#also yn and craig sibling relationship is best relationship
corporatefrog · 1 year
╭₊˚ ๑︰Loud Music, No Thoughts ๑ ꒱
✧.* featuring: yn being tasked with distracting Tweek while Craig is away for the weekend leading to them showing him a new form of stress relief
✧.* tags: college au, comedy, established relationship (tweek x craig)
✧.* Characters: tweek tweek, craig tucker
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"What do you mean 'I'm in charge of Tweek'?"
Craig sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose as though he weren’t the one dropping his boyfriend on me for the weekend without asking me beforehand. I’m not sure why he gets to be the annoyed one in this situation. I’m the one who thought they were being invited to a coffee hang with their friend only for it to turn into a job request. 
“I mean, I need you to watch him this weekend.”
“Isn’t that literally your job?”
“Yes, but my family’s annual camping trip is this weekend and it’s strictly family. So you need to hang out with Tweek until I get back.”
“Why do I need to watch over a literal adult?” I asked, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair, confused as to why this was my problem.
“Because he gets freaked out every year when I go and doesn’t sleep until I’m back because he assumes a bear is going to maul me in my sleep.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“So you have to distract him.”
“And how exactly do I do that?”
Craig shrugged, “I don’t know, just hang out with him or something.”
“Very descriptive, thank you for putting so much care into ensuring your boyfriend rests well this weekend.” I said in a deadpan voice, staring at him blankly. 
“Can you actually shut the fuck up.”
I straightened in my chair, looking at Craig with an aghast expression. 
Is he really going to ask me to babysit his boyfriend that I barely talk to then bitch at me about it? 
“Oh? What was that?” I asked, looking down at a fake watch on my wrist then looking back to Craig with a pout, “Sorry, I think my weekend just filled up-”
“Come on, yn.” Craig tried to protest but I continued the act.
“What was that?” I lifted my phone up to my ear, pretending to take a call, “I’m getting a call from Kenny? He wants to have a Mario Party marathon all weekend?” I lowered the phone and looked at Craig with an exaggerated apologetic frown, “Sorry, dude. It looks like I’m busy this weekend. If only someone had said please when asking me to babysit their anxiety ridden boyfriend instead of being asshole of the month-”
“Okay, fine!” Craig shouted, averting his eyes while his hands gripped the bottom of his sweatshirt as though it physically pained him to consider asking nicely, “Will you please hang out with Tweek this weekend?” His eyes darted to my face to catch a glimpse of my reaction before looking away quickly.
I made a show of pondering the request, tapping my finger on my chin and letting out many inquisitive “hmmmm”s. It's not often that THE Craig Tucker asks for something nicely and I wanted to savor the moment in its entirety, but the longer I drew out the bit, the more visible annoyed Craig became. I gave a final inquisitive hmmm before turning back to Craig with a smirk, shrugging my shoulders as I agreed to help.
“Yeah, sure. How hard can it be?”
“No Tweek, Craig’s not going to drown while attempting to catch salmon with his bare hands. I don’t even think he knows what a salmon looks like.”
Turns out it is very hard.
 I arrived at Tweek Bros Coffee at 12:30 pm. It was currently 1:43 pm and I've run out of things to do. I brought coloring books but Tweek kept breaking the colored pencils then freaking out about said broken colored pencils. I brought Yahtzee! but Tweek couldn’t figure out how to shake the dice without sending them flying across the cafe. I didn’t even try the Uno deck I’d brought. I only brought it because I genuinely didn’t know much about Tweek and if Yahtzee! wasn’t his thing, I didn’t see Uno being any better. 
So here we sat, awkwardly avoiding eye contact at a table as Tweek continued to spiral about the various terrible things that could be happening to Craig on his trip. I had never spent much time with Tweek one-on-one. We’d mixed in a group just fine but the dynamic shift was throwing me off as much as it seemed to throw him off. 
Tweek’s leg bounced at sonic speed as a hand tapped on the table with a similar rhythm. His eyes darted around the cafe, focusing on different spots for a second before moving to the next. Anywhere but on me. He’d worn one of Craig’s sweatshirts today, probably as a way to try and calm himself down even if it was a futile attempt, and his other hand twisted the aglet of the hood’s drawstring. 
If I hooked him up to a hamster wheel, he could power the whole city for a week. 
I shook off the idea. Craig probably wouldn’t approve of me utilizing his boyfriend’s manic energy to generate clean energy.
“So…” I started, trailing off as Tweek snaps his head in my direction, not knowing where I was going now that I had his attention. “What do you and Craig normally do?” 
“Well, we usually watch movies or-” He cut off momentarily as a twitch shook his head, “Or he helps me bake something. But now he won’t be able to help me bake if his car is hit by an avalanche on the way back-”
Oh god, not again. 
“But that’s not going to happen because they’re going in the opposite direction of the mountains!” I quickly retorted. Tweek’s tense shoulder’s didn’t relax from the response, only pausing his most recent spiral until the next thought crossed his mind. 
