb, 2013
Follow @colinscape
I love to solve problems. I'm never happier than when I can dig into a problem and find a solution to make somebody's life a little bit better. That's the great thing about software development - it's all about solving people's problems. When I'm away from my desk you'll probably find me running the streets of Cambridge or relaxing with a nice pint of beer.
Joined Nov, 2013
Follow @a_farmer
Simply put, I enjoy people. Every interaction holds the potential for something special to occur. There is no hiding that Buffer is an amazingly powerful and useful tool. What I didn't fully realize is that Buffer is surrounded by such an amazing community of users and such an astoundingly awesome team. And, each day, I have the privilege to wake up and interact with both. It can't get any better! When away from Buffer, you would probably find me rolling around with my kids, hanging out with my lovely wife, or with my nose in a book.
Joined Jan, 2014
Follow @misterfeeney
Since joining Buffer I've experienced the most positive, friendly conversations not only with the amazing folks who rely on Buffer daily but also with the amazing team that I'm humbled to be a part of. It's so fun to be able to work every day to provide people with the best possible experience, whether it's through Live Chat, email, or Twitter. It really puts a huge smile on my face to be able to help answer questions and concerns. Outside of Buffer, I am passionate about design, meditation, reading, and watching an excessive number of TED videos and various other lectures.
Joined Jan, 2014
Follow @courtneyseiter
You can often find me thinking on and sharing how we work at Buffer, and developing strategies to make Buffer an inclusive and happy place for anyone to work. Between blog posts, I'm probably petting a dog or working on my side project, Girls to the Moon. ="http:>
Joined Feb, 2014
Follow @stevenc81
Working in tech startups is something I love to do so much I think I will never get bored with it. And it gets even better to work alongside an ass kicking team exactly like Buffer. Everyone here is incredibly talented and full of passion, more importantly, super fun to work with. I love to code, building things and enjoy life to the fullest. When I'm not gazing at Buffer analytics, you will find me experiment on mixing drinks, workout or chill with my friends.
Joined Feb, 2014
Follow @djfarrelly
I love everyone at Buffer's can-do attitude. It's a positive team that never finds any problem unsolvable. After transitioning careers a few years ago, working at a customer focused company has been such a pleasure as I'm constantly reminded that we're building something people love to use. I'm currently leading our transition to a service-oriented architecture working with all of our engineers to build new maintainable services that can scale. Right now I'm working a ton with Kuberntes, Docker and Node.js.
Joined Mar, 2014
Follow @kevanlee
We are so blessed at Buffer to have the community, users, and interactions that we do. Writing on the Buffer blog reminds me of this every day. Engaging with this community---its excitement for social, its wisdom, grace, and joy in conversations--- has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Same goes for my interactions with the Buffer team. I count it quite a privilege to write and share what I'm learning and discovering and to do so with such an amazing, happy group of people.
Joined Mar, 2014
Follow @davechapman
Being part of a team of such dedicated, talented people makes me glow with pride (I actually glow). I am regularly inspired by how the Buffer team is completely focused on building the best product as well as providing the best customer experience. I have an expanding collection of vintage cameras and love using them. I'm also developing a worryingly compelling desire to become a trapeze artist, having recently learned there are at least three circus schools in London.
Joined Apr, 2014
Follow @nmillerbooks
Writer & dreamer - when I'm not tinkering on a post for the Open blog, I'm working to connect the Buffer team and family members! Working from home with a baby, 2 dogs, 12 chickens, 2 ducks and 2 horses.
Joined Apr, 2014
Follow @octabur
Love at first sight, this is what I felt for Buffer since the very first moment that I read about it! Having the opportunity of helping and learning from such a wonderful community like the one we have is a beautiful blessing. I'm really grateful to be part of a team of kindhearted people that strives each day to become better persons. The happiness continues, when I play any sport or workout in general, spend time with family and friends, travel the world and taste its delicious flavors.
Joined May, 2014
Follow @michael_erasmus
I knew I wanted to work at Buffer since I learned about the company, it's phenomenal team and awesome values. Every day here is a blast, building an amazing product, working with top class team and making customers happy all over the world. I love coding and using data to gain insight on the world. I'm a husband and dad of two, so family is very important to me. I also love surfing and living close to the ocean, so working remotely and having a lot of flexibility keeps me stoked every day.
