i just think its funny how i have more faith in ghosts than i do in myself.
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‘ how did you get that black eye? ’
Ryou shifted around in utter discomfort, biting the inside of his cheek in shame. "Why does it matter?" He asked solemnly in the softest of voices. "Why...would you even care?" He hoped his long strands of hair blocked a couple of stray tears that were beginning to form.
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Tagged by: stolen from @spirit-ofthering
Tagging: @zorc-necrophadcs
Ryou x Yami Bakura/Tendershipping
I multiship a lot but I'm also kind of picky about my yugioh ship xp Ryou's a canon loner who isn't great with girls so it might be bit difficult to set things up between him and another muse at times, but if anyone's willing to try then so am I!
Considering I ship Ryou with a being born several millennia before himself I'd say there's a pretty open field before things get weird. I prefer to rp a Ryou who is either 19 or 18, sometimes 17 or 16. If someone wanted to do a shippy rp with a Ryou younger than that then I'd hope their muse was around the same age range. Keep in mind that these are fictional characters though.
I guess so. I mean...I ship a lot of characters with Ryou (even crossover ships!!) but there also a lot of characters I don't ship with him.
When the clothes start to calm off. Or certain places are getting attention, even through clothing.
@spirit-ofthering , @zorc-necrophadcs I, uh, don't rp much xD
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* hurt prompts
‘ are you bleeding? ’
‘ take it easy. you hit your head. ’
‘ where does it hurt? ’ 
‘ sit still and let me take a look! ’
‘ how did you get that black eye? ’ 
‘ you should see the other guy. ’ 
‘ did i say you could get out of bed? ’
‘ that’s going to leave a bruise. ’
‘ i’ll get some ice. ’ 
‘ that’s what you get for picking fights. ’
‘ are you trying to give me a heart attack? ’
‘ what’s wrong with you? ’
‘ you can barely stand. ’
‘ did you throw the first punch? ’
‘ that’s a nasty bump. ’
‘ get in the car. you’re going to the hospital. ’
‘ at least bandage it. ’ 
‘ no, you’ll get an infection. ’ 
‘ wet floor signs are there for a reason, you know. ’
‘ you’re lucky. that icicle could’ve killed you. ’
‘ where’s your gratitude? i rescued you! ’
‘ i’m calling the nurse. ’
‘ was that stupid dare worth it? ’
‘ what happened to you? ’
‘ sit down. i’ll make some hot chocolate and fix you right up. ’
‘ are those bandages? ’
‘ you need stitches. ’
‘ look out for that tree branch. ’
‘ i’ve got you. just stay awake. can you do that for me? ’
‘ lean on me. ’
‘ you got two choices: let me carry you, or die out here. take your pick. ’
‘ shit, you’re burning up. ’  
‘ you’re not dying. it’s only a sprained ankle. ’
‘ lie down. ’
‘ i’m sorry. i know it hurts. here, hold my hand. ’
‘ you’re in no condition to be walking around. ’
‘ wake up! wake up! ’
‘ i don’t feel sorry for you. ’
‘ look at your face! ’
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Bakura couldn't deny, Ryou was like some ethereal being within his dark, cold life. He rolled his shoulders, expelling a loud sigh. "You don't expect me to list every terrible thing I've done, do you? You're too naive. Don't act as though you can so easily forgive and care after all that I've done." He turned away, but quickly relented - Something about his light's adorable expression, he supposed - As he perched on the end of the sofa, scowling slightly.
Ryou’s blush darkened several hues as he ducked his head down in shame. He sheepishly scratched at the back of his head. “Maybe I really am naive and you’re truly beyond redemption,” he admitted, leaning towards Bakura's end of the couch. “That doesn’t matter though! Even if you never open up to me about your past, that’s just it, it is the past. I-I just want to be beside you now and in the future, no matter what you’ve done!” The hikari proclaimed with reolve.
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vivid dream
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💔 …to say good bye
Tears welded at the brim of Ryou’s bambi-eyes and slid down his shuddering face before he even realized they had formed. “..No,” he cried out in a whisp. “Not yet…not like this!” His body tremored as his crying turned into sobs. A myriad of emotions swarmed in his chest at the thought of Bakura’s departure; a Spirit he knew for so long yet hardly knew at all. It left him with an impression so hollowing on his being all he could do was fall to his knees where he once stood, and let his tempestuous sorrows reveal themselves.
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//stuck with mobile at the moment xp will be able to asks later on tonight though~
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Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. 
“Th-then I don’t think it’s any coincidence that am your destined host.” Ryou’s somber gaze shifted away in apprehension, butterflies swarming at the pit of his stomach. “There’s more to life than all this fighting and bloodshed. More than revenge.” He swallowed the slight lump forming in his drying throat. “Someday I would like…very much so…to be the one to show all the wonderous things that bask in the light.” The corners of his lips upturned in serenity. He was proud to make such a declaration even if Bakura cared not for his human whims.
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I envy people that know love. That have someone who takes them as they are.
Ryou closed his eyes and sighed gently before mustering an almost melancholic smile. When was the last time the Spirit spoke so openly? So honestly? It was a rare reminder that Bakura was once indeed a human being just as he himself is, so long ago. A human who indured unimaginable hardships that even his host knew not the full extent of. His eyes roamed timidly over Bakura’s spectral form. “Tell me about your scars,” Ryou spoke softly. “And every wicked thing you’ve ever done, and I’ll care for you all the same.” Blood rushed to his face, as if embarrassed by the boldness of the vow he just made to the Spirit.
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July 6th is international Day of the Kiss
Send me a heart for my muse’s reactions to yours giving them a kiss…
💕 …out of sheer excitement 💖 …to express their romantic feelings for my muse  💓…because they just couldn’t resist my muse’s lips 💛 …to cheer them up 💙 …for a first greeting 💜 …because they are horny 💗 …out of sibling/family affection 💚 …because they were dared to during a game 💔 …to say good bye 💞 …because they mistook them for someone else 💘 …because they suddenly realized how much they love (romantically and/or platonically) my muse
(Bonus points if you describe the kiss)
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