#overall enjoyed the special way more than i thought i would just based on the previews and stuff
lesliemeyers · 4 months
the milfs... i support women's wrongs...
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cranberrv · 11 months
dating dallas winston headcanons
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ a/n : aghhh first post on here!! lowk kind of nervous, but i thought this would be a strong way to start since everyone loves dal <3 i really hope you enjoy lovelies !! requests are open ! ( not proofread btw, ignore any mistakes <3 )
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- dating dal is something special, because he doesn’t really do long-term
- so people know that you’re different, a girl he actually wants to keep in his life for a while
- it’s electric, to say the least. it’s hard to keep your hands off each other
- even in a non sexual manner, he finds himself always wanting to touch you in some way
- keep in mind he is much less than a gentleman, forgetting to open doors for you and not bringing you flowers on dates
- but he cares. and that’s something
- small gestures like a hand around your waist or always keeping an eye on you at parties. brushing down a fly away piece of your hair with his hand, making sure he’s on the side of the sidewalk closer to the road, to keep you safe.
- that’s how you know he cares about you, not through grand, movie-like gestures
- sometimes he cares a bit too much, getting too overprotective
- some drunk guy talks to you at the bar? he mysteriously leaves with a black eye. and god forbid someone touches you in a manner he doesn’t approve of, someone might be ending up in the hospital.
- you get into arguments about that sort of thing, saying he’s being too dramatic or that you were capable of defending yourself.
- actually, you get into arguments about everything
- he’s usually the one to start them. if he’s in a bad mood, he will find anything to argue about. wether you teased him and he took offence, or you stole his jacket because it was chilly
- he’s defensive and cocky, and will not end an argument until he gets the last word in
- maybe muttering some rude name at you under his breath, or interrupting you until you finally give up
- you should not expect to win any arguments with him and his stubbornness
- he’s not gonna apologize either, unless it’s something really serious, like if he made you cry
- then he’ll ghost you for a few days, then come back and apologize
- other than that, most arguments either end in cuddling or him ghosting you for a week or so
- speaking of cuddling, he only really likes it whenever he’s tired or tipsy. he’ll lazily wrap his arms around you in bed, and keep you there. there’s no way you’re getting up
- rubbing your back with his hand, holding you to his chest, planting kisses on your head are normal occurrences during these peaceful moments
- cuddling him is about as rare as the northern lights, so you take advantage of it
- other than that, most nights end in make-out sessions
- sleepy kisses are his absolute favourite, his lips lazily caressing yours
- he’s always in control, don’t even try
- his big hand holding your head in place, and his other hand holding your waist
- he loves kissing you. everywhere he possibly can. head, lips, cheek, forehead, neck, shoulder, everywhere.
- he loves making out at the drive-in (or more cough cough), it’s so risky and he looooves PDA
- he often takes you to the drive-in or the dingo for dates, nothing fancy
- he always picks you up at your house, he doesn’t wanna meet you there in case you’re first and it looks like he’s late
- the torn leather of the passengers car seat becomes a common place for you to sit, he loves driving around with you
- your parents don’t trust him or his driving, based on the amount of times dates have been cut short because he’s been pulled over and taken to the police station for speeding
- so because of your parents aversion to him, whenever he wants to visit you, he just sneaks into your bedroom
- he thinks he’s being subtle with that, but yet your parents can always smell the cigarette smoke and leather the next day
- in conclusion, dating dallas can be very layered and complicated, but overall, very fun and exhilarating <3
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strawberripine · 4 months
yet again emerging from the depths to post my last bits of fable art :,)
also throwing in a large sappy paragraph (slight cw for some discussions of family issues):
being a part of fable smp was such a privilege. when i first joined, it was just me and a couple of my irl blorbos deciding it would be a fun quirky idea to start an smp our own, and now it has become something truly impressive and heartfelt.
specifically from my perspective, playing c!momboo meant a lot to me. she’s similar to me in a lot of ways, obviously she is an extension of me, but i think she’s way more than that. c!momboo was based on another story that means a lot to me: Oneshot. if you’re familiar, her character is extremely influenced by not only the plant woman in act 2, but the world itself that communicates with you throughout the game. the idea of the world itself becoming so vulnerable and weak it becomes sentient really struck me, and I knew immediately that’s what I wanted c!momboo to be. what i didn’t expect was how much of a turn her character made early on, when jamie and swipn approached me half joking about her being their mom within lore. i think that’s what really ended up bringing her to life, and what overall became her main driving force: being a mother.
i’m gonna be kinda vulnerable for a second here: i never thought of exploring motherhood in any story i’ve been a part of, even before fable. the idea always scared me, since I don’t have the best relationship with my own mom, and i thought i would end up doing things wrong. but i think that’s kind of the point. there is no guidebook on how to be a good mom, you have to figure that out yourself, along with help from your kids. c!momboo wasn’t a perfect parent, far from it. she made some pretty intense mistakes, especially early on, and i’ll be the first to admit that playing her through those times was rough. there were moments where i felt i was leaning into the exact parent i would never want to be, and it was scary, but eventually c!momboo learned from those mistakes, making an effort to regain her kids’ trust over time.
c!momboo holds a special place in my heart because of all the things i stated, and while her story is over, i think she’ll always somehow end up in things i create. not by name, but her own courage and strength infused into what i do.
before i wrap this up, i want to mention the one story that really stands out to me from the process of working on fable: when the famous haleygar herself and i the night before the server released were scrambling to help sherbert figure out a title (not only that, but knowing this title would end up being the name of a certain major character later on lol) and eventually settling on Fable, not just because it sounded cool, but because that’s what this server was always meant to be: a story. a story filled with heart and soul poured not just from the cast, but from you guys. i think my favorite part of this project was always seeing what you all created, and how you guys ended up influencing us. our stories wouldn’t have been the same without you guys there, whether that be in chat, or even simply lurking. i’m grateful for all of you who were there, and i really hope you enjoyed the story <3
Until next time,
Momboo <3
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Worried Thoughts
Mihawk x gn!reader
Summary: he thinks you’re afraid of him, but really you feel more comfortable here than anywhere else. If only you could figure out how to explain that.
Content: fluffy cozy piece. Just a hint of romance. Reader is autistic.
Warnings: reader is somewhat insecure about their autistic traits.
A/N: Couldn’t get this idea out of my head, so I’m sharing with all of you. It’s been a long time since I wrote any fanfic so I might do more, I might not, we’ll see. Story is based on live action Mihawk with some inspiration from the little bit I know about the anime. Enjoy!
He’s frustrated with you.
He doesn’t let it show. Mihawk is too controlled for that, too stoic. Besides, you’ve come to learn the look of casual disdain he wears is for everyone, not just you.
But he’s still frustrated with you.
You can see it in the little things. The slight furrow of his brow. The way he watches you over his book. The long, drawn out sips of wine.
It’s the things you’ve learned to look for after a lifetime of having to watch and analyze and try so hard to fit in. A lifetime of trying to be normal.
Around Mihawk though? You don’t feel that need so much.
It’s why you let your eyes drift away from his intense, piercing gaze. It’s why, though you’re still afraid to let yourself stim too much or let too much excitement shine through when a special interest topic comes up, you do let yourself chew on your lip. And sometimes, when you catch yourself rocking because the silence is just a little too much, you don’t make yourself stop.
But still, he doesn’t quite understand it. He thinks you’re afraid of him.
You should be. Honestly you’re not sure why you aren’t. He’s the worlds greatest swordsman. He’s probably the most powerful person in all the seas. He wears that power like a cloak, holds himself in a way that warns people to step away. Step back.
You saw it in the village last week, when he had you sail with him to a nearby island so you could help pick up supplies. Folk recognized him and feared him.
To be honest, you thought he would leave you behind there. After all, he has no reason to keep sheltering you. It’s been a month since you washed up on the beach of his own gloomy island, a month since you barely evaded the monsters that live there and found your way to his door.
He let you stay, and you figured it was because of how pathetic you looked at the moment. A shipwrecked survivor on the brink of death, looking more like a drowned rat than a human.
It’s not that you’re actually pathetic. You’re not weak. Or at least not too much so. Honestly, you can hold your own against most folk back home, and you know how to sail a small ship just fine. Or at least, you thought you did.
That storm wounded your pride and has you questioning your seafaring skills.
The point is, you can take care of yourself overall. Though, you quickly learned after you first set sail a few years back that being the best in your village means nothing when so many folk out there are as powerful as gods. Competent or not, you’re nothing compared to the great warlord.
So why did he let you stay? Why was it, when you were getting ready to turn and walk away after setting foot on the village island, he handed you a small crate of supplies and said to not fall behind? Why was it he let you get back on his ship and sail all the way back here with him? 
You haven’t asked him yet, because you’re a little afraid that maybe he’ll change his mind. You’ve come to like your life on this isolated island.
But you’re getting away from yourself again. Letting your thoughts drift. It’s been a week since that village visit and now you still sit within Mihawk’s vast and rather chilly castle, hyperaware of his piercing gaze digging into your head.
“You don’t need to be so afraid of me.”
His voice makes you jump, and you realize that you’ve been rocking where you sit as you stare at the book in your lap.
“I’m not,” you manage. “I…”
Your eyes latch onto the book. You’ve been reading it for a couple of days, but you’re having trouble focusing today. Whenever you look at the words, it makes you think about how yesterday you launched into a long analysis of the adventure genre and how it really is such a shame that people don’t appreciate this book as much, since even though it was one of the first of its type there’s been so many books that have built on it since that now it seems almost predictable.
Mihawk didn’t seem bothered at the time, but now you look back at it and you’re sure he must’ve been annoyed, or at the very least bored. You’re still kicking yourself for not taking the time to check his expression when you went on that endless monologue.
“You act afraid.”
You take a quick peek out the corner of your eye, watching as he casually sips from his wine glass. Firelight flickers across his face, lighting up those vivid eyes and casting a golden hue across his dark hair. He’s not looking at you anymore, but you know that he’s still aware of everything you do.
When you find your attention catching on his chiseled chest, you quickly force your gaze away.
“You are a warlord,” you say, trying to be teasing.
“An astute observation.”
“I’m not afraid of you though.” You close your book and with it close your eyes, trying to find the right words. Trying to get them all untangled. “I… I just don’t like eye contact. With anyone.”
“I see. That is reasonable.”
It’s not the response you expected. You’re used to people judging you when they learn how are you are. You’re used to people underestimating you and assuming the worst.
You glance back up at Mihawk, then quickly away to the fireplace instead. “I’m not very good with people,” you continue, “It’s not that I don’t like them, but I don’t always understand the rules of society and stuff. And I don’t always do things the way other folk do.”
When you peek back, he’s lifted a single eyebrow. You blush. Surely he’s already noticed that. Surely you’re being silly as you explain the obvious.
“The rules of society do tend to be rather boring.”
The way he says it, so straightforward as if it makes all the sense in the world… you feel relieved giggle bubble out of you.
“I suppose you really aren’t afraid of me then,” he says, just the slightest twitch forming a smile at the corners of his lips. He tilts his head slightly, then adds. “I was thinking about your theory yesterday. It was… Intriguing.”
Something flutters in your chest. A feeling that you never really thought you’d have for somebody so dangerous. Joy. Excitement. Perhaps even some infatuation, if you’re being honest with yourself.
His castle might be vast and chilly, but it’s also comfortable. And you’ve come to truly enjoy these times where you sit together in front of the fireplace, simply existing near each other. You’ve come to enjoy just being around him. 
“Would… would you like to talk about it more?” You can’t help the hope that creeps into your tone.
“That would be pleasant.”
And so, you finally let that wall down just a little further. You let yourself start talking without holding back, let yourself feel comfortable.
When he rises from his chair and walks to stand closer to your own, his hand just barely brushing your shoulder, you let yourself feel a little bit at home.
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therealcocoshady · 6 months
Dating Marshall Mathers HCs - Love languages edition
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Author’s Note : Hey Stans 🥰. I am a sucker for Eminem Headcanons so I decided to give it a shot ☺️. Let me know what kind of HCs you’d like 👀. These HCs are based from the vibe I get from him, from his music, appearances or interviews - I might be wrong though, or you might disagree. Or not ? Either way, let me know what you think ❤️
Acts of service 
On some things, he is a bit old-fashioned and he will see some things as « his job ». He knows you can carry your bags or put that Ikea shelf together yourself. Doesn’t mean you have to. 
Absolute gentleman. Contrary to what he says he has manners. He just doesn’t overdo it. 
He is pissed when you ask for someone else’s help instead of his 
« Why didn’t you ask me ? » 
Also annoyed when you don’t ask for anything at all 
That being said, he hates asking for help
As much as possible, he will do his best to make your life easier with small gestures like : 
Picking you up at the airport // Driving you to and from work if he can 
Having your favorite food delivered to you when he is not there and he knows you are too lazy/tired/sick to cook 
Taking care of you when you are sick, tired or simply having a bad day 
Making sure his pantry is stocked with your favorite drinks and beverages 
He enjoys helping you when you are cooking/cleaning… 
Once he is comfortable around your place he will even do it unprompted 
Might be his least favorite love language 
He enjoys giving gifts far more than he likes receiving them 
He is very hard to shop for anyway 
What do you get for a man who has the means to get everything he wants for himself ?
He is grateful for gifts but he is not really the materialistic type 
He low-key doesn’t believe he deserves gifts anyway 
When he gives you a gift, you can expect it to be meaningful and thoughtful
He pays a lot of attention to details 
Or it can be something you mentioned you needed 
Big, expensive gifts are for special occasions
Just because he has the means doesn’t mean he will gift you a Chanel bag on a random Thursday. Sorry. 
