#also wanna talk about the way the RCM condemns you if you dont internalize wasteland of reality (this is what ive read- i havent gotten tha
arrivingonthescene · 1 year
something to be said about how taking anything that isn't hypnogamma (morale boost) or drouamine (health boost) is seen as addict behavior like anything unregulated by an institution is a Bad Moral Choice to everyone around you but you're still expected to cram prescription medication down your gullet due to how frequent you encounter damage in the game. all these chemicals do the same thing in boosting your stats and aiding you in choices (can i survive this conversation w.o drouamine, can i muster enough physique w.o a drink) except obviously one is more panned by the game's dialogue. i think giving a consequence (verbal or game mechanics wise) to taking too many heals would have made the game far more difficult but the fact that no one really minds if you take a ton of painkillers since this is expected and you are a cop! and purchased them legally! compared to the pyrholidon which is a drug crows nest roy took to cope with the horrors of being in nuclear waste clean up which is handed to you under the counter. which when you look it up is inspired by a soviet era drug used for similar reasons and became illegal due to recreational use. a chemical does the same thing regardless if authority demands it's beneficial or harmful to you
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