#also unrelated but i dont think ive said it but. LOVE your url a+ choice
mamawasatesttube · 1 year
this isnt really adding much to the conversation but i Also really like both supernova + flamebird.... and i think the parallels between what a supernova literally is and what a phoenix represents is cool. supernovas being the death of a star that lives on for millions of years after the fact, still bright. stardust that can form new stars from it. and how phoenixes rise from ash-dust. yknow? what is a phoenix if not a supernova and what is a supernova if not a phoenix. kon is both <3
EXACTLY you get me you GET me!!!! they're both about a similar metaphor. life from death, renewal, etc. but also supernovae are all about the idea of going out with a BANG and... picks up kon my dear sweet suicidal-since-hatching kon. spins him around. it feels to me like a name he would like for himself. because he can point to the meanings in the phoenix sense, the idea of bright brilliant light seen across the cosmos, even the liz phair song, all of that as inspiration, but on the inside he's also like. well it'll fit too if i die another heroic death. it will.
that, and i also do love him keeping the "super" name. fambly. BUT flamebird is also real good for that bc i mean it IS kryptonian in origin thats a great tie to his family too!!!!!
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