When he splurges, he doesn’t half-ass it but it doesn’t happen too often either 
Before he buys you something expensive, you have to be together for a while
Trying to win a woman over by spending money on her ? Yeah, not for him. He is too scared of gold-diggers. 
Also, if you have a fight, he might try to suck up to you with a gift or a bouquet even though he is the first to criticize how shallow gifts can be 
When he is away and doesn’t see you for a while, he might arrange for a surprise delivery, to make you smile and also make sure you don’t forget about him (as if it were possible)
Physical touch 
He is a bit guarded at first, so much so that you start doubting that he actually likes you (« Surely, he would have made a move by now… » - nope that man is just slow)
If he actually likes you, he makes it a point to behave like a gentleman and he will try and pick the best time for a first kiss or even simply holding your hand for the first time 
Great kisser. 
Not a big fan of public displays of affection (for obvious reasons)
If the two of you are ever spotted together, people might mistake you for a member of his team because he will not even get caught holding your hand 
That’s partly because he values your privacy at least as much as his - he doesn’t want his girl to get harassed or bothered 
However, when it’s just the two of you, he is all over you 
Whenever the two of you spend time together, he enjoys having physical contact with you, even if it’s just holding your hand while watching a movie 
Definitely makes up for his busy schedule with physical touch. 
Quality time
Probably his love language of choice 
Overall, he is really mindful of your schedule and appreciates that you respect his 
If you don’t, it’s not going to work between the two of you anyway 
Most of the time, he is punctual and he will not show up late to one of your dates 
If it happens, he will profusely apologize and make it up to you 
Might get a little pissed if you do (but he knows that girls will be girls and you are most likely late because you wanted to be extra pretty for him) 
He has a hectic schedule but he if he loves you he will make time for you 
Him making time for you is actually one of the telltale signs he actually cares about you 
If you are as busy as him, he really appreciates that you manage to make time for him
No phones rule during your dates 
Like, seriously, it’s a huge red flag for him if his date spends too much time on her phone instead of enjoying the moment 
Speaking of phones… He doesn’t text you too much. Instead, he tries to find moments when he can call you and have an actual conversation. 
When you are talking, you have his full attention 
He pays attention to everything you say and and do, even when it doesn’t seem like it 
He remembers everything 
He enjoys hearing you talk about things you are passionate about
If it’s something he is not too familiar with, he asks questions and he might even make an effort to do some research of his own, just so he can keep up with you 
And in turn, he really appreciates if you do the same 
Doesn’t seem like it at first, but he actually enjoys a good conversation. Even if you’re gorgeous, if you’re not interesting… Hard pass. 
He also gets really talkative if he’s talking about a topic he is passionate about. Like hip-hop culture, pop culture, sports… He will talk your ears off. And he likes talking about it with you. 
Even better if you are able to have an actual debate with him. He might not agree with you but he respects someone who can stand their ground and have actual valid arguments. 
Because you might not be able to spend too much time together sometimes, he will do his best to make your dates special 
As your relationship evolves, he includes you in some more mundane activities, just to enjoy more of your company 
Don’t expect to spend too much time at the studio with him. He keeps his work and personal life separate. 
That being said, he might invite you to spend time with him there once or twice. And it means a lot. 
Words of affirmations 
We all know this man has a way with words 
When he praises you or compliments you, he means it 
A perk of dating a dictionary nerd : he chooses his words carefully 
Never a dull compliment 
He is a great motivator : when he encourages you and tells you you can do it, you actually start believing that you can 
He is good when It comes to giving words of affirmation but receiving them ? Nope. 
When you compliment him, he gets a bit awkward and doesn’t know how to react 
That being said, he enjoys it 
Compliments he enjoys the most are not necessarily the ones about his professional skills or physical appearance but genuinely about his character 
Any fan could tell him he is a great rapper or that he looks good. But having his girl tell him what an amazing person she thinks he is and being specific about it ? YES. 
Basically, just show him that you care about him (the real him) 
With how guarded he is, it might be some time before he actually says « I love you »
It might not come with a big declaration either. Just « I love you ». Simple. 
Definitely catches you off guard the first time he says it, with a super casual tone. 
However, when he says it, he means it 
He leaves you small notes, too 
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saltydkdan · 9 months
Sorry, if you already got this question before but in your honest opinion, which friendlocke was your favorite?
It's pretty hard, because I do enjoy all of them... BUT
I think the second one was probably my favorite if we're speaking overall. The first playthrough (Emerald) will always have a special place in my heart, but it was a glorified test run of a concept that I had no idea would actually work. Season 2 (Black) allowed us to be way more confident, and expand every aspect.
And despite all the issues with streaming and editing which eventually allowed me to discover that I DO INDEED get overstimulated sometimes-
Season 2 just really allowed me to hardcore flex my improv and editing muscles in a way that previous projects just didn't. And while it was stressful at points, I felt so driven in every other instance!
Somehow recording a semi well put together shitpost roleplay for 5 hours at a time, as well as editing and creating numerous custom assets for every other scene, is something I'm still actively impressed by. Usually I cringe at previous stuff, but the edits especially on these I still like to brag about.
Like damn, I just need to pat myself on the back, I really did that. The custom sprites even had shading based on the time of day in game so they don't look out of place. It took hours upon hours, but I'm still so proud of the work I did in this season (as well as all seasons, but Season 2 had a lot of these sorts of edits in particular).
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Not to mention that Friendlocke Season 2 was such a MASSIVE collaboration and one of the biggest I had ever worked on to that point. The list of credits in the description legit hit the character limit. Something that had never happened to me before that point!
So many musicians, editors, artists, voice actors, and other folks got involved. Even though it was stressful I wouldn't have redone those videos in any other way. It came out so much more amazing than I ever could have concieved!
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I can't believe that all this had started from me wanting to do my own spin on a Pokemon Nuzlocke of all things, and what I thought was a silly idea that wouldn't work haha.
Anyway sorry for the gushing and dumping, was just nice to reminisce about this stuff in such a positive and self reflecting sort of way, thanks for the ask!
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manicplank · 8 months
The Color Pink (Noise x Noisette FanFic) (Part 1)
Hi ok so for starters, this is just my interpretation of how Noise and Noisette came to be. This is based off my headcanons and such, NO PART OF THIS IS CANON. This is fan fiction, so be prepared to be cringe. I am cringe, but I am free. Please be patient on updates and grammar/punctuation corrections. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Hazel grumbled as the sound of her alarm ringing woke her up. She sat up and stretched, rubbing her dry, tired eyes. She lived alone in a small house, but the emptiness made it seem so big. She reluctantly crawled out of bed and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth. It was four in the morning, earlier than most people can even think of waking up. She brushed her hair as she hummed. Slowly but surely she felt more awake. She put on a white t-shirt and topped it with her favorite pink skirt with overalls. She slipped on her favorite pair of red heels, but they weren't the tallest as to not squish her toes. Finally, she slipped on her pink bunny mask to finish her look. She left her home and locked the door behind her.
The sun was starting to rise and shone through the windows of the tower. She couldn't see all of it, but the tiny amount of clouds colored pink and purple by the sunlight was enough to make her smile. Hazel clutched her purse tightly as she walked through the slum. She hated the location of her cafe, but she was still so grateful to have one. She swiftly unlocked the front door, the bell above it rang as she walked in. She sighed in relief. Another day, another dollar, she thought, as she turned on the lights. She readied the coffee makers with clean filters and freshly ground coffee. The aroma of such filled the air. The bell rang as someone walked in the door.
"Mornin', Hazel!" The Vigilante slithered in with a smile on his face. He made his way to the counter and lifted himself up on the stool. "Morning, Vigi!" She greeted him enthusiastically. "You're up early today!"
"Yep," he responded, "it's hay day. Cuttin' down the field and shuffling the hay so it can dry... It sure does take a while. By the time I finish, it'll be sundown."
"So what can I get'cha today?"
"The usual."
She grabbed a mug from the shelves beneath the counter and poured the dark silky coffee, leaving a little room for a couple of sugar cubes. She handed it to The Vigilante, and he immediately took a sip before the coffee could even cool.
He sighed happily, "Just how I like it. Thank ya kindly."
Hazel smiled in reply. "I've been thinking about serving food in here."
"Oh yeah?" He smiled. "Like what?"
"I don't know," she hummed with thought. "I want to do something unique. I feel like every cafe does the same thing, I want to be different. It's always donuts, sandwiches, blah blah blah."
"Hmph... Maybe somethin' like pastries?"
"Uhhh... Maybe. I don't know, that's not super special. I want to do something you've never heard of. Something like... Peas and cherries!"
The Vigilante silently stared at her in horror.
"Get it? Like peas and carrots, but instead of carrots, it's cherries!"
He smiled hesitantly. "Yeah, uh... How about something... different."
She frowned. "You're right, that idea stinks! I'll think of something better."
While she took out a small notepad and took inventory, The Vigilante sipped on his coffee quietly while he read the newspaper. Hazel was a bit disgruntled, she hated doing inventory. It was so boring to her. Even being a small business had its tolls. She always dreamed of having her own cafe that was more unique than the big corporate ones, but she dreaded the side work that didn't involve making coffee and chatting with costumers. Even worse, business was slow. Days were long and grating. She hoped that maybe food would bring in more customers, but she feared that some of the questionable gangs from The Pig City nearby would put her business at stake. The Vigilante always insisted that he would be there if anything happened, but she didn't like depending on him. What if it took him too long to get up to the fourth floor? The thugs would've been long gone before he even stepped out of the elevator.
The Vigilante put his empty mug on the counter. "Well, dear," he spoke, "I better get goin'. Fields ain't gonna harvest 'emselves."
"Alright, Vigi. Thanks for stopping in!"
He tipped his hat as he walked out the door. "Anytime."
She sighed and rested her head in her arms on the counter. Once again, the cafe was empty and quiet, too quiet for her liking. She flipped on the T.V. in the lobby. PTV was on with those BORING shows about the history of pizza and pizza people. It hadn't had any new content in so long, but it was good background noise as she attempted to scrub those stubborn stains on the counter. Those stains were there before she was, and no matter how hard she tried, they stayed. They were so frustrating for her. She felt that they made her look lazy and dirty, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.
The bell rang again as the Pig City police force entered the cafe. "Morning, fellas," she greeted them. One tipped his hat at her while the others went to the booths. She walked over and handed them the small menus. The size of the menus haunted her as she felt that her cafe was lacking something. The Piggy Police quickly gazed over the menus as they found what they wanted. One by one they handed the menus back to her. "Y'know, ma'am," one spoke, "NTV has a crazy new show going on."
"Oh," she aired, "which one? I know they've got a few projects in the works."
"Ahhh, I think it's the one where he plays as the detective."
"Noise of the Unknown?"
"Yeah, that one! I think it premieres a couple times today."
"I'll change the channel," she tapped the menus on the table to straighten them out. "I'm sick of this PTV channel, anyways"
Hazel headed back behind the counter, quickly changing the channel to NTV before she began to work on the cops' orders. One coffee with frothy cold foam atop, another coffee with cream and two shots of espresso, an extra sweet cappuccino, an iced coffee with vanilla syrup. She was slightly swamped with orders, but she was happy to finally be doing something. She served those coffees to the first booth then headed to another booth to take their orders. She rushed back to the counter to work on the new orders. The bell rang as yet another customer walked in. "Be with you in one minute," she called out. She was focused intensely on her work that her surroundings disappeared. A hot black coffee with six sugars, a coffee with milk and mocha sauce, another cappuccino with hazelnut syrup and sugar. She collected the empty dishes from the first booth and rushed back to the counter. "That's a familiar face on T.V.," said the stranger at the counter.
"Well, yea, that's The-" she was struck with awe as she turned around see the tower's biggest celebrity sitting right in front of her. "-Noise... Hahhhahhh... hi."
"Hey," The Noise spoke as a smirk grew across his face.
"You, that's uh... That's you." She grinned from ear to ear, completely flustered as her celebrity crush gazed into her eyes.
"Yeah, that's me."
"So, uh," she cleared her throat. "What can I get'cha?"
"I don't know yet, first time here."
"Oh, right, um-" she handed him a menu, "here. I'll come back to you in a minute."
She went over to the second booth, her heart now racing. She could feel the blood rushing to her face as she was suddenly nervous. She collected the dishes from the second booth and then the first, putting them in the sink behind the counter. She printed out their receipts and handed it to them. The Piggy Police continued to sit and chat in their booths. She hastily made her way back behind the counter and approached The Noise, her heart still fluttering. "Anything catch your eye," she asked him. He looked up from the menu and winked at her. It took every bit of self control she had not to squeal.
"I'll have an iced coffee," he said, "shot of espresso, sweet cream, three sugar."
"Got it!"
Hazel rushed over to the freshest pot of coffee and poured it over ice. The Piggy Police came up to the counter to pay their bills as she quickly finished up The Noise's drink and handed it to him. They all paid but didn't tip, to her disappointment. A few cops tried to chat with The Noise, but he put his hand up and spoke, "Sorry fellas, I'm off the clock right now. Business only happens on the clock." They nodded to him and went on their way, their radios suddenly beeping in emergency. Hazel tried not to stare at Noise and kept her focus on washing the dishes. He finally took a sip of his drink, and his eyes widened. "Holy shit," he exclaimed. Hazel turned around in panic. "This coffee is amazing!"
"Oh, please," she smiled, "you're just saying that."
