#also wendy's mom got a name!!! alexis!!!
lesliemeyers · 4 months
the milfs... i support women's wrongs...
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Ok I started at 9, it is now 11, I have until 12.30 to finish 5x3 secret's safe with me
Someone is writing in their vic's blood? oh the vic is writing in her own blood
OH NO ALEXIS IS GOING TO COLLEGE that gold medal is so sweet & like yeah you don't have space & it is super annoying to move MR: Don't listen to his, darling. Everybody needs their stuff.
RC: Well, I lied. Monsters are real. They're the boys in her freshman dorm. MR: Oh, speaking of which, before Alexis leaves, don't you think you should have the, um…talk with her? RC: You mean the sex talk? Mother, I covered that ages ago. I learned so much. MR: I mean the you-and-Beckett sex talk. RC: Mother, Beckett and I ar-- [Martha puts up a hand.] MR: Save it, Richard. I knew the morning I walked in here and the poor girl was hiding in the cl– Out of the closet lol
Alexis is friends with lanie <3 KB: Lanie's gonna tell Esposito, Esposito can't keep his mouth shut with Ryan, and Ryan's gonna blow it out of proportion, and then Gates is gonna find out, and we won't be able to work together anymore.
I've got that box too! XD
LP: Hey that's your department
interesting wallet/purse
four thousand of her closest friends XD
Man looks like authentic nick that fraul? Are you german or smth? KB: And for that, she deserved to die? Joel Pratt: Yeah! RC: KB: JP: Wait. What?
So cute & domestic uwu
Ryan moments "love is everything-- did I just say that?"
LP: Castle? You’re not allowed to answer Beckett’s phone. Weird little doll... LP: Oooh, you are in trouble. RC: I’m not in trouble. *hangs up* I've already seen your stuff XD yeah y'all still need privacy even together also ppl have ears
I love love love this lady & her accent & no-nonsense matter & then I know this episode & I love it
RC: You may not have a warrant, but I got something better. Checkbook. [Castle holds his checkbook up.] Storage owner: Auctions are cash only, hotshot. RC: Oh, no. What are we gonna do? Is two grand enough? [Castle pulls out a money clip.] KB: What are you doing with two grand in your pocket? RC: I’m a best-selling author. Why wouldn’t I have two grand in my pocket?
For real? My mom loves those books!
Def want to clip this. Pretty boy, fast talking, all this crap. Also yeah poker player or not lol btw when you are bidding at auction, bid up on the stuff you don't want so that people spend their money on it & let them win & then buy all the stuff you want bc they can't afford it.
Fun transition lol
that's not the owing i mean
His STUFF will tell us who he is creepy doll, poor ryan. Ooh I miss climbing. Apparently esposito is a rock climber
esposito don't say it's castle's, say it was stuff the victim was bidding on
ryan leaning on his fist on connfusion at gates "yeah you already like me"
Cooing at the doll lmao very creepy indeed
lmao castle is hilarious Mum suggested that there is smth inside the doll that gates was given
Beckett's coat is nice careful when taking drinks from a tray, it messes with the balance. captions for angelica: an-hell-ica RC: an-'ell-ica? Captions for angelica: an-hell-ica except the second time she said it, it was more like a silent h. Not a missing h, more like a french h. nice music btw
"His name was wendell? So he wasn't swedish or w/e?"
Castle's storage unit mimics alexis' moving
I'm rich, or richer (or richard) sad...
alexis loved you earlier hundreds of super hot girlfriends lol
"nothing" *so obvious* esposito watching ryan talk about the robbery report espt smiling at castle mentioning the climbing equipment
wait it's wendall & wendy? twin names smh
need to clip the breaking in scene esposito with the baseball bat lol
love his accent
this sketch man's forehead is huge
an old [romani] woman? lmao no harm will befall you? she got shot. but maybe she was meant to die & then the doll saved her
gates sounds pissed approaching him rn Oh uwu she likes him now GEMINI??? ok but you need to specify that it is fiction & while the characters are BASED on becks & castle, those two are not sleeping together, at least they were not when the book was written
nice sunglasses KB: Take your hand off your tool, Marco! KR+JE: *trying to hold back laughter* I should clip this, but it already has been clipped so I don't mind if I forget to
Ok but the lighting is interesting... it needs to be brighter in this room
Love their welding goggles, so cute I KNOW,, RYAN! But hey castle at least gets to have fun on a treasure hunt, like under the gun & 6x6.
