#also. shitty phone camera aside i like how some of the pics look more like found footage
another story idea firesonic152 and i hashed out via discord, wherein Jack has some anger issues and Gabe gets a kick out of it.
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 bro we should do a wrong number meetcute i can't think of what the hilarious out of context first text should be though
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 hmmm... one of them ranting about annoying customers or a drnk text? something really odd?
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 or a super intense threat XDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 omg XD
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 jack being like "i swear to fucking christ you better sleep with one eye open for the rest of your short life because i am not going to rest until you're dead"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack sending this crazy angry text with an insanely over the top and specific bloody threat and gabe sending back 'not the guy your looking for, but i'm totally using that for my band's next song, thx'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 XDDDDD "unless i am the guy you're looking for in which case i must ask why"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 lol
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 WHO WAS JACK THREATENING THOUGH
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 gabe waiting a while before Jack texts back again, and when it comes thru it's just 'is this the jackass from upstairs who keeps coming back drunk at 3 am and climbed the fucking fire escape last night and crashed through my window thinking my apartment was his buddy's next floor up and left a half eaten pan of brownies and a bunch of unwashed dishes as an apology because that was NOT a fun situation to come home to after pulling a double'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHAHAHA gabe is like "wow i sound like a real asshole"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 'if you're not him then send me a pic so i can go kick his roomamate's ass into next week for giving me the wrong fucking number'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LOLL gabe is like "well considering you sound like a crazy axe murderer, i'm not sure i want you to have my face" "send me yours first ;)"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 GABE DON'T FLIRT WITHT HE CRAZY AXE MURDERER
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 jack replies "I JUST POURED OUT MY LIFE STORY TO YOU ASSHOLE" Lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack is like, super reluctant to do it and it turns out that he already has those gnarly scars
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 ahhhhhh he prefaces the picture with "i promise it's not as bad as it looks" gabe is ?? and then jack sends a picture finally (after taking ages to find a marginally okay selfie) and gabe is !!! "bro you didn't tell me you were hot"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 the little typing dots show up and stop a few times before Jack's next message comes through: 'i swear to GOD you had better not be that littl punk'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHAHA gabe sends a picture back and jack is just JESUS CHRIST "so what's the verdict, axe murderer. can i keep my head" "man i'd gladly GIVE you head" "i mean. uh" "shit"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack JACK you fucking T Y P E D that to him
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Gabe: moving a bit fast there, sunshine. you wanna buy a guy dinner first? Jack doesn't know how to react to being called Sunshine
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 he sets teh phone down very carefully, as if it might bite. he tries to go about cleaning up his kitchen, but he keeps glancing at it. the guy who isn't the little punk HAD to have been fucking with him. right? RIGHT?? twenty minutes later, Jack decides on a response: 'are you fucking with me?'
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 XD i couldn't pick one to send spoiled for choice, there
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 gabe is like "do you want me to be fucking you" "*with you" jack is like "FUCK YOU YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 gabe just sends back a winky face gabe stop flirting with an axe murderer
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Jack too frustrated to continue, thinking he'll drop it now, clean up a bit, and try again later when maybe he can manage to flirt his way into meeting this guy at a bar or something. 'gotta go clean my kitchen' he nearly chokes when the reply text comes back: 'what are you wearing?'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 OMG jack replies "asshole i already sent you a pic" "also i don't even know your name" "gabe" "after all that fuss about the picture you're just giving me your name??" "i mean yeah you already know what i look like. might as well"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Jack lists him as 'asshole' in his contacts like, all of Jack's contacts are named by insults--his manager is dickhead, the apartment complex office is cocksuckers, even his friends are things like nutjob and psycho and UNHOLY TERROR. the only normal one is Mom.