The awkward silence returned as I wracked my brain for something we could do other than sit here and play verbal tennis with Tweek’s anxiety for the next 48 hours. 
I could text Jimmy, Tolkien, and Clyde? Maybe they’ll be better at this than me? Hell, anyone would be better than me at this. 
“Do you listen to any music?” I asked. As much as I hated small talk, if Tweek and I are spending the next two days together I might as well take the opportunity to get to know him more. 
Tweek shook his head. But with the twitching it looked more like a rapid shake to get water out of your ear. “Not really. I’ve tried listening to lofi or classical music to relax but it’s always so quiet that I can’t help but think about everything that’s bothering me.”
As he spoke, the hand on the table stopped tapping as quickly and his gaze slowed it’s constant jumping. His leg still moved like a rabbit but it seemed he’d forgotten about Craig’s impending doom in favor of music for a brief moment,
“Dude yeah, that’s because you shouldn’t be listening to chill music if you don’t want to think.” I said, jumping at the first conversation topic which seems to have distracted him. Tweek turned to look at me, eyebrows furrowed.
“What do you mean? Craig said that calm music is the best way to calm down-” His eyes widened as he remembered Craig was currently camping his way to death. 
Fuck get him back before he spirals again!
“What I mean,” I began, putting both hands on the table to grab Tweek’s attention, “is that when you don’t want to think, you need to listen to loud songs so that you can’t think.”
“How does that even work? If I can’t think then I’m not sentient and if I’m not sentient then am I even human-” I cut Tweek off, pulling out my headphones and connecting them to my phone. 
“Here, let me show you.” I put my headphones in his hand, guesting for him to put them in when he stared at me with blank eyes. Once Tweek secured the headphones in his ears, I queued up my favorite ‘life is too much, I need to scream’ songs starting with the classic I’m Not Okay by My Chemical Romance. I made sure the volume was nice and high then sat back to let Tweek experience the true serotonin boost of loud music, no thoughts. 
As the song played, I observed Tweek’s movements. Or more accurately, the lack of movement. His leg’s bouncing slowed before eventually coming to a stop. The hand which has incessantly tapped an unknown tune on the table switched to following the familiar beat of the song. His head even began to slowly bob to the music, the once erratic rise and fall of his chest slowing to a natural pace. 
Oh my god. I fixed Tweek.
The song came to an end and Tweek remained in his spot, staring into the distance as if in a trance. A small grin snuck onto my face at the sight of the usually jumpy man finally relaxing. 
“So, how’d you like it?” I asked, tapping my fingers on the table in a mimicry of a drumroll. Tweek snapped out of his trance, turning to me with a surprisingly calm expression. His eyebrows weren’t permanently furrowed and his shoulders seemed to finally relax from their permanent stiff position below his ears. 
“Do you have more?” He answered with a question. 
I quickly nodded, opening my phone and beginning to scroll through music as I spoke, “Oh yeah, I have a ton more!” I glanced up at Tweek, “Do you want to listen to more?” I asked, hoping his question wasn’t misunderstood. 
Tweek nodded, “You’re right about the music being louder than your thoughts.” He raised a hand to his head, threading it through his blonde locks as his voice dropped to a quieter volume, “I couldn’t hear my own voice. I don’t think I’ve ever not been able to hear my voice in my head.” He snuck a glance in my direction as if to see if I’d noticed the mutterings. I flashed him a smile, hoping to reassure whatever inkling inside of him that it was okay.
“That’s the best part about loud music. You get a moment to sit there and just breathe.” I gestured towards the door with my phone, “Let’s go to my car. Loud music is even better when you’re driving around with a friend.” 
As I said “friend”, a small smile pushed its way onto Tweek’s face. He gave a quick nod in response before pulling out my headphones and setting them on the table. We both stood and said goodbye to Tweek’s parents, heading towards the exit. 
“Any requests?” I asked over my shoulder as I pushed open the door. 
“Anything loud like that last song.” Tweek said then added, “Or louder.” 
A laugh burst from my mouth as we walked to my car. 
“You listen to one MCR song and now you’re hooked? I must be some sort of miracle worker.”
I walked around the car to the driver’s side while Tweek stood in front of the passenger door. We locked eyes from over the hood. A chill snuck its way up my spine, leaving an energetic tingle over my skin. The awkward atmosphere which suffocated us had dissipated, evaporating into the air and leaving a warm comfort settling in the air.
Tweek looked so much better with a smile. The worry lines never suited his face. I much preferred the smile lines carved into his face. 
I wonder if he’ll ever have wrinkles there instead of his forehead.
My face broke into a grin as I pulled the door open.
“I cannot wait to show you KISS.” I said before ducking into the car, Tweek following close behind. 
Craig’s going to be so pissed when he comes back and I’m best friends with his boyfriend. Serves him right for leaving, little bitch. I thought with a grin, starting my car and pulling out of the parking lot with Detroit Rock City blasting through the speakers, leaving a trail of vibrating air in our wake.
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