Did they check wendell's apartment? Do they know where he lives? bc this man broke in to his apartment. ... & also admitted it to the cops
it is inanimate can't be laughing at you
These two are so close but they have been that close before, before they were together
Ryan & the crowbar <3
don't touch it becks, isn't it evidence?
AH: That’s what beautiful things do, my dear. Sounds like smth someone would say about pretty girls. KB: Except you created two new problems – your chauffeur and his sister – both of whom are now dead. Except the sister is not relevant but the other guy who broke in & the guy who was hired to buy the unit as accessory after the fact are
so you claim that you just took the opportunity? There just happened to be a crime that you could take advantage of?
Could be the doll. Or like what mum said, what's inside the doll
I hope someone else has clipped the "I so wish I could kiss you" handshake, it's so sweet RC: I think my hand’s getting a little sweaty. KB: I know. It’s kind of gross.
college cry cry cry cry also really nice room holy crap I like all the red, the colours are nice, the walls are nice, the room is great Well Ididn't know WHY you were upset AC: How can you be so smart and so clueless at the same time? RC: Practice? "Sorry, honey, but your mom, she’s in—" 5 miles is short af RC: And though I am there, if you need me here, here is where I’ll be. Do what? Give her an airplane?
what the heck was castle doing? in the elevator there? I could gif/clip that if I wanted but I don't
Ah! The teddybear backpack! I see how he made that connectin now.
r they in gates' office? w/o permission? uh, ?? GIRL MAYBE XRAY IT FIRST "SIR JUST BREATHE" CASTLE WHT THE FUCK "see" that coming?
Well there goes that headway with gates
Ok so I'm about two thirds of the way through the episode, just over 30m in. actually I'm closer to seven ninths of the way through, closer to three quarters than two thirds. I am also about two thirds of the way through my allotted time
Ryan is wearing another patterned shirt, I like it. I mean the first shirt was also patterned but not in this way. These two have been more plaid like.
"it does?" the book on prosthetic eyes! fun fact, your eye muscles still move your glass eye. Ooh the music (& btw I still love "the butler did it") He probably really was all torn up over the accident. But he should & could have brought closure. & he could have prevented their deaths but he didn't & that's the hard part for him, he feels guilt.
[Gates looks straight at Castle.] VG: Worthless bastard. RC: I’m sorry? VG: He took out their whole family.
RC: Well, I’ll give the climbing equipment to Javier, Ok so is he selling it to esposito or giving it? also it is mildly odd to hear ppl call him "HA-vee-ERRE" instead of "hav-YED" like with a tapped r. I always use two syllables. Well two & a half. Tho tbh when I first read the name written (I had only heard the nickname "javi" out loud before) my french ass thought "ha-vi-yay" (& I was surrounding it with english words so it was "yay" not "yé")
I watched this episode a few days after going to a funeral for a second cousin of mine. We went to a market type thing to kill some time between the burial & celebration & we got so many compliments on our clothes (the three kids had black shirts & ties with red-- actually no my little bro had a white shirt but also a black vest) & we just kind of said "yeah we just came from a funeral..." But on the other hand, it makes me realize that while I love getting compliments on my punk jeanjacket, I want to dress up more often. I have clothing, I want to wear it. Hey that's a good idea! I should invite my friends out to that swing dancing place! (... I still want to take my ex there even tho it has been four years...)
"shaking hands" uwu *leans on his fist in excitement* & then they shake hands again & it is so so so intimate
wow rly empty house
MR: Alexis’ moving out got me to thinking. And after many hours of soul searching, I have made a decision. Mom, speaking as martha: "I'm moving out"? RC: Have you now? MR: Yes. I have decided, out of the goodness of my heart, that I will continue to live here— RC: Rent-free. MR: Please don’t interrupt. I will continue to live here so that you, Richard… will never, ever be alone. RC: RC: You’d do that for me, Mother? MR: It’s a… parent’s sacrifice. & holds his face they are SO DARN CUTE
Yes! I'm done 10 minutes early! It didn't take me three hours! It only took 1.5! I'm back on track babey!
