#also. LXC would have a Very Different relationship with her if they're still in each other's orbits
randomidiocyncrazies · 7 months
Help I'm being held hostage by fem!Nie Mingjue AU
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cqlfeels · 3 years
But also a-qing please 🧡
I'm sure you already know all my LXC opinions, but sure!
Lan Xichen
one aspect about them i love: What don't I love about LXC! To pick just one, I love how hard he tries to live up to his ideals while still making room for pragmatism. It's an extremely difficult balance to achieve in MDZS and he probably comes closest. (Not that it's a competition, it's not!)
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: I won't go into detail because I don't want to raise anybody's blood pressure by dumping ungodly amounts of salt, but: he. is. not. a. himbo. Not even in the broadest possible sense of that word.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: He uses painting as a form of self-soothing. Not because he paints what he's feeling (he doesn't), but because carefully observing the exact turn of a leaf to paint it respectfully silences his brain far better than meditation. None of these paintings are for sharing, though.
one character i love seeing them interact with: For someone whose blog is so 3zun-oriented, this might be unexpected but actually, it's LWJ.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: Well, everyone, because I just want more LXC in general. But if I could pick only one person, LQR. Their relationship is so complex, I wish we could see more of it.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: Little A-Song adored LXC. That was very adorable! Like a mini A-Yao! So cute! ...until A-Song reached that stage of development where he would throw a tantrum when LXC left Jinlintai to go back to Cloud Recesses. Then every trauma button of the Jades being upset when saying goodbye to their mom is hit and no matter how many times LXC tells himself that this is objectively a completely different situation in every way it can be different, it still does things to his emotions. Not helped by the fact that one day LXC says goodbye and the next time he goes to Jinlintai is because he's received news of JRS's death.
one aspect about them i love: She's so strong. Honestly one of the toughest characters in this story. Her life is a horror movie but she goes down fighting and I can admire that
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: She's not XXC's daughter. Their age gap isn't that big in MDZS, and even in CQL, she's still probably more like a much younger sister than a daughter
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: I strongly feel that she's not completely blind but her vision is impaired enough that she genuinely struggles with many aspects of life. But once people learn she can see at all any struggle is dismissed as laziness, so it's better to just pretend she's blind altogether
one character i love seeing them interact with: XY! I find it fascinating how they keep testing one another and fighting to see whose version of reality will be accepted, while still keeping up the appearance of found family. Also the way they're foils to each other is on point.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: No one, really? Part of the reason Yi City works for me is that it's so isolated. It's important to my personal enjoyment that AQ isn't interacting much with anyone outside of their found family from hell
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: Sometimes XY gets distracted and forgets this isn't actually a found family, but instead of these being sweet moments, this is when AQ is most scared because she begins to wonder if he's actually a better liar than she thinks and the times when she suspects him are the times when he wants her to suspect him. He's not put together enough to have layers of lies like this but she doesn't now that
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