Joined May, 2014
Follow @redman
I have always adored technology and design. I love to learn new technologies, particularly mobile programming, platforms and paradigms (I also adore alliteration). I transitioned to Android development at Buffer after several years as an iOS developer and I'm loving every minute of it. It's a real privilege to work beside some of the most positive, smart and talented people I've ever met (no exaggeration!). When I'm not building mobile bits, you'll find me jamming out to covers on my acoustic or watching reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Joined Jul, 2014
Follow @msanromanv
When I'm not coding, I can be found playing the guitar live with my band, enjoying all things about life with my girlfriend and scratching my kitten's tummy.
Joined Nov, 2014
Follow @josemdev
I love working at Buffer with such an awesome team by my side. It's always amazing when I read a tweet or an article about Buffer and I see how much impact we have when we are able to fix a bug or create something useful for our users. I also love being a minimalist, reading good literature, learning new languages (working on my Japanese now) and going for a run before dawn.
Joined Dec, 2014
Follow @thomasdunnuk
Every day is different with Buffer and I feel incredibly privileged being able to learn here. For me this isn’t work but rather ‘learning' :) I love reaching out to our amazing customers and learning from their experiences so that we can make Buffer the best product that it can possibly be! I also compose orchestral music as a hobby, love to travel and watch the latest TV series with my girlfriend :)
Joined Jan, 2015
Follow @eric_khun
I'm really curious about how things work and how to make life a little bit easier for people. I love digging into new problems and learn new technologies to solve them. Being surrounded with amazing people, in a such a great culture makes me so proud of being part of Buffer.
Joined Feb, 2015
Follow @phildelapampa
Working at Buffer surrounded by such wonderful people dedicated to serving our amazing community is a pure joy. I love playing with data and new technologies. It's a privilege to find new challenges everyday and be able to fulfill my eagerness to learn about all sides of technology!
When I don't wear my tech builder hat, you may find me exploring the world as a digital nomad, surfing with my GoPro or chilling on the beach with a good smoothie and friends :)
Joined Feb, 2015
Follow Maxberthelot
When I discovered the Buffer culture of transparency, customer focused company and Happiness, I knew I wanted to work for Buffer. I feel incredibly grateful to work with such talented and brilliant people. Everyday is an amazing journey filled with lots of fun & learning. I love digging into data, trying to understand customer needs and create the most useful product :) I choose a digital nomad life so you’ll find me not far from a Surf or Kite surf spot.
Joined Mar, 2015
Follow @ocallaghandavid
I’m incredibly lucky to work with such an amazing and talented team at Buffer, I’m constantly learning new way’s to improve and create an enjoyable experience for our users. I first heard about Buffer through Joel’s blog, and when I started to learn more about the companies values and team I knew this is where I wanted to work. When I’m not working I can be found walking with my wife Kate and our bulldog Trev, reading or catching up with friends.
Joined Apr, 2015
Follow @julheimer
Joined May, 2015
Follow @danmulc1
I very quickly fell in love with Buffer after reading an article by Joel in Entrepreneur magazine. After reading that, I was hooked and knew working for Buffer would be a dream. When I found the Happiness Hero role (what we called Customer Advocates back then) it just seemed like the perfect fit. I’ve always found joy in helping others and creating smiles wherever possible; luckily I get to do this for a living now and love every second of doing so with an amazing team around me. Outside of the ‘office’ I’m pretty addicted to everything Manchester United related, catching the latest films at the cinema, finding the perfect burger, travelling and visiting Manchester to spend quality time with my amazing little niece and my family dog.
Joined Jul, 2015
Follow @_pioul
I love the web, as well as building things that make our lives easier. The rest of my days, I'm having a good time enjoying the company of friends and family, eagerly learning, exercising, experiencing different places in the world…
Joined Aug, 2015
Follow @ivanazuber
Everyone has a dream job they hope to get one day, and ever since I first found out about Buffer, I knew this is the team I want to work with and the product I want to help develop :)! Besides the contagious positivity and the most amazing culture and team, what I admire most is the company's inner organization and how despite there being no managers things move so rapidly forward. From an idea to realization, everything is perfectly organized, everyone has their role in it, and I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this journey :)! When I'm not coding at Buffer I'm usually spending time in the world of blockchain development, learning new skills or enjoying my time with family & friends.
