#also yeah wrio definitely has facial hair. they should've given him a little beard it would look so good on him!!!
torgawl · 1 year
how old do we think wriothesley is? he was described as a "young psychopath" in the hospital before his trial by the lady that talked to him. we also know that from the day he entered the fortress for registration, the day he received his vision, to the day he got his duke title (that's what i understood at least) his age almost doubled. depending on how young he was when he commited the murder and how long he has been duke for he could be anywhere in his 30s and upward. i don't know how law in fontaine works or the minimum age someone can be sent to prison with but for him to be described specifically as young i would say at most he would be around 18/19. for them to focus so much on neuvillette staying quiet during his trial i wouldn't be surprised (and this is what i'm most inclined to believing) if he was merely a teenager at the time. now, paimon also commented she was expecting someone older when she heard of the duke, so we know he looks young. that probably excludes any age above early 40s?! obviously we can't be sure of any number but he's likely a man in his 30s and i am very much here for that!!!
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