#also while we're at it: STOP BODYSHAMING MEN
onceuponaroast · 2 years
Ok I have something to say and I want yall to listen because I am sick to death of being made to feel like I should apologize for being attracted to men
Believe it or not, men are not a malicious hive mind. They are not 'biologically predisposed' to be evil. They are people. They are human. Do we live in a patriarchal society that teaches our boys harmful behaviors? Yeah. But men are still autonomous people capable of making their own decisions, and saying otherwise only makes it easier to excuse harmful behavior.
For years-especially in the queer community- I have been told that because I am capable of being attracted to both men and women it is my moral duty to choose to only act on my attraction to women. That my attraction to men should be ignored or eliminated.
This is, 100%, utter bullshit. Men are wonderful! Men are beautiful and funny and sweet and kind. Men are some of the kindest most wonderful people I know and I Love men.
Are all men wonderful? No! But neither are all women, all nonbinary people, all agender people, or all anyone else. Bad behavior is the fault of the person, NOT the gender.
So stop parroting that radfem rhetoric; and if you truly believe it then I want you to take a long look at that and figure out why. I'm willing to bet the reason says more about you than it does about men.
To all men reading this who need to hear it: you are loved. You are not a bad person because of how you identify. I love you.
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