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LMAO jack finally grumblingly is like "i'm wearing sweatpants jesus" "JUST sweatpants?" "you're pushing it" omg yay this is becoming one where jack's anger outweighs his thirst i'm excited
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 XD Jack is like 'i literally JUST told you i just got home from working a double. i'm in last week's undone laundry and too many hours' worth of sweat and grime.' he has a moment of doubt after sending it, thinking that he might have just blown his chance of getting laid, but he's too tired and pissed off to really care. he can barely believe the next text that comes through. 'dirty boy, huh? i don't mind filthy.'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 HAHAHA GABE IS TRYING SO HARD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 scars look good. X'D
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 jack is like "if i send you another pic will you leave me alone for the night" gabe eventually gets a nice tiddy pic out of jack lol and by that i mean the tits are nice but the camera work is lazy and annoyed
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 or, Jack sends what would have been a dick pick if he hadn't purposefully censored the important bits with a single finger salute
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LOLL gabriel's so hyped about this new daydream material
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 gabe sends him a selfie doing the nice gesture :ok_hand:  but held up to his mouth with an expression to make it obscenely suggestive
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 lmsncsdckjnc and he's casually shirtless, though the picture doesn't focus on it jack finds himself staring at it more than necessary
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack laughs shortly, a bit charmed in spite of himself
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 jack puts the phone down, kinda determined not to talk to gabe anymore. but the very next day something annoying happens at work and he immediately yells at gabe about it. gabe keeps up with all the flirty innuendos but he's actually nice to talk to jack can rant his heart out and gabe doesn't try to tell him what to do or anything, just makes jokes and shit out of it that actually make jack feel better
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Jack in a pissy mood one day and after he's done ranting about whatever petty shit happened to him, he lays into Gabe like 'why the fuck is it always me bitching about everything don't you have some complaints? you don't say shit about yourself asshole.' he has to wait just a bit for an answer, which is unusual, and he's startled when it arrives. 'i want to meet you.'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 hhhhhhhhh jack is like oh god oh no "however angry you think i am over text, i can guarantee i am a million times more angry in person" gabe's like "that's hot" jack's like "NO"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 i am vengeance!
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 gabe's like "come onnnn didn't you promise to murder me" "how you gonna do that if you don't meet me" "trust me asshole i can think of plenty of ways"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Gabe being all 'at least give me something else to work with aside from that one cockup of a dick pic you sent. my imagination's running out of fuel.'
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 does gabe finally just like show up at jack's job LOL FIRST MORE AWKWARD SEXTING
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 what if they just start sexting first XD yeah but like. actual sexting, rather than just teasing pics.
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 NOW JACK SENDS THE TIT PIC he's like at work and just kinda pulls the collar of his shirt away and snaps a pic real quick gabe is like holy shit i'm actually thankful for your shitty camerawork bc now i know for sure those are real
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 XD gabe getting jack so worked up at work that jack has to go duck into the men's room or a supply closet or something
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 LOL the image of jack pissed off as hell that he's turned on and angrily jerking off between yelling at gabe via text in a freaking closet or whatever
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 jack holding the phone in one hand, his dick in the other, furiously pumping and even more furiously cursing gabe's name and while he's at it accidentally calling gabe in the middle of his tirade
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHHH gabe picks up and just hears a series of increasingly loud and creative curses
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 towards the end of it, Gabe finally breaks radio silence with something like 'you've got a sexy voice' and Jack, immediately comes, and after a startled moment that ruins the relief, he absolutely tears into Gabe for having been eavesdropping
Gabe just laughs, and the sound is so warm and rich that it cuts straight through Jack's anger, making him shiver, and if he hadn't just jerked off, he knows he'd be halfway ready to just after that
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 AHHH jack you angry thirsty bitch he growls "fuck you asshole you'd better make this worth my while" gabriel hums and says "well i was thinking about you and-" jack cuts him off "LATER OH MY GOD YOU FUCK I'M AT WORK"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/26/2017 Gabe laughs again, that wonderful, damnable sound. 'working hard, Sunshine?' The noise Jack makes is priceless and Gabriel is doubled over with laughter as Jack hangs up on him
firesonic152 - 10/26/2017 eeeeeee jack kicks the wall hard enough to dent and hates that he's thinking about it still gabe texts jack later that night like "so you in bed?" jack's like "no dick i'm in my kitchen microwaving shitty leftovers"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe why are you putting up with this abuse? XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 because jack is hilarious to fuck with AND has amazing tits
