#also writing my response letter got me thinking of a fic idea hehehe
hisui-dreamer · 4 months
My Dearest Rinna,
As the echoes of affection linger in the air this Valentine's Day, I feel compelled to share something with you that has long dwelled in the recesses of my heart. Will you be my Valentine?
In the shadows of Night Raven College, amidst the whispers of secrets and schemes, I find myself drawn to you with a fervor that defies explanation. Your presence is a beacon in the darkness, illuminating the path to a love I never knew I sought
Let us rendezvous at the Mostro Lounge, where the ambiance is as enchanting as your smile. There, amidst the flickering candlelight and the soft strains of music, I long to confess my affections and share moments of intimacy with you.
My dear Rinna, know that beneath the facade of politeness lies a heart that beats only for you. Join me, and together, let us embrace the magic of this night and the love that binds us.
With deepest sincerity,
Jade Leech
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ahem... i mean...
My most beloved Jade,
It makes me incredibly happy to receive your letter, and I confess it would make me the happiest person on earth to be your Valentine.
I know you don't often show it, but your kindness swells my heart with glee every time I'm met with it. Your mind so so spectacular I find myself longing to hear you speak your thoughts more often.
You must know I'm not nearly as eloquent in person compared to on paper, so I do hope you'll be more forgiving towards me. I fear my heart might burst if I am to withstand too much of your teasing. But I am very much looking forward to our rendezvous.
Worry not, my dear, for my trust in you is stronger than anyone else and your sincerity is clear as day. I shall see you later.
With overflowing love,
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