#also we both enjoy staring at emily swallow for a normal amount of time
angelfishofthelord · 2 years
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{ isaiah 7:11 } happy birthday @mommyissuesnatural
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Tiny Vessels
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader (Spencer’s POV)
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Summary: Spencer is done trying to lie to himself about his true feelings in his relationship, but not done lying to Reader.
A/N: IM BACK!!! So as y’all know I got really sick towards the end of my 30 fics in 30 days event- I’m still going to release the last few fics I missed (and we’re all just gonna pretend it’s still April 😂) this one was requested by @zhuzhubii it’s actually my second song fic and is based on the song tiny vessels. I’m actually super proud of this one and I’m happy to get back into the swing of things with writing 🥰 Also my 1500 follower celebration will likely wait until I finish up the backlog of fics so I don’t overwhelm myself! Feel free to leave me an ask here (I promise I don’t bite) Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!
Warnings: 18+, Toxic relationship, Lying about feelings and intentions, Brief illusions to sex, Using someone only for their body
Main Masterlist Word Count: 1.3k
The moment I knew, had been a long time coming. It had been just after post coital bliss had faded around me, reality creeping in on the sides as it tried to take hold of me. It had been trying to tell me something, something I had denied for so long. No amount of tossing and turning would banish the slowly creeping in thoughts that attempted to plague my mind. If I had turned and tossed anymore, my partner right beside me would ask what was wrong, and I knew I couldn’t answer it. At least I couldn’t answer it honestly without tearing down what we had built up for ourselves. I never had much that I say I built myself, and even though the foundation was about to cave in, I wouldn’t take the sledgehammer to it myself.
I remember when I told them the first time I told them ‘I love you’. It had been an almost identical situation to where we were now. Two people, naked underneath the sheets, so close physically yet so far emotionally, though I covered that up with my honeyed words of promise.
I always wanted to believe the words I spoke to them, the promises I gave them. Each time I choked out the words, dripping in sentiment and sap I tricked them, and myself into believing them.
Unlike my counterpart I couldn’t fully escape into ignorant bliss. They didn’t know, but I knew deep down everytime I burst open their door after coming home from a rough case. We moved through the dark almost every time, as it was the only time I was available, and it hid my pained expressions pretty well.
All the friends I was telling about our relationship were even convinced too, though I could see a sneaking suspicion crop up in Emily’s eyes every once and a while when I mentioned them. I didn’t tell them the reality, the one that I avoided myself.
It was all for the flesh, nothing of substance lurked underneath, at least for me. Every bite I gave them left a mark, tiny vessels able to be seen creeping up on their skin even in the dark. I claimed them even if I didn’t let them be mine; they could never claim me. They had said they didn’t want those marks to fade, but they inevitably did, showing how hollow my words had been before I nipped at their skin. Once I realized how they faded, how non committed the marks were on their skin, I faded too. I still indulged in the pleasures they freely wanted to give me, but I let my words remain hollow, accepting their meaning without admitting it out loud.
And you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me.
Their beauty was unparalleled, it always had been to me. Time and realization had not changed that thought in my mind, though I had lied to myself about the depth of those thoughts. Every brushed touch against their body sent me into a blaze, though it took too long for me to admit that that was the only thing about them I thought about at night.
Their giggle did not make my chest feel light, and our conversations that edged on deep discussions only stimulated my mind because I forced it. Their moans and the softness of their skin were what made me call them at the dead of night, masking it by saying ‘I missed you’. I would then inevitably pivot away from talking about our feelings so I could hear their moans through the speaker of my old phone I only kept around for work, and to call them.
All I see are dark grey clouds now, ruining whatever utopia I had crafted in my mind once I had come to conclude what my real feelings were. If I was honest with myself, it had been lingering at the back of my mind for months now. By now the lie was too hard to escape, and their body felt too good underneath me to let go.
It was vile, and it was cheap of me to trick them for so long into believing that the words whispered into their skin in the dead of night held any true emotion. A kiss on their bare shoulder with a soft rasp of how much they meant to me. Kisses that had been given along the slopes of their pretty face with little whispers of ‘I love you’ in between before I had met their lips with mine.
