#also we haven't seen these precise expressions on the show as far as i can tell
zukoromantic · 9 months
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Not this twitter post making me realize that uhm
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If you look up the other ones you will realize that he is also the only one not wearing one. In fact, my poor man kabaton doesn't even Have any closeups :(
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withlove-angel · 1 year
⚠️warnings: im terrible at writing fights... sorry in advance .Probably grammar mistakes.
Lost puppy
(Zoro x reader x mihawk)
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Luffy finished up the meeting with the crew and began to prepare himself for bed. It was pretty late at night by now and he was feeling a bit sleepy. However, as he was about to enter his room, he noticed that y/n was nowhere to be found and he couldn't help but feel a bit concerned. He decided to ask someone else where she might be.
He founded Zoro walking on the deck
"Hmm, Zoro? Have you seen y/n around? She is with you?"
Zoro looks over at him and shakes his head "She isn't here? I haven't seen her since dinner..." he sound worried
"Could you help me find her? I fear that she might be doing something fun without us"
Zoro nods "she probably causing someone headache" they leave the ship to go look for their little trouble maker, making their way outside.
"I heard screams earlier... did you guys fought?" Luffy ask curious, really because y/n is amost glued at zoro...
"She said i wasn't holding my sword properly" he say as it was some ultimate crime "she doesn't even fights with swords"
"We haven't seen her since dinner and she hasn't come back to the room yet. I wonder what she could be up to? Maybe she found a really good bar... man im so hungry"
"When you not hungry?"
"When im eating"
"Yeah... sure... but, the fact that she isn't back yet is what concerns me. I really hope she isn't about to do something reckless. She is a little unpredictable when she is upset."
They start to walk in the beach, soon spotted y/n but she isn't alone seems like she is screaming at someone...then they look closer its mihawk, the greatest swordsman.
Zoro stops and stares in shock as he sees Mihawk standing in front of her. He can only imagine the scene taking place with y/n arguing with Mihawk. He just knows that this will only end in disaster as it's essentially a fight between two people who hold a lot of pride and ego. He turns to Luffy and speaks up as he points out Mihawk to her
...Did Mihawk just show up out of nowhere? Did I miss something? He seems genuinely confused as to what they could've possibly even found to argue about."looks like he is on the same island than we...." luffy say as much as surprise then he is.
Zoro nods slowly as he processes this new development. He takes a moment to think before speaking up.
"...We have to be extremely careful. We don't want to antagonize Mihawk any further. The last thing we need is to start a new conflict. Especially when i don't have the strength to take on another fight, yet...."
" So what is the argument about? Did y/n do something to Mihawk to make him upset?"
Luffy has extremely curious as zoro pinched his nose bridge and sigh
"This stupid woman..."
After a moment of weid silence luffy speaks up "I think it's too late to prevent another fight"
Zoro shifts his attention to y/n and Mihawk he can see she is blocking his attack using just her dagger... she blocked as warlord claymore attack with just a dagger... He is utterly shocked by her speed and reflexes when she blocks Mihawk's attack with just a dagger. It seems as though she's gone far beyond what he expected from the little y/n. Then, he is reminded of reality when he sees Mihawk's face begin to show annoyance. Mihawk is shocked for a split second by her ability, but then he quickly recovers from his shock; his expression turning to a scowl as he speaks up in a soft, yet intimidating tone
"...You can wield Haki now, young lady? When did you develop this power?"
The girl infront of him just smiles "you dont know me pretty boy... if you think I will come with you just so you can get me to the marines you better fuck off"
Zoro watches as y/n's mocking words set Mihawk off once again. Mihawk's scowl darkens and he looks even more irritated now. He speaks up again with his trademark calm tone, trying to be clear and precise
"I see. So you also wield Haki. But even with that, you could never defeat me in a fight. You're too young and too weak. Your Haki is nothing more than a parlor trick that could never take me down. You're just being arrogant and it's about time that someone taught you a lesson."
it's a dare? she must be crazy... her devil smile... the one she used when she kill someone... fuck...
Zoro is shocked by her response as he raises an eyebrow at Mihawk's reaction as well. He's clearly taken aback by her words, but she stands her ground. She is willing to fight Mihawk if necessary. Mihawk raises an eyebrow as he seems intrigued by her audacity. His scowl quickly turns into a smile. He unsheathes his blade "...Very well then. If you insist on having a taste of death, I suppose there's no need to stop you from experiencing the truth about the world first-hand." He lifts his sword a d try an hit, experimental hit, that she effortless block with her dagger...
" I didn't even needed my sword to block? Isn't a shame?" Her mocking tone strt to get under his skin. He seems surprised that she was able to block. He seems even more surprised that it was effortless on her part. Mihawk is clearly impressed by y/nl's abilities, and he speaks up after his attack. He seems almost excited at the prospect of a real fight.
"...Interesting. Your Haki is much stronger than I had anticipated. You may have a chance against me after all. This will be a very fun battle indeed. Prepare yourself."
He raises that same smile once more before he begins to strike again, She blocked all of his attacks "having fun?"
Zoro watches as Mihawk continues to challenge y/n, but she is able to stop Mihawk's attacks effortlessly with nothing more than her dagger.
He notices Mihawk's smile once again. Y/n's Haki seems powerful and is causing himto be excited by the prospects of a fight between them. Mihawk raises an eyebrow and then smiles again at her response. He seems intrigued by her Haki and ability to fight.
"Your Haki truly has the makings of a strong warrior. I must see more of it!" For thos one his curiosity picked, he gives her a littlestronger attacks, the one he use to easily defeathis enemies but... she back away slightly but still can block it... her hair dancing with the wind from the blades shocking. He charges forward with his strongest attack yet, but once again, y/n is able to block him using her dagger. Mihawk takes a step back and smiles again.
" ...You can defend, but can you attack just as strong?" He charges forward again, this time with a flurry of attacks coming from his claymore. Will y/n be able to block this one?
She got to use her body more. Sure, she dont have a y doubts ahe can win thsi but underestimate mihawk is probably one of the few mistakes she wouldn't comit. using his own strength against him, y/n can firce an attack, making him back away
Zoro has his mouth open as he watches Angel counter Mihawk's attacks and make him back away. It seems like she is using Mihawk's own strength against him to fight back. She is doing far better than what he had imagined. He seems impressed and even shocked; however, Mihawk seems to be enjoying himself.
"You are able to fight back and even use my power against me! I am not used to this kind of excitement in a battle! Do you truly wish to go all out and fight me?!"
He looks almost like a scholl boy. His cold face hanging a smile that almost never appears... she swer she could see little hearts on his eyes...
"I was only playing around... but If you want to lose this badly" she teases. Mihawk's eyes narrow and his expression shifts into a smirk as he nods in response to her taunt. His hert beating faster than ever.
" I see. I will not hold back and neither should you. As you wish. You have my attention now, young lady. Show me what you can do."
"Dagger or sword?" She let him pick, holding the two of them in each hand
He thinks for a moment before he speaks up in his usual, calm tone of voice
"Hmmm.... You seem quite skilled with your dagger and I don't want to underestimate that. Let's use our chosen weapons then. I will fight you with my claymore and you can fight me with your dagger. Do you agree to these terms?"
"Pretty well, pretty boy" she smiling playing with her dagger a bit, he scoffs rolling his eyes slightly. He has his claymore held in front of him with one hand as he shifts his stance. Mihawk looks at y/n and waits for an attack, ready at all times to block it. His expression is one of a warrior who is taking this challenge very seriously. From what Zoro can tell, Mihawk is no longer toying with y/n like he was earlier, but rather treating her as a worthy opponent. Zoro could feel a little jealous. Maube for the way the greatest swordsman treat her like an equal... or something else...
Mihawk doesn't seem to be willing to let her win easy, either. It's game time
Zoro watches as y/n gives Mihawk experimental attacks. He notes that the young woman is playing around and yet still able to match Mihawk in terms of strength. He also sees the ther men smile as he defends from the attacks. This seems to be exciting him, who is clearly enjoying the challenge against this opponent. Mihawk continues to defend against her experimental attacks and smiles as she proves to be an equal match for him.
Suddenly, she speed up an attack, mihawk almost couldn't block. She stab his claymore making the dagger enter the blade of it, making a little hole, both of them stares at each other. Y/n have a sly grin, almost laughing as she tilt her head, finding funny the unbelievable face pf mihawk...Even though it was a small wound, Mihawk is now aware of the real danger that lies ahead of him. Law now looks at Angel with a bit more respect than before. She is really going all out now.