"No, seriously! This is the best coffee I've had in this tower." He took another sip. "I mean, a lot of the coffee you get in this place is pizza-flavored... I usually brew my own, but I have that little machine with the cups."
"I used to have one of those. Ironically, of course, heh..."
"It isn't the best, but it gets me going when we film early in the mornings... Or afternoons." He chuckled.
Hazel went back to doing the dishes and tried to give The Noise some space.
"Ya know," he started again, "I wanted to ask you something."
Hazel's heart dropped and her eyes grew wide. What was he going to ask? "Yeah? What's up?"
"The name of your cafe... what's up with that?"
"Oh... Oh! It's French for hazelnut! It's pronounced, 'nwa-zett', but everybody thinks it's 'Noise-ett'... I promise it's not named after you, no offense."
Her heart started racing again. Oh, god, is he mad, she thought.
"Hilarious!" The Noise laughed. "I can't believe people thought your cafe was named after me!"
She giggled with him, "Yeah! I thought it was silly. I corrected a few people, but it gets tiring."
"I can imagine." He drank his coffee. "You serve food here?"
"No. Not yet, actually. I'm hoping to serve food here soon enough, but I'm still debating what to put on the menu."
"You thinkin' pastries or somethin'?"
"No. Well, maybe. I want something unique. I don't know, though. I'm completely stumped. I mean, what hasn't been done?"
He listened to her as he continued to sip his coffee as if he hadn't drank anything in days.
"Funkin' Donuts and Farbucks have pastries and sandwiches," she rambled, "but I don't want to be like the big corporations! I want to do something different. I want my cafe to have a catch!"
The Noise's phone began to rang. "Sorry to interrupt you," he apologized as he answered the call. "Yeah, what's up? ... Ugh, really? I haven't even eaten anything yet... Alright, fine. I'll be there in ten minutes." He sighed in frustration. "Sorry to rush, but it looks like we're starting early today. What do I owe you?"
"Oh, don't worry about it. It's on the house!"
"No, please, I have the money, let me pay you."
"Alright," she handed him the receipt, and he paid her in cash. "Thanks for stopping in!"
"I'll be back eventually." He winked at her, and she giggled.
"I'll be here." She turned grabbed his glass and took it over to the sink to be washed with the rest of the dishes. The bell rang as he walked out.
With all the coffee pots washed and the machines cleaned, it was finally time to end her day at work. Hazel sighed as she went over to count the cash in the register. She glanced at the tip jar quickly, expecting it to be empty as usual, but... "Oh, my GOSH!!!" She exclaimed loud enough to echo through the cafe. A $100 bill sat in the jar, it was the only tip in there. She squealed as she took the money out of the jar. It made no sense to her; none of the police tipped. Hold on... That tip had to be from The Noise! She squeaked and hopped around. While her day wasn't close to ending, it was just made whole and complete.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Could you do headcanons on how skz would act around their crush? 😂
how stray kids would act around their crush
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genre: headcanons; romance, fluff, slight crack
word count: 1k
warnings: cursing, you stan 8 dorks btw i hope you know that
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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he's actually such a flirt, bro-
but he's also shy so it's like... pick a lane, yk??
because when he's like not-so-subtly flirting with his crush and they flirt back?? he's all giggly and stuff
such a dork lmao
compliments you as much as he possibly can without seeming like a simp
but he is so
wants to get closer to you and be your bestie. finding out more about you and getting to know you on a more personal level is his goal
because, in his mind, there's one thing having a crush on someone. but it's another thing entirely once you build a special connection with someone based on that initial attraction
lee know
ahh minho
he's my favourite when it comes to his response to a crush because it is pure taking the absolute piss
minho builds a playful connection with his crush; he wants to tease them, mock them, and make fun of them any chance that he can get, without completely hurting their feelings and missing his chance.
he is learnt over time how to balance his playfulness in this way
spends a lot of time thinking about you
so much so that it distracts him from his daily tasks
he would never admit this though. it makes him frustrated
like "how dare they consume my thoughts 24/7"
overall, it's totally obvious that he has a crush on you to onlookers because he can't help his ever-growing smile when talking to you
his mission overall is to make you smile or laugh
invites you out A LOT
yeah he doesn't really try hiding his crush on you because he doesn't really see the point
in his opinion, he shouldn't have to hide such feelings
talks to his friends about you
so they definitely know
wooyoung and yeonjun be sighing dramatically as changbin brings you up in their conversation yet again
"we went to the arcade the other day an-" "y/n love arcades, we should totally go with them next time! they said they were good at the claw machine but-"
you get the idea
he's super sweet about you. gushes and brags about you to no end
and this doesn't really change once he actually starts dating you
he's a very consistent boy
this man has probably written poetry about you before he even talks to you
he's such a cute little dumpling, wtf
smiles softly at you
compliments you boldly but with a shy tone
tries not to make it obvious that he likes you. idk he's very aware of himself so he is always second-guessing his actions
each time he sees you, he seems to find it harder and harder to talk to you without you knowing he's head-over-heels in love
he just falls deeper and deeper
until he just comes out and says it
abruptly and messily
yeah <3
very engaging
probably a tad bit hesitant going up to you but does it anyways
he fights through his little bit of nerves because seeing you smile means more to him
he will try and find any excuse to be next to you and talk your ear off
he wants to get to know you. wants to know what you like, what you dislike. what makes you tick?
he can be a master of small talk when he needs to be so easing himself into any conversation with you proves to be straightforward to him
laughs louder than usual around you
talks faster, too
he just gets excited once he's finally up and talking to you, it's hella cute
has eyes only for you
very obvious that he likes you
and it's because he always singles you out
he makes a beeline to where you are as soon as he clocks you're in the same room as him
unintentionally flirty
overall just super friendly and wants to get to know you from the get-go
but doesn't want to come across too strongly
probably overthinks everything he does or says to you
will meditate and reflect on how he interacted with you later that night when he is alone with your thoughts, probably torturing himself over things he said or things he didn't say
overall he has a very conflicting time
i relate to him so much, dammit 🚶
he doesn't stop smiling around you
so smiley that his cheeks hurt after being near you for at least five minutes
but then he realises in order to actually be with you he needs to try and talk to you first
baby step seungmin, come on
so he's racking his brain to say something funny or interesting. if you look at him, it's like you can see the cogs in his brain working at full speed. fascinating to watch i must say
but what comes out of his mouth is a simple "hey, how have you been?"
impressive, isn't it?
honestly, it's good to start simple. and seungmin finds that these little interactions with you are better than he could have ever dreamed of.
he does not SPEAK
avoids you at all costs, no i'm not exaggerating
so awkward bro, the amount of harassing the other members had to do to get him to talk to you is embarrassing
but honestly same, innie. it's hard speaking to your crush, cut him some slack!
once he's into it, he's fine
"what was i worried about?"
all he has to do is be his cute and awesome self and there's not much else to it!
is kind of formal when he speaks to you
once he loosens up and gets closer to you, he starts becoming more casual and relaxed
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
{5} - To Tempt Fate - Yandere!Trickster Deities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Trickster AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Suspense
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Mingi)
Words: 3,496
Warnings: Depictions of anxiety (not the reader). This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I have an appointment soon, so I just wanted to post this before I had to leave! Anyways, I'm very excited for the threads to begin unravelling now as more time progresses!! I really hope you all look forward to everything I have in store! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
Also, gentle reminder that I do not do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
You don’t know how many times you had circled the maze yesterday. For hours, you traversed your way through specific paths, familiarizing yourself with its twists and turns. The last thing you need is to be running away from either another contestant, or one of the eight tricksters, only to reach a dead end. Your only hope is that the maze hasn’t shifted.
Surprisingly, you have no issues sleeping a few hours afterwards. The exhaustion settling into your bones had you passing out almost instantly, that small knife clutched securely in your hand.
The bed is more comfortable than you thought it would be. Given the way that trickster, of whom you’ve nicknamed ‘Ghost’ due to the colour of his eyes, was acting, you’re starting to believe more in the fact that they view you as ‘special’.
A chill runs down your spine.
Turning onto your back once more, you stare up at the ceiling. Based off of the way you’ve been keeping track of time ever since the other male, of whom you’ve nicknamed ‘Drakon’ due to the deep purple of his eyes, you reckon you have about one hour before the games are meant to truly begin. You still haven’t found a small bag to carry supplies in, but you can always make one out of your pillowcase if necessary.
Sitting up in bed, you rest the knife beside you on the mattress. Lifting your head, you glance at your reflection in the full length mirror.
Giving yourself a once over, you let out a sigh. You have some decisions to make.
One: you could barricade yourself inside of your room for the next twenty-four hours and see if someone happens to stumble across your little shack here. There seems to have been a box of food dropped off at the foot of your bed while you had gone out exploring, so you’re not worried about going hungry. Everything is nonperishable, and still in it’s original container, so you shouldn’t have to worry about someone having tampered with it. Still, you are dealing with tricksters, so it could be poisoned.
At least you have water.
Two: you could go out and explore the maze again to see if there have been any changes to the layout. This would allow you to get a better sense of the games going forward, but you’d have to be on the constant lookout for other contestants. Some might be too eager to start the bloodbath they have been enticed to partake in, while others might start screaming and drawing those types of competitors to your area. Both of which you’d rather avoid for as long as you can.
Three: you could go out and purposely look for other competitors. Not everyone is going to immediately go hunting for their trophy out of the gate, and you’re sure there are probably a few reasonable people around. Besides, if someone got dropped in, and they don’t immediately understand what the hell is going on, they’ll be completely scared out of their wits. Best to make yourself seem trustworthy to gain as many allies as you can.
If you can stop them from killing each other, the tricksters won’t have a game this year, and the blood will not be on your own hands. Besides, you can check out the maze this way for any changes; two birds with one stone.
Pushing yourself onto your feet, you steel your resolve. Looks like you have your answer. If you can align yourself with potential allies, then great! However, if you woke up in an unfamiliar place, were scared out of your wits and deathly confused, you would want at least one person to extend that same kindness to you.
Nothing is worse than being kicked when you’re down.
Twirling the knife in your hand, you move toward the bathroom to freshen up slightly. Like hell you’ll change into any of the clothes they got for you. After the encounter yesterday with Ghost, you know that that’s exactly what they’re hoping for, too.
Washing them might become an issue, but you’ve survived in the wilderness by yourself with only a knife to help you before. If you can do it once, you can do it again. You father didn’t teach you everything he knew about hunting for nothing.
The water feels cool against your skin as you wash up as much as you can. You’re a little hesitant about showering, or even stripping yourself completely naked for the moment. If you really have to, you’ll bathe in your underwear. Who knows what could be watching.
Adjusting your clothes, you manage to tuck the little notebook with your newly drawn map into the back of the waistband of your jeans. A pencil gets slid into your front pocket, along with a few pins, careful not to break the lead tip all the while. The small knife is held securely in your dominant hand, that string with your two keys and paperclip around your neck once more.
Turning towards the front, you take a deep breath once more.
Slowly, you move to unlock the door. It’s about time for the games to start, and from the way you hear a breeze rustling the leaves of the maze, you know it’s begun.
Swallowing the sudden dryness in your throat, you step outside.
The first difference you notice is how the area is now suddenly alive with sounds. The leaves rustle continuously, a soft breeze brushing through. There even appears to be bugs and small animals now in the area, of which were never there before.
Still, it remains as dark as night.
Taking a deep breath, you allow the smell of earth and nature to fill your lungs. The scents are stronger than yesterday, but that won’t be a hindrance to you at all.
Lifting your gaze, your brow furrows. 
There, in the distance, appears almost a small protrusion above the one edge of the maze. An object that hadn’t been apparent before, even in your search of the area yesterday. Almost as if a building has appeared out of thin air.
The only things you did manage to come across yesterday were more of those little clearings with shacks in them. There are eight to be exact, four on opposite ends of the maze, designating where each survivor must first appear in the games. 
Perhaps the first challenge is being able to escape these huts.
Yours seems to be the second closest to the one edge. The one in which you ran into Ghost yesterday is the furthest to the left, yours directly beside it with two more following in succession after that. If you get lucky, and move quick enough, you might be able to slip passed the hut before the person inside manages to escape.
You grit your teeth.
Sick bastards probably intend to let some of them starve, or suffocate to death inside those shacks.
You shake your head, you need to worry about yourself right now. If they can’t get out on their own, then they’re no use to you in fighting off anything or anyone.
A grimace crosses your features. The whole reason you stepped foot outside your own place once the games began was to help others if they needed it. Now, you’re thinking about just letting them die?
You’re not that much like that bitch. You’re not that heartless. At least, not yet.
Too many conflicting emotions begin flitting through your mind. Enough so, that you manage to shake your head again in hopes to clear them. Only, it’s in vain, your thoughts beginning to consume you.
Taking a step forward, you begin to enter the maze. Hopefully, focussing down on the task at hand will help to clear your mind.
Again, just like yesterday, you turn left to start. The familiar path of the maze greets you, and you find yourself almost breathing a sigh of relief the longer you traverse the grounds. At least the maze hasn’t seemed to have shifted in the slightest. Yet.
Reaching that first opening where that other shack rests, you spare a glance into the clearing. Of course, just like yesterday, you’re cautious. The last thing you need is a surprise attack by another contestant, or another trickster.
However, what you do not expect, is for a loud bang to sound from the inside of the shack as you begin to creep closer.
“Please,” the voice is desperate, strained from yelling, “is there anyone out there?”
You freeze right in your tracks.