Another kiss, the last one placed on their forehead given to them after I had promised to bring them the world. And they were all vile, and cheap lies.
Yeah, you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me
My thoughts swirled as I continued to stare at them, boring holes into their skin just from my gaze. Guilt nipped at my heels each time another harsh reality tried to slap me across the face, trying to get me to stop trapping them in something I already knew was hollow at its core. Denial was easy when no one else was calling me out for it; something in me almost wanted them to say it, to leave so I would be able to stop living this pathetic lie.
At some point they had sensed my eyes on their body, then looking over at me. Their lips turned downward into a frown, probably after successfully reading the expression on my face. Normally whenever I fixed my gaze on them it was out of admiration, unfortunately if I was going to be honest with myself, it was never because of what lies beneath. I couldn’t force myself to look any deeper than their body.
Too bad being a profiler hadn’t given me the ability to be a good liar, and I wondered if they had figured out long ago that my promises intermingled with kisses were a thinly veiled lie. Maybe they were lying to themselves still.
In the distance, my guilt moved closer every hour.
It would soon swallow me up whole, consuming me when they asked a simple question, “Is something wrong?”
My breath got caught up tight in my chest, my shame welling up so high up it stole my voice for a moment. In the moment that passed, they cocked their head to the side in question innocently. It was almost as if they were mocking the feelings eating at me, showing me how much I was missing by not developing true feelings for them. Damn, right there’s something wrong, but I won’t speak it out loud to let you know.
I felt disgusted with myself, and all I could wonder is if they felt the same way as I did. Wondering did nothing to ease the guilt inside, even as I tried to justify what I was doing.
It would be easier in some regards to come clean about what I was doing, to face the guilt head on. I was a creature of habit however, and hiding in the corners of my mind was one of the things I did best.
So, no we won’t talk about it, because I wouldn’t tell them. I leaned forward to kiss them on the lips, another promise to never let them go that was filled with nothing but lies. The kiss seemed to banish any worry that they still held in the crease of their forehead, their head was now cocked to the side to slant their lips across mine instead.
It was our last kiss of the night, before they went back to their own apartment tonight. My hands roamed up their sides, mapping out every dip and curve with my fingers. It was what I really cherished about them, even if it did make me sick on the inside. Though, I didn’t feel sick enough to say anything more, and I let them go, both of us pretending that it was something more. And, the only reason we were allowed to pretend was because I would not divulge the true reason I gave them those tiny vessels on their neck.
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All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @spenxerslut @boxofsparklingmuses @multixfandomwriter @takeyourleap-of-faith @sydneekomspacekru
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Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat
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bechloeislegit · 5 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases
Note from BeChloeIsLegit: Hey everyone! I want to take a moment and thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I greatly appreciate them all. Everything is fine now, and things are back to normal. So, thank you! Virtual hugs to you all!
Prompt from the Author: Sort of a PP3 AU where the beloved Barden Bellas go on a USO Christmas Tour and are assigned two soldiers as security and escorts throughout their tour; both have piqued Chloe's interest.
Chloe Beale followed her Bella sisters across the tarmac. She looked around at all the planes and equipment and stopped when the girls stopped.
"What have we here?" Flo asked standing up straight and fussing with her hair.
Chloe followed Flo's line of sight to see two soldiers coming across the tarmac toward them; both were looking quite hot in their uniforms. Chloe bit her lip as she watched the two soldiers. "Maybe this tour won't be so bad after all," she thought.
"Good afternoon, Bellas, I'm Captain Chicago Walp, and we will be your escorts for the next ten days. Welcome to Rota, Spain, ladies."
Captain Chicago Walp stands there like some alpha male wearing aviator shades. The other soldier, a female, looked rather stern. Her hair pulled into a tight bun under her cap. She was also wearing aviator shades but something told the girls, she saw everything.
Captain Walp introduced the woman next to him as Captain Beca Mitchell.