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random-stories · 4 years
Alex’s Journey Part 4
{~Alexi's PoV~}
I started walking home with Alex, when I saw our teacher walk up to him. He told me to carry on walking, so I did. 'He wants to have a chat with me, wait for me at home.' I nodded, I continued walking until I reached home, I told Lex who told mom and dad. We waited for hours for them to come. Alex called me down, since I was listening to music in my room, seems like the new teacher was Alex's dad, which meant he was a God. Mom, him and I went to chat in the kitchen.
"What happened?" I said, in a monotone voice. "You mean in our world," he said. I nodded.
"I'll start from the start, my husband and I were living here on earth but we felt as though we were different because we were born with our powers, he was accepted but I was an outcast. My mother hated me and my father left, my sister was the only thing I had until she died in a car crash. My younger brother disliked me. We eventually met in high school and got jobs, we moved in and we adopted two kids, Alex and Catherine. And later adopted Kat. Cath and Alex were two similar orphans that had the same birthday, similar looks but completely different parents. Alex's parents had abandoned him because of his powers while Catherine's parents had died trying to protect Cath from dangers. When Alex and Cath were teens and Kat was about ten, we were chosen to be gods. Our kids were able to visit us in our world or stay with us, they chose to stay with us. Alex's friends were also chosen to be children for some gods because of their similar powers. About 329 years later or 16 years ago, a war started between the gods living at the top and the gods living at the bottom. The war ended 2 years ago, I've been traveling to find my kids since they all came to your world. My husband went missing and he still hasn't been found." I was shocked and so was mom.
"Dad!!!" Alex called. "I think I found Kat and Catherine. He went out, and we followed. In the living room, we saw 2 girls hugging Alex, as well as four other people, two boys and two girls. One older and looking exactly like him, that was Catherine and there was a shorter one, that was Kat. Lex woke up, "Who are they?" She said.
"We were waiting for you to wake up. Anyways, I'm Mike, the paternal/ maternal figure of the book. That's Bryan, the teen, those two are Catherine and Kat and these two are Lia, the supporter and Mia, the child. Catherine and Kat are Alex's two sisters, Catherine being a minute older and Kat is four years younger." Mike said.
Kat broke away "Aww, Kat its been years since I last saw you." Alex said. "Well, I missed you too, Dad," she said. Catherine started laughing while Alex pouted. Kat wore a pinkish-purplish top with jeans and black shoes, while Catherine wore a rainbow dress with white socks and black shoes. They were the complete opposite. "This is mom, father, Lex and Alexi." Alex said. "Hello." I said.
{~Catherine PoV~}
Kat and I knocked on the house, we saw dad go into. "Hello." I said. Alex opened the door. "Come in," he said. He didn't even look at us, we went inside to see an old man and a female asleep on the coach, she looked younger than Alex. Alex's friends came in. "Hello, Cath, Kat and Alex," Mike said. "Hello, Mike, Bryan, Mia and Lia." I said.
Kat and I were finally able to leave our dreadful house, mother would die soon and we didn't want to be there for it. Alex called for dad. We obviously hugged, it had been sixteen years since we were last together. Obviously Kat broke the hug and said something that made us laugh. Alex went to go hug his friends, he liked hugs and so do I. I could sense the death of the female that's asleep, soon. She was called Lex, and she soon woke.
Lex was wearing a light pink dress with knee high socks and a pair of pink sandals, Alexi was wearing a yellow top that said "Don't care", which I couldn't help but smile about, blue skirt and orange socks, red sandals.
Papa is missing, Alex and Kat don't know this but I think they should.
{~Olivia's PoV~}
It was the morning, when I was found by the person who would help me. I ran away from her, the person who said I was a freak, a useless person, a monster.
My family consisted of mom, dad left, big sister died in a car crash, older brother went missing a few days before I was born and big brother was with me until someone killed him, while we were running away. I tried to save him, but I couldn't he died there and I was useless to him.