“Please,” a broken plea as you hear a sniffle coming from behind the closed door. “Someone, help me…”
You blink, unsure if what you’re hearing is correct. Yet, at the sound of the sobs becoming louder the closer you get, you know that whoever is inside of that shack must be desperate. Faintly, you swear you can even make out the sound of scratching coming from within, as if whoever is trapped inside is attempting to claw their way out in vain.
Pausing right in front of the door, you take a low breath in.
“Are you alright?” Your voice comes out softer than normal, but still loud enough for the other person to hear through their sobs.
Immediately, it’s like they go still. “Is someone there?”
“Yes, I’m here,” you gently reassure them. “I’m not going to leave you.”
“Oh, thank you,” a shuddering inhale. “Please, let me out of here. I- I- I swear I’ll be good and do whatever you want. Just please,” he sniffles once more, “let me out.”
“Do you know where you are?” You ask, crouching down in front of the door to examine the lock.
“No! It’s dark, and all I was told was that the games have begun.” He replies, a wail to his words. “What the fuck does that mean? Are you hear to kill me? Am I going to die? I don’t want to be a victim to someone pretending to play Jigsaw.”
You snort a bit at that. Yeah, that’s certainly one way to put it.
“I’m not going to hurt you, as long as you don’t hurt me. Okay?” You say, pulling out some of those pins from your pocket. “I know it might be hard to trust the words of a stranger right now, given the circumstances, but we’re going to have to believe in each other right now. I’ll tell you everything I can once I know I can trust you. Do you understand?”
A small pause where you can just tell that the male stuck inside of the shack is wiping at his eyes. “Yes.”
“Good,” you nod. “Now, I have a few questions for you before hand. They are meant to help you, and I know they might be frustrating at first, but we both need to understand your situation fully. Tell me everything you can see inside the room with you.”
A moment passes by in silence. Then another, and another.
“I can’t make out anything, it’s too dark.” Comes his reply, voice small as if scared that’s not the answer you want to hear from him. “It’s cramped, and I can’t move my legs.”
You blink. “Are you hurt?”
“No!” Immediately, he responds before clearing his throat slightly. “No, I’m not. I promise. It’s just really cramped in here.”
“Alright. Do you have anything of value on your person?” You ask. “Like a phone, or a watch?”
“I have my watch, but no phone.” He tells you, and from the sounds of things, is calming down the more you talk with him.
“Is it analog or digital?” You ask, beginning to pick the lock holding him hostage in the shack.
You smile faintly. “Describe it to me.”
“Well, my one brother got it for me for my birthday last year, and it has a brown strap,” he starts prattling off. “The face is white, and the numbers are gold…” he trails off. “Hey, why are you so interested in my watch?”
The lock clicks, and you stand back to your feet.
“I’m not.” Comes your blunt reply. “But you’ve stopped crying, haven’t you?”
The male goes silent, contemplating your words.
“It’s unlocked.” You say, turning the handle to crack the door open just an inch.
However, what you don’t expect is for the door to fling itself open almost instantly. Reflexively, you jump back, now eyeing the man that lays on his back on the ground as the door rests wide open.
He groans, eyes closed in pain. “Ow.”
“My bad, I forgot you were probably sitting against it.” You chuckle, dusting off your knees casually.
His eyes open, and you notice how sharp his features are. Though, that’s not what stands out to you the most.
The bright pink hair cropped short to his head draws your immediate gaze, and you can only quirk a brow in response. From the length of his torso, he also appears quite tall, too.
“Thank you,” he shifts his face towards you, eyes still shining with unshed tears.
“Don’t mention it.” You shrug him off. “Can you stand?”
Slowly, the male nods, pushing himself to his feet in the next second.
You’re right, he is tall. Nothing you can’t handle, though.
“What’s you name?” Your eyes trail over his figure from top to bottom, and he has to suppress the pleasant shiver than wants to caress his spine as you do so.
“Mingi.” He breathes, heart pounding inside of his chest.
“Nice to meet you, Mingi,” you nod once. “Though, I wish it were under better circumstances.”
You move around him, inspecting what little you can see inside the now unlocked shack. Looks like there really is nothing of importance inside. All that greets you is a tiny enclosed space with four wooden walls. Not even enough room to lay down on the ground comfortably.
Turning back to him, you see him standing a little ways to the side, wiping at the dried tears on his face.
“Hey, it’ll be okay.” You smile assuringly at him before introducing yourself. “I know it’s terrifying, but we’ll get through this. Okay?”
He nods, almost vigorously. “Okay.”
“Leaving you by yourself is more dangerous right now than exploring with me, but I won’t force you to come with me if you don’t want to.” You begin to explain. “I-“
“I’ll come with you.” His response is immediate, almost eager, as he cuts you off before you can even continue.
“I won’t lie, you could die either way. These games are not meant to be easy.” You meet his gaze.
“What even are these games?” He asks, swallowing a bit thickly as he watches you pull out that small knife of yours.
“Death games. Insanity games. Whatever you want to call them.” You say, taking one final look around the clearing you’re in. “They’re a type of survival game, if you will. Either you hunt or be hunted while you attempt to find a way out. Only one is allowed to survive in the end, but not this time.” You meet his gaze once more from over your shoulder, smiling reassuringly at him. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”
“Who, in their right mind, would do this to somebody? Why hasn’t anyone caught the people behind this?” He asks, frown tugging at his features.
You let out a sigh, motioning for him to lead on with your head as you reenter the maze. He’s a bit hesitant at first, but with a small quirk of your brow, he doesn’t argue.
“I’ll guide you, don’t worry. This is more of a precaution for me, than you,” you tell him.
“You’re the one with a knife.” He mutters.
“Exactly,” you hum. “So just follow my lead.” He shoots you a pointed look from in front of you. “You know what I mean.”
“Well, you freed me from my chains,” he turns back to face front, turning right on your command. “Least I can do is listen to you.”
You find his wording a bit odd, but relevant nonetheless. Either way, you’re just glad he’s being compliant for now.
“To answer your question, Mingi,” the male nearly shudders when you say his name, though it’s not in the context he would prefer. “The people behind these games are not regular people. In fact, they’re not even human at all. They haven’t been caught because they don’t want to be caught.”
“What do you mean?” There’s a certain tone of wariness to his voice which you have no problem picking up on.
“When is a door not a door?” You quirk a brow knowingly.
“When it’s ajar.” Comes his immediate answer.
“Exactly.” You respond.
“I don’t get it.” He shakes his head, pausing mid-step and causing you to almost run into his back due to how closely you had been following him. “What’s a riddle have to do with anything?”
“Sorry, long shot for me to think you would have understood that reference.” You chuckle. “No, just that there was a show I used to watch that had a particular season which dealt with the sort of inhuman creature these eight devils are.”
“There’s eight of them?” The surprise can only mask the fear so much.
“Yes.” You blink. “There are eight of them.”
“But what are they?” He presses.
You take a deep breath, exhaling slowly as your spine straightens. “They’re tricksters. Powerful ones at that, too. Demons who love causing misery, and tormenting those that are unfortunate enough to get caught up in their games.”
“Tricksters? You mean like Loki?” His brow furrows.
“Worse than that.” You shake your head. “From what I understand, the only way to tell them apart from other contestants is their eyes. Each of them has a specific eye colour unique to their powers and personalities. The colours designate age order, too.”
“Do you know what each of them are?” He asks, beginning to continue through the maze at the sudden jerk of your chin forward.
“If you’re asking me if I know what they look like, I do not. Except for two.” You reply honestly. “I only know a few of their names, too.”
“They have names?” His inquiry is so genuinely curious, the corner of your lips twitch upwards slightly.
It’s been a long time since you’ve remembered what that has felt like.
“Yes.” You confirm. “Everything in this world does, even those forgotten by time.”
“Then how does anyone remember them if they are forgotten?” His brow furrows once more in thought.
“You just need to know where to look.” You share a look with him, something sparking behind your eyes that he and his brothers have not seen in a long time.
“How do you know so much about them, anyways?” He asks, casually glancing at you out of the corner of his eyes.
“There was a time where I was curious about the myths surrounding these games of theirs, and why the supposed victor always came back changed in some way.” You reply, shrugging him off. “It didn’t lead me anywhere.”
The way you curl in on yourself, even the slightest bit, has him backing off for now.
Little do you know of the anger bubbling just beneath the surface of his skin for you. He knows what happened. He knows what that bitch did to you to make you stop researching so excitedly about them. Research which you have never bothered to touch again.
“Well, whatever knowledge you still possess, I’m certainly glad to be on your team with it.” He grins, eyes crinkling at the sides.
His response catches you by surprise. So much so, that you end up freezing in your tracks, blinking at him in shock. No one has ever reacted positively to knowing you’ve spent time dedicated to learning about these tricksters. No one.
“You are?” Your voice is so much more tender, the uncertainty bleeding through in the way you suddenly feel so small standing next to him.
Mingi takes a moment to look you over, a sort of softness shining within his eyes that you don’t quite understand.
“Of course I am!” His grin widens. “Any knowledge is good knowledge, especially when I don’t have the slightest clue of what’s going on. I’m counting on you.”
You smile faintly, the radiance of his own expression managing to lift your spirits the slightest bit, even given the situation you currently find yourselves in.
“Knowledge is it’s own weapon, too.” He continues. “I think a lot of people forget that sometimes. That, or they fear what someone with knowledge can become.”
Your lips twitch slightly, shoulders relaxing even just the faintest bit. “You’re right.”
“Now, come on,” he shoots you a reassuring smile before he begins trudging forwards through the maze once more. “I think I see an opening up ahead.”
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pokemoncenter · 1 year
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Hello. My name is Sophora. I am a Pokemon veterinarian. I live in Unova, but at the time of this writing, I am beginning a temporary stay in Johto to assist with a research project.
My blog is mostly thoughts and discussions of Pokemon care and science, as well as what photos I wish to share.
I am a former member of Team Plasma. My duties were to care for Pokemon injured by human deeds, and assess whether they could be released into the wild. Though I was nothing more than a child in training at the time. I wish to be clear that I, along with most Team Plasma members you will ever encounter, were fooled by Ghetsis, and truly do wish for improving the lives of Pokemon.
My sole Pokemon is a Zorua named Beans. I have had her for many years, and she is my dear companion.
I am often told I have no sense of humor, so please do not expect much in the way of jokes or banter from me. I am also often called rude, or at the very least blunt.
I will speak often on Pokemon care, as mentioned. I will answer any questions on Pokemon care when I am able, though I am mostly only familiar with Pokemon of the Unova region, and some of the Kanjoh region. I also will often speak on the life of a veterinarian and what sort of things one is expected to do in this job.
The difference between a Pokemon veterinarian and a Pokemon Center, for the record, generally involves overall health versus injuries. If it was a problem or health issue that came from battle, you go to a Center. If it is an overall health issue that did not come from battling, go to a veterinarian. Generally, we will refer you to the other one if you got it wrong.
My hobbies are reading and photography. I have given lectures about Pokemon care at conferences before, and I enjoy trying new foods. I am something of a coffee enthusiast, as well.
Most people I mention on this blog, I will be changing their names. This includes myself- Rotomphones should not replace basic internet safety for you all. The main exceptions will be people on this site who use their real name, and people who are otherwise too famous that it would be pointless to try to change their name.
I look forward to pleasant conversations with you all.
//OOC under the cut!
Player is over 21.
All posts will be tagged with 'pkmn irl' and 'unreality'.
This is, obviously, a Pokemon IRL rp blog.
I intend to not get involved in high stakes with the possibly exception of Team Winter stuff, or things that otherwise catch my interest. Most of them will be assumed to not happen.
Some notes on character canon!
Sapient Pokemon do not exist. There are rare exceptions, but they are extremely special and noteworthy. Pokemon intelligence varies, but generally they're animals. As a result, I would prefer not to interact with sapient Pokemon blogs, and if you do, Sophora will assume that you're a child roleplaying.
Legendary Pokemon are rare. The mainline games are canon but generally, Sophora doesn't know a lot of what happened. If it wasn't on the scale of Kyogre and Groudon, Sophora probably didn't hear about it! Sophora does not believe in a lot of legendary Pokemon as a result.
I do not do the whole 'magic anon' thing and such asks will be ignored.
Human-obtainable superpowers are Aura and psychic powers. That's about it. There are no other superpowers. Legendaries do not give children superpowers.
Legendaries may have been worshipped as gods but are not gods. There is no Arceus-based religion. People do not worship Arceus and do not treat it as the Christian god.
Most products that get parodied do not have the Pokemon parody names, and they just have the real world name. However, it is an in-universe meme to force Pokemon names into the product name, and that's why everyone has such differences (i.e. the proper name for the place is Starbucks, but some people call it Starlybucks and others call it Staryubucks, because it's a meme, not the real name.)
I want to avoid crossover stuff, it is not to my interest.
I want to try to keep to the tone of Pokemon as much as possible, so I'm going to be ignoring most things about murder and killing (unless it is a Cubone's mother).
Sophora can be, and often is, wrong about various subjects. However, she is a veterinarian and thus generally going to be correct about Pokemon care. Please do not show up to just correct me and claim my character doesn't know what she's talking about.
I try to avoid getting involved with the 'multiverse' stuff. As far as Sophora is concerned, there is only one reality, and it's hers. Please do not get deep into the weeds on that with her so I don't have to think about it too hard.
Animals exist! Pokemon are part of the ecosystem but normal animals exist, too. They just don't come up often because they aren't relevant.
Sorry if that sounds like too much stuff! I just wanted to be very clear from the outset.
If you are not someone already relevant about it, I will not acknowledge any asks where you try to prove legendary Pokemon. It's much funnier if Sophora refuses to believe in them. For understanding of the gag, please watch this video.