"Captain Mitchell and I will be accompanying you on this European tour and providing security for you as well."
Captain Mitchell pulled off her sunglasses and looked over the group. "Ladies," she said. "Please call me Beca."
Chloe couldn't help but notice Captain Mitchell's eyes as she took off her sunglasses. They were a dark blue, like the lower depths of the ocean. Or maybe a new denim jacket.
Chloe also noticed that Captain Walsh's eyes were blue, too, and he had a nice smile. She looked them both up and down.
Chloe was shaken out of her scrutiny of the two Captains when Captain Walp began speaking again.
"You may call me Chicago," the Captain said with his boyish grin. "As I was saying, Beca and I will be your security escorts throughout your time here for the USO tour. And, believe me, you won't find anyone tougher than Captain Mitchell. Well, except for me of course."
Beca rolled her eyes at him but didn't say a word. Chloe could tell that Captain Mitchell was not a fan of Captain Walp's. She was curious to know why because he was good looking and seemed like a nice guy. She needed something to occupy her mind besides worrying over rent, vet school, and her lack of love life, so maybe she could unravel this mystery and have a little fun while doing it.
"Um, so this is first base," Fat Amy said waving her hand around. "Will we be going to second base and then third base with you?"
Beca looked over at Chicago and said with a smirk, "Well, Captain. Will you be going to second or third base with the young lady?"
"Um, okay," Captain Walp said glaring at Beca. "We will take you over to the hangar and introduce you to the other bands, and you'll have your sound check. We'll then escort you to dinner at eighteen hundred."
Chloe raised her hand and said, "Eighteen hundred? Is that like after night time?"
"It's six o'clock p.m.," Chicago said with a shy smile.
Beca rolled her eyes. "Here we go again," she thought.
"Follow me, ladies," Beca said and turned to head toward the hangar. "During your stay, you will be required to let me or Chicago know if you plan to do something outside the group. One of us is to be with you at all times. No exceptions."
"Is that normal?" Aubrey asked the question as she walked beside Beca.
"It's our normal while you're here," Beca said. "Per General Posen's orders."
"So, my dad had something to do with this?"
"You're General Posen's daughter?" Chicago asked, his interest piqued.
"Yes, I am," Aubrey said.
"It is very nice to meet you," Chicago said and smiled at Aubrey. He stayed by Aubrey's side as they walked.
Beca shook her head and continued to the hangar. Chloe continued to watch the interactions between Beca and Chicago with great interest. Her scrutiny of the two Captains didn't have anything to do with how hot they were.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
After a rather embarrassing introduction to the other groups on the tour, Chloe was excited to hear that there was a competition. DJ Khaled was going to choose one of the bands to sign to his label and perform on the last night of the tour on his USO Christmas Special. This was a chance for the Bellas to prove they were not a joke and belonged on the tour and in the competition.
Chloe was excited that CR and Emily came up with some kickass songs for them to sing. They also helped her and Flo with choreography. She was proud of what they accomplished in such a short amount of time.
Chloe was also proud that she was given a solo for part of each song. She loved to sing, and after three years of not singing as part of this group, she couldn't wait to get back to it.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
The first show the Bellas performed in was a big letdown. At first, the audience didn't know what to make of them.
They were all tense and nervous when they began but finally managed to find their groove. The audience was starting to show signs of enjoying their set when Taps suddenly started playing, leaving the Bellas onstage unsure of what to do. After that, they were the laughing stock of the tour, and it was only the first show.
The next stop was Italy, and they decided the needed more rehearsal time, so Beca was able to secure them rehearsal space at the hotel where they were staying.
The Bellas were going through their set as Beca and Chicago sat watching them. Well, Beca was watching while Chicago had his phone out and was busy texting someone.
Beca didn't care; she was enjoying the music and found herself silently singing along with the words. She was intrigued a bit by the 'making music with their mouths.' She was fascinated by the sounds that they were making with no instruments in sight.
"Text me when they're almost ready to go," Chicago said as she stood. "I've got things to do."
