#also while faye would love the way damia takes out linn. damia also kills belle in some timelines (to hurt jumie) which is not bueno wwww
nerice · 1 year
So what is court of the dragon about?
!!!!!!!!!!!!! court of the dragon is the noah/damia dynamic tag!! as well as refers to their death match at the end of dream game >:3!!
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wanted to draw fresh art for the occasion but i'm low on wrist stamina so oc site icons are all i got ;w; the title is pulled from this trivium song which i am profoundly normal abt,,,,,
in spite of all the hate behind these eyes, i've seen that only one of us survives; i'm here to destroy you, i'm here to avenge, in the court of the dragon i descend....
^yeah. _(:3」∠)_
the tl;dr is that together they make up the true ruler of issei (a world that's 80% ocean) and they're stuck in their underwater lair bc they are not immortal enough to brave the water pressure. reina offered to bestow portal powers onto one of them, in exchange for aiding her in the war against azra. damia refused to condemn noah to a solitary life at the bottom of the ocean; noah accepted :) fwiw he had good intentions, utilizing their bond (bone rings forged from each other's ribs, which lets them see through the other's eyes) to show damia the outside world they always dreamed of !
oh also points of clarification, noah's natural form is that of a black dragon (he only gains a human form as another favor from reina after the war) and damia's pronouns are whatever/works. ww
noah genuinely planned on returning 2 damia after the war, but he keeps finding excuses (mastering a human form, hunting down maheloas, settling the score with garvith, being leah's bodyguard, atoning for displacing lucie into another world (issei, no less) chaperoning linn) a million sidetracks until the weight of responsibility and guilt slowly breaks him </3 and by the time he n damia reunite in dream game they are both changed beyond recognition in their own respective ways. (damia, for their part, LOATHES noah's human form bc without meaning to he made it to resemble damia's original body which damia spent centuries ship-of-theuseus'ing himself out of) + ofc never having forgiven noah for leaving, but also taking him back without question or judgment <3 complicated.
Court of the Dragon proper is their final endgame, after noah loses his human form when reina turns statue & damia bars the rest of the main group's way into the 3rd world cycle, meaning to chain them to dead world space alongside herself. ((taking linnea out in one shot, just btw. ask me abt vengeful girls trio next ;3c)) which ends in noah+damia having a grand showdown inside their lair [ open mouth / swallowing the king / gods devoured whole / light extinguishing.... ] and that's the end of it. or is it? >:^)
& ANWY THE REASON. why that cap is so funny for them is that damia, at the end of the day, is such a sensitive little bastard i love tagging them in shoujo caps. all he wants is to be with noah (more complicated than romance, though kissing is a great way to establish dominance. lol <3) they're extremely messy and complicated and full of hypocrisy! noah is even more annoying than jumie when it comes to loyalty concepts & damia knows exactly what she wants except she doesn't ww
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