Sophora will not ever see or acknowledge a Legendary Pokemon outside of very specific circumstances. Please do not try to force the issue.
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bloodinwine · 18 days
Writing Interview
🖤Writing Interview Tag Game🖤
Thank you for the tag @starryjuicebox
When did you start writing?
I think the earliest memory I had of sitting down to write a story was probably when I was eleven? I was working on something based on what my dad gave me as a story prompt. Turned out it was the premise for Fallout 💀
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I think I would class what I'm writing as a...romantasy maybe? Except not so heavy on the fantasy part??? I normally don't read pure romance novels though. I largely read fantasy books - sometimes sci-fi.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Hmmm. This is interesting, it's less that I want to emulate a certain writer and more that I hope to evoke similar feelings to how something I'd read made me feel. When I get to respond so emotionally to a piece of art, I have to ask myself too like... how were they able to do that? Magic. I haven't been compared to another writer before.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
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Sometimes I'm in my study room when I'm proofreading and doing more serious edits. But when I'm just drafting or vibing, I'm writing on my laptop in bed.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Music is a big one for me. To me, nothing gets me more ready to dive into that document than listening to some good music and just putting your mental headspace completely in your own little world. It's my favorite part of writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Yes and yes. UY has a recurring theme of the passage of time and how little of it there is. Astarion's immortality and Effy's human life are at complete ends.
What is your reason for writing?
Nothing tangible on this earth is more cathartic to me. It's become so essential to my overall well-being.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I appreciate them all. Writing is lonely and when you get to finally have that little time in the light sharing your work with others, being able to engage and connect with others over that is really nice and always motivating. I think that's essential to a writer's motivation, I know people say WRITE FOR YOURSELF and yes, absolutely you should, but being able to LET GO of that piece of writing you've held close to yourself for weeks can be immensely emotional in the best way. Now the story you've shared is bigger than just you, it's about other people too.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Diligent - that no matter what, I did my best.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Ahh....I always feel weird answering questions like this about myself. But I'd say that giving characters, whether major or minor, a strong presence in the story is probably it.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm working on building more confidence around my writing. But I feel that it's special to me at least. Even though it'll be shared with many others, there's still so many things that occur within that process that no one else will ever know or understand. Not to be dramatic, but damn, writing IS dramatic - like, I know so many things about Effy that no one else ever will. I'm the one who knows exactly what she looks like when she gives Astarion goo goo eyes. I'm the one that knows exactly what those horrible moments with her ex Blake looked like too. The attachment you can feel to your own characters as a writer is immense. A part of me feels sad when I think about the eventual ending of UY. Like one day I have to say goodbye to someone who feels like a friend to me now.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I write for myself in the sense that I refuse to compromise on how I want UY to go. BUT I did have a moment where I'd faltered and wondered whether I should skip scenes or whole chapters in fear that those moments wouldn't matter to people reading it. So when I worked on the new chapter (Chp18) it felt so wrong and that made me really unexcited to write and that is certainly not the energy I want to put into my work. Writing for myself is the ONLY way I can do this - and damn that first draft came out quick once I was reminded of this. <3
No pressure tag for: @thedreamlessnights @socialinadequacybeingsuchamust
#tag game
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sprinklecipher · 1 year
How Much Dialogue Each Character has in PLvsPW
I made some graphs about the amount of dialogue each character has in Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, because I'm a graphs kind of lady :)
(Minor/oblique spoiler warning)
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The color coding will make more sense when you see the 2nd graph, but it’s basically unique colors for major characters, and category-based colors for minor characters (witnesses and Flynch = blue, characters who give puzzles = orange)
I was curious what it’d look like if you grouped the word counts according to characters’ series of origin, so here’s that:
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More details below the cut ~
Some notes about the 2nd graph:
“Puzzle characters” are characters who give you a puzzle (or only show up in the puzzle gameplay segments) and are not part of the trials
“Trial characters” are the witnesses and Flynch (although all of the dialogue they have outside of the trials still counts towards their total, fwiw)
The unlabeled part at the bottom of the PLvPW column is the Storyteller, with 5,200 words, and the one at the bottom of the PL column is Chelmey with 986 words (couldn’t get the labels to fit lol). Edgeworth has 50 words fwiw, which isn’t really enough to be visible (although he technically is represented on the graph, as a tiny line at the top of the AA column)
Also, in case it’s not obvious, the judges are grouped into the PLvsPW column because they’re not the same character as the AA judge. The English and Labyrinthian judges are also lumped together due to them being labelled the same in the data and there not really being a good way to separate them out with how the data is structured         
Part of my inspiration for making the second graph was that PLvPW seemed like more of an Ace Attorney game than a Professor Layton game to me based on vibes, and I was curious whether the balance of dialogue would reflect that (with the caveat that the dialogue would naturally skew towards the AA characters since the trial gameplay is more dialogue heavy than the puzzle gameplay is). To be clear, I don’t mean that as a criticism of the game or anything—I enjoyed it a lot!—I just thought it leaned more heavily on the AA side compared to the PL side, and I was curious what that leaning might look like, numbers-wise
With that said, the overall dialogue word count totals end up being 99,256 for PLvsPW characters, 63,633 for AA characters, and 48,070 for the PL characters, a 47%/30%/23% split, respectively, although notably that's counting expy characters (like Flynch) towards PLvsPW
Some observations:
Layton and Luke have way more dialogue in PLvsPW than they do across the first couple PL games (Layton has ~19k and Luke has ~10k total words of dialogue across both Curious Village and Diabolical Box combined, vs ~29k and ~18k here). I don't have data readily available for any of the later games, so IDK how those would compare, though
The overall total character-based dialogue word count is 210,959 words, which is about the same as AA1 or AA2 (which have roughly ~210k words of dialogue) but less than AA3 or AAI1 (~260k words)
The vigilantes collectively have more dialogue than the Storyteller, which is just wild to me
Data source: I used the scripts that Jozerick posted to the Court Records forums, which pulled the text from the PLvPW ROM. I wrote a python script to process those scripts further to use like this, so there’s a chance I introduced some error with that, but the numbers should be pretty accurate.
Word counts: The data set DOES include dialogue from the animated cutscenes, but it does NOT include puzzle instructions/hints, any descriptions from the Court Record, or interjections that have a gif rather than normal text dialogue (“Objection!” etc.). It also doesn’t include the dialogue from the special episodes, since those weren't included in the data source I used.
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imagitory · 10 months
Okay, disclaimer here. I can't really call myself a true fan of Disney's Wish, just as it is. I do think the film had a LOT of really good ideas and I do think that a lot of artists and creative types put sincere work into it -- I mean, all one really has to do is look at the Wish art book to see that the creators wanted to salute a lot of Disney's overall legacy with their work. However the result turned out -- and I personally found it a bit half-baked with a lot of story and character elements that just didn't quite come together for me -- I like the overall concept enough that I've really enjoyed seeing the fandom embrace those good ideas and reinterpret them. I like the art people have started doing based on Star's old designs by artists like Brittney Lee. I like people writing drafts with villainous-couple-goals Amaya and Magnifico. I like people envisioning Asha as becoming a fairy godmother more in the vein of Whitney Houston's version of the Fairy Godmother in the 1998 Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella! So everything I'm going to write here is from a place of sincerely wanting to add onto the original concept and perhaps improve on it, rather than just out of a desire to make petty pot-shots at the film.
With this out of the way, let me get to the crux of it.
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(concept art by Brittney Lee, found in Disney's The Art of Wish)
Now of course people have discussed the concept of Star as a love interest for Asha before. And I won't lie, I do think it's cute! It could even offer a great potential for diversity if Star remained androgynous gender-wise, the way they are in the finished film. Honestly, even having a completely mute leading character and love interest throughout the entire picture would undoubtedly be a unique and special challenge for any animator and storyteller...and for those people who want to evoke old Disney projects, it would prove a great opportunity to build on the legacies of voiceless Disney characters like Dumbo, Bambi, and Tinker Bell, while still adding a new twist in the form of this character being magical and therefore being able to express their feelings not just through colors and body language like Tink does, but perhaps also through the instrumental score! You could embody the whole core of Fantasia -- a passion project of Uncle Walt's that he never saw appreciated in his lifetime but is widely considered to be a masterpiece of animation and music -- in one character!
This leads nicely into another tack this could've played into -- the idea that Star could be an embodiment of Golden/Silver Age Disney, while Asha embodies Renaissance/Revival Disney. Star could be endlessly optimistic and a bit naive, but strangely resilient -- something that seems fragile and helpless at first glance until you realize just how many people and creatures alike gravitate toward them and want to help and protect them. Meanwhile Asha could be all about proving herself -- she could want to become a powerful magician and do great things like her master King Magnifico, but lack confidence in her own abilities and feel isolated thanks to how much her service to and desire to honor Magnifico has isolated her from others.
Star would be Snow White to Asha's Tiana. The Aurora to her Mulan. The Tinker Bell to Asha's Elsa. The bright star to Asha's cool, thoughtful night.
And this is what I love most about this idea -- their relationship wouldn't need to be romantic. It could be platonic. It could be romance-adjacent. Or, if one wants to really go and do something different for a Disney movie...Star could be a child. A mute, sweet, brand-new star, one just born, that responded to a wish that Asha made when she thought no one could hear -- a wish she has trouble admitting to anyone, especially her mentor and toxic father figure, King Magnifico -- because as much as she plays contentment, there is a part of Asha deep down that wants something more. That remembers the loving embrace of her deceased parents and how much Magnifico can't quite capture that warmth and nurturing, however tight his hold might be and placating his words might be. And out of that wish is born this little bundle of stardust, which Asha is now suddenly responsible for and wants desperately to hide and protect from Magnifico.
In essence, Asha would be put in the same position that Willow is put in, when he suddenly becomes the caretaker for baby Elora in the film Willow.
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Now that would change up the context for At All Costs, wouldn't it? This lullaby-like song would resonate awfully well in a story where Magnifico sees Asha as an apprentice and almost surrogate daughter and wants to "protect" her a la Mother Gothel by controlling everything in her life, while Asha sees this new Star who's now reliant on her and feels this strange, new desire to protect them from the man who filled the role of her father after his death in a selfless way that man could never understand?
If someone tried to hurt you... I don't see how that could happen! I'd fight for you in ways you can't imagine! Felt this? No, I haven't -- I hope it would be alright to Stay right here beside you...
It would be such a beautiful picture on how love can be both selfish and selfless -- how a villainous person can love, perhaps, but that that love is poisoned by the desire to mold someone into your image and hoard that person away from others who could "take them away" or "change" them...how love at its truest core is selflessness and fighting on behalf of others, to give them a world where they could live safely. And again, this could be either in a scenario where Star is Asha's "child" or her peer -- for a world can't be safe for all if anyone is under threat because of who we are. And Asha, Star, and Rosas all deserve to know true happiness, not just mindless, complacent contentment -- the happiness that can come from the birth of ideas we never thought possible, until we're given the freedom to dream and dream big.
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illusioncanthurtme · 1 year
Responding to @itsacoldandbrokenwaluigi with my daisy + waluigi thoughts! I'm actually planning on drawing some stuff for this idea, but for now here's me dumping out what's been banging around in my brain for the past few days.
So it's been said that waluigi likes daisy, but she doesn't return his feelings. They go to these sporting events in all the various Mario installments and there's always this awkward or negative energy between them. But consider this, they're actually EXES, and everyone around them is aware. Waluigi is still very hung up on her, and is always trying to come onto her, or asking her to take him back. Daisy is just like, nah! Leave me alone! *Punches him in the face during boxing*
But lemme explain. My idea for their relationship requires some backstory. So picture this: Daisy, waluigi and wario were actually friends, and a part of a very successful competitive athlete trio. This is based on their debut in Mario tennis, which made them counterparts to peach, Mario, and Luigi. They were RUTHLESS and brutal sportsmen. They had their differences; warios strength comes from his overall body/muscle strength, this makes him good in sports like weightlifting, boxing, hammer throwing, etc. Waluigi is good in endurance based sports, like long distance running, tennis, and cycling. Daisy excels in sports that require strategy and precision, like soccer. And it was their differences that made them such a good team.
Daisy and waluigi, however, had something really special. They were PROFESSIONAL LATIN DANCE PARTNERS!!!! They were absolutely SAVAGE on the dance floor, and no one came close to their dancing prowess. They won gold after gold and were nothing short of untouchable. (Of course this is where waluigi gets his thing with the rose + being all romantic!!) They were also in a serious relationship, and it was a fiery, passionate romance.
But, it ended. My main idea for what happened is that daisy was kidnapped by tatanga, and waluigi chickened out and ran instead of trying to rescue her. I'm imagining them winning yet another latin final gold, and they're walking outside. Waluigi is confessing his love for her (like always) but maybe this time…. about pull out a ring?? I'm not sure about that but they were definitely serious enough to consider marriage. I just like to imagine waluigi being more nervous than usual around her and daisy being like "babe what's wrong?" but also a little amused to see him so bashful. not sure about the details but they were having an "I love you so much let's be together forever," moment. Then tatanga shows up out of nowhere and waluigi books it. Later, Mario's confused when he rescues daisy because she's all upset and crying, but it's obviously not about the kidnapping. 
That, or their relationship turned sour somehow.
Either way, after that the energy is always a little awkward around them. Waluigi still loves her and isn't afraid to show it. Daisy is trying to move on, but maybe… there's a small part of her that enjoys all the attention and keeping him on his toes. And maybe, just maybe… she still has feelings for him?