So I ran and ran, I never looked back. I hid under a bridge that was on top if a river. I, eventually, fell asleep only to be woken up by 'him'.
He woke me up and asked if I would want to live with him. I obviously said no, he was a stranger and I don't know him. He pulled me up, but I couldn't stand because of how much I ran, yesterday. I fell but he caught me. He carried me to his house and introduced me to his twin sister, Catherine, his younger sister, Kat and his two dad.
I didn't mind this because I was also gay, my mom would've have despised it and say it's against her religion who think about how you're going to get children. I erased her memories of me and only me. She doesn't even know that big Bro has died.
She doesn't know I've got a girlfriend in school. The same school which she called a homophobic school. Most of the students didn't mind but the teachers wanted to expel me for it.
I lived with them until the war broke out, not knowing that I was somehow related to it because at that time I didn't know I was a god. Alex added new memories just so I could fit in. The abandoned mansion is where we 'live' now. It's not too bad, but things keep moving, like some of the kitchen utensils keep being moved to the living or the sitting room, some cabinets keep opening and closing, really loudly. Mike and I went to go check it out but no one was there. We asked around before Alex wanted Mike to go find Catherine and Kat to bring them to his house. I talked to the people here and found someone named Jane, she was a witch (she had powers that were like witches) trying to find her adopted daughter. I continued the search, we still haven't found her daughter, I learned that her name is Wendy and Wendy had a brother, named North. We spent the next few hours looking for them by ourselves, before meeting up.
Beginning: Part 1
Next: Coming soon
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captainmajera · 4 years
When a person became important to me, I refused to let them go. Its a problem I still struggle with today. Loving someone else was the only thing I had control over in my own life. I had to get permission to cut my hair, to wear makeup. I was forced to go to Church Activities and my mother pushed me to hang out with Micah H. She wanted me to only spend time with him, and nobody else. 
She really hated my other friends to the point that she tried to stop me from having them. I wasn’t allowed to hang out with Alexis or Noah anymore. “Those girls are nasty. They just look so stuck up.” My mom used to say. She didn’t want me to be “lumped in” with them. To be quite honest, when Lexi and I first met I didn’t like her either, but I was 12. 
She hung out with a cunty girl named Wendy, so I assumed she was similar. I was very wrong, and I found that out when I was forced to go to girls camp.
Girls Camp is the Mormon version of church camp - except there’s absolutely no boys. It’s like they were begging me to be gay. 
I remember they never locked the door to the candies and stuff that they gave you little tickets for. I was often alone so I’d just walk in and take the things I liked. Mormons were so trusting, I definitely abused that trust. They’re all so psychotic, I never even felt bad. If they’re gonna brainwash me for my entire life, I’m gonna steal their warheads. It’s only fair.
Anyways, the first time I really got to spend time with Lexi, it was completely coincidental. I just happened to be walking past their tent when I heard my name be absolutely butchered by a girl inside. 
“Come be in our tent,” Wendy said. 
“You want me to share your tent?” I replied. 
“We don’t want to have to share with N------.” That makes sense. Of course she was doing something mean, it was Wendy. I remember bending down inside of their tent, the rain running off the top onto the ground. 
Inside, I recognized Lexi and Katherine looking back at me. Back then, Lexi and Katherine both had braces, cute pinks and greens on their bands. Long, shiny brown hair had been french braided into to equal parts down the back of Lexi’s head. Katherine’s long, frizzy, golden hair cascading past her shoulders. I remember being apprehensive, I knew they were mean girls. 
“You’re cool, so we want to share with you instead.” Lexi said. She thought I was cool? Instant guilt for ever thinking she was mean. The sudden need to be liked by her was so intense, my head spun. 
“Yeah, I’ll grab my stuff.” I ducked back out of the tent. I can’t quite remember if they helped me grab my shit or not, but that’s irrelevant. The important part is that we had a lot of fun, even though Wendy made her dislike of me apparent. 
Lexi and I stayed friends throughout my teenage years. Even when my mom decided she was a whore and I wasn’t allowed to hang out with her anymore. It was a vile thing to hear as a teenager, that your virgin friend was a whore.
