#also yeah I believe he lost an eye hence the eyepatch so I tried to represent that without being too graphic
shark-train · 4 months
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the rot consumes me.
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Warning, minor spoilers Ahead for the entire Jurassic Park/World Series ( All 6 movies + 5 seasons of the TV show + minor mentions of other canon material )
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after the island, Bo will have both a large eyepatch and a facial prosthetic (which adheres with adhesive, as well as a small piece that fits inside the opening on his face)
He typically just wears the eyepatch, as it’s easier and doesn’t itch as much. but if he’s going to be taking photos or in a situation with a lot of strangers, he’ll wear the prosthetic, mostly so he doesn’t get questioned as much.
which, note: the thing that bothers Bo about his eye isn’t the fact that he lost it. he’s honestly not even that bothered by the appearance of the wound either.
what bothers him about it is how others are going to view him, the fact that he is quite literally showing his trauma to others, he completely blames himself and the fact that it took him that long to wake up
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His spirit guide is a Compy; hence why Arrow took such a liking to him. It is arguable if Arrow is actually his spirit guide or not.
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Bo and Arrow can communicate through a lot of body cues but also because Arrow can understand human speech! She can't speak obviously, she lacks vocal chords, but her brain works well enough to understand what he’s saying 98% of the time
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Also yes, Bo is gonna break down because he doesn’t know if their parents are alive or dead because all three of them were on the island together
Also! The last time Bo saw his parents was the morning of the Indominous escape. They had a big fight that morning. Bo told one of their parents that he hated them.
:) bo thinks his parents died and that the last thing they ever heard from him was something along the lines of: “I hate you. As soon as I can, I won’t be your child.”
And bo tries not to think about that because he 100% would give up trying to get home
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Bo has been alone on the island since the original evacuation. 
Yes, Bo talks to the compys. Yes, bo seems very feral. And Yes, Bo has killed at least one (1) decent sized dinosaur with nothing but bare hands and their compy tribe
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Also yes Bo nicknamed the compy that ate their eye & that now has a limp
that compy is now Arrow.
Because they’re Bo and Arrow and it’s stupid and bo 100% says it and waits for the other kids to laugh but they do not they just collectively groan
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Inside Bo’s Backpack (season one) he has a few things:
His binder
A change of shorts & a t-shirt
A pocket knife
Portable Phone Charger
Phone charger wire & box
Mother’s Access Keycard
some snacks Well, he did until he gave them to Arrow
pocket knife
Hotel Room Keycard
his self-inject testosterone: the bottle of T (lasts 1 month, was halfway through his prescription when the indominus escaped) & 2 syringes
Jurassic World Map
A Filter Water Bottle
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Hi, so, Bo’s braids come apart during their time running around and trying to live
And instead of lazily slapping together some braids (because hi braids are super important to indigenous people), they elect to let their hair be free flowing
However, they manage during a quiet night, to rebraid a section of their hair, trying to put all their hope, and positive thoughts into it. That last braid is a symbol of them trying to stay connected to their family, their life before the park, and a symbol of new hope.
It’s a symbol of all things humanity and all things they want to return too.
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Bo didnt know about tiff and Mitch but saw the power come on for a while. He used that time to charge his phone that has no service :)
Bo didn’t know anything about E750; and was probably just terrified that entire time about why everything was out of whack :)
Bo didn’t know there was a boat :)
Bo saw helicopters and by the time he made it to where they were, either the helicopter pilots were dead or they had left :)
Bo thinks he has been alone on the island this entire time & believes he missed his one chance to get rescued :)
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The camp fam: yeah we use the vents to get around a lot
Bo: heh yea you’re welcome
Camp fam: ?
Bo: *holds up screwdriver* You— you never once questioned why they were all unscrewed ??? Hello???????
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Bo’s mobile phone charger is a brick. It’s also solar powered. So, Bo can charge his phone at any point. However, He has no service on the island. At all. Anywhere. When he had been on the island pre-Incident, he depended on the wifi to receive texts and calls.
He got a bit of wifi service once when the power came back on; he attempted to post something online. Anything to let people know he was alive. Only to find out that his account had been put into ‘memorial’ state. He couldn’t post. Then he lost the single bar of service.