"Does the girl know that you consider her a thing?" Beca looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Besides, I thought you'd be too busy kissing General Posen's daughter's ass or trying to get into the redhead's pants to have time for someone else."
"I'm a multi-tasker," Chicago said with a smug look. "I can do all three and still have time for you."
"You really are a disgusting pig," Beca said and grimaced.
"Jealous much, Mitchell?" Chicago laughed as he walked out of the room.
Beca again just grimaced and shook her head. She looked back over to the Bellas and saw the redhead and the blonde and could only frown. Because the sad truth was that he would probably end up with having had both of them in his bed at some point before this tour was over.
Chloe continued her part of the song and dance but had also been watching Chicago and Beca. Something was up there, and she made a plan to talk to Beca about it.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
The rehearsal was over, and Beca had texted Chicago only to have him text her back that he'd meet up with them after dinner. Beca sighed and gathered the girls around her.
"Next up is dinner," Beca told them. "I'll escort you to your rooms so you can freshen up before we head to dinner."
"Where's Captain hottie?" Fat Amy asked as she looked around for Chicago.
"Ew," Beca muttered. "If you mean Chicago, he is, um, busy, and will catch up with us after dinner. Please follow me, ladies."
Beca led the girls to the elevators and rode up to the fourth floor with them. They all scattered to their rooms while Beca made her way to her room. Chloe was still walking next to her and Beca glanced over at her.
"Um, don't you want to freshen up?"
"My room is next to yours," Chloe said with a giggle as she reached her room.
"Oh, right," Beca said and walked over to her door. "I'll see you in about thirty minutes."
"You know it," Chloe said and winked at Beca.
Beca could only stand there as Chloe smiled and entered her room. Beca could feel herself blush as she entered her room.
Beca changed into a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a navy blue v-neck tee, and combat boots. She let her hair down out of its bun and brushed it, leaving it hanging down her back and over her shoulders. She grabbed a black leather jacket and put it on before heading out the door.
Beca was waiting in the hallway with her earbuds in listening to some music. She didn't hear when CR and Emily came out from their shared room as her back was to them.
CR and Emily smiled as they stood listening to Beca sing.
Come on, come on, turn the radio on It's Saturday and I won't be long Gotta paint my nails, put my high heels on It's Saturday and I won't be long
'Til I hit the dance floor Hit the dance floor I got all I need
Beca turned just then and let out a squeal. She pulled her earbuds out and blushed. "Sorry, I didn't know you guys were standing there."
"You have a lovely voice," Emily said.
"You sing like that," CR said. "And you look like that out of your uniform? I think Amy called the wrong Captain hottie."
Beca smiled and winked at CR. "Thanks!"
"Are you off duty?" Emily asked as she noticed Aubrey and a few others stepping out of their rooms.
"No. We are allowed to wear street clothes when we're on security detail," Beca explained. "We were in uniform earlier because we had to report to the base. From here on I will be in street clothes to be less obvious and not attract unwanted attention to you ladies."
Beca checked the group and saw Chloe hadn't come out yet. She turned to go to Chloe's door when it opened and the redhead stepped out. Beca swallowed and the two women stared at each other for a moment.
Chloe had changed into jeans and a light blue top that fell off one shoulder. She had also let her hair down and had it gathered and clipped on the right side.
Beca broke the stare and turned to face the rest of the group. Chloe found herself checking Beca out after she turned her back on her. Chloe couldn't help but smile because Beca looked hot in her uniform, but seeing her in street clothes, Chloe thinks she just got hotter.
"Ready to go ladies?" Beca said her voice a little high. She cleared her throat. "There's a really nice place just a few minutes walk from here."
"Let's go," Fat Amy said and rushed toward the elevators.
Chloe walked next to Beca again as they moved with the rest of the group.
"You look really nice," Chloe said.
"Oh, um, thanks," Beca said. "You look really nice, too."
"Thank you," Chloe said with a big smile.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
The girls had ordered their meals and were sipping on their drinks. The girls wanted to know more about Beca and started asking questions.