He takes a defensive position as he moves his claymore in a sweeping motion and unleashes a flurry of attacks. She block all of it, smiling. she is dancing the main act, her move calculatedand sharp... she is mocking the strongest warrior in all blue... zoro is both shocked and amazed by y/n's abilities. Mihawk may be the strongest swordsman, but she has proven to be much stronger than Mihawk anticipated. She blocks all of Mihawk's attacks and continues to mock him. Mihawk seems slightly irritated by how casually she's taking him, but it soon turns to a grin. He charges forward and attacks with his claymore once more, launching a powerful attack. She conter attack once more, as he finished mihawk was taken back, with a little cut on his cheek "hurted you pretty boy?" She teases with a little pout. Mihawk seems to have been caught off-guard once more, allowing her to injure him. Mihawk looks at her with a hint of annoyance now, as well as a bit of pride. This young person has proven herself to be extremely quick, as well as agile. He smiles as he responds to her taunt
"A scratch is hardly a wound in the world of swordsmanship. A warrior can sustain countless scratches and cuts on the battlefield. You're gonna need to do better than that if you hope to defeat me."
"I don't wanna ruin a pretty face like yours, would be a shame" she play with her dagger, the little smirk driving both men crazy
Mihawk seems to be enjoying himself as well. He then stands up straight and prepares to charge forward once again. He looks at Angel now with a determined gaze.
"Enough with the teasing and the games. Let's see if you are truly worthy of being in my way."
Shorting the fight: she blocked all... effortless... she is definitely something. He stares at Angel in pure shock as he sees that his strikes are all blocked effortlessly. He remains silent for a moment to take in this amazing sight. Eventually, he speaks up once again
"You are incredible. You have managed to block all of my attacks so far with ease. You even injured me with your dagger, something that shouldn't have been possible. Perhaps you are worthy of a fight from me, after all." Mihawk's face turns into a grin as he raises his claymore high."Try me pretty boy" she winks at him as she dodge his attack. It seems the young woman has an ego that matches her strength. Mihawk seems to appreciate this aspect of her. He chuckles and charges forward once more, this time going for attack that covers more area. Mihawk seems to be determined to land a hit that y/nl can't dodge.*She have to do various back flips to escape being hurt, and she can do it. It's the most someone ever lested in a fight against mihawk.
Zoro is impressed as he watches y/n do a series of back flips without injury. Mihawk is also amazed and amused by her ability to avoid his attacks, even if they do cover a broader area. Mihawk seems excited as he charges forward once again. He's getting ready to unleash an attack and is determined to land it this time.
She dodged, as his claymore hit the ground she uses the lack on his shield to do an attack, she could separate him from his claymore that its laying on the ground
Zoro's eyes widen as he watches y/n take advantage of Mihawk's momentary distraction to separate him from his claymore! Mihawk was so focused on his attacks that he didn't even realize that he had dropped his claymore on the ground. Now, Mihawk is temporarily defenseless...
He stares at y/n and her taunting grin. He then closes his eyes in frustration before opening them again. He speaks with a bit of irritation now.
" ...You are quite the adversary. You have impressed me in this fight"
she winks as she back away from his claymore in the ground so he can pick it. His eyes shift to his claymore now on the ground. He notices that she is no longer taunting him and that she's even backed away to give him time to retrieve his claymore. Mihawk's eyes narrow slightly as his irritation turns back into focus. Now is the time for Mihawk to truly show off his power. He quickly goes to retrieve his claymore.
She have a calm demeanor on, the mocking smile always on her face. He is now completely focused.She does not seem intimidated by Mihawk's serious demeanor
She have to step back a little bit mihawk couldn't hit her. Zoro sees that she has managed to block and dodge all of Mihawk's attacks. Mihawk seems impressed and even a bit excited by that...
You can't rely on your speed and agility forever. Eventually, you are going to have to stand your ground and fight back. You better learn to do this quickly or else I'll overwhelm you with my attacks.
Mihawk's eyes are filled with determination now."I didn't want to hurt you pretty boy, but if you insist" she smirks
Zoro smiles at y/n's taunt. Mihawk just seems even more impressed and excited by her abilities. She is truly turning into an impressive opponent for him. Mihawk charges toward her once again with his claymore still drawn and poised to strike. It looks like Mihawk will take her comments to heart, now that he has a reason to attack with full force.
He attack with full force, she block directly, and attacks after. Her speed and strength is something from another world... mihawk almost couldn't block due the force of it... zoro is amazed and shocked by her now. She is blocking Mihawk's attack with ease and countering with her own. Mihawk seems to be struggling to defend, despite being the strongest swordsman in the world. Y/n's speed and strength seem to belong to two people and not just a single individual. She is able to overwhelm even the strongest.
Zoro watches as Mihawk's arms become tired for the first time. Mihawk seems to be struggling to keep up. Y/n's strength, speed, and skill all seem to be beyond Mihawk's level. Will his experience help him win this battle?
Mihawk's expression seems even more grim and determined. He is still struggling to defend against her, however. Y/n seems in control as she counters all of his attacks and continues to press the advantage.
Mihawk tries to hit her, she backflips and use his claymore are a support, pushing him back a lot. She is using her agility, speed, and strength to her full advantage. Mihawk seems overwhelmed by her abilities and her confidence. He is slowly being pushed back and can't seem to gain any advantage over y/n
" ...You are impressive. No one has been able to overwhelm me like this with sheer strength. Your abilities are quite extraordinary. I will have to try something else. I cannot allow you to defeat me like this."
"But you're not ganna win, pretty boy"she say as she make another powerful hit, his claymore almost broke
He raises his claymore and holds his footing as he begins to focus his attention on y/n's dagger hand. She grins, excited by her strength, as her ability is acknowledged by Mihawk. He seems determined to take advantage of the situation.
He charge towards her...She blocked all ...and when she counter attack what she was promising happens. Mihawk claymore fly fair away from him, he was pushed on his knees as y/n dagger is pressing against his neck poking a bit "what happened pretty baby?" she smirk
Mihawk is left defenseless and on his knees, as she has her dagger hovering directly over his neck. He seems to be in awe and amused by y/n's skill; he's now also clearly in love with the young woman in front of him. Zoro notices that Mihawk's face has turned bright red as he attempts to reply to her. " ....Uhm...you're...you're..."
His attempt to compliment her is interrupted by him stuggling to get any words out at all
She smiles "your are really pretty on your knees for me pretty boy"
Mihawk's face turning an even deeper shade of red as he listens to y/n mock him. He, who is seemingly in love with her, tries to reply in kind and flirt with her himself.
"....Y-you're...d-decent looking yourself, a-angel."
Mihawk's attempt at flirting was extremely awkward. Zoro watches as Mihawk's face turns a brilliant crimson as soon as his words are uttered. He is clearly very attracted to y/n and has fallen head over heels for her.
She laughs taking the dagger out his neck "I told you a would win" she wink at him.
His face is flush red, as he is clearly enamored with the young woman standing before him. Mihawk seems to be completely in love with her, as he is incapable of replying to her. Angel winks at Mihawk, increasing someone elses feelings...
Zoro looks away and seems to become more annoyed than ever
"she won" Luffy said amazed his mouthalmost hitting the ground "she won against the most powerful men in all blue..."l
Zoro can feel his heart racing as his jealousy grows even more. The image of y/n standing before Mihawk and mocking him has only managed to deepen his unknow crush on her. He decides to speak up once again, his tone indicating a hint of annoyance now.
" She is too good. I hope Mihawk is happy. He'll probably spend the rest of the day thinking about how attractive this woman is." He seems to be unable to hide his jealousy over Mihawk's romantic interest in y/n.
Luffy eyes shine at his annoyed tone "jealous?"
Zoro feels his eyebrows furrowl. He knows that Mihawk's admiration for her is turning into romantic interest. He is clearly a bit annoyed by seeing him look at her with such a loving gaze, as he too has developed feelings towards her. Zoro looks over at Luffy, the hint of irritation now turning into a full-blown scowl and his voice becoming more irritated, as he responds
"What are you talking about, Luffy, i don't get jealous "
He look at the both foghter again. Deep down aishing he was mihawk, but for the firt time not because of his title of the greatest swordsman...
And for y/n the little question pop out... she have stronger feelings for one of them? Waht happens if she don't give her attention to them?
If you like, please ♡
Probably gonna write part 2 soon
@who-the-hockeysticks @itsladyliv @dummyduck44 @violet-19999
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wordsandrobots · 2 months
I just wanted to say I have so much respect for the incredible essays and fic you write for IBO, and I’m so grateful you’re in this fandom.
I was wondering, have you talked previously about McGillis’ line of “Is there such thing as true happiness and fake happiness?” especially when considered alongside his line of wanting to make Almiria happy? If not, what do you make of that?
It’s been floating around in my head ever since I watched the show, but I haven’t been able to figure out exactly what to make of it and haven’t had the time to rewatch the show yet.
