#also. i have one that's definitely gonna form a bad scaršŸ˜­
misfortunegirl Ā· 1 year
" yeah so i know you were having a Moment and were saying depressing stuff but I just have to let you know.... you looked great today, your pants were straight up your ass, and your hairstyle was really cute and suited you."
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 Ā· 1 year
~Wholesome New York headcanons~ (maybe Iā€™ll throw some angst in there for fun~)
-Sometimes if York and Mass, or one the other people he secretly doesnā€™t mind being around, are just chilling in a room together, he will stare at the other person and just- make this weird little chirp/yip sound at them and itā€™s the cutest thing ever.
Sometimes the other personā€™ll make the sound back, or they might just look up from whatever they were doing and give him a smile or confused look.
-it is a universal agreement that York is essentially a cat in human/personification form. He purrs, he scratches/bites people he doesnā€™t like, he likes climbing on stuff, he has the mf attitude, he curls up in a little ball whenever he decides to sleep or relax, and he has 100% followed a laser pointer with his eyes before
-he really enjoys watching South Park and his favorite characters are Stan and Kenny
-York rambles a lot and gets really excited if itā€™s a subject that he actually enjoys without knowing it and when he realizes how "over-excited" heā€™s being, he stops because he thinks that the others will think itā€™s weird and/or freaky, when in truth most of the others think itā€™s endearing.
And those that think itā€™s weird know to keep their mouths shut unless they never want to see the light of day again.
-one of the reasons he got bullied in school growing up was because of how ridiculously skinny he is, when it wasnā€™t even his fault that he was the way he was. York is literally unable to gain weight no matter what. So ofc he was kinda insecure about his body for a while, but his brothers all helped him through it and now heā€™s doing much better. Still canā€™t gain weight, but he is definitely more confident in himself :)
As for the people that bullied him about it along with other things, letā€™s just sayā€¦ they ainā€™t gonna ever mess with him again :]
-despite him being 5ā€™10, he is a victim of having his beanie pulled over his eyes and being picked up out of nowhere by some of the other states
His happy stims consist of: hand flapping, flicking his fingers, fidgeting with random objects such as his rings and zipper (tho this also kind of a anxious stim sometimes), for some reason he will scratch his hand with knowing it (again, sometimes an anxious stim) but his friends and family always stop him from doing this before he hurts himself and lastly, biting his tongue, which is usually stopped as well (Forgive me, I donā€™t know to much about this stuff šŸ˜­šŸ‘)
-one of the reasons that this boi will not wear suits is because his brothers are secretly worried that he will accidentally tighten his tie too much and harm himself if he gets too nervous
-he is beyond touch-starved, so if somebody hugs him, he will literally melt into the touch. One time, Florida decided to hug him and nearly put the poor thing to sleep
-just for fun, Texas and Alaska have started picking him up at random times of the day as if he were Simba and itā€™s both cute and hilarious because he will kick and try to burrow closer to their chests cuz he is now either 6ā€™4 or 7ā€™2 feet in the air and just ainā€™t doinā€™ this sh*t
-I believe that I have mentioned this before, but he has a giant scar from a certain event in 2001 that wraps around from the top of his right shoulder, across his back, to the front of his upper left hip, and he is very insecure about it. And Iā€™ve now decided that if he is cuddling with someone that he is comfortable with (a very rare occurrence-), such as one of his brothers, the other person will trace the scar with their fingers through his shirt/hoodie/jacket and tell him how loved and amazing he is and how bad*$$ the scar is.
And this poor baby will just be hiding his blushing face in their chest or pillows/blankets because he doesnā€™t know how to process the kind words and affection he is receiving šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
-York is one of the jumpiest people youā€™ll ever meet and he gets jumpscared so easily. Sometimes one of his brothers or friends will come up behind him and grab his sides to scare him
-he doesnā€™t laugh to often, but when he does, it is so f(speaks Midwest)inā€™ adorable. His laugh varies from squeaky, child-like, honey-sweet giggles to high pitched fox laughs, and itā€™s really cute, but itā€™s also not really the type of thing you wanna hear when taking a walk in the forest.
-mans has definitely gotten weed from Colorado and airdropped his conscience to a world that ainā€™t our own.
-Yorkā€™s hair is probably one of the fluffiest things to ever exist
Also thereā€™s a picture that I drew of my temporary design for Yorkie <3
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