"Where'd you learn to sing like that?" Emily asked. "I mean what little we heard was really good. Did you have training?"
"You can sing?" Chloe asked looking at Beca.
"Um, yeah," Beca said. "I started in my middle school's choir and even joined glee club in High School. We did win the State championship my Senior year."
"She has some killer pipes," CR said.
Beca blushed and said, "Thanks, again."
The girls grew quiet for a bit and Beca looked around the table.
"What about all of you," Beca said. "It's almost Christmas. Do you love singing so much that you left your families behind to come on this tour?"
"Not really," Chloe said. "It's for the USO and we wanted to do it for the troops."
"What about your family?" Aubrey asked Beca. "As you said, it's almost Christmas. Do you ever get back home for it?"
"I don't care to," Beca said with a shrug. "There's really nothing for me at home. My dad left my mom and me when I was six. I didn't see him again until my mom died when I was sixteen. I was with him and his new family until I turned eighteen and was eligible to enlist. The army has been my family for the last eight years."
"Hmm, so she's my age," Chloe thought. "And she can sing. I wonder if she's gay. Or even bi..."
"Can I ask you a personal question?" This from CR on Beca's left.
"Sure," Beca said.
"How do you handle being gay and being in the military?"
Chloe perked up at this, quite interested in the answer.
"The first year wasn't easy," Beca said. "I came in a year before Don't Ask, Don't Tell was abolished. That first year, I had my troubles with a few of the men, but I know how to defend myself and they quickly learned not to fuck with me. Now, no one cares. At least no one I've come in contact with. Are you thinking of joining?"
"I want to join the Air Force," CR said. "Learn how to fly."
"That's cool," Beca said with a smile. "I know a few kickass female pilots. You'll love it."
Chloe was practically swooning. Beca was becoming more and more interesting by the minute.
CR smiled and thanked her. Beca looked over at Aubrey.
"How does your family do it?"
"Do what?" Aubrey asked.
"Be okay with being so far away from each other," Beca said. "Especially during holidays and such."
"We just are," Aubrey said. "My dad was in the military when I was born. I didn't know any other way of life."
Before anything more could be said, their food was placed in front of them. The girls started eating and Beca kept giving side glances to Chloe.
"So, what's up with you and Chicago?" Chloe asked when they were almost done eating.
"What do you mean?"
"I've been watching you two. You don't seem to like him much."
"Um, I just don't like guys like him," Beca said not wanting to say too much.
"Guys like him?" Chloe asked. "You mean really hot and cute? Or is it because he's so sweet?"
"Don't let his 'aw shucks' boyish charm fool you," Beca snapped out without thinking. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry. It's just that; he's a player. And you should warn Aubrey that he's going to try and use her to get in her father's good favor. He's all about kissing ass and hooking up with no attachments. Just be careful around him."
"Oh," Chloe said and looked at Aubrey. "She's my best friend. I won't let him get to her."
"I, uh, meant you, too," Beca said, deciding to put it out there. "He's got his sights set on you both and I don't want to see either one of you get hurt."
"Don't worry about me," Chloe said with a wink. "I'm a big girl and I can handle him."
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were that into him." Beca stood suddenly. "Excuse me."
Before Chloe could say anything else, Beca left the table and headed for the restroom.
"Dammit," Chloe said under her breath when she realized what it must have sounded like to Beca.
Chloe wanted to go after Beca to explain that she misunderstood what she was saying but Chicago was suddenly there and sitting in Beca's now empty seat. He gave Chloe that stupid grin he thought was so cute.
"Saved a seat for me did you?" Chicago said and winked at her.
"Actually, that's Beca's seat," CR said from Chicago's other side.
"Her loss then," Chicago said with a shrug. He looked around the table. "If you girls are done we can head back to the hotel."
"We have to wait for Beca," Chloe said.
"Oh, come on, Red," Chicago said turning to face Chloe. He put his arm around the back of her chair. "She's an adult. I'm sure she can find her way back. I'm tired and would like to go to bed." He leaned a bit closer to Chloe. "Wouldn't you like to go to bed?"