Thank you! My brain has been set to overdrive on the subject of Iron-Blooded Orphans for more than three years now (please send help) so I'm not sure I could have stopped if I tried.
Anyway. Oh boy. That line. No, I haven't written commentary on it previously, at least not directly. But it underpins literally everything I've done in terms of fanfic spiralling out of McGillis' actions, so I have thought about it quite a lot.
For me -- apart from being the moment Gaelio realises precisely how far he's fucked everything up -- that question is the distillation of McGillis as a character. And as much as he says it about his treatment of Almira, it also serves as an excellent vector for examining McGillis and Gaelio's changing relationship throughout the entire show, specifically with regard to why Gaelio is Always Wrong (TM) about his best-friend-turned-mortal-enemy.
The context here is important, since this final scene is the one point in the entire show where we can uncomplicatedly say McGillis is being completely open. He's lost. He's dying. Everything he hoped to achieve has fallen to pieces. Visually, he's been stripped back to his child self, hair fallen wild and expression dulled. This is McGillis undone. It no longer matters what he does or how he presents, so he's finally able to be honest with Gaelio. All the masks are off.
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Gaelio, of course, is in full avenger mode, demanding McGillis stay alive long enough to look directly at the consequences of his actions and face his crimes. And McGillis finally admits that all the jumping up and down and masked-ghost shenanigans was unnecessary: he'd *always* seen Gaelio and always held affection for him. He wasn't some cold traitor, saying all the right things to get close enough to stab everyone in the back. Gaelio and Carta were his friends, and though that was anathema to his desire for power, it wasn't a fraud. He even promised to make Gaelio's sister happy for the sake of their friendship.
The English dub script adds the phrase 'no matter the cost' to the end of this statement and I think that's a very acute sentiment, given McGillis nearly dies sooner due to the wound he suffered stopping Almiria from killing herself. His own actions prove he means what he says: even at the cost of harm to himself, he was determined to honour his word on at least this point.
Predictably, Gaelio responds by reiterating the accusation of McGillis spreading delusions. Any happiness McGillis gave to Almiria could only be fake (due to the scheming, backstabbing, brother-murdering and so on). Which leads McGillis to asking, does it matter?
Are there such things as true and fake happiness?
I mentioned masks. For Gaelio, that's a literal object, a disguise to conceal his survival (from anybody who doesn't have the official height chart to hand, at least), that is literally discarded at this point. But for McGillis, the masks always run deeper. Indeed, if there's one thing we can say about his Montag persona and the attendant jester's visage, it's that it allows him to act more like he really wants to, to the point he starts getting a little giddy.
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No, for him, masking is performance. Acting. The construction of a surface persona to meet the demands of the situation he's in. Gaelio draws attention to this when describing how McGillis changed as they grew into teenagers, opting to actively fit in with the social scene around them and only seeming to share his 'true' feelings when the two were alone. As the audience, though, we can trace his chameleonic nature back further. In the montage of McGillis' past, we see him adapting to the various situations he is forced into, first by teaching himself to commit violence to establish dominance, then by cultivating studiousness. It seems unlikely McGillis being chosen as Iznario's heir was disconnected from how hard he worked on building himself up in order to survive. Learning how to navigate social and political environments is a natural progression of these efforts.
That this *is* conscious construction is key. Because McGillis also sets out to transform himself into the ideal Agnika Kaieru represents. Ultimately this culminates in physically altering his body so he can use Gundam Bael, but it's far more than that. He trains himself in the two-sword fighting style Agnika used, long before he's anywhere near achieving his goal. He immerses himself in Gjallarhorn's hierarchy and assists skilled, lower-class officers like Isurugi. He dispenses with his childhood sombreness in favour of an authoritative, rigorous, charismatic professional persona. All of this serves his goal of achieving absolute power, yes. It's also about shaping himself into what he thinks he should be -- the embodiment of the characteristics he attributes to Agnika.
There are a few positive aspects to this. Gaelio, operating on the assumption McGillis is a cynical back-stabber, thinks he goes to Mars to survey the mobile armour situation for personal gain. But in truth McGillis goes to ensure Hashmal doesn't awaken. It's the kind of move someone in Gjallarhorn *should* make, so he does. That he is later inspired to go after the Order of the Seven Stars as Gaelio originally imagined he intended is a reaction to things spiralling out of control and exciting him with the world's most ill-advised historical re-enactment; it's not where he comes into the situation. Likewise, he seems to have been a fairly good inspector, exposing corrupt officers like Coral and later doing due diligence on pulling the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet (oh cripes I can write than from memory) into proper fighting shape.
At the same time, it means McGillis is always dishonest with other people. He's always got an angle, is always holding something back, always tries to fit everyone into his plans, somehow. Even when he is truthful (such as saying he's admired Carta for treating him as an equal when they were kids or sharing his faith in Agnika's principles with Almiria), there are other factors to consider. His scheme to gain power inside Gjallarhorn, his need to keep things running smoothly, his obsession with being the individual who can transform the world -- these are in play right up until he is bleeding out on the floor.
It's natural, given this, to ask 'who is the true McGillis?' What really exists underneath the layers of performance? However, I think doing so is to repeat a lot of Gaelio's mistakes because, as we eventually find out, McGillis himself fails to draw a meaningful boundary between 'real' and 'fake'.
He promised Gaelio he'd take care of Almiria while in the act of killing him. It was politically prudent to maintain the engagement and he also considered Gaelio a true friend, so there's good reason to honour the promise. On top of that, Almiria is someone he appears to care greatly for, perhaps out of fellow-feeling since she is as much a pawn in others' games as he once was. Thus, her happiness becomes one of his chief goals. To this end, he accommodates her wishes to be seen as a grown-up lady (as imagined by a nine-year-old) and explains how what he is doing will benefit them both. He goes so far as to stop her from harming herself once his deception is exposed, promising that one day, she will be truly happy despite everything.
And the next time he refers to Almiria in any way -- the last time, prior to his final confrontation with Gaelio -- it is to internally chide her for being so troublesome as to leave him with a wound that negatively affects his battlefield performance. Placed alongside his earlier lines to her and the act of putting his hand in the way of the dagger she aimed at her throat, it's an *incredibly* dismissive reaction. It would be easy to read this as him having only pretended to care about Almiria all along, concealing a real disdain. Except, again -- he put his hand in the way of that dagger, without hesitation.
What's going on here?
Well, McGillis presents in whichever way he needs to in order to navigate his circumstances, saying whatever he thinks is most likely to get the outcome he wants. That's his base state for interacting with the world, as a consequence of growing up the way he did. Seeing no distinction in the veracity of happiness speaks to a very outcome-focused view on human interaction. What difference does it make if a positive reaction is prompted by sincerity or by moulding oneself into a form best suiting the other person? They're still happy. Or giving the appearance of it. That's enough, right?
We eventually see this approach fail with Tekkadan, owing to McGillis' misunderstandings about them. Towards the end of the show, stripped of material superiority, his appeals to their fighting spirit fall flat. He tries to sway them on the level he thinks they operate (pride, desire for power, strength of will) rather than the shared loyalty and familial bonds that actually drive them forward. He simply doesn't realise the things they have pursued were always a means to an end -- each other's safety -- rather than the end itself.
That failure highlights both how important it is to engage with the reality of what you're trying to manipulate (the critical distinction separating him from Rustal) and how genuine McGillis is about his stated goals. He really does want to become the all-powerful leader of Gjallarhorn and believes that will allow him to make the world better. He'd do anything to achieve it. Just like he really means to ensure Almiria's happiness, however much he needs to cover up and present differently -- or even suffer physical harm -- to do so.
That right there is the fundamental problem with how Gaelio sees him throughout Season 2. He doesn't get that McGillis' performances are not strictly falsehoods but tools used to obtain the outcome he's proclaiming to anyone who'll listen. The act may be pieced together from truth or lies or force of strength; what matters is that it *works*.
I spent my essay about Agnika focusing on McGillis' ideology. What the true/false happiness line exemplifies is his methodology or, more strictly, the survival strategy he adapted into a generalised approach. It's the Tekkadan strategy error -- applying the same methods over and over in situations where they are increasingly counter-productive -- writ on a subtler scale. A compulsive need to treat every interpersonal encounter as having a specific outcome, where the actual content, the human connection, and the emotional impact lose any significance beyond 'if X then Y'.
The kicker being that, when McGillis does have to deal with genuine emotions on their own terms, he shoves them as far away from himself as he can. Carta and Gaelio should have been his closest allies and loyalist supporters, not to mention a positive impact on his wellbeing due to, you know, actually caring about him as a person. Instead, he kills/tries to kill them, not just because their deaths serve his ambitions but because they gave him something other than his ambitions -- full stop. Something else. And he couldn't have both.