That's basically it. I have another idea that's sort of like a remix to this headcanon that would work as a very self indulgent continuation to the Mario movie. I'm no fic writer though so it just lives in my head 
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glindaselphie · 2 years
so I wanted to put my perspective on the show out there as someone who is a big fan of both it and the books it is based on! I’ve seen a few of these around and just wanted to put mine out there.
now bear in mind: the show is what got me to read the books. I started season one in 2019, enjoyed it, went out and got the books mid way through, finished book one before s1 had even finished airing and finished the entire trilogy quickly after that. they have been my absolute favourite books ever since and so the show will always have a special place in my heart for that reason. the only other familiarity I had with the story was the film and had I not started my journey with the adaptations, perhaps my perspective might be a bit different.
I do understand - and sometimes agree with! - people’s complaints about things. I agree that I do think we should have got more of marisa’s violent side for example. I think what we did get was excellent - those scenes of her torturing the witch? I shudder thinking about it tbh - but I also do think more of it would have helped with a lot of people’s complaints about her characterisation.
that said? I do think her characterisation in the book is a tad inconsistent and I can see why they did flesh her out a bit more the way they did. yeah it takes away some of the mystery of her but I do think that mystery would have been difficult to properly translate on screen imho. I also do think they wanted to give her a more concise arc from season one to season three, and I do think it works well. I do think they still could have done stuff like having the monkey ripping up bats for example, but in their defense I think that may well have been due to change of scenery for those scenes and maybe they thought bats being there wouldn’t have worked as well.
I know marisa isn’t the only one that’s a tad different from the books too but she’s the one I see talked about most. I also see people criticising LMM’s portrayal of lee which I also understand. personally I don’t think he did a bad job character or acting-wise but lee is meant to be an old man so he is quite a bit different from how he is in the book on that basis.
that said? this show will always be my favourite and these books will always be my favourite! because personally? I think they compliment each other really well!
adaptations are never going to please everyone and tbf this isn’t pullman’s show, this is jack thorne’s. he is essentially just a fan of the books same as you and me and his perspective on the characters may well be different than other’s. the show is essentially just an officially produced fanwork - which is basically what most adaptations are tbh - and the same way some may like certain fanfics and others might not, I can see why there are mixed views on the show.
overall I quite liked the portrayal of the characters that the show did! I think the show captures the heart of them, their arc and the story very well and I can tell that the people who made it have a lot of love for the original works ❤️
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starlling-writes · 1 year
Bewitching Monsters - Multi-Monster Special 2
Series Rating: 18+ Chapter Contains: swearing, sexual scenes, alcohol Pairing: variety
BeMo Masterlist   ☆  Writing Masterlist
Thank you for reading this story to the end—especially those of you who have been here since early on. Since this is the last arc for this series, I decided not to go by my usual chapter length constraints, so enjoy this extra-long chapter. This series has been such a mixed bag to write; overall, I’m happy where it has ended up. At this time, I do not plan on writing any more stories for these characters.
— — —
Notes: To be clear, a slate is equivalent to a smartphone. I haven’t talked too much of the tech-side of this world, so I wanna make sure there isn’t confusion about what exactly I’m talking about when it comes up in this chapter, since it’s an important detail. Also, selachii = shark anthromorph & cetacean = whale/dolphin anthromorph; I literally just them made up based on the scientific classifications. Inkdine = an undine of the cephalopod (aka inkfish) variety (also made up by me because I just didn’t feel like using “octomaid” or anything similar); come in a variety of anatomy layouts, so imagine whatever tentacled hottie you want.
Alt pronouns used: xe/xem/xir/xirs/xemself [in comparison to: they/them/their/theirs/themself]
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            The ocean. I couldn’t believe I was going to see the ocean. So much of my life had felt like a dream since meeting Witch, and especially since moving in with her. I felt spoiled to go on this trip with them. To be treated to a beach-appropriate wardrobe by Witch’s friend, Willow.
More than a handful of times I thought to change my mind about going. It all felt too much. But that would ruin it for them, wouldn’t it? And that felt worse. Every time I felt like staying home, curled up on the couch, I’d scold myself that I moved in with Witch for a reason. I didn’t come here to stay in my usual patterns. I came here for newness. To grow. To see the world and change. As a mothfolk, one would think I’d be accustomed with change. Yet no. All of my decades of adulthood were spent in a fairly consistent cycle.
I was determined to put myself out there.
And so the three of us went to Flordora to meet up with another of Witch’s friends, a naga named Quendi. Xe met us at the train station. Negoni wasn’t far from Flordora, but it’d be easier to travel via train, what with everyone’s luggage and Quendi’s mobility aid.
As we made our way over to the second train, Quendi jumped right into a conversation that I couldn’t believe xe was having so openly in public. “So you gonna hook up with Kashga again while you’re here?” xe directed at Witch.
She shot an abashed look at xem.
“What?! She never told us about this,” Caera interjected before Witch could respond. “Who’s Kashga?”
“My cousin.”
“How the fuck…” Witch trailed off. Her comment drowning out Caera’s whispered aside thatshe really got a thing for cousins.
“One: bitch I know you. And two: the itch isn’t the only thing that runs in the family.” Xe flashed a dubious look, then cackled as realization twisted Witch’s expression into a furious glare.
“Fucker. You’ve had an amber sensitivity all this time?! Why did you never say anything?”
Xe shrugged. “Well when you first made it for me, I didn’t know you that well and it was a bit embarrassing to bring up. But then I kinda turned it in my favor and got into sex work, so… yeah.”
“So glad I could be your catalyst,” she said flatly.
“Anyways—if I heard her correctly,” xe pointed at Caera, “who’s this other cousin you fucked?”
“By the gods, I’m disowning you both!” Witch declared as she picked up her pace and started marching ahead of all us.
Caera sidled up to Quendi. “So it was her main hookup’s late-wife’s adopted cousin.”
“What the fuck?” Xe shook xir head and called up to Witch, “Trying to stretch that connection thin much?”
Witch stopped and whipped around. “It wasn’t intended! I knew Imdes well before I met Valzok, but I didn’t know their connection till after Val and I got together!”
Quendi’s face brightened with so much delight. “Blessed gods, that Imdes?” Witch’s body language said it all. Xe cackled again. “About damn time you jumped on that.”
“Can we stop talking about my sex life now?” Witch pleaded.
“That entirely depending on if you’re gonna hook up with more people on this vaca,” Caera said with a saucy little wiggle. “Us included—I’m absolutely putting that out on the table now, so bow out now if you’re not game.”
With a dramatic flair, Caera draped herself on Witch’s shoulders and pouted her lip. “But Mistress, I brought all of my attachments.”
“Extra disowned!” Witch shrugged her off and yet again started walking faster to separate herself from us.
“You have attachments?” Quendi asked, reasonably confused.
“Perks of the doll I possess: I have interchangeable genitals.”
“Oh shit? Well fuck Witch, I’m adopting you now,” xe laughed.
They all got along so well. Banter flowed easily between them.
And then there was me, silently hanging out in the back of the group, only watching, not contributing anything. I was the odd one out for multiple reasons… but I did my best to hide it. I didn’t want to ruin the moment. So I put on the usual soft smile I wore and continued to follow.
But when we settled into our private cabin on the train, I was called out. Discretely at first. Witch leaned over and whispered to me, “Everything okay? You seem tense.”
“Oh, no no no. I’m fine,” I reassured, waving my hands dismissively.
“You don’t need to hide things from me, Theo.” She placed her hand on mind. Squeezed. She was close enough to kiss and her warmth was so inviting. “This vacation is for all of us to enjoy.”
“Well, I… You see. I’ve never… I can’t…” The words weren’t coming out. I’ve never admitted this to anyone. I’ve never had anyone who I felt admitting it to. I steadied myself, then tried again. “I can’t have sex. Penetration, even just fingers, is too painful. So…”
“Shit, and we just spent this whole time talking about sex. I’m so sorry, Theo. We’ll definitely change topics. Sorry.”
“No. Please. It’s okay. I don’t mind hearing about it. I just… can’t relate to any of your stories.” And this was when I noticed the other two were absolutely listening in. Oh no. I did my best to hide in my fluff. Ugh! The vacation hadn’t officially begun yet and I’ve already embarrassed myself.
The others whispered a bit, then Quendi and Witch excused themselves from the cabin. Caera moved to sit beside me. “If you’ll permit me, there’s something I’d like to try with you.”
“Try what?”
Her doll went limp then she spoke from my other side. “To pleasure you. You see, when I move through someone...” I felt a tingly warmth in my right shoulder. Then it vanished. “They feel it. And I can make you feel it a lot.”
I was beyond overwhelmed. This was all so sudden. Did they all really think I could say yes to this so easily? I wasn’t like them. I couldn’t just hook up with a friend.
Could I…?
“I… We can try.”
Caera hummed in delight. Her warmth soon filled me in a way I was not used to. For the first time, I didn’t feel any pain. What I did feel though… It gave me the heady feeling like when I fly; the shiver of a new winter breeze; the lethargy of lying in the summer sun. With every shudder and whimper, the sensations grew more intense. Caera definitely knew what she was doing. I started to feel tingly, and the squirming need to… relieve myself. Was this normal? It was all such a mix of new sensations and emotions, I had trouble focusing on letting myself enjoy it all—were all of these feelings supposed to be enjoyed? I wanted to enjoy this. I really did. And I didn’t want my first time to end so quickly.
But this was too much at once.
“O-ooh, slow down slow down slow down,” I gasped with shuddering breaths. Caera immediately backed off, shifting back into her doll. “I… I think I need to go much more slowly. Everything just feels like… a lot right now.”
“No worries,” she reassured. “I did kinda just dive into the deep end with everything. Appologies.” Her warmth began swirling in lazy strokes up and down my inner thighs. “I do enjoy a slow, drawn-out edge. Do you want to hold off on further play until the hotel?”
“That would be preferable.” Then I thought like them. “Though, if you’re only doing this, I… I might be able to handle it.”
Caera smiled wickedly at me. Her warmth left again as she got up and went to call the other two back. She returned to her seat next to me. She took out a book, inconspicuously holding in her lap and hunching over to read it, all while she started casually teasing me again. This pace was much easier to handle. I could even hold a conversation with all of them while Caera did it.
I had a new understanding of some of the stories I’ve heard about my companions’ exploits. This discrete play was exciting.
“Caera, stop working. This is a vacation,” Witch said as she stretched out and tested one of the beds. “Relax.”
Her words did not stop me as I put away everyone’s clothes in the wardrobe and toiletries in the bathroom. “Providing service is relaxing for me, Mistress.”
“Fine. But no titles at least.”
 I chuckled to myself. We’ll see how she feels when we surely hookup during this trip. Thinking about it, Quendi would probably be into titles. What ones did xe use though? I’d need to ask about that soon. For now, I focused on making sure everyone settled in before we got to the enjoyable parts of the vacation. And not just the sex. Now that Theo dipped her toes into our slutty pool, I couldn’t wait for her to wade in deeper—especially with how cute and sweet her reactions were. And feeling those reactions… being a ghost had its perks.
Once we were unpacked, we got ready to go to the beach. Well, just three of us; Theo wasn’t fond of prolonged sun exposure and also wanted to take a nap. I guess I wore her out a bit on the train ride. I insisted Witch and Quendi put on sunscreen before getting dressed—to properly protect their skin. I was more than happy to help both of them. Witch quickly finished, because she refused to let me rub in the sunscreen all on my own. I got to apply Quendi’s all on my own at least. Xir scales were so smooth. When I asked about if xir scales could get sunburned, xe explained that it was more so to protect xir scales from drying out and exacerbating their condition. I made sure to take extra care to rub xem with extra care. Witch offered additional assistance but I shooed her off. It was time for me to start bonding with her friend. With my newfriend. Quendi seemed to delight in the attention too.
“Should we just give you two the room for a couple hours, or what?” Witch teased as she leaned against the doorframe, giving us a look.
“I do have some self-control, you know,” I sassed back.
“Says the one who offered to ghost-fuck Theo on the train ride here.”
Well… I had no defense for that.
I finished up and we headed out. I had been to the beach a few times before with Annika. So many things were different now. Especially me. When we reached the sand, I was ready to lay out towels and put up the umbrella, but a different feeling hit me.
The large span of the roaring ocean stopped me in my tracks. It had been so long since I was this near such a mass of water. It left me feeling… I couldn’t put words to it.
Witch grabbed my arm and started pulling me back. “Shit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think,” she instantly apologized. “Let’s go to the spa instead.”
I was too frozen in the white noise of my thoughts to respond. The fog cleared by the hotel lobby. I pulled back, just enough to get Witch to stop dragging me along. The two of us quietly stood there as Quendi caught up. Xe was the one who broke the ice. “What’s going on? Why’d we bolt back inside?”
I could feel Witch’s gaze bouncing between us, unsure if she should speak up. This wasn’t a topic I was expecting to talk about during this trip. We found a quit nook off to the side. Then I told Quendi.
“I didn’t think the ocean would bother me so much. I know that it makes sense that it would but it was just… never something I thought about. I’ve never been around any substantial bodies of water since—until now. And when we decided on this vacation to the beach, I only thought about my past trips with my previous Mistress.”
“I still feel bad for not even thinking about it,” Witch said. “We can forgo all the beach-stuff and come up with something else. There’s plenty else in this city to do.”
Her concern was warming. I knew she’d do everything she could to help me—or any of us—to be at ease. To feel safe. I shook my head and answered her, “I don’t want to ruin this for everyone; I’m perfectly fine sitting out of some activities. I’ll find some other—”
“It’s not going to ruin our vacation to make accommodations for you,” she cut me off. “Especially ones I should’ve considered from the very beginning.”