"We're not leaving until Beca gets back," Chloe said pushing him away from her.
Beca came out of the restroom and looked over to the table. She frowned when she saw Chicago in her seat facing Chloe and Chloe facing him with her hand on his chest.
"I guess she really does go for the douchebag," Beca mumbled to herself as she walked over to the table.
Beca stopped next to Aubrey's seat and looked around the table. "If you ladies are done, I think we should get back to the hotel. I'll take care of the check."
Chicago looked over his shoulder at Beca and gave her a wink before turning back to Chloe. Chicago was blocking Beca's view of Chloe. She was glad in a way because she didn't want to see the look of adoration that usually accompanied Chicago's seduction tactics. She had hoped that Chloe would be immune.
Beca turned and walked away from the table to find their waitress. The girls started gathering their stuff and stood to wait for Beca. Chicago put his arm around Chloe and she shrugged him off.
"Please don't," Chloe said. "I'm not interested."
Beca paid the bill and motioned the girls to follow her. She walked out of the restaurant trusting that Chicago would do his job and usher the girls out.
They make it back to the hotel and Chicago mentions getting a drink at the bar.
"We're on duty," Beca said.
"We're in street clothes," Chicago said. "No one's going to know or find out. Right girls?"
"I think we should call it a night," Aubrey said. "We have to prepare for our show tomorrow and I want us all to bring our A game."
"Aw, come on Cap," Fat Amy said. "It wouldn't hurt if we went just for a little bit. We can have a drink or two to help us unwind before we go to bed."
"It might be fun," Ashley said.
"Aubrey's right," Chloe said looking at the girls. "I think we should call it a night."
"You girls can do what you want," Chicago said. "But, I'm going to the bar. Anyone who wants to come, the first drink is on me. Who's with me?"
"I'm coming," Fat Amy said.
"Amy, don't," Aubrey said.
"No, Aubrey," Fat Amy said. "You're not the boss of me. If I want to go for a drink, I'm going for a drink."
"Sorry, Aubrey," Jessica said. "It's just one drink. Count me in."
"Me, too," Ashley said. "Emily? CR? How about it?"
"Count me out," CR said.
"Um," Emily said looking at Aubrey and then at Chloe. "As long as it's only one drink, I don't see the harm."
"Okay, ladies," Chicago said with a grin. "Let's go."
Chicago walked away and headed for the hotel's bar. Fat Amy, Ashley, Jessica, and Emily all followed him.
"I'll go to keep an eye on them," Lily told Aubrey.
Chloe, CR, and Aubrey were left standing alone with Beca. Beca watched the girls follow Chicago into the bar.
"I'll escort you guys to your rooms," Beca said as she turned back to the three remaining Bellas. "Then I'll come back down and keep an eye on the others to make sure they are okay."
"Beca, could you give us a minute please?" Chloe asked.
"Sure," Beca said and moved away to give them some privacy.
"Brey, I think we should probably go with them. Beca said Chicago's nothing but a player. I don't want him messing with any of our girls."
"Beca said she'd come back and keep an eye on them," Aubrey said. "I trust her. She won't let him do anything."
"Yeah, Chlo," CR said. "I agree with Aubrey. Plus, I'm beat and just want to get comfortable and relax."
"Okay," Chloe said with a sigh. "Beca? We'd like to go to our rooms, please."
Beca nodded and turned toward the elevators. The three girls followed her and she escorted them to their rooms. Beca started walking Chloe to her room when Chloe stopped her.
"I want to go back down with you," Chloe said.
Beca looked at her and mumbled, "Of course you do."
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Nothing," Beca said. "Let's go."
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
Beca looked around as soon as she entered the bar. It was crowded but she managed to find the girls.
"Where's, Walp?" Beca asked as she looked at the girls. "And Emily?"
"I don't know," Jessica said. "Chicago bought a round of drinks and then went off with Emily somewhere."