Lexi’s mom allowed her to wear skirts and shorts above the knee. That was what made her a whore in my mothers eyes. Luckily, I told Lexi everything. So that was relayed back to her father, who in turn tore my mother a new asshole the following sunday. I never heard another peep from my mom about Alexis being a whore after that.
My father was fairly absent throughout the majority of my childhood - my mother raised me, albeit poorly. I did most of the raising on my own. He never interjected or tried to stop my mother from berating me or my friends. He never intercepted anything, he simply sat back and watched it happen. 
So as the years pressed on, and I forced my will to be a reality - and that will was to be friends with Alexis - my mother and I continued to butt heads. She hated my clothes, she hated my swim suits, she hated my boyfriend, she hated my new friends, my internet friends, my thoughts, my hair, my choices of words, the way I had emotions...Jesus Christ, she didn’t like anything. 
This all came to a massive head when I turned eighteen, met a shit boyfriend, and moved out because my mother would not shut the FUCK UP. 
Who was to come to my rescue at the drop of a hat but Alexis? 
An absolute knight in shining armor came to help throw my stuff in a bag and take me away. She was a catalyst to my own independence in ways she can’t even fathom. She gave me the freedom to grow into myself in ways I never would have if I hadn’t met her.
Out of all the people she could have picked to think were cool, she picked me. I still hold on to that tightly today. 
We are still friends today. The adult kind where you only really text and see each other every now and again, since everyone has jobs and wants to kill themselves. I really wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Her stubborn independence and freedom in her soul was something that spoke to me. Her ability to be so bright, laughing at herself in dumb pictures she edited off her phone, her warmth, her beauty, all were things I always envied. I also envy her ability to fucking tan. 
So of the many things I fought for as a child, she turned out to be one of them. If I had to do it all again, I’d probably at least punch Wendy once. Besides that, I’d keep it all as it was, because if anybody is gonna deal with me into my old age, it’s gonna be her. 
And unfortunately for her, I still think that vine where he sinks off frame and punches just his fist up into the frame is funny.
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maplemarcher · 8 years
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Adreanna! (please call me Addy though)
Nicknames: I go by Addy, which is actually a nickname. Others include Addsabelle (my grandma), Sir Stinksalot (my step-dad, he’s weird), Princess (my girlfriend), and...so fucking many weird ones my mom has given me. She used to call me Apple Jane a lot
Zodiac Sign: Taurus yo
Height: 5′ 5′ (I think?)
Orientation: Bisexual, with a heavy, HEAVY preference for girls. Like if you had a pie chart of how much I like girls vs how much I like boys, it would be like 90% to 10%. Idk why exactly. Probably has something to do with every guy I’ve ever had a crush on being a douche in one way or another (and rejecting me every time lol) But girls are soft and pretty and wonderful I love them so much. I love my girlfriend more than anything in the world. I wouldn’t trade her for anything.
Ethnicity: I am very white. Scottish, Polish, and German, though none of that really holds any significance in my life. I don’t have any family traditions except for unhappy marriages
Favorite Fruit: Pineapple probably. I really like grapes though and Pink Lady apples too. Oh and cantaloupe and clementines!
Favorite season: Autumn. All the way autumn.
crunchy leaves
beautiful leaf colors!!! like!!! where I live has a lot of trees on a lot of hills, so looking out the window at a hill full of red and orange and yellow and brown makes my heart go “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
brisk weather
fall fashion is the best (I don’t participate in fashion as I am a whale with legs but everyone else looks beautiful)
perfect weather for hot drinks
bugs start to fuck off right back to hell where they belong
summer is ending. summer can fuck off I HATE summer
no longer sweating and dying
overcast skies, gloomy days, rain!!!!!
gray, cloudy, rainy days are,,, my reason for living
Funny thing is I actually don’t like pumpkin spice anything except for pumpkin pie guess I’ve gotta up my white girl game
Favorite Book: What the fuck kind of question is this. You come into my house. And you ask me to pick between my children.