“I’m going to interrupt here,” Quendi spoke up, “and feel free not to answer but—is there a specific aspect of the ocean that’s triggering you?”  Xe threw a glance at Witch. “Something we could figure a workaround for?”
I closed my eyes and really thought on it. What made this different than when it rained? Than drawing a bath? Than being elbow deep in a basin of laundry?
Finally, I answered. “I think… it’s the vastness. The sheer mass of it all, with it’s roaring and coldness.” I shivered involuntarily, thinking about the river. “I guess being able to feel temperature within this doll has some drawbacks.”
Witch and Quendi exchanged another glance. They had been whispering to each other while I had been thinking too. It was the train all over again. Quendi took my hand and started leading me away, saying xe had something xe needed my help with. I glanced over my shoulder and watched Witch leave the hotel. All my questions about either of their plans were ignored. I resigned to letting Quendi drag me back up to our suite.
“Okay, tell me what’s going on already,” I demanded.
Quendi held up a finger then dug through some of xir things. Xe tossed me xir slate. And also started changing clothes. “I want you to help me with a photoshoot.”
“And while you’re distracting me with this, what is dear Witch up to?”
Xe held up a single finger to xir lips, then finished sliding xir top off over xir head. “Is that what you want to focus on right now?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Alright, I concede. How may I serve you, Dearest?” I asked with a flourishing curtsy.
“Be a good little pervert and start taking photos.”
“Any certain type you’d prefer, Dearest?”
Xe shook xir head dismissively and crossed xir arms, squishing xir boobs together. “Whatever you feel like. It’ll be nice to see the kind of set new eyes will come up with.”
“Mmm. And does the photographer get to keep a copy of the shoot?”
Xe moved in close and ran a hand down the center of my chest, xir fingers hooking into the band of my skirt. “Not all. But I don’t mind sending some of the best ones over. And of course you’d get any that you end up in as well.”
“Oh?” I raised the slate above us as I untied the drawstring on my skirt in one, swift jerk and pulled away from xem far enough to—hopefully—get a good shot of xir breasts and my dick now sticking up out of my skirt. “And to what extent can I be in these pictures, my Dearest?”
“As long as you stop when I say stop, you’re free to experiment and find out.”
How did Witch not introduce us sooner?
I gently pushed xem back onto xir mobility aid. Xe settled in, coiled xir tail up, and waited expectantly for what I’d do next. I stepped out of my skirt—now pooled around my ankles—and moved in closer. I began poking and teasing xir boobs with my dick. Taking a few pictures as I did[EC1] . Then I slid it between, let out a little lube, and started fucking xir tits. Xe helped by squishing them together. I squirted out a bit more lube to make xir tits even slicker and shinier.
“Convenient. Can you squirt anything else?”
“The cum lube is for later, Dearest.”
Quendi leaned forward and stuck out xir tongue, flicking it across my tip as I thrusted towards her face. “How much do you have?”
I laughed. “Hopefully enough to sate your greedy ass.”
“As a naga, I technically don’t have an ass,” xe sassed.
“And here I was looking forward to spanking you.”
“Well, there are other things you can spank.”
I reached forward and ran my fingers through xir hair, cupped the back of xir head, and started guiding xem down on my dick. Xir mouth obligingly opened wide. Didn’t break eye contact. Took me down to the base. “I guess it’ll depend on how long Witch takes to see if I get to or not.”
I kept my hand on the back of xir head, but didn’t have to do any work. Xe was very good with bobbing up and down on me all on xir own. But how was xir gag reflex? Timing it with xem putting back, I elongated my cock. Then I pushed xir head down. Xir wide eyes flashed up at me, shocked by both my action and the sudden size change. But xe didn’t struggle. Beyond the initial gag as xir throat bulged and adjusted to accommodate me, xe continued to easily take me to my base.
Things got a lot more slobbery. And loud. Quendi was really getting into it and started moaning. I was enjoying the show too much to care if we woke Theo, or if Witch was back yet—and oh what a show it was. Xe really knew how to capture and direct one’s focus. Hopefully the photos I was taking were up to xir standards.
If not, then I guess we’d have to reshoot.
Speaking of shooting… I fisted my hair in xir hair, gentle tugged xir head back, then made a pretty mess all over xir pretty face. Xe posed for me. First looking still lost in a lusty daze; then smiling like a pleased cum slut. Xe caught a bit that dripped off xir face and licked it off their fingers.
“Wait—this is flavored?!”
I laughed. “Yeah. Why not?”
“How have I never thought of flavoring my cum lube before? I’m definitely doing this now. You need to tell me what you use.”
“Yeah yeah, shut up you hoes,” Witch interrupted. We both looked over at her. She was just standing up, so she had to have been here awhile—voyeur. “Whenever you’re ready, Ceara, I have a potion I want you to try. But first,” she walked up to me and opened her palm; in it were some petals, each a different color, “pick one.”
She added the petal into a potion bottle, swirled it around as she said some magic words, then handed it to me. “This should help you deal with the ocean. It’s temporary, so I’ll be making more while we’re here. So don’t hesitate to let me know of any alterations it needs.”
“So this is what Quendi was distracting me from.”
“Very much so, because I was making it in the bathroom.”
I raised an accusatory brow at her. But I didn’t tease her this time; I was too touched by her love and kindness. Yet again she’s done so much for me. I held the bottle to my chest. “Thank you.”
“Sooo, are we not going to do anything else?” Quendi spoke up.
Witch raised both her hands, palms out, and started walking towards the door. “My job is done, so I’m going to the spa. Y’all do what you want.” And she left.
I looked at Quendi, watched a large drop of the cum lube drip off xir cheek onto xir boobs. “Yeah… I’m not done with you yet.”
Xe smiled wide. “Mmm. And what do you have planned for me next?”
Good question. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do with xem next. I didn’t want to bring out all the surprises on the first day here. And I didn’t want to push xem too much, since I didn’t know all xir limits yet. I went to my bag and dug out a hank of rope.
“Oh. No rope,” xe apologized. “I have silk sashes in my bags if you want to restrain me. If you need to knot them, they have to be against whatever you tie me to, not my body.”
“Very well, Dearest.” With the proper restrains in hand, I guided xir into position, then draped the ribbons over xir wrists and tail.
“You’re not gonna tie them?”
“I don’t need to tie you down to restrain you. I’m sure you’ll behave perfectly well and stay how I’ve arranged you.” Xe smiled excitingly. We’ll see how long that smiled lasted once I actually started.
I ran my fingers down over xir abdomen, the start of their scaly tail, then back up, gliding them side to side. More so trying to find xir slit than tease xem. But apparently naga could part their slits at will—or xe could at least. I slowly circled the edge of xir lips, spreading xir wetness around. Strands clung to my fingers as I pulled my hand away. I wiped them on my dick.
The look on xir face when I detached my dick was quite amusing. Though it was more fun watching xem fall into bliss as I slowly slid it inside. Pumped it in and out. Pushed it as deep as xir body would yield.
And then left it like that. For ten seconds. Thirty. A minute. Xe squirmed impatiently, being mindful to not disturb the silks. Good. If xe had shifted them, I would’ve waited longer before turning on the vibrator. I sat back on a chair across from xem and composed my expression to not give away each adjustment I made to how my dick moved inside xir dripping pussy. I doubt xe expected just how capable it was when detached from me. All the things I could make it do with just a thought, thanks to some magic Witch helped Thorald with. And so it whirred and whirred. Gentle then strong then gentle again, in no predictable pattern. Then I let it slowly intensify. Getting xem closer to xir breaking point with every panting moan they made.
If we hadn’t already woken Theo from her nap, Quendi definitely did when I finally pushed her to come.
Witch was a completely different person. In the best of ways. I had noticed it to a degree when she was helping Kashga. Now that we were on vacation and everyone was relaxed, I could really see how she shined. There was more joy lighting up her eyes; less anxiety pressing her small; an all-around confidence that didn’t feel like a façade.
Of course, I also enjoyed how much more openly corrupt she was—and her friend/maid, too. Hearing about some of their escapades while Caera had some fun with Theo on the train, I made it my mission for us to have four-way by the end of this trip. Thinking of ways to make that happen though…
I definitely got distracted and needed some of my own escapades.
This time of year, Negoni was flooded with options. And because of that, I felt picky. And not just for myself. While this trip was planned together, I gave myself the job of Dalliance Coordinator—or, to be more fun, Co-whore­-dinator. If I detected any subpar mates, I’d quickly chase them off.
We settled onto the beach and the hunt began. Caera, now able to handle the beach with the help of Witch’s potion, was an absolute showoff. Though I’d be too if I could wear a swimsuit like hers. It was a monokini, barely more than a few stings; but what made it extra interesting was the back part of the crotch was attached to a butt plug—we dubbed it a plugkini. She tried to get Witch to wear a matching one. But Witch refused. For now. She conceded to wear it at some point during the vacation—perhaps I could convince her to take some photos in it, too.
While Caera vamped and flirted, Witch disappeared into the sea. She was far more interested in swimming than getting to know anyone. A shame. But that didn’t stop me from following her eye line when she would surface for air. Like me, she watched Caera off and on. And an orc and elf couple down the way. A selachii surfing the waves—
Ooh, they were fine. Thick with fat and muscle. Surely, they could handle me well. I’d make such a game out of watching them struggle to do so without their rough skin hurting my sensitive scales. Though the real challenge would be them resisting their propensity towards biting. Well… maybe I could handle a little biting.
The subject of my musings started coming out of the water. They waved to someone; I turned to see who.
The only thing better than one fat hottie, was a friend group with more.
The pod was a mix of cetaceans, selachii and selkies—based on the fur peeking out of one’s bag. I could only hope that their group was remotely like ours. Doubtful. But a ho could dream. And fantasize about the gangbang we could have.
Time to break the ice at least. “Hey there!” I called and waved at them. “Care to give me a little help?”
The group exchanged looks, then slowly trickled over. “What can we do or ya?” the black and white cetacean asked.
“Would and of you mind carrying me to the water? My mobile has trouble on the sand, as it is. And I don’t wanna risk it getting damaged by the water.”
“Yeah, sure. No problem.” They picked me up with barely a struggle. Their cool skin on mine sent a shiver through me, making them smirk. I smiled back. I draped my arms around their massive shoulders. To make sure I didn’t fall of course; not because I wanted to slyly touch their arms. “Hey, Brin. Help carry their tail so it doesn’t drag.”
I didn’t bother correcting their pronoun use. Whatever might end up happening between us wouldn’t last long enough to for it to matter. And why argue when more thick arms were holding me? I couldn’t help but giggle in delight. Especially when I met Witch’s gaze and she rolled her eyes at me.
The pod ended up being quite friendly. They unquestionably added me into their little games; and Caera when she soon joined us. Some even flirted with us. Brin, one of the selkie, and Alika, the selachii surfer, invited us to join them at a local club that night. Apparently, it had the best red lounge in town—though, I’d be the judge of that. Caera had never been to one, and so I doubted Witch or Theo had either, which made it even more exciting.
With the addition of a semi-sheer overskirt, we convinced Witch to wear the plugkini to the club that night. Caera almost twinned, but ended up wearing a fishnet bodysuit instead. As expected, Theo was the most conservative of us and wore a flowy, little dress—at least she let us alter it a bit shorter.
We arrived early to pregame before our new friends arrived. Also, so I could teach them the rules of red lounges:
First, consent is key. Violators will immediately be kicked out and banned. One method many lounges—this one included—were adopting was compliance by magical means. There were some mixed feelings on this, but mostly it was praised, especially since the magical leash allowed patron to imbibe in drink and substance.
Second, all red lounge activities stay in the lounge. Often times, the lounges were apart of a larger club, where the main area was for tame enjoyment—music, dancing, intoxicants, and such. Another aspect of this was to refrain from talking about lounge activities outside the lounge. This was more so an unspoken rule of respectable practice.
Third, don’t wear or bring anything you wouldn’t be okay with potentially getting damaged, ruined, or lost. Shit happens. For the most part, this meant clothes were bound to get torn. But don’t wear an heirloom necklace. The enforcers were there to protect your person, not your personal property.
By the time Alika, Brin, and a few new friends of theirs arrived, we were all well buzzed and floaty from drinking. They laughed and asked if they should shotgun some shots too, but I had a better idea. “How about instead, we go to the lounge and you do some body shots off us?” Everyone agreed, of course.
A wristband and a heady rush of magic later, I breathed in the sweet scent of lust. The lounge was already busy. People were bent over all sorts of special furniture, groping and fucking and recovering from multiple orgasms. There was a group of illithids mindfucking whoever came over to them. A bachelorette party was whooping and hollering as they held down the bride-to-be as she got railed—with an eager line waiting for their turn with her. And—ooh, I recognized that clip model; fellow sexworker Brutus—also a selachii—was here with two petite elves, back-to-back with arms linked, currently bouncing on his dicks. By the looks of it, this club allowed filming too. Probably needed special permission, but still. I’d definitely need to come back here.
I excused myself from the group to go make introductions. Though I made no rush to interrupt. It was a free show after all. Between watching the elves fuck themselves more and more mindless, and glancing at my friends to see Alika throw Witch over his shoulder as Caera laughed and spanked her ass a bunch, then pulled aside the crotch of Witch’s plugkini and licking her exposed cunt—oh, it was just what I needed to get in the mood.