McGillis could not build himself into the perfect embodiment of individualism while keeping his friends close. He couldn't continue to persist on an outcome-focused approach with unprompted, un-targeted happiness just happening to him. From everything else about his character, I'm not sure he could ever have trusted the feelings Carta and Gaelio induced in him. Far better to construct the happiness he thought he wanted. Far safer. Far more natural, for someone under no illusions about the world's hypocrisies, or what people do in order to survive.
The tragedy is that this is an inescapable problem. McGillis was always going to chose the constructed ideal future over the reality that lay within touching distance. The damage, for that's what this is, was done long before anyone who cared was in a position to intervene. This is somebody who'd execute the people he cares for and who cannot understand his best friend crying over his dying admission of affection, any more than he can grasp why being willing to do anything to ensure a little girl's happiness isn't necessarily laudable. Where would you even begin trying to unpick that?
Which of course is exactly what makes him so effective within this story. There's a paradox at the heart of McGillis, which is part of why I've never tried to write his perspective in my fic, where he manages to be profoundly honest and chronically self-deluding, the signifiers of a manipulative bastard twisted around into . . . I don't really want to call it pathology because I think that undersells the active choice to be who he is. But we see how he got there, the trauma that went into making him, how different aspects of it meshed together, shaping him one after the other. It's not just the homelessness, or the sexual assault, or being trafficked, or being made a pawn in a political game, or fixating on a historical figure. It's all of them put together, and I think it's a fantastic bit of character work.
There simply isn't a solution. Just an inescapable arc towards disaster, and the devastation of a pair of siblings who each loved him more dearly than he could possibly conceptualise.
That's more or less where I land on things, anyway. Hopefully this was mostly coherent, as rambles go? Like with everything to do with McGillis, I can never just pull one thread. The man's a living rats-nest, which I love about him but does make it difficult to be succinct!
Thank you very much for the ask, and for your kind words. I will admit to feeling a degree of 'if there's no active fandom for this show, I'll damn well do it myself' when I started writing the fic and the essays, so it delights me no end to know there are people getting a kick out of them. :)
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astridthevalkyrie · 11 days
to add to that last ask, portia featherington is a beloved character despite the fact that she: encouraged marina to trick colin, manipulated her by forging the letter from george (because before that marina was NOT planning on pursuing colin like that), fearmongered her and made sure marina didn't stay unmarried despite her wanting to, slapped her after finding out she was pregnant (marina was a teenage girl!), and is generally emotionally abusive to all her daughters especially penelope and everyone says it's okay because she loves her kids!
so we have our answer, if marina was white, i think everyone would love her. because portia is like 70% of the reason marina did what she did. and sure, she has somewhat of a redemption arc in season 3, but people loved her even before that. and that's not to say i don't find her entertaining. she's funny, she delivers lines well, she's the worst and it makes for enjoyable scenes. but i do give more grace to the pregnant black teenager than to the middle aged white woman for "protecting her kids." in quotes because even if portia did see herself in pen, her treatment of pen is in no way protective or loving and flipping it around once she sees that colin genuinely loves her seems incredibly insincere.
also this isn't unique to bridgerton. you remember when the little mermaid live action came out? even going past the absolute vileness and vitriol that halle bailey faced leading up to the release you remember how when it came out? and everyone and their mothers LOVED vanessa? vanessa who had no lines? vanessa whose singing voice was halle bailey and whose speaking voice was melissa mccarthy? the white actress who just had to spin around for a minute and make a very evil expression? and people said she stole the movie? and you can't say it's racism because people will be like "omg so just liking a white actress/character is racist???" no. and you know that's not it. it's that you would go out of your way to put such heavy praise onto a white actress that did absolutely nothing special aside from being a pretty white girl when it was halle who made the movie and even that scene with her acting and her voice.
remember how in ginny and georgia people are absolutely insane and disgusting when it comes to ginny a young mixed girl but praise abby the mean and edgy white girl and go so far as to call her a victim? and sure some of it just comes from a concerning lack of recalling media but it's also just this unsaid perhaps unconscious dislike people have of black characters (and all characters of color but especially black characters). it's the fact that many writers write them to be disliked. and people fall for it, take the bait, hook line and sinker.
and it's in little doses. god i just. people can think i'm reaching at straws all they want but lucas in stranger things. how in the first season he's MADE to be disliked despite being in the right. kenny in cobra kai who is humiliated again and again in show and we're supposed to dislike him or maybe just laugh at him. whatever the fuck is happening in that shameless scene where fiona fires the only black employee that works for her. i haven't seen shameless but that scene unfortunately comes up on my feed once every few months and each time i hate it more. because people will say "b-b-b-but that lady was a bad employee! she was lazy and coming to work late and then playing the race card!" yes! precisely! why did the writers write a scene like that? why did they play into such a negative stereotype just to give their woe-is-me white woman a #badbitch moment? the sinister thrill that people get from seeing black characters and especially black women "get what's coming to them" is so concerning!
how people talk about jacinda in the last season of once upon a time and say henry had more chemistry with ivy. no the fuck he did NOT. if jacinda was white and ivy was black, that would not be such a popular opinion. and it does get trickier when it comes to shipping because sure, everyone likes different things in fiction. i haven't seen star wars so take the following with a grain of salt but yeah sure people will like rey x kylo more than rey x finn. her dynamic with kylo is probably more interesting. but WHY is it more interesting. why could the writers not make her relationship with finn more engaging if he was supposed to be her love interest? would more people not be calling reylo toxic if kylo was played by a black actor? would more people not be saying that rey is a lesbian if she was played by a black woman? that is to say, i am in no way saying that people who ship reylo are racist. i think there are very few people who actively had the thought "i'm not going to ship rey with finn because finn is black." however i think there is a combination of a, writers not wanting to make black characters outright evil because they'll be called racist so they just sneak in ways to make them either annoying or boring, and b, fandom either ignoring or actively disliking black characters whether the writers do it or not. again, haven't seen star wars, but i can also talk about how lucas and max from stranger things are now more popular post season 4 when they were given better scenes, but how before that everyone shipped max with eleven.
or what about the mess of a movie that is set it up. where the two bad characters are the ceo guy who is portrayed as angry and aggressive and cheating on his girlfriend, and the main character's girlfriend, who is portrayed as vain and selfish.
the only beloved black character from a POPULAR fandom (because there are beloved and well-written black and other poc characters in smaller fandoms) that i can think of off the top of my head is jesper from six of crows. he's a MAIN character, first of all, and he is clearly written to be liked. the show and book make him the charmer, the funny one, gives him an actual plotline and secrets and family and angst and engagement just like all the other characters in the story. perhaps characters like t'challa in marvel could be considered popular. but on ao3, out of 500k marvel fics, 10k have him tagged as a character. whereas in 10k fics for six of crows, jesper is tagged in 6k and him x wylan is the second most popular ship.
idek where i'm going with this. i'm not trying to be mean. it's fine and valid to say that someone wouldn't like a character if they're white. i think it's also valid for me to say that black characters are villainized or ignored by writers and fandoms alike in a way white characters aren't, and that sometimes it's very obvious.
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zoffra · 4 years
Why Hisoka decided to kill the troupe ?
Analysis in two parts:
1- Hisoka's pre-fight personality
2- Hisoka's post fight psychological change
Part 1 -
Let us make a point on Hisoka's character.
Hisoka's a character who takes pleasure in fighting strong opponents, it's his reason for living, it's like a drug in the proper sense of the term. If he doesn't fight for a long time, or if he's about to fight and - for whatever reason - the fight doesn't start, he'll kill anyone to satisfy his need and calm his excitement. This happens, for example, during hunter exam after meeting Kurapika and Leorio (= satisfying his need), or after Illumi's meeting with Killua and Alluka (= calming his excitement).
Other than that, he carefully chooses his opponents and will even refuse fights if he judges that the person isn't worth it.
Hisoka's incredibly patient. In order to fight Chrollo, he'll put in a lot of effort. He joins the spiders - which already isn't an easy task - and waits for three years that an opportunity presents itself, so that he finds himself alone with the leader and can fight him. The other members don't interest him - except maybe Machi to a much lesser extent.
After Chrollo lost his Nen, Hisoka assists the troupe in search for the exorcist. Shizuku assumes that Chrollo promised him a fight in exchange for his help. It's not known how long Chrollo's deprived of his Nen, whats certain is that several months go by.
Abengan's Nen works like this: he invokes a Nen beast whose shape and size varies according to the curse's power posed by his user. The stronger the curse, the longer that will takes time- and you can be sure that Kurapika's chain was far more powerful than Genthru's bomb.