"What?!" Beca was fuming. "I'm going to kill him," Beca said and turned to Chloe. "You girls stay put. I'll find Emily."
"I'm going with you," Chloe said. "Emily is naive and will take anything he tells her to heart."
Beca was surprised by Chloe's words but didn't have time to think about it as she had to find Emily.
It didn't take long to find Emily and Chicago. Emily was sitting on a stool in the back corner of the bar. Chicago was handing her a shot and based on the empties in front of her she had already had a few.
Beca hurried over and grabbed the shot and slammed it on the bar, causing most of it to spill out. She was facing Chicago with Emily behind her.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Beca said and turned to Emily. "Come on, Emily. Let's you get you to your room."
"Leave her alone," Chicago said pushing Beca away from Emily. "We were just starting to have some fun. She's a big girl and doesn't need you to babysit her."
"She's young and naive," Chloe yelled at him and took Beca's place between Chicago and Emily. "Come on, Emily."
Chloe took the younger girl's arm and pulled her up. She moved to allow Emily to push away from the stool. Chicago grabbed Chloe's arm causing her and Emily to stumble. Beca tried to keep them from falling to the floor but their momentum took all three of them down. Beca landed on her back with an "oomph", Chloe landed to the side, and Emily's foot got tangled in the stool.
"Ow!" Emily screamed. "My ankle."
Chloe pushed herself up and looked over at Emily. Beca managed to get herself up and knelt next to the girl. Chloe scrambled to kneel next to Emily as well.
"I need to check your ankle, Emily," Beca said gently.
Emily nodded her head and Beca used both hands to feel and press around Emily's ankle.
"Ow, ow," Emily said wincing in pain.
"Sorry," Beca said. "It doesn't feel broken, but I think it might be sprained. We'll have to get you to checked out. Walp, get the-" Beca didn't see Chicago anywhere. "Where'd he go?"
"I don't know," Chloe said.
"Okay," Beca said and jumped up. She asked the bartender if they had a hotel doctor. Upon hearing they did, she turned to Chloe. "We need to get Emily to her room so the hotel doctor can examine her ankle."
"Okay," Chloe said.
Just then Chicago came back with the other girls in tow. They all rushed over to Beca and Emily.
"Emily, we're going to stand you up," Beca said. "Chloe, can you help me get her up?"
"Yeah," Chloe said.
They manage to get Emily up and she's hanging onto Chloe to keep from falling over.
"I’ll carry her," Chicago said.
Chicago put Emily's arm around his neck and scooped her up. They made their way out of the bar and up to Emily's room.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
It was almost an hour later and the doctor had finished his exam. He spits off something in Italian to Beca and she nodded her head and responded. He handed Beca a bottle of pain pills and gathered his stuff. Beca walked him to the door.
"Grazie dottore," Beca said as the doctor left Emily's room. She closed the door and walked back over to the bed. "The doctor said it's a sprain. He left you some pain pills and said you need to stay off your ankle for at least a week."
"Okay," Emily said, still slightly drunk.
"A week?" Chloe was upset about Emily being hurt by also because they needed her for the show. "What are we going to do? We need her for the show. If she can't perform, we're going to have to drop out."
"Not necessarily," CR said with a smile.
"CR's right," Emily said catching on to CR's train of thought. "We just need to find a replacement for me. Someone who's seen us practice and is a good singer.
CR and Emily are smiling as they look at Beca.
"Beca!" Chloe said also catching on. "You can take Emily's place."
"No, no, no," Beca said shaking her head. "Absolutely not."
"Not so fast, Mitchell."
Beca scrunches her face up. "Yes, General."
Beca had forgotten that Aubrey had called her dad when Emily got hurt. He had rushed over to the hotel to make sure everything was okay. He got an earful about Chicago when he got there.
"My daughter tells me you can sing," General Posen said. "Since the injury occurred on your watch, I think it is only fitting that you do whatever is necessary to help them out. Don't you?"
"Is that an order, sir?"
"If it has to be." General Posen stands in front of Beca. "It's for my daughter. And I will do anything for my daughter. Understood?"