He almost broke his phone that day. Almost.
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Bo’s phone screen is heavily cracked, he calls it karma for refusing to use a better case.
However, it is still usable (minus the no service thing). He looks at photos a lot, and has one non-wifi game: solitaire. He hates that game more than anything.
Also, and lord knows why, Bo’s father also made him download this weird survival handbook app forever ago (originally it was for their camping trips). He thanks his dad almost every day for the stupid app. Sure, it doesn’t exactly help with most dinosaur issues but at least Bo isn’t freezing or starving to death.
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Warning, MAJOR Spoilers Ahead for the entire Jurassic Park/World Series ( All 6 movies + 5 seasons of the TV show + minor mentions of other canon material )
Below is Bo’s canon timeline (JP/W incidents included) 
1971: Bo’s father is born
1989: Bo’s father begins work at InGen
1993: The Jurassic Park incident 
1995: Ian Malcolm goes public
1997: San Diego Incident
1998: Bo’s Mother is transferred from Masrani technology to InGen’s department
1999: Bo is born
2001: Eric Kirby Rescue
2003: Bo’s parents get married
2005: Bo starts elementary school.
2008:  Bo confides in his father about his feelings towards his gender. He decides not to tell his mother yet, but has begun to socially transition anyway.
2010: Bo starts middle school. 
2011: Bo comes out as trans to his mother.
2012: The I.B.R.I.S. project begins. Bo’s parents begin to argue almost daily. 
2013: Bo starts Highschool
2014: Bo’s legal name is changed, despite his mother’s protest.
January 2015: Bo goes through top surgery, and enters recovery. 
April 2015: Bo’s father officially files for divorce, but it is a contested by Bo’s mom
October 2015: Bo’s Mother is offered a full time position on Isla Nublar, and she leaves their home in California
November 2015: Bo’s father quiets his job with InGen, and makes Bo download a bunch of apps. Bo thinks his dad is being paranoid, and throws them into a folder on his phone that he never opens
Dec 13, 2017: Bo’s father informs him they’re going to be joining his mother for a vacation over winter break. Bo’s father also gifts Bo a few items, including a solar powered charger. He tells Bo that they’ll be leaving Jurassic World as soon as they can, and if it was up to him they wouldn’t be going at all. (Bo believes this is due to His mom being transphobic, and mildly racist, but really it’s due to his father’s knowledge due to his job at InGen )
Dec 15, 2015: Bo and his dad join his mother on Isla Nublar for a family vacation
Dec 22, 2015: Bo gets into a fight with his mother, and by extension his father. He steals his mother’s access card, and goes into the Restricted Area of the island. The 2015 Incident occurs. Bo gets… into a lot of trouble basically lol and ends up passing out in a ditch.
Dec 23, 2015: Bo wakes up, being attached by a compy. He kicks it, before stomping on its leg. He proceeds to do his best to take care of his injury, before his guilt causes him to take care of the compy as well.
Dec 24-31, 2015: Bo spends the time cleaning his wound, going between sleeping and healthcare of him and the compy.
Jan-March 2015: Bo is surviving with the compys. Manages to escape E750 Multiple times, barely. Also has a few encounters with Blue, the raptor, although they have more amicable encounters. Also during this time, Bo encounters many dead bodies, as well as finding a wrecked campsite. Here he discovers a rotting dinosaur head, realizing that if he does find people, they’re likely to be poachers before there are rescue teams.
Jan-March 2015: Bo’s mother moves to New York, and his father moves back to Arizona to be closer to his family.
June 2016: Bo tries to approach the unmarked helicopters for help, but instead has guns pointed at him. He runs away after this, solidifying what he already believed. No one good comes to Isla Nublar.
July-December 2016: Bo has a few almost run ins. He sees helicopters, and hears people a few times. Each time, he scopes it out before approaching. He sees what appears to be people experimenting on dinosaurs, and quickly realizes that they will not be of help to him. It’s more likely that they’d kill him first.