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Later, we learn from Gitarakuru that after recovering his Nen, Chrollo fled. During this time, he returned to Meteor city to prepare his fight and steal various capacities - in particular that of the dean, Shalnark and Kortopi. Finally, after all these waiting years, Hisoka's finally rewarded and they'll fight in a place - that Chrollo himself chooses, as floor master : Celestial tower.
I'll not describe the fight, I can only advise those who haven't read the manga to go and find out for themselves. If I could sum it up in one word, it would be 'disappointing'. But not for us, readers, for Hisoka.
Chrollo used sneaky methods, avoiding to maximum close contacts with Hisoka, while sending his puppets to fight for him, waiting for opportunities to hit him critically. Warning! This isn't a criticism, I'm not saying it's something bad, these are just the facts.
We know that Chrollo's calculating and that beyond his extraordinary physical abilities, he distinguishes himself from others by his intelligence. For me, this fight is the very reflection of his personality, calculated like music paper and orchestrated by Chrollo as master of ceremonies.
It's also a nose thumb at the relationship they've always had. Hisoka spent more time killing puppets with no interest to reach Chrollo, rather than fighting him. He finds himself in the situation where he has always been.
At the time of his 'death', Hisoka made a pact with the Nen to bring him back to life. By using condition and oath - his death being the condition to be fulfilled - he wish that his heart's functions and his lungs will be restored. And from there, the troupe will have big problems.
Part 2 -
Spiders made several mistakes. When they inspected Hisoka's body, they were negligent. When Shalnark testified to Hisoka's death by asphyxiation, no one found his hands position strange. By that I mean they're seasoned Nen users, cold-blooded killers, they know that Nen gets stronger after death.
An important detail is that you can revive a suffocation victim - it shouldn't last too long of course, but it's not as if his head was cut off. And that's exactly what Hisoka will do.
He probably used Ken to absorb the explosion, surrounded his heart and his lungs with his Gum, then practiced a cardiac massage to resuscitate himself, - I pass about after-effects that his brain would normally have undergone, which is an ease logical scenario.
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Machi said one interesting thing: '[Hisoka] still paid me in advance.' This means that she was in contact with him before, and Hisoka asked her to stitch up his wounds after the fight. Machi probably understood it as 'if I win the fight, can you heal me', but for Hisoka there was probably a double meaning: healing his wounds if they were too serious so that he do himself, or if he hadn't been in fit state to do it.
Biggest mistake spiders have made has been to underestimate Hisoka.
Towards fight's end (chap 355) when a puppets horde rush towards him, Hisoka has an angry expression. Hisoka's neutral facial expression is a mischievous pout, or in fights where he has to fight seriously, he has a concentrated expression.
It's extremely rare to see him angry, and I think his change of mind manifests himself at that time. Hisoka's face takes half a page's place and is a terrifying blackness, it's an important moment. All accumulated frustration since years literally explodes during this bitter taster fight.
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When he wakes up, we don't immediately notice his change of mind, but when he speaks it's clearer.
'Reality knows how to wake you up.' Hisoka realizes - if not already done - that he'll not be able to defeat Chrollo with his usual methods.
A little higher, I said the trio had underestimated Hisoka but I also think of Chrollo. During the fight he was arrogant, explaining his abilities, inviting him to flee and then, telling him that isn't to taunt him - you can't make me believe thats true.
'If you've learned your lessons from this, then next time make sure to choose your opponent and the location you fight.' Machi's words complete Hisoka's decision, it was clearly not the thing to say to him at this precise moment.
This how Hisoka's change of mind worked for me. Hisoka's an irrational person but he killed with a certain consistent logic - strong ones who deserve his attention. His death - more precisely, circumstances of the fight leding to his death - played a major role in his transformation. He's no longer undefeated and has been ridiculed, Chrollo practically whistling when he sent his puppets against him.
'No matter where they go and who they are with, I won't stop until I kill them all' It's revenge.
His actions are no longer directed by the will to fight strong adversaries, they're guided by the outright brigade eradication.
Strangely, he leaves Machi alive. Don't tell me thats because he just wants she getting her message across to the other members, there were a thousand ways to warn Chrollo and the others without leaving her alive - and considering the awkward position she was in, he could have kill her without slightest concern. - In an interview, Togashi says that he didn't want to kill her at that time because he has other plans for her.
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Kortopi was visibly relieving himself when he was killed. He was a pointless opponent for Hisoka, especially considering the situation in which he found himself. This proves once again his change of mind, it's a method of murderer.
Same method when he sends Kortopi's head to Shalnark. At that moment, Shalnark grabs his friend's head - which is edifying of stupidity - to verify that it's him, and Hisoka punches him.
On several occasions, I've read some people would have liked to see a real Shalnark vs Hisoka fight. But we had it, and difference in strength is too great. At that moment, it's true that Shalnark couldn't use his Hatsu, nevertheless he could still use his Nen but he didn't even had time to defend himself with his Ten.
We don't know if Hisoka kills Shalnark in one blow, it's possible that he survived for a moment. However, this isn't what the staging seems to evoke. The fight literally takes a half page, speed with which Hisoka starts the fight and shock's power when he hits Shalnark leaves no doubt as to the fight speed end. In addition, even though Hisoka's Nen strengthened, he was seriously injured - he was able to repair his limbs in appearance, but he has no healing ability like Machi or quick regeneration like an enhancer.
The last chapter page sounds like a real turning point. We knew Hisoka was sadistic, he likes to torture his opponents psychologically (cf: Kastro fight, Goto), but we had never seen him at work physically. After his fight, he took the trouble to stage the Shalnark's and Kortopi corpses, tying Shalnark to the swing like a puppet, refering to his ability and his fight against Chrollo.
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Chapter ends abruptly with a sentence / thought from Hisoka: 'There are 10 left.'
Number 10 is interesting. At that moment, members still alive are the following: Phinks, Feitan, Machi, Kalluto, Nobunaga, Shizuku, Franklin, Bonorenov and Chrollo.
That makes 9. I consider that - even if he didn't see her die - Hisoka is aware of the Pakunoda's death. He spent a lot of time with members at Greed Island and Chrollo, it's impossible that he didn't learn it.
The 10th member is therefore Illumi - reader learns of his membership in the troupe only 20 chapters later -, he was therefore recruited before Hisoka announced his vendetta against spiders.
Last point I wanted to emphasize: when Hisoka says 'there is 10 left', he includes Chrollo. This shows that he no longer puts him on a pedestal, seeing him as the head or someone important. It's simply a leg to be eliminated.
Hisoka's personality has radically changed, he has finished playing.
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muwi-translates · 4 years
Collar x Malice Short Story: Inside the Box
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Christmas Shiraishi-centric short story.
HEAVY SPOILERS. Only read this AFTER you have finished the first game.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Generally speaking, the thing called ‘Memories’ is not clear.
Unlike memory as information, it has no fixed form. Its content can depend on the person.
Sometimes sad memories turn into hatred, and happy memories sometimes turn into delusions.
The human brain can't be trusted. It can automatically rewrite itself for its own benefit.
I, who did not require ‘Memories’ —— surely it is the same for Shiraishi Kageyuki the human.
◇ ◇ ◇
This was when I lived in the ‘Facility’.
Every day, every minute and every second, I lived like a machine.
For me, who knew how to suppress pain and happiness as soon as I understood how, all I had was ‘Curiosity’.
The vast amount of knowledge grew with each passing day. Memories of the outside world were written in letters. Like events of a distant world, even the difficult to read special books were simply ‘Unknown Stories’ to me.
I thought that my desire to know things defined my personality. However, when I think about it now, it may have been a desire planted in me as part of my training. Training to become a perfect doll.
"Christmas. The festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, coming from the word "Christ mass", it takes the form of many activities in Japan—...”
Inputting information was simple. However, I was also trained how to ‘Use Memory’. If a huge amount of information stayed on the surface of the brain, it will become confused, so if it is not necessary, there was no need to take out the memory sealed in the deeper layers.
(Gifts are put under a tree, and you gather with your family around the dinner table…)
Perhaps this information will also be stored in a box that is rarely retrieved from.
Of course I knew the basics, it was only carefully investigated because it was related to other information.
(Giving love to each other...for what...?)
The outside world is full of as many far-fetched, mysterious customs as mountains. If you had questions about everything, it would only make the processing slower. But this time, I was not sure why I was so interested in this subject.
"Are you interested in Christmas?"
——Suddenly hearing a sound coming from behind, my shoulders moved unconsciously.
Points are deducted if you are seen reacting. I immediately pretended to be calm and looked back, only to see an unfamiliar face.
“Your hand, it’s been paused on this page for a while now.” 
What peered at me was a pair of eyes full of serenity, transparent no matter where you looked — like glass balls.