Brutus caught me staring. He smiled, grab the two elves in his giant hands, and made more of a show of them. Their moans and screams drowned out the music. His eyes closed as he focused on giving in to the rush. And then he was gushing everywhere. I wasn’t expecting the glyph on the floor that lit up as his cum overflowed out of the elves; but given how watery selachii cum tended to be, it made sense to magically control the mess.
A couple handlers helped the elves down and carried them to the recovery nook. As they left Brutus’s little VIP area, he motioned me in, smile even wider than before.
“Well, well. If it isn’t the Clip Qing xemself.”
Now it was my turn to have a smile fill my face. “Ah, so you know me too? I’m flattered.”
“Is it weird to say that I often watch your clips before filming?”
I laughed and playfully slapped his shoulder. My hand deliberately lingered. “Dude! Same! Bloody stars, we should really duo.”
“Oh yeah?” he smirked. His fingers drew lazy circles along the hand I still had on his bicep. “When were you thinking of doing it?”
“How long do you need to recover?”
His laugh shook the room. “Let me rehydrate and I should be good soon enough. Especially with some encouragement.”
He motioned to a bartender as I settled in. I angled myself so I’d have a good view of where the other settled into. Witch already had Alika’s fingers buried deep in her cunt. Caera was softly praising Theo as she got her to switch her panties for a special c-string lined with a magical kelp that would stimulate her, no penetration required. I’d need to keep an eye on her. The kelp activated with heat, so it’d be a little bit before it started kicking in. And the hotter she got, the hotter the show would get.
Brutus followed my gaze. “Found a better show than me?”
I made a dismissive gesture. “They’re my friends. I just wanna make sure they’re having a good time.”
He sidled over to lean in and whisper, “Is it their joy that you love watching, or knowing you’re corrupting them more by bringing them here?”
I gave him a knowing look. He certainly could flirt. With a well-earned, smug laugh, he sat back across from me as the bartender brought over a pitcher of water. We didn’t need to discuss what to do next. I stripped off my top, made a show of groping my body, teasing and fingering my slit. He drank it in, as he drank his water, and slowly stroked his cocks back to attention.
I could feel people watching us. Using our performance as part of their foreplay. And as tempting as it was to watch them watching us, or to see what my friends were doing now, I held Brutus’s sultry gaze. It was almost like a staring contest. But instead of a contest of who would blink first, it was who would give in and make the first move.
We caved at the same time. More-or-less. Given my mobility limitations, he of course made the physical move; we both had such needy, wanting gazes at that point that I would’ve slithered on top of him if I could.
As he lined himself up, I heard him say under his breath, “Fuck. This is such a dream.”
I laughed, dug my fingers into his hips, and pulled him into me as I thrusted upward. He shuddered and cursed again as he slid in. I gave him back control. Sliding my hands up his delicious, fat bod. He quickly found his pace. Fuck—it was so good to be so filled. No one really made bipene toys that filled me and felt the way two proper dicks did.
As much as I wanted to watch him fuck me, I let my eyes slip closed. Let myself be washed over by bliss. I slipped into the first stage of whorish mindlessness. With every pounding thrust, every grunt and moan, every desperate grope and squeeze and kiss and lick, our lust grew. His fingers entered my mouth and I instinctively started sucking them. His skin was rough on my tongue.
As my mind started to slip deeper, Brutus cursed again. “Fuck, you feel too good. I’m gonna cum.”
Well… that was a bit disappointingly fast. But I pushed the thought away to not sour the mood—he still felt fucking great. My nails dug into his shoulders as his pace grew more desperate. Right before his climax hit, he wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me close and biting my shoulder, then shuddered hard as he flooded my pussy.
We took a moment to recover. The bartender already had another ice cold pitcher of water brought over. After polishing off two glasses, he said, “Gotta say—it’s a helluva difference between fucking someone naturally inclined for bipenile penetration, and those who are not.”
I smirked. I would’ve laughed if I had the energy, but I was still in a hazy mindset. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d think you were trying to cover your low-stamina ass.” He choked a bit on his water and looked away sheepishly. “Awwwe, are you that embarrassed that you came so, so quickly?” I teased. “Do I need to help train you to last longer?”
He shut his eyes and growled at me. He was smiling, though. and his dicks twitched from the degradation. “How long are you staying in town again?”
I didn’t have many solid thoughts for this vacation, and it continued to be like nothing I could’ve planned for. But it was what I needed. It had been so long since I had a real break from working. And it had been a while since I had quality friend-time with the others.
Plus, the casual hookups were a fun change. Most of my sex had become either work related, or came from a handful of close acquaintances. I didn’t mind all that. But it was nice to just have some mutual fun and not think about having to ever interact with the person again afterwards.
But even through all the fun, there was something that kept tugging at me. Beckoning me to return home. I had never really felt homesick before, so it was strange to now. Though I guess that spoke to how much I had come to cherish Arvos and my little pocket in it. I finally felt comfortable setting root.
Our last proper day in Negoni was languid. Our most restful day, by far. After a breakfast of pastries and mimosas, we all did our own thing. I spent most of my time in the ocean. Swimming had become a new love of mine, though it wasn’t something I got much to do in Arvos. The public pool was too chaotic for me. And visiting Aero and Willow to use their communal pool was a journey I didn’t always want to make—it also felt weird to visit them just to use the pool. Perhaps I’d have a private pool built.
Thinking of construction made me think of Val. And thinking of him put me in a mood I couldn’t put a name to for weeks now. I brought it up in therapy when I first noticed it, but we didn’t dive too much into it—I wanted to try to reflect and figure it out as much as I could on my own first.
So far it felt like I had done anything but. Though—some progress—I now noticed that homesick feeling creeping in when I thought about him.
I dove down, touched the sand, then surfaced. And repeated five more times. As a warm buzz tingled through my muscles, I focused on sorting my emotions.
I really liked Valzok. Perhaps I was even ready to call it love. Which was a major step for me. Another major step was how I was thinking of handling it.
A shiver jolted through me as some extra slimy seaweed touched my leg. I freaked out, broke my tread and started to choke on water as I slipped under the surface. The ocean latched onto me as much as this arrant patch of seaweed did. Shit. I was panicking. I couldn’t get enough air in my lungs, nor the water fully out. My chest and throat burned.
More seaweed gripped around me. No—not seaweed. Seaweed couldn’t squeeze like this. And I couldn’t see clearly with all the waves splashing in my eyes. Well whatever it was, I was hating it more than the seaweed because it was making it impossible to move.
Then the water stopped splashing my face so much. Stopped choking my lungs. My adrenaline started ebbing. I was finally able to process that the something that was squeezing me was a someone. An inkdine. I was having a quick one-eighty about the tentacles squeezing me now.
“Ya’ right?” they asked. I nodded, not trusting my throat could handle talking yet. They smiled crookedly. “Good. Hate ta fail my job first day. Got a bit too south there; the clingas really get ya’ here this time’a year.”
Ah. They were a lifeguard. A lifeguard with a cute accent and a cute young face fresh from secondary. I could hear Caera and Quendi’s voices whispering in my ear to corrupt them. Given that I was already tightly tangled in their tentacles—it was tempting. I could just wiggle a certain way, try to get their grip to slip a little to less respectable spots. Could I get my swimsuit to slip too? Hmm… this daydream was getting dangerous. I didn’t even know their name, pronouns, or if they were accepting of advances. “Thank you,” I croaked.
Their smile was one of the most genuine, joyous things. “Glad your good. Let’s get ya’ back ta shore. Mind ya’ breathin’ with the waves.”
There were other things I would like to mind. But not drowning was more important than being acutely aware of their tentacles still wrapped around me.
And the giant wave growing behind us, carrying a bunch more of that clingy seaweed, about to crash down on us.
I cursed. They looked back and also cursed. We both took a deep breath right before it hit us. And while the wave helped push us closer to the shore, we were now covered in seaweed.
After a brief moment of both of us trying and failing to rid ourselves of the seaweed while also staying above the water, we agreed they would focus of keeping us afloat while I handled the clingy pest.
The first few were the trickiest. We were too stuck together for me to reach most of them, so my first focus was gaining more mobility. I wiggled a bunch, stretching and reaching as much as I could. Definitely didn’t need to squirm around as much as I did; but fuck—the hitches in their breathing, and the little gasps they tried to hold back as I move certain ways… it was cute how much they tried to not get flustered.
Such a wicked witch, I was.
Gradually, I got most of them off our torsos, but there were a few that were more stubborn than all the rest. Including the ones stuck to my bikini top. “Are you gonna be comfortable if I take my top off?”
Yeah, I probably should’ve offered more context before asking that question—though the pulse of tightness in their grip was worth the confusion. “Trying to get these things off my suit is impossible. They’re like glued to the fabric. It’s gonna be easier to just sacrifice this suit and take it off.”
“I-I… if you’re ‘kay with it, by all means. Do what ya’ gotta.” They turned their head, adamantly giving me what privacy they could. Aside from the lingering glance out the corner of their eye as I started adjusting and slipping off my top. I pretended not to notice. But I did brush and press my chest against them needlessly more than before.
I began working on de-weeding our lower halves. It took some coordination of them helping me back to the surface when I needed air. But I quickly grew concerned with how much they flinched as I removed the seaweed now.
“Are you okay?” I asked. They still kept their head turned so it was hard to read them. “Does it hurt when I remove them?”
They cleared their throat as they searched for words. “Well, uh… no. It doesn’t hurt. It uh… honestly, it actually…”
I connected the dots. Oh, to be so innocently shy again. “Turns you on?” I suggested coyly.
Their tentacles squeezed me again. I leaned over to view their face, noticed them biting their lower lip. They nodded.
“Would it be easier if I was more intentional with turning you on?” They snapped their gaze to mine and started stammering, failing to form an answer. I quickly explained myself, “It’s perfectly okay to say no. Especially since you are technically on the job right now. I just thought that since this is stimulating regardless, perhaps we don’t fight it?”
“Well…” They notably swallowed, looked at the shore then at me. “I just can’t be caught, a‘right? We’re gon’ have ta keep more in the depths here ta not be noticed. The waves’ll tousle us ‘bout more, but…” they trailed off.
“Then I guess you better keep good hold of me.” I smirked then submerged again.
Now as I pried the pest off, I took the time to let my hands grope around their body, tease their tentacles, and rub my body against theirs. Their shivers were no longer restrained. It made the primary task more difficult as they twitched and shuddered about. But of course, it was worth it. Every time I resurfaced for air, their eyes fluttered more helplessly shut; their breaths grew faster and quaked with pleasure; and their grip on me grew tighter as other tentacles reciprocated.
But then their grip grew tight enough to break bone—at least it felt that intense. As air was forced out of my lungs, a plume of black ink darkened the water around us. Their hold on me went lax, and I had to cling my arms around them.
“Fuck,” they panted. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
I scoffed. “Sorry for coming? Why?”
“Well, uh… ya’ skin is gonna be stained for ‘while.”
Oh. “Noted. Guess I should find you again the next time I want a temporary tattoo.”
They did not enjoy my joke as much as I did… I liked them better when they were all shy and restrained.
Relieved of the last pesky seaweed clump, and close to shore now, they finally released me from their tentacled grip. And oh boy was I covered in sucker marks. It surprised us both. Growing flustered again, they instantly started apologizing. They swiftly made their way to the beach to get me a towel to cover up the marks and my bare chest and ink-stained skin. I couldn’t help but laugh about it.
We wrapped up our vacation at Quendi’s family home. Quendi, of course, teased Kashga whenever we were all in the same room. He’d promptly leave each time. He was no match for his cousin’s humiliation, especially when Caera caught on and made things worse by getting handsy with me. I felt bad for him; but it was delightful to see him flustered.
Tete was pleased to have more life in the riad. Most of the time. Before she went to bed, she warned us not to get too loud while she slept. The first night we managed to keep things down. But the second…
“I’m gonna ask Valzok out,” I said into the dark room a beat after we all settled into our beds.
“Wait. I thought you were already fucking him?” Quendi questioned.
I rolled my eyes. “I mean ask him to be official. To be… my partner. Not just a fuckbuddy I’m too scared to give a title to.”
The three of them started cheering, both happily and suggestively. “Oh my! Our little Witch is all grown up,” Quendi teased. “Getting herself a partner.”
Caera dramatically added, “Before you know it, she’ll be kicking us out so she can be all alone with her new partner.”
“By the stars—shut the fuck up,” I said, trying not the laugh. “He hasn’t even said yes yet.”
“Bitch you know he will!”
“Oh definitely,” Theo agreed.
“I was gonna add that I wouldn’t kick y’all out, but if you’re ganging up on me too, Theo, then maybe I will.”
She absolutely glomped me, smothering me into her chest fluff. So soft, so warm, so suffocating. Her laughter shook me. “Oooh, it’s so cute when you threaten us. As if you could actually send me away and never get to snuggle me like this again.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” I mumbled, not that I could be understood. Caera joined in on the smothering. Though she was nothing compared to Quendi wrapping around and squeezing us—only for a couple of seconds, but it was enough to really force the air out of me. Xe groaned as xe climbed back into xir bed, dismissing the assured repercussions of the action.
Not much sleep was had that night. Probably less than any other night of our vacation. Tete yelled at us to keep quiet. Which, of course, made us fight back giggles, like school children. When we snuck out of our room for some late-night swimming, we ran into Kashga. He wordlessly turned around and went back to his room. Not without giving me a look first. Too bad for him that I’d be leaving the following day, and the only dick I was desiring was the orc’s with whom I wanted to take a step forward in our relationship.
I couldn’t wait for everything that I’d be returning to.
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