Joined Aug, 2015
Follow @kellybakes
I discovered Buffer while searching for resources on personal improvement and positivity and it's been such an unbelievable blessing to be part of a team of talented folks who live these values to the fullest! I'm so thankful to wake up every morning and have the opportunity to share smiles with our amazing community of users! :) When I'm not helping our awesome customers, you can find me baking up sweets, strolling through a farmers market, practicing pigeon pose, watching college basketball or biking through the streets of Philadelphia :)
Joined Aug, 2015
Follow @parmly
I feel so fortunate to be here, working alongside a world-class team to make sure our customers are getting a ton of value out of Buffer. I originally came on board as a Happiness Hero in late 2015 and currently lead our Customer Success team in delivering happiness to all of our Buffer for Business customers. What a privilege! Right now I live in Louisville, KY with my wife and two boys. When I'm not hanging out with my family, I enjoy reading, photography, and sipping Americanos. I love connecting with our community on Twitter, so feel free to reach out anytime!
Joined Aug, 2015
Follow @mwermuth
Always since I discovered the Buffer values and culture I knew I wanted to work with all those inspiring and intelligent people. Now being able to work on both mobile products I feel so grateful. Waking up each day and being part of this journey fills me with joy. Outside of working on Android or iOS you'll find me playing around with coffee machines or riding my fixed gear bike through the city.
Joined Sep, 2015
Follow @RoyBoss
I was born and raised in Kenya, then recently settled down in Canada. I winded up using Buffer and admiring the Buffer culture from afar, so joining the team was - and still is - quite a surreal experience! When I'm not Buffering I'm spending time with my incredible wife Deborah and our adorable kids. I'm a big Arsenal fan (football), love a good read (especially history or war-related) and some good food (especially Kenyan & Indian).
Joined Sep, 2015
Follow @alfred_lua
I grew up in Singapore and left for university in the UK when I was 20, during which I learned about Buffer and its amazing culture and team. I'm really honoured to be part of the team now and be able to serve and interact with all our wonderful users and community members. In between chats with the community, I am usually swimming, cycling or running :)
Joined Sep, 2015
Follow @jordanmorgan10
When I'm not spending time with my beautiful wife, Jansyn, and our two sons, Bennett and Remy, I'm hacking away on iOS projects, writing on my blog, and of course - playing copious amounts of video games!
Joined Oct, 2015
Follow moreofmorris
I have always had a passion for the web and how companies operate in the world. I believe that you can run a great company, with great people, making great products without losing the human touch. I feel at home with Buffer and it really gives me the chance to do my best work.
Joined Oct, 2015
Follow @ashread_
I’m fascinated by storytelling, entrepreneurship, and travel. When I'm not writing, you'll usually find me on a football pitch or basketball court.
Joined Oct, 2015
Follow @mallen5311
It is an honor to serve our amazing customers behind the scenes! I love solving puzzles and utilizing complex systems thinking. When not elbow deep in data, you might find me outdoors indulging my love of adventure sports (cycling, hiking, rock climbing, snowboarding, scuba diving). I love exploring the mountains of the western US, and just so happen to nomad with my wife and two dogs in a 28 foot RV.
Joined Oct, 2015
Follow @mike_eck
I'm fortunate enough to have spent most of my life running around and enjoying the Sydney sunshine! I love the outdoors - swimming, playing tennis, kicking a footy. My background for the most part is in marketing, and I am so grateful that my career helped me discover Buffer, join this amazing team and learn from our incredible customers. I've always enjoyed cooking and have a new found love for experimenting with cocktails.
Joined Oct, 2015
Follow @goku2
I've always had a passion for software development and startups. For me making products from scratch, improving existing ones, and living in constant change are ingredients that makes me thrive and enjoy what I am doing. About two years ago I remember having encountered a post from Buffer's Open blog about Transparency and values that blew my mind. I felt so aligned with what was written there that I knew I wanted to be part of that. Now that I have the privilege of working with this amazing group of people, I can say that is way better that I imagined and I'm so grateful for that. Moreover, of all the technologies I've had the pleasure to work with I've always had a crush on Apple products and technologies. So having the opportunity to combine both of these passions is more than a dream come true to me. Outside of Buffer you can usually find me reading (programming, business and inspirational), planning on visiting new places in the world or running through the city to beat the Blerch.
Joined Oct, 2015
Follow @ariellemargot
It's incredible to be part of a company that truly shares my values. I feel so lucky to work alongside such warm, positive, energetic and compassionate people! For as long as I can remember, I've been into exploring happiness and where it comes from, and that exploration brought me to the Buffer team. :) In addition to my love of building community, I also love vegetables, cooking, practicing yoga, meditating, living mindfully, music festivals, tasting new teas, and exploring the world!