"No, I'm very sorry. I memorised it without any problems."
"I’m not blaming you for anything. I know you have good scores here."
He was a high-ranking person who has inspected this ‘Facility’ many times. 
But his appearance did not match his position, with his youthful face. He appeared to be younger than me.
I remembered his name, because it was necessary for me to do so.  —Mikuni Rei. He was a human who worked with those who ‘control’ us.
“I’m interested why you, someone that’s like a precision machine, showed interest in ‘that’, that’s all.”
"I didn't become interested... I just had questions."
What was the meaning of his response? Was I being tested, or was he being whimsical? Either way, I had no right to not reply.
"Why do humans, who aren’t related to that religion, choose to give each other love on that day? What for?”
"...I think there are many other things similar to it but..."
"Yes. But... after reading this information, I think for the average person, this part seems to be more special than others."
As I finished speaking, he— Mikuni Rei’s eyes became slightly dim for some reason. Careful observation of the facial expression can lead to an answer.
A boy in the ruling class felt compassion for a stray cat trapped in a box.
A sense of superiority, a desire for control, and empathy. There were many times where I wanted to give it a name, but it was difficult to understand because I was immature.
"Human feelings... cannot be explained by theory alone. If you feel special, it must be because it touches your heart.... If the other person is the object of your envy and admiration, they are not bound by rights or wrongs."
Thoughts continued to sound as the words continued.
If ‘we’ have feelings for a particular thing, in his viewpoint, it is not a good thing. However, he agreed.
“Why do you treat me like a human?”
Asking questions is normally prohibited. But now my curiosity had prevailed. This was a serious error. There should be no more curiosity beyond the rules.
"You said these things about a pawn, things impossible to explain with theory."
"...You are right. I don't know why. It's just..."
 After speaking, his bewildered gaze stayed on me, and then he spoke unwaveringly.
 "Number 14. I... don't want you to be unhappy."
...At that time, he smiled.
But what kind of smile it was— I can’t remember.
Pitiful? Loathing? Hateful? Kindly? 
I don’t remember. I can't remember.
Because it's stored in a box that can't be taken out, deep and deep inside.
◇ ◇ ◇
In my dream, someone is calling my name.
Did I always have this human-sounding name? I want to lie and tell myself that this is true.
But it's impossible. Even my name, which was supposed to be just a code, has become so dear to me.
“Oi, Okazaki! There’s no room for you here for dinner!”
"How mean. But it's okay, I'll eat some from Mineo-san’s.”
“It’s NOT okay! No one told you to come!”
“I’m sorry, Enomoto. ...I was the one who called Okazaki here today.”
“Geh! Yanagi-senpai?! When did you fall this guy’s wily ways—!?”
"His voice was so loud we heard it from inside, obviously he’ll attract attention. Yanagi-san probably didn’t want to disturb the neighbors."
“Yanagi-san let me in when I kept saying ‘I’m so cold… I’m so lonely…’, fufu, he’s so nice.”
“So you just left Yoshinari outside? Talk about pitiful…”
“I'll bring him a souvenir later. It's food that Yanagi-san and Ichika-chan made together. It'll definitely be delicious."
“I don’t know if it’ll suit your tastes but… Ah, but Yanagi-san’s food, I promise it’ll move you! It’s definitely not inferior to food you’ll find at high-end restaurants.”
"Why does the stupid cat look so proud?"
"It looks good thanks to Hoshino being particular about the arrangement."
“Yanagi-senpai…! I’m getting a little jealous watching you two compliment each other, please stop it!!”
Ah, so noisy. Completely unproductive dialogue. There’s no calculation and no falsity, the boring everyday that I like.
When did I get used to this warmth and treat it as part of my everyday?
While I was thinking in a daze, Ichika-chan reached out to me.
“Shiraishi-san, come here. The party has already begun."
——Party?  ……Is that so? Has it started?
"These were all made with everything we had. Let's have a good meal today."
 ——Fufu, as usual, Yanagi-san takes care of others like this.
“......Though I really don’t understand what’s so good about a bunch of us adults coming together.”
 ——Although that was what Sasazuka said, he also stayed behind to join in.
"Hey, don't stand there in a daze! You’re the protagonist today!"
 ——Hm? Did Enomoto-kun just call me ‘you’?
“I heard Ichika-chan is giving you a present, right?” 
——Even Okazaki is here… Fufu, he must have come in by force.
"Yes. It’s a wonderful gift I prepared with everyone."
I took a box from Ichika-chan who was smiling as she spoke.
I felt strange rather than happy. I was looking right at Ichika-chan, instead of looking down.
Yanagi-kun patted my head, and it also seemed to feel very big. No, maybe it's because I have shrunk.
Thin limbs, short hair. I am the same age as when I talked to ‘Him’ about Christmas.
(Ah. Is this… a dream?)
It seems I dream too much at Christmas.
"But Ichika-chan. I haven't prepared a gift."
"No, Shiraishi-san. We’re...returning you what you gave us."
“...? What I gave you?”
 "Yes. You gave us… a lot. It's only natural that we want to return the favour."
“I see… so this is what it means… to exchange gifts…”
"Yes. We want to share it, because we cherish each other. Please open it, and take a look."
I slowly opened the box, and inside was——、
 ◇ ◇ ◇
When I opened my eyes, I saw a familiar scenery.
This was their base, called the ‘Detective Agency’. It also became a place I could feel comfortable as well. 
“Ah, Shiraishi-san, you’re awake?”
A pair of eyes I seem to always see somewhere, someplace, were looking at me. Crystal clear—like glass balls. 
“Ichika-chan…? Ah, huh? Where’s... the present box…?” 
"? Fufu, it's rare to see you half-awake. If you sleep in a place like this, you’ll catch a cold. Are you going to the office to stay overnight?"
I realized the reality as my consciousness gradually returned from my awakening. 
That’s right. The collar—in order to protect herself from those who had declared to ‘pick her up’, she had taken refuge here with her brother.
The deadline announced by Adonis was approaching soon. In order to make her forget this fact temporarily, I had been talking to them about Christmas. When I thought about the gift she gave—and the only gift I could make, I fell asleep.
(Truly... the ‘Heart’ is so difficult to understand. I… must have been scared to have a dream like that.)
 —Everything will end soon.
That smile of his I had gently stored away was blacked out. 
The contents of the boxes I had received from her and everyone had been badly damaged and dirtied.
But I decided not to regret it, even if I was scared or in pain.
Because I got the most precious gift in the world.
"Ichika-chan...Thank you."
"You taught me my first Christmas, right? So, thank you."
"What are you talking about? The real fun starts from now on."
"...Fufu, yeah."
In a few days, we won’t be able to greet Christmas as we promised. Regardless of what happens, it will only make you sad.
Even if I understand that, I want to see it. I don't want to give up. I want to make my wish come true.
 This is certainly not a sad story.
I, who had received such a present, could not be unhappy. 
Even if I get it dirty with my own hands, this warmth will not disappear.
There’s no reasoning. It’s because I’m human. ...Because I am special.
A shining, sparkling gift for me, who was supposed to be called Number 14.
An opened box filled to the brim with tender memories.
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babieyangyang10 · 4 years
violent ends (chapter 6)
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(chapter 6)
series masterlist
genre: hunger games!au
pairings: huang renjun x oc, na jaemin x oc
warnings: kissing, language, violent deaths, fighting, angst, fluff, + nsfw
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Athena’s POV
Every night since I've arrived to the Capitol, I would go and sit out on the balcony after training. It's calming and sobering to rewind the events of the entire day.
For example, I had just finished telling Taeyong about my plans with Jaemin in private. I made sure that no one else, especially Renjun, knew what was going to happen. Of course, Taeyong wasn't too happy about me being with a boy. Or at least pretending to be with one. However, he said it doesn't matter to him, just as long as I win.
I also thought about how we were gong to be evaluated and given rankings tomorrow.  Rankings, ranked from one to twelve, are assigned by the Gamekeepers to tributes, after they are given fifteen minutes to show off their best skills. These are very important, since these are televised to the public and show people who they should sponsor.
I hear the door slide open from behind me.
"You here to kill me, yet?" I joke, seeing Renjun.
"Maybe." He shrugs, sitting down beside me.
We both stare down at the Capitol below. Watching as a group of citizens are walking, having the time of their lives. For them, the games were the most excited part of their whole year.
I speak up, "They look so happy"
"If I lived like this everyday, I would be happy too," Renjun says, matter of factly, "The food. The apartments. Who wouldn't be happy?"
Frowning, I state, "I wouldn't. Do you wanna know why?"
"No, but your probably going to tell me anyway." Renjun rolls his eyes.
I wonder what he truly thinks about the Capitol and the games.
