#also why cant you use quotetation marks in tags ugh
orthographewrites · 7 years
✆ // “” // ⁇ // ø // @ // & // ツ // $ // ♀ (hit me with some for addie ~)
Send “✆” for a MORNING text:
[text:] Morning! Slept well? Just checking in to see if those plans still stand? Would be lovely to have you around tonight :)
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text:
[text:] adddiiiieeeee our barr has a TURTLE a tURTLE can you belive??? [text:] he so mad just loook[text:] image sent
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text:
[text:] I can’t sleep :/ Are you awake? I’d text Taylor but he’d get pissed if I woke him up 
Send “@” for a SCARED text:
[text:] I can’t reply to you right now Addie, I’m sorry [text:] A student had an allergy attack she can’t breathe at all and I promised I’d follow her to the hospital until her parents arrive, I’ll contact you later but shit this is terrifying
Send “&” for a LOVING text:
[text:] Don’t work yourself up over him, Addie, you know he didn’t mean it. And I promise he did see your new shirt, how can he have missed that? Fit you like a glove [text:] I’ll be here if you need to rant 
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text:
[text:] YES!! He’s going to graduate, can’t believe it :’D Little guy was behind in almost half of his classes and look at him now! See what support can do? We need more of it.
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text:
[text:] I might be free this Saturday, if nothing else? Been awhile since I sat aside time for this, my fault really. Can’t say I meet too many who actually dare be the one who asks out the guy ;) [text:] Whoops, wrong text! Hopefully Taylor doesn’t see that! Would be awkward to explain ^^’ Ignore it
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text:
[text:] Uh... this will probably sound strange but... do you ever get the feeling that no one really cares about you? Like... you’re just there for the sake of filling some space and you could literally move out of town and no one would really take note of it? I guess it’s my own fault really, for never demanding space but I don’t know, it feels weird[text:] You know what? Ignore it. I don’t know where I was heading with that I’m sorry
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