Joined Nov, 2015
Follow @toddba
A few years back while working at Apple, I stumbled into Buffer. I knew it was this amazing tool that helped me crush it on social. But little did I know I’d later take a marketing position where I would find myself using it every day! After reading the blog for years, I fell in love with the culture and values that make Buffer amazing. Fast-forward to now and I’m so grateful to be a part of such an amazing team that I’ve admired for so many years! When I’m not chatting with our amazing customers, I like to spend time with my wife and two sons, sip on coffee, leatherwork, and take my camera out to capture the world around me.
Joined Nov, 2015
Follow @federicoweber
I am a former industrial designer who fell in love with programming in 2009. Where I'm not working, you can find me traveling around the world with my wonderful wife Arianna, and our daughters Cecilia and Cornelia; reading; rock climbing; and learning new things.
Joined Nov, 2015
Follow @BorisTroja
Every day for me at Buffer is a new chance to learn from incredible people. I'm so grateful to be surrounded by talented people with such great values. I'm working in the Respond Team as a Full stack engineer :D and living in Montpellier with my wife and two amazing sons! Outside of work I'm passionate about sports, traveling and lemon pies :D !
Joined Nov, 2015
Follow @julietchen
My journey with Buffer began in July 2011 when I curiously signed up as a customer. Since then Buffer has helped me so much in connecting with people in the magical world of social media. Little did I know that decision would one day change my life forever. I am incredibly grateful to now work alongside the amazing Buffer team, to practice the wonderful Buffer values together, and to help our generous customers become social media heroes. You’ll often find me on two wheels, savouring chocolate, immersed in experiential theatre and in awe of everything about space. :)
Joined Nov, 2015
Follow @thedarcypeters
After graduating from college, I joined the United States Marine Corps. It brought amazing journeys and a ton of growth from deploying to Afghanistan and supporting my husband through recovering from a traumatic brain injury. After resigning my commission as a Captain, I propelled into the fitness industry, focusing on pre- and postnatal fitness. I owned my own business, but after 2 years, discovered that I craved working on a team. I was already a Buffer user and saw they were hiring! It was a great fit, and I feel hugely blessed to enjoy my current lifestyle while also contributing to such an amazing company. Aside from chatting on Twitter with amazing Buffer users and followers, my top loves include traveling, reality TV, karaoke, my husband and my adorable 3 children (a.k.a. The Wild Three)!
Joined Dec, 2015
Follow @bonnie_hugs
My heart is full when I'm showing people gratitude & appreciation; to be able to do this as part of the Buffer team is indescribable! When I'm not Buffering I can be found snuggling with animals and volunteering.
Joined Jan, 2016
Follow kiriappeee
I live on the beautiful island of Sri Lanka with my wife Zeenath, and baby Thaheer. I get to build amazingly interesting tools and scripts to help our engineers innovate better and faster each day and I can't think of anything that I'd enjoy doing more (except sitting on the beach eating chocolate chip cookie ice cream each day :D )
Joined Jan, 2016
Follow hannah_voice
Buffer is my dream job and I feel so fortunate to spend my days interacting with fellow Bufferoos and our incredible customers. My role as an Onboarding Specialist is to demonstrate the value of Buffer, by chatting with trialists, hosting webinars and generally making sure that users have everything they need to make the best decision for their team. When I’m not Buffer-ing, you’ll find me making a mess in the kitchen, planning my next vacation or playing with my gorgeous baby nephew. Based in Brighton, UK.
Joined Jan, 2016
Follow @suprasannam
I love all things tech and product and love the opportunity we have at Buffer to give our customers superpowers with their message!
Product to me means everything from doodling an interface to talking to customers about what we might build next - the common thread being that we aim to solve problems for you in the simplest way possible!
Joined Jan, 2016
Follow @katie_womers
Born and raised in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa 😃 I studied philosophy and economics for my undergrad and was lucky enough to experience living in London when I did a masters at LSE (in managerial economics). I taught myself to code when I moved out to Silicon Valley and started off freelancing before joining a cool SA startup, TravelGround/LekkeSlaap, working remotely. Now my husband Justin and I are lucky enough to live in our ultimate happy spot, Vancouver, BC, where I hope to become a great skier! I find learning incredibly motivating, appreciate a hipster coffee shop and am an aspirational urban farmer, in our apartment :) I’m incredibly grateful to be have a chance to be part of the Buffer journey, working with my dream team!