"Haven't you seen the kids from twelve? They look so small and malnourished. I would feel bad for living like that, when there are others, like them, who can't." I shake my head.
"Where'd you get those ideas from? Jaemin? They look fine to me."
I begin to throw a pebble off the roof. However, a invisible force causes the pebble to bounce back into the balcony.
"Do you know why they have that? It's so the tributes can't jump off." I try to make a point.
He plainly stated, "I don't get why they would do that."
Frustrated, I ask, "Have you ever even thought about all the things you might not ever get to do?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know. There's so many things I never got to do. You know, all the things teenagers are supposed to do. Like first kisses and love and all that stuff." I shake my head.
"Probably cause no one has ever wanted to be with you like that." He laughs at me.
Sharply, I just reply with, "Jaemin would."
"Of course," He repeats to himself, "Of course, he would."
Taken aback, I inquire, "What's that supposed to mean?"
He just shakes his head.
"Okay, fine. Then, have you ever kissed someone before, Renjun?" I interrogate.
His nose wrinkles in disgust, "Ew, how did this conversation get so long and gross?"
"Renjun, it's just a simple question." I state, nonchalantly.
"Fine," He answers quickly, "I never got the chance to. So, no."
I let out a laugh of relief, "Well, now I feel better about myself."
Renjun just shrugs, "I just don't get why it's such a big deal."
"How can you know it's not a big deal if you've never tried it?" I suggest.
He stares at me blankly. After pausing to think about my words, a little smile appears on his face.
"Lee Athena, it sounds a little like your trying to get me to kiss you right now."
My eyes widened in denial, "No. I'm really not."
He just chuckles to himself.
Without carefully considering the weight of my next words, I speak, "Although, you did say you didn't think it was a big deal."
"And?" Renjun pressures.
Out of my mouth slips, "So I guess it wouldn't be weird if you did."
He looks at me like I'm dumb, "Are you even listening to what you're saying?"
"I guess not. Never mind, then. I think I'm really tired and delirious. I'm going to bed." I quickly muster out, before practically running back into the apartment.
I run back into the living room and up to my own room. I really think I'm going crazy. It's only after shut the door to my room, that I realize the weight of what I just did. How messed up must I be to basically come on to Huang Renjun?
Huang Renjun!
Someone who's going to be trying to kill me in several days. I just tried to get him to kiss me, even though I'm about to have fake relationship with another boy. Which, Renjun can not know is fake. Otherwise, my whole game will be jeopardized and I could lose all the sponsors.
Knock. Knock.
"Who is it?" I play dumb.
"Lee Athena, open this door." Renjun commands, sternly.
I let him in the room, before beginning to plead with him, "Can you just for-"
Suddenly, he just quickly started leaning in.
Closer and closer.
Then, he just paused from hesitation. It was almost as if he was thinking, am I really about to do this?
However, the next thing I did was the result of no thinking on my part.
I grabbed his face and closed the gap. Oh my god, why are his lips actually so soft? This is so wrong. Maybe we shouldn't be doing this. Our lips just slightly touched for about eight seconds, before I moved away.
"Oh my god, did I really ju-"
Huang Renjun kisses me hard. This time, our lips began moving. He set a pattern and I just followed his lead. This time it felt less foreign,  almost natural.
If I had to describe the feeling, it felt like I got punched in the stomach, just without the hurt. Instead, it just felt really warm. I almost felt like I could melt into a blazing inferno any second.
It was one of the best things I've ever felt in my life.
He pulls back, studying my facial expression.
"See, I was right. Not a big deal." He coldly shrugs before quickly leaving. I don't stop him, either. This is what I deserve. I'm the one who walked myself into this situation. Maybe it's better, if I just block it out of my memories.
However, as I'm waiting with the rest of the tributes to be called in for examinations, it's the only thing I can think about.
"You look like you're about to throw up. Nervous?" asks a concerned Jaemin, sitting next to me.
"Just a bit," I lie, "I really don't want to mess up."
"Hey, it's okay. I know you're going to be great." He comforts, sweetly.
A mechanical voice comes over the speakers, "Lee Athena."
"Please, just don't kill anyone." Jaemin trys to ease my fake nervousness with a joke.
"No promises." I wink before entering the gym.
I look up to see the Gamemakers, where they had watched us during training. Luckily for me, District 2 is one of the earlier groups they see first. That means, they are more awake and still excited.
I walk over to a table, where I see a large assortment of weapons to choose from. I grab multiple throwing knifes and place all of them in my left hand.
I inhale and look at the human-shaped targets in front of me. There were two targets on the head, chest, and stomach. I inhale, before I finally begin my rampage.
One target after the other, hitting with perfect precision. Even after I completely finish the target directly in front of me. I continue randomly throwing knifes, all precisely hitting the fake-humans.
I stop after there are no more knifes left. Peeking up, I see the Gamemakers clapping in awe.
Although, I'm not done yet. No, I need to give them something that they have no choice but to remember.
I return to the table and pick up an axe. I look up and gave a sweet smile to the Head Gamemaker, Seneca Crane.
Without looking at the target, I hold the axe behind my head, then throw straight at it.
Once hearing a thud, I smile in delight once I see it has hit the designated spot.
The groin.
With one last innocent smile, I make my exit.
"Oh my gosh, that was absolutely everything!" Doyoung gushed to me, sitting down on the couch.
"What happened?" asked a confused Renjun.
"I hit the target in the dick." I explained.
Doyoung cried out, "Language, Athena!"
"Oh shit, my bad.  I meant the no-no square." I tease. Doyoung is one of those people who are fun to purposely stress out.
"Athena, quit bullying Doyoung." said Taeyong with a hint of playfulness. He came in from the kitchen and turned on the television. Surprisingly, I see Seulgi following him in.
There’s a small part of me that wants to score high for her. Especially, since her outfit is the reason I have gained any support so far. I really don’t want to throw away the opportunity she helped provide me.
On the screen appears the host, Caesar Flickerman. One of the things he was known for was changing his hair color for the games every year. This year, his powdered-blue hair was styled in a low ponytail.
“As you know, the tributes were rated on a scale from one to twelve, after 3 days of careful evaluation. The Gatekeepers would like to acknowledge that it was an exceptional group.
From District One, Jeno with a score of 10. Also, Haechan with a score of 9."
Those were really good scores. Although, nothing unexpected from a Career.
“Then, we have District 2. First, we have Huang Renjun with a 10.”
“Wow!” Doyoung claps loudly. Renjun just cringes at the man.
Caesar’s voice becomes more high pitched, “Then, we have Lee Athena with an 11!”
Well, I guessed they liked my little stunt. Although, I can let this go to my head. Especially, since this means I have to be prepared for a huge target on my head.
“Well done, both of you.” Taeyong praises, content.
We pay attention to the rest of the scores. Jaemin received a ten, which I know he worked hard for. Compared to the Careers, the rest of the tributes were not as high. However, this doesn’t mean they’re not as much as a threat. Many people like to use a strategy of hiding all of their talents until they step into the arena.
We all head back to our rooms. Renjun, of course, avoiding any sort of conversation with me. I lay down on my bed and sigh.
Tomorrow, everything’s going to change.
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blackasmidnightcats · 5 years
Book 1 Nostalgia
WARNING: This post will have spoilers to the SGE series
The first book in any series will always hold a special place in anyone's heart I think. There is just something beautiful, whether the writing was phenomenal or lacking, about the introduction to a new world and the characters that you're going to know. After reading further into the series, sometimes you just wanna go back to the start, where everything was a lot simpler.
SGE kinda falls into this feeling for me.
I don't think I'm ever going to get over the interactions between the characters (and we haven't even explored most of them) because, personally, Soman is incredibly good with how he does character intercations but the story and plot have a lot to improve on.
And now comparing TSY with TCY it's very glaring.
Soman really has a problem with his plot so much so than with his storyline. It's very repetitive and the storyline suffers from it.
After Book 1, every plot seemed to be the same case; Sophie is an important piece to the main villain, Agatha tries to fix everything, Tedros is getting more crap than needed, annoyingly unhealthy romantic relationships are explored, and the other characters do things.
The last of these examples are really the only things that varies. Everything else is almost always the same in one way or another.
The first book doesn't really follow that pattern. It's a introductory book and I wish Soman did the same vibe as it in QfG.
Though Book 1 wasn't perfect. My biggest main problem with it was how Soman handled Agatha's development from thinking herself a freak and realizing that she was just a beautiful as anyone else (and Tagatha, of course. They had a very unconvincing start) compared to the detailed and precise handling of Sophie's decent and eventual acceptance her wickedness.