This answer is really, really complicated. I love so many books for so many different reasons. I love Harry Potter because it’s what got me into reading longer series. I love Binge by Tyler Oakley because it helped me be more open-minded and was a big part in helping me discover what my sexuality was and that I was okay. I love The Hobbit because it was a book that helped me escape life and that taught me that caring about home and hearth is a good thing to do. I love the Warrior cats series because I fucking love cats and it was one of my first introductions to more adult situations (in terms of violence, death, grief, and loss). I love The Giver because it made me cry my eyes out. I love The Martian because it made me laugh. I love every Shel Silverstein book ever written because they made me feel like a kid again and that being a child at heart is okay. I love Journal 3 because Stanford Pines is a character I love with all my heart. I love the Percy Jackson series and most of its spin offs because I love mythology and modern aus. I love the Septimus Heap series because it was such a different, wonderful, beautiful approach to magic and wizardry that made me feel warm inside. I loved Entwined because...I just loved Entwined. (It’s a twisted fairy tale kind of deal with The 12 Dancing Princesses and one of the best things I’ve ever, ever read, hands down). I love A Series of Unfortunate Events because I have a dark sense of humor and because it makes me feel better about my life.
Books were basically my only friends growing up. People didn’t like me because I was fat, or because I didn’t want to play outside very much, or because I had only ever really talked to and hung out with my mom and my step-dad, so I had a more mature sense of humor and personality overall.. Friends came and went, but books never went anywhere. Books stayed. Junie B Jones always stayed with me. Jack and Annie always went on magical adventures that let me learn about history. Every character I met along the way stayed with me, even if they died, because I could pick them up off of a shelf and read their adventures again. I don’t read as much as I used to, because I spend a lot of time on the computer, but I’m working to change that. Books have always been an escape for me, and I’ll continue to love their stories until I die.
Favorite Flower: Roses! It’s a tie between red and pink roses. I also really like tulips!
Favorite scent: My girlfriend’s perfume. I think it’s sweetpea or something? Idk, but it always smells really nice. And I just like the way my clothes smell after I come home from spending the night at her house. It’s like her perfume, laundry detergent, and something that’s either wood or stale cigarette smoke.
Favorite color: Pink. Soft, pastel pinks.
Favorite animal: cats, red pandas, owls, wolves, penguins, cats, dogs (pugs in particular, I LOVE pugs!!!!), foxes, moose, narwhals, dolphins, orcas, eagles, hummingbirds, blue jays, orioles, lions, tigers, basically any big cats...I just love animals. If it’s soft, fluffy, or cute? Fuck yeah I love it
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: As much as I love coffee...tea, probably. It’s just so relaxing to sit curled up under a blanket with a cup of tea and relaxing. Plus my girlfriend and I make tea whenever I go over to her house, so it holds a special place in my heart :)
Average Sleep Hours: Okay, so...if I ever got up on time, I’d be getting like five hours of sleep a night, which is fine. But I oversleep. Every. Fucking. Day. So usually seven or eight.
Cat or Dog person?: Cats. I love dogs with all my heart and I want one someday, but if I had to choose between a cat and a dog I’d choose a cat because
2. purring
3. the kneading thing they do?