Joined Jan, 2016
Follow @twanlass
I’m a father, a maker, designer and entrepreneur. At Buffer I'm currently focused on building and growing Respond. Everyday I'm incredibly thankful and humbled to be working with such an amazing and talented team and incredible customers. When not working, my wife and I love to travel (having eaten though 13 countries so far)! I grew up in Seattle, went to school and lived in San Diego (where I met my wonderful wife), moved to New Zealand for a year (because, why not?), returned to the US and lived in Boulder for bit before returning to the Pacific Northwest. In a past life I was an artist in the video game industry. Oh, and I love to home brew some delicious beer!
Joined Jan, 2016
Follow @mickmahady
Born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. I have a background in web development and digital marketing. I set up a small business based around digital marketing shortly before joining Buffer. I found myself wandering away from digital marketing, as I was keen to offer assistance to other businesses in any way I could. All I’ve ever really wanted to do is build a career helping people, and Buffer allows me to do that on such a large scale. I'm so grateful that I get to spend my days connecting with our amazing customers and working towards providing them with an amazing experience with Buffer.
Joined Jan, 2016
Follow @stephe_lee
Being on the Buffer journey has been incredibly inspiring and humbling 🙏I am so grateful to be learning so much from this wonderful team that's driven by positivity and a commitment to putting our best selves forward! It's such an honor to be able to support this wonderful team in bringing happiness to our amazing customers and community 😃 Aside from gushing about Buffer, I often spend my time doing a session of HIIT, indulging my inner bookworm, reflecting on some philosophy, or having a good laugh! 😊
Joined Feb, 2016
Follow @hailleymari
I am so happy to be a part of sharing the Buffer values through our story. I fell in love with Buffer as soon as I discovered it in 2012, besides being a product I use on a daily basis, the culture of positivity, transparency and self-improvement has resonated with me from the start. When I’m not at Buffer, you can find me doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, reading, drinking tea and spending time with the people I love.
Joined Feb, 2016
Follow tiggreen
Buffer is my second family! I've been a Buffer user for a long time and working on something that I personally use is priceless! Outside of work I love coffee, soccer and building side projects that people would love!
Joined Feb, 2016
Follow @westcoasthubb
I'm fortunate to have the opportunity to focus on supporting our CEO with logistics, scheduling, ops and all sorts of other cool projects. I truly have found Buffer to be one of the most incredible companies to work for, built on a foundation of values I have so much respect for. The environment is so positive and the team is like family. When I'm away from my laptop, I'm enjoying the beautiful landscape and beaches of California with my husband and three kiddos.
Joined Feb, 2016
Follow @Brian_G_Peters
I am super excited to be working on various marketing initiatives as Buffer's Digital Marketing Strategist! Absolutely loving every second at Buffer - Our team, product, transparency, values and all of the moments in-between, it's a dream come true 😊 I'm a California kid who love to surf, run, write, read, explore, spend time with friends and family and hang out with my wonderful wife, Katelyn. I'm looking forward to personally connecting with you on social media! Please feel free to reach out to me anytime with comments, questions, feedback, ideas, #SocialSmarter tips, or just a friendly "Hello." Keep on rocking social media!
Joined Feb, 2016
Follow @melifluous87
I grew up moving around a lot and attending many different schools - left Mexico when I was 9 and then hopped around Louisiana (great food and music), Texas (NASA!), Colorado (the Rockies!), and now California! I want to explore the world and try as many new experiences as possible. These are a few of my favorite things: being outdoors in any capacity, soccer(!), martial arts (I’m currently learning WingChun), drawing (I hope to finish a graphic novel), reading, and becoming a somewhat competent drummer. I hope to experience living in many different cultures and I’d love to learn a third language (at least). I also unashamedly love Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Joined Mar, 2016
Follow @karinnabriseno
Head over heels in love - is the feeling I experienced when I first heard of Buffer. Each day, I feel so humbled and grateful I have the privilege to wake up and interact with the most amazing team and the best customers in the world. It's a dream come true. 😊 When I'm not delivering happiness to Buffer's customers you can find me at your local coffee shop getting a coffee buzz or soaking up some sun at the beach. ☀️
Joined Mar, 2016
Follow @juliabreathes
I'm so excited to be here working with humans who inspire me every day. I'm constantly amazed by the Buffer family & community, and love learning from all of you! I come from a interdisciplinary background of International Studies, Spanish, Int'l Business & Economics, with a pull towards doing what's right. Outside of delivering happiness, I'm endlessly snuggling with my soulmate pup Zora, traveling, diving into new cultures and exploring the Philly tech scene! I've found Buffer has captured my heart with its mix of values, startup philosophy and mindfulness 😍