I said it once and I'll say it again: I miss vengeful, spited Sophie. Who made the School for Good suffer because Tedros didn't keep his promise and her very impressive Talent to summon Evil creatures at will to do her bidding.
This was the Sophie that I expected more from in the later books but might never get again. With the way that the OTK cover portrays her as the Lion, whether that would be a thing or not, it's clear that Soman wants the readers to look at Sophie in a better light and not as the anti-hero that she is but I could be wrong.
In Book 1, Sophie was incredibly selfish to the point that she wouldn't do anything for others even those that she should care about (i.e. Tedros in the Trial) and in the end, she had to pay for the selfishness by seeing just how Evil she could become and be seen as the witch that she was. Her development from Pink Princess to Witch of Woods Beyond was believable; her ambitiousness combined with her selfishness was what made her gain everything through manipulation and wickedness but it couldn't be hidden for long. Once everyone, including herself, saw what lied underneath her exterior, she lost everything and because of the things that she chooses to do, she naturally hurt and attacked the people that wronged her just as Evil does.
It was caused by a failed romantic pursuit, yes, but unlike the other later romantic relations that she had, the one in Book 1 focused more on the outcome for her character development than in the relationship itself. Honestly her relationships with Rafal, and Rhian, and maybe now Japeth, idk, make absolutely no sense with the importance that the story puts on it because these relationships didn't help further Sophie's character development. It stunted her really.
Now compare this to Agatha.
I think everyone and their cats agree that we all miss witchy Agatha in book 1 and I hope we write more of her in our fanfics like that since Soman won't do it. The thing is, with Agatha, unlike Sophie, whether she is written as a straight-up hero or as a sort of anti-villain with her portrayal as the Snake in the OTK cover, it won't be that far fetched. I don't know if Soman intended this or not but it's pretty frickin impressive with how he managed to make Agatha a pretty versatile character.
Book 1 did not to good with how she went from Graveyard Girl to Fairy Tale Princess. At most, we saw her heroic characteristics but Soman didn't put much effort with making it believable and we were left to our own imaginations with how she could have believably developed and grown into herself. It should have taken more than one chapter to make us believe that Agatha suddenly grew confident with herself and her own brand of beauty and how her relationship with Tedros should have started.
But because of the fact that she's now comfortable as both being a little different and unique in her own way but is still guided by the values of Good and holds it dear to her soul as well as her loyalty to those she loves, she can do great with the best of both worlds.
Agatha hasn't stopped growing since book 1 and I think that reason for that is because Soman knows that he has to square up whenever he writes her. Whether she's developing on her own or with others, she's always learning new values and finding ways to express them in the way that she's comfortable with.
Soman does express that he loves writing in Sophie's POV the most, but it can be a double edged sword if not careful. And I think Soman hasn't been careful.
Now back to the glory of Book 1.
Book one had the most simplest plot and most fluent storyline than in any other book. Even TLEA.
I think I could recall a lot more events in Book 1 than in the more recent ones because there was a lot more events and chapters that were actually necessary to the plot.
So, to go by statistics;
TLEA has the most recorded chapters in the series as of current before the release of OTK with 35 chapters and 3 parts to divide it.
It's followed by Book 1 with 30 chapters.
Then QfG is next with 28 chapters divided into 2 parts.
And aCoT follows with 27 chapters and 2 parts as well.
Last is AWWP with 24 chapters divided into 2 parts as well.
If going by this then OTK should either have a chapter or two more or less than TLEA but not less so than Book 1 because it's going to now be the official last book of the the series.
But that is besides the point. My main problem with the books' storytelling after Book 1 is how disoriented it has become.
Let me make an example with QfG and aCoT. These books are more or less very similar with each other in the number of chapters with only one being the difference while the start of the the "Part 2" portion was a bit different with QfG's starting at chapter 21 while aCoT's started with chapter 17.
But the reception and the fluency of these two books could not be more different from each other.
To say that QfG completely destroyed the fandom is an understatement. I can't tell of aCoT managed to regain the series's former glory for long enough to not let OTK flop but let's be hopeful.
Anyways, the fluency of the storytelling with TCY was wack and QfG and aCoT completely show that.
WARNING: Spoilers about QfG and aCoT will be discussed in this section.
I could not remember almost 70% of QfG because of how much I hated the plot and looking back at the chapters, I honestly could not believe that the asshat Rhian was only introduced on Chapter 21. Everything after Chaddick's POV chapter seemed to be a blur and Rhian's b*tch ass seemed to have corrupted the whole experience.
8 chapters. He was only in QfG for 8 chapters and yet it feels almost like he's been in it for more than half. Frick. He is traumatizing.
Basically, the middle part of the book, namely chapters 7 to 20, was all about the main cast trying to frickin understand wtf was happening. Agatha and Sophie were trying to figure out the Lion and the Snake thing while Tedros was back in Camelot doing (or failing or being sabotaged with) politics and also trying to understand why tf was Excalibur having a tantrum.
Then Rhian entered and I don't know why or how Nottingham and Robin Hood got involved but he did.
And then more figuring out stuff and sabotaging Tedros and then Rhian and Excalibur and then cliffhanger.
It was all very abrupt and confusing. More confusion was added all because there were more questions asked than actual answers and a sense of depression was felt in the end because nothing was really achieved.
Imma compare this with Book 1 later but first Book 5 comparison.
Now aCoT. It was just the storyline that we needed to get back to the hype that the series had. Was it a satisfying read? Yes but was it able to heal the pain that QfG inflicted? No.
The fandom did not come back the same again.
But anyways, aCoT, personally, had a lot more scenes and events that I remembered than in any other book besides book 1 but that there was the problem with this book.
Too many things happened with this book. So much so that the fluency of the story was sacrificed to tell it.
Look at it this way, several shifts in the book happened.
This all happened in Part 1 only;
Rhian became King and his regime was sort of explained.
Agatha was introduced to the First Years and got her Army.
Sophie was in some sort of GOT-esque knock off experience as Rhian's Captive Queen.
Agatha manages to save some of her friends.
The concept of OTK was explained.
Tedros's execution was on way.
Nevermind, Agatha and her army just straight-up hijacked it.
Prof. Dovey died as a sacrifice.
Okay, now to Part 2;
Reaper is a Gnome King.
The Crystal of Time was finally explained.
They finally find out about Rhian and Japeth's origins.
The Gnomes were ambushed and I feel sorry for them.
Sophie tipped Rhian off with the location because she believed that she would end it all.
We kinda get background with why Rhian wants to be OTK????
Rhian DIES?!?!?! and now Japeth's King ☠
They sort of manage to know about wtf happened with the Lady and Japeth
Tedros and Arthur have a heart to heart and he gets the Ring of Power.
It's a lot to take in and I don't really think that Soman should have cramped it all in one book.
Some of the plot points should have been in QfG so that it wouldn't be as depressing.
The whole of Part one was a book in itself and Part 2 was one as well.
At some points of the book, I sometimes got the feeling that it was gonna be the end but it just kept going and going and now I don't really know what's left with OTK. It can be both a good thing or a horrible thing.
Let's see wtf happens. I expect more action than drama Soman.
So again with Book 1.
Book 1 was a classic and the ideas easily hooked anyone interested.
It had the same unaswered questions with QfG but why did it suceed when QfG didn't.
First, is that Book 1 had its atmosphere clear from the start of the book. It was clear that the main thing that needed to happen was that Sophie and Agatha needed to realize the actual nature of their souls. There were more technical questions that needed to be answered but the main point that needed to be addressed was addressed by the end of the book.
And also the ending was also a cliffhanger but it a much lighter note.
Sophie and Agatha realized their capabilities and understood themselves but they still chose each other in the end and that sort of gave way to a much hopeful future for the two of them. (At that time, at least)
All the while, QfG was one depressing ball of events that led to one horrible moment to the other.
It was just sad.
And so I kinda go back to Book 1 from time to time to refresh myself with why I started this series to begin with and I'm always reminded with the possibilities and the explorations about good and evil and the complex duality of differences and parallels that so many things that Sophie and Agatha sort of beautifully personify.
I love reading the very first chapter of Book 1 because it so beautifully captured Sophie and Agatha and their complex relationship that I've always wanted to read in other books.
I always loved reading Sophie's amusing thought process and the reason why she does everything that she does; she does it because she believes that she deserves more and she'll everything to get it.
I also loved how Agatha was such a character that I've always wanted to read about. She's spunky and shy and lonely and reflective and despite everyone shunning her, she could still see the good and find it in herself to help them. She was simply wonderful.
I'm thankful that I found this series and I hope that a lot more books can talk about the philosophies and concepts that this book has managed to introduce. And despite all of its set-backs and nonsense, I would still recommend this as a read but to that they should also think about what they've read and maybe talk about what they've found interesting with it.
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