#also wesker looked more like David Bowie in RE1
flygonscales · 7 months
Have just had the realisation that if I was gonna thirst for any characters (look, asexuality is funny like that I’ll explain below) three out of the four of them are literally David Bowie.
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Goddamn it. Why of all the people. Why Kira and Wesker.
Anyway here’s the musings on asexuality. I dunno what to make of this really. I’ve never had a crush but it’s like my brain got that far in identifying attractive people and then doesn’t know what to do with that. I find all of them pretty, but I don’t think it’s just aesthetic since there are plenty of characters/people who look really good/cool but don’t fill the same niche in my head (eg. Professor Sada, any given character from monster hunter, Jotaro, Edward Elric etc etc). I have no desire for any of these David Bowie looking guys carnally and do not want to look for even slightly risqué art of them but for some reason my brain has dubbed them the blorbo wet cat skrunkly pretties. I do not want to meet them. They are all objectively evil people (ok maybe not actual goblin king David Bowie). But somehow I have latched onto them in my head for no reason. I see no other explanation than if I did have that kind of attraction I would be thirsting hard for them (but quietly)
(Anyone interested in the fourth, it’s Andrew Eldritch, specifically in the ‘This Corrosion’ music video, go and watch it)
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