Joined Mar, 2016
Follow @jntrry
I'm incredibly grateful to be working alongside the amazing team here at Buffer! I grew up in Midland, Texas (aka the wild wild west) and eventually found my way to College Station, TX to pursue a degree in architecture from Texas A&M University. After graduating, I made my way up to Louisville, KY, where I met my husband and eventually earned an MBA from the University of Louisville. I love being active in my community and you can usually find me at my favorite local bakery, Blue Dog Cafe, hanging out with friends, reading, or cooking. Oh! And there are two things I can’t live without: coffee and chocolate. :)
Joined Apr, 2016
Follow @emplums
Joined Apr, 2016
Follow @semakaweezay
So thrilled to be a part of this Buffer journey moving forward. 😄 Watching this company progress, working with the Happiness team has always been a goal of mine. 🙂 It's been truly inspiring following Buffer and its cultural values, explored in blog posts, and couldn’t imagine a better working environment; so grateful for all my teammates in making this come true! Originally from Vancouver, Canada, I've been going with the flow after a 1 year snowboard trip to Austria turned into 5 years of living in Europe, now in Lisbon, Portugal. My previous experience includes a Masters in Int'l Business from Grenoble, France followed by 3 years in the London startup world working to empower independent small businesses in leveraging online tools! Outside of Buffer you'll most likely find me snowboarding, surfing, coaching basketball whenever I'm back in Vancity, or relaxing with a great book, enjoying a good filter coffee. :) It's been a blast delivering happiness to all our users so far, and am pumped to continue supporting our amazing customers moving forward! 🙌
Joined Apr, 2016
Follow @hamstu
I've been working on the web for over 10 years and I've never been in a more exciting or fulfilling job. I work mostly on the front-end, wrangling JavaScript (React, Backbone, and a healthy dose of vanilla.) and CSS (Less) — but also do some design as well. I love reading, learning new things, and meeting new people, but most of all I love spending time with my wife and kids.
Joined Apr, 2016
Follow kalendium
Since I know Buffer, I've fallen in love with its culture and values. Working with such talented team inspires me every day to improve. Passionate about Machine Learning, I like to solve problems with data. In my free time, I love to read tech blogs, geek out with my friends or play music covers with an old guitar.
Joined Jun, 2016
Follow @slanoue
I work on customer acquisition and growth here at Buffer, currently with a focus on conversion optimization. I've been a huge fan of Buffer's values and transparency since I first heard about the company in 2012, and I couldn't imagine a better working environment 😻 I feel super lucky because not only do I get to work on a product I’ve used for years and gotten a ton of value from, but I get to do it with an amazing group of people who are always learning and striving to improve each day. So cool 😄 As of now, I’m learning JavaScript, Node.js, and Handlebars.js, which has been such a rewarding process 🔥
Joined Jul, 2016
Follow @hitherejoe
I'm currently working as an Android Engineer in our Android team, helping to ensure all our Android users are feeling the Android love ❤️ When I'm not coding you'll find me writing, public speaking, exploring somewhere new with my girlfriend, playing bass guitar in my band or running!
Joined Aug, 2016
Follow @hjharnis
I was born in Kansas City and raised in the suburbs of Chicago. Halfway though high school my family moved to a farm in Blakesburg Iowa. I learned how to raise cattle and tend to crops. After that I studied Electrical Engineering at the University Of Iowa and found my way into a physics lab working on black hole imagery satellites for NASA. I caught the startup bug and moved to the valley (of Silicon of course!) and worked at Apple and a couple of startups. Now I'm back in Chicago! In no particular order some jobs I've held: buffet cook, farmer, bag boy (grocery store), software engineer, lifeguard and touring drummer.
Joined Dec, 2016
Follow jesswlms
I adore helping people. Empowering Buffer's incredible customers while working alongside kind, insanely intelligent teammates gives me such joy! I could not be more grateful to be part of a company with such incredible values and a culture that is truly like being part of a large family. Outside of Buffer, I'm parenting three wonderful boys, spending time with my amazing husband, gaming, birding and photographing Montana's mountains, lakes and forests.
Joined Dec, 2017
Follow karamcnair
I've worked in pretty much every role in software development there is but a few years back I came to the realization that what really excites and motivates me is helping other people grow and achieve their goals & dreams. As an Engineering Manager at Buffer, I get to do that with my amazing teammates and our wonderful community of customers and users. If I'm not at my home in Vancouver, I'm probably in the tropics somewhere, taking pictures of sea-beasties and trying to get *one* more dive in before getting back to work.
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