With this, Bo resigns himself to live on the island with the dinosaurs, and also begins to formulate better ways of communication with Arrow. He also begins to fill his time with study of the other species, and attempts to befriend them the way he did the compys. The easier to befriend are species that are similar such as the Gallimimus. To a lesser extent, even the other Theropods can be communicated with, and reasoned with, as Bo found out by dealing with Rexy, Blue, the Dilophosaurus, the Baryonyx, and to some extent, even the Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus
Bo actually creates enough of a relationship with these creatures that he can easily pass through their territory, simply by tossing them a snack or two on his way through. He also begins to record and use the vocalizations of Arrow to communicate with the other dinosaurs.
February 2017: Mount Sibo is classified as Active. Meaning: earthquakes are happening often. Bo is aware of the sudden change of the island, and does his best to keep himself and arrow safe. Although, he ran into many issues, and typically they ended up living in the ruins of Main Street, coexisting with Rexy.
March 2017: Claire forms the Dinosaur protection group. Bo’s father gets in contact with Darius Bowman, as well as Benjamin Pincus. 
June 2017: a group of researchers are deployed to the island, to observe from a distance and see how the active volcano is effecting life of the dinosaurs. It is during this that they film what appears to be a human running alongside a pack of Gallimimus, this video is posted online and goes viral. This leads to further investigation, and causes public outrage. Specifically outrage at InGen, Masrani Corp, and BioSyn. BioSyn specifically gets a large chunk of the public outcry due to them having sent teams to the island for “research purposes”
July 2017: A specific BioSyn rescue team is dispatched, along with rescue teams from the American Military and Bo is finally saved from the island. Although, there is a major complication in that he refuses to leave behind the compy. Refusing to get onto any recuse helicopter without her. When he arrives in Costa Rica, the government refuses to let him take the dinosaur, and the American Government also refuse to accept it, causing a massive standstill in what was quickly becoming International news. Ian Malcolm ends up being called due to the situation, and he tries to convince Bo to leave the dinosaur behind. Bo, instead, manages to convince Ian Malcolm to be on his side in this argument, stating that, he knows he can not control Arrow, and that he did not want to anyhow. He wanted to give her a life, where she was allowed to exist. It was not her fault she was created, anymore than it was Ian’s fault that Jurassic Park failed. Ian ends up advocating for Bo, and taking him under his wing to a certain extent.
August 2017: Bo is reunited with his father, his mother not showing up, claiming that “my daughter is dead, and she should have stayed dead”
September 2017: Mount Sibo is classified as a active threat
June 2018, as of now, Bo is being rehabilitated, going through school, and travels giving basically TED-Talks on dinosaur behavior. He is in touch with the Nublar Six, and considers them friends. He also has weekly communication with Ian Malcolm and Ellie Sattler, both who help him with his trauma from Nublar along with his therapist
June 2018, The Outbreak in California happens.
After June 2018-2022: Bo is very desensitized to dinosaurs over all, and is known for his communication projects. Although, he doesn’t have any real standings in the scientific community since he barely graduated high school, however, a select group of minds often check in with him: Ian Malcolm, Mae Turner, and others who work closely with them. This also spikes interest in BioSyn and other biological companies however. Basically, Bo is working on furthering his study of and communication with Arrow, and other dinosaurs. He is in touch with Ben Pincus, as well as Doctor Mae Turner, who he often exchanges notes with. 
2021: Sometime early in the year, Bo is approached by Lewis Dodgson to work with BioSyn in an attempt to recapture Rexy, and makes a poor attempt to placate with Bo’s activism. Bo actively lashes out at both of these, and actually almost gets arrested from punching Dodgson, and giving him a black eye. Dodgson decides not to press charges after this incident leads to him being in direct contact with Ian Malcolm. But this does get Bo banned from BioSyn facilities for life. He doesn’t mind.
Post 2022: Bo’s biggest project after the events of movie three, (and the downfall of yet another company, as well as the almost famine), is speaking alongside Darius Bowman. While Darius speaks about living with dinosaurs now that they’ve been forced into our world, Bo talks about how companies like InGen, Mantah Corp, and BioSyn not only caused the dinosaur issue, but actively displaced native populations, and destroyed ecosystems and that yes, by creating dinosaurs, we’ve played god, but humans were playing God long before that and that we as a species need to learn how to coexist. Not just with dinosaurs, but with each other too. (Bo also continues working and exchanging notes with Ben Pincus and Mae Turner.)
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