"Yes, sir," Beca said. "I'd be happy to replace Emily in the show."
"Yes," Chloe squealed and grabbed Beca in a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!."
Beca smiled into Chloe's shoulder and the hug lasted for a moment longer. She pulled back and the two smiled at each other.
"Walp, let's go," General Posen said. He turned to Aubrey. "I'll have a new security detail here for you in the morning."
"Thanks, daddy," Aubrey said and hugged the General.
The girls watched as the General and Chicago left the room.
"So, what do you need me to do?" Beca asked.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
They had three shows over the next six days and they all went well for the girls. They decided to forget about the competition and just have fun during the shows. Beca showed them how to mashup two or three songs and they added a few Christmas songs into their set. The audience loved it.
They were in Paris and it was Christmas Eve. They had one more show that night before the Christmas Special was to air the next night. The Bellas were ready to put on a good show and got a standing ovation when they were done. Chloe was so excited that she grabbed Beca in a hug and kissed her. Beca was shocked and the kiss was over before she knew what was happening.
Since it was Christmas Eve, the girls met in the hotel bar to celebrate. Beca joined them and Fat Amy ordered shots. She brought the tray to their table and began to hand them out.
"Amy, do not give Emily a shot," Chloe said. "Her ankle's almost healed and we don't want her reinjuring herself by getting drunk."
"Yes, ma'am," Fat Amy said. She held up her shot and said, "To us!" before downing the shot.
"To us!" The Bellas all downed their shots and laughed.
"I want to thank you all," Beca said. "This is the most fun I've had in a long time."
Chloe nudged Beca's shoulder and smiled at her.
"So, Beca," Aubrey said from across the table. "My dad tells me your time is up and you're not reenlisting."
"Excuse me, ladies," a British voice interrupted them. "My name is Theo and I work for DJ Khaled."
"Really?" Emily asked as she practically bounced in her seat.
"Yes, really," Theo said with a laugh. "DJ Khaled would like to meet with the Barden Bellas in the morning. He has chosen you as the winning group and would like to sign you to his label."
The girls all looked at him open-mouthed in astonishment.
"Are you serious?" Aubrey finally asked. "We won the competition?"
"Yes, to both questions," Theo said. "Khaled wants the Barden Bellas to perform on his Christmas Special tomorrow evening. Once we get to the States, we can talk more about recording an album."
"Um, what time and where will the meeting be in the morning?" Aubrey asked.
"Around eleven in his hotel across the street," Theo said. "He wants you to enjoy your Christmas morning together."
"We'll be there," Aubrey said with a smile.
Theo thanked them and left. Once he was gone, the girls went wild. Beca sat back and smiled at them.
The girls settled down and Chloe plopped herself on Beca's lap, again surprising her with such a bold move. Chloe threw one arm around Beca's shoulder and pulled her into a hug. "Are you really leaving the Army?"
"Yeah," Beca said as she pulled back slightly. "I was going to make it a career, but this last week has shown me how much I miss music. I want to find something in the music industry to make a new career out of it."
"You already have a new career in the music industry," Chloe said.
"Do you know something I don't know?"
"You're a Bella," Chloe said. "And Bellas are for life."
"She's right," CR said. "You need to sign with them. I'm going into the Air Force and they'll need to replace me in the group."
"Yeah, Beca," Fat Amy said. "It wouldn't be right if you didn't sign with us."
The other girls smiled and nodded. Beca swallowed the lump in her throat. "You girls have become like family to me in a very short period of time. I'd be honored to stay in the group."
The girls all cheered and held up another shot before downing it. Chloe used the arm around Beca's shoulder to pull her closer and join their lips. This time Beca returned the kiss.
Chloe was the first pull back from the kiss. "I am really looking forward to spending more time with you," she said.
"Me, too," Beca said before rejoining their lips.
This time Beca pulled back from the kiss. She smiled at Chloe's swollen lips and glazed eyes and couldn't help but lean in for another kiss. "Merry Christmas, Chloe," Beca said just before their lips met again.
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