4. I love love LOVE the sound of a cat meowing. so cute. so gentle.
5. cat loaf
6. smaller and easier to manage
7. don’t have to walk them
8. if they need to pee in the middle of the night they just. use the litter box. you don’t need to get up and let them out
Favorite Fictional Character: 
Star vs the Forces of Evil: Star Butterfly, Marco Diaz, River Johansen Butterfly, Moon Butterfly, Ludo, Toffee, Buff Frog (I don’t know how to spell his real name :( )
Steven Universe: Pearl, Amethyst, Peridot, Greg Universe, Connie, Steven
Gravity Falls: Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Stanley Pines, Stanford Pines, Soos, Wendy Corduroy
Yuuri!!! On Ice: Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky, Phichit Chualont
Check Please!: Eric “Bitty” Bittle, Shitty Knight, Adam “Holster” Birkholtz, Wlliam “Dex” Poindexter, Derek “Nursey” Nurse, Chris “Chowder” Chow, Jack Zimmermann, Alexi “Tater” Mashkov, Justin “Ransom” Olransi
Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasely, Ron Weasely, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Molly Weasely, Fred and George
Sailor Moon: Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon, Luna
Fullmetal Alchemsit: Brotherhood: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Ling, Greed (when he’s in Ling), Olivier Mira Armstrong
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Pippin Took, Eowyn, Aragorn, Thorin Oakenshield, Fili and Kili, Aragorn
Disney princesses: Ariel, Moana, Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa, Belle
Homestuck: Terezi Pyrope, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Jake English, John Eggbert, Vriska Serket, Roxy Lalonde, Karkat Vantas, Jane Crocker
Percy Jackson (among other Rick Riordan things): Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson, Nico DiAngelo, Leo Valdez
Winnie the Pooh: Winnie, Eeyore, Tigger (I know this one seems silly but Winnie the Pooh is such an important thing to me you don’t understand)
Voltron: Allora, Shiro, Pidge, Kieth, Lance, Coran, Hunk (basically the paladins and Allora and Coran I love them all)
Avatar: the Last Airbender: Katara, Zuko, Sokka
Miraculous Ladybug: Ladybug, Chat Noir, Adrien Agreste (don’t fuckin hate on me they’re the same person but different characters)
A Series of Unfortunate Events: Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Lemony Snicket, Uncle Monty
Hamilton: Eliza Schuyler Hamilton, John Laurens, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton
Stranger Things: Mike Wheeler, Eleven, Barb
i just,,,, have a lot of love for fictional characters,,,, there are more I’m sure, but I can’t think of any
I connected with a lot of these guys on a deep personal level. Like with Amethyst, I understand why she feels the way she does because I’ve gone through struggles of self-hatred and thinking I was a mistake. I love them all, but there are those few who I just feel like they were...made for me I guess.
Number of Blankets you sleep with: Just my comforter, but before I got my space heater in my room I’d sleep with two blankets, an electric blanket, and my comforter. My room used to be an attic, so it has like no insulation. Plus the heating ducts that go to my room are SUPER shitty, so barely any heat comes out of my vents. Now I’m just used to being cold XD But I don’t like sheets D: Even in the summer, I have to have my big comforter...sheets are too flimsy. Idk, I find the weight of a comforter or heavy blanket comforting.
When I was little though, I remember taking every blanket I owned and piling them on my bed in the winter...and I slept in a sleeping bag, on my bed, under those blankets! XD I miss that sleeping bag. It was a really pretty blue and was really warm...
Ideal Trip: going to New Zealand or England or the French countryside or somewhere with a lot of greenery. Staying somewhere where I can relax and stay in bed all day if I want to or go find things to do in the city or town or wherever is close by. My girlfriend being with me and being able to relax somewhere quiet with her where I can watch the sunlight stream across her face every morning and kiss her all over her face until she wakes up. Somewhere I can relax and not worry about what tomorrow brings; somewhere I can let my troubles float away.
Blog created: December 2014. I can’t believe I’ve been dicking around on here for almost three years.
Number of followers: 396. That may not seem like a lot to some people but??? That’s basically my graduating class??? And you’re all just here watching me shitpost about whichever one of my fandoms is relevant and cry about shit and post really fucking awful art and???? Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just joined, thank you for hanging out with me through the internet! And if you’ve read all of this, thanks! You now know a lot more about me than I’ve ever said on here =w=
Okay now I have to tag people!
@97thebaluga @all-aboard-the-scream-train @ruled-by-jupiter @4899slayer @squirtlethosejigglypuffs @personalposting @universesinhermind @goddamnit-ross @awkward-fangirl-artist @youaremyrock-mydwayne-myjohnson @epic-leprachaun @save-me-grunkle-ford @civilizedhomosexuals @ninja-sparkle-party @assbutt-novak @howstrangeeveryonewas @not-what-everyone-seems @owlbear-dont-care @psychokumachan @2-many-fandoms-2-count
If I tagged you, don’t feel obligated! I realize some of you are mutuals and I like, never talk to y’all. I’m sorry :( I’m just bad at initiating conversations. Feel free to send me a message if you want to though! I love getting asks and IMs, it makes me feel good inside UwU
Thank you for reading! (and sorry this is so long jfc)
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