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 the tits again. damn them. they're too powerful.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 yep jack is like "what the fuck would you have done if i wasn't gay" gabe's like "well probably keep teasing you until you saw the light" "you're a cocky motherfucker aren't you" "i got all the cock in the world for you sweetheart <33"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 omg XD <3<3<3 A+ 'i fucking hate you, you know that right?' 'you big softie.' 'i mean it cockbite you're a fucking annoyance. now are you gonna show me your dick or not?'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LOL JACKIE gabe sends a picture and jack is like "jesus christ. that's not a dick that's a weapon. you were the murderer all along." gabe is like "OMG jack did you just make a JOKE" jack, furiously lubing his fingers: fuck off you dickfaced piece of fuck
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD under the incredibly thin pretense that it's easier to talk than text while they do this (as if they haven't managed before) Jack calls Gabe and demands they use speakerphone
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 heheheheee gabe is obscenely good at dirty talking, jack just kinda groans curses and tells gabe to shut the fuck up he's got four fingers in his ass and gabriel telling him how good he is, how sexy he sounds, so on and so on- and jack finally moans gabe's name he's never once said it before
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 when Gabe teasingly asks if he ought to keep quiet, Jack, flustered responds with 'no, DON'T shut the fuck up--just--shut the fuck up..! goddamnit Gabe you shit fucking asshole!'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 eeeeeeeee gabriel was so smooth this whole time but his voice finally cracks a little and he starts coming undone and jack is like HOLY SHIT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 jack realizing that he's going to have to break down and meet Gabe in person, and the entire remaining few minutes before he comes, every swear that passes his lips is more out of anxiety over the meeting than any immediate need for release.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahhhh gabe .... jack i meant jack LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 gabe keeps babbling about how bad he wants to touch jack, get his mouth on those perfect tits, mark him up and finger him senseless, THEN fuck him jack is Dying
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 after jack comes, while he's just relaxed enough not to care, he mutters 'you're not gonna like me.' Gabe recognizes it as Jack's agreement to finally meet, and he can't help the surge of triumph. he tries not to sound too smug--just in case--when he reminds Jack that they've been talking for weeks and that, if he was gonna dislike Jack, he'd certainly have figured that out already.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AHHHH does jack admit that he likes gabe or is it too soon >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 too soon, i think. he's only just worked up the courage to meet the guy he's done nothing but cuss at and lust over via text for weeks XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 >w<
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 so, what does Gabe suggest for their first date? few rounds at a gym? barfight?
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LOL jack is like "you know me so well" this is when gabe awkwardly drops in while jack's at work?? XD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 and jack immediately gets an awkward boner? XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 HAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 looks up, sees Gabe, chokes on his own spit, points across the room and shouts 'get the fuck out of here!'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AHAHAHA where does he work and does he have to wear a stupid uniform one of those dumb aesthetic diners?? well either way jack is SO MAD especially because gabe's voice triggers a pavlovian response at this point
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 i was thinking garage, so he's all greasy and gross and in one of those ugly onesie jumpsuits
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahhhh yessss he's all flustered and when he gets flustered he gets Punchy gabe can't tell if his face is bright red from embarrassment or fury
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD both. both is good.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 and he's all self-conscious about the random smears of oil and whatever on his face and in his hair but he keeps nervously running his fingers through his hair and making it Worse gabe wants to kiss him so bad
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 HAHAHA he really does like em filthy >w> jack is all over the place and gabe is just kinda watching him rage in a daze. all he can think about is how much he wants those greasy, work-roughened hands on him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 Jack coming over to shoo Gabe out, but when he grabs Gabe's arm to steer him toward the door, Gabe manages to snag a bit of his coveralls and mutter 'where were you hiding that time?'
Jack curses vehemently beneath his breath, because even thinking about how crowded close they would be in that tiny supply closet has him uncomfortably hard, and being so close to fucking Gabe and his stupid fucking face and his intoxicating goddamn smell and the huge fuck off cock that Jack knows is waiting for him is too much
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AAHDALIDNASDKJNCJCN jack gives him a hard shove in the right direction and snarls "get over there" .... oh lol that's a game line XDD gabe stumbles into the closet and turns around to jack slamming the door shut in his face and locking him in there
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 OMG XD JAAAACK
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 HE'S AT WORK AND GABE IS DISTRACTING and he's a bad combo of horny and pissed
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe texting him from the closet a series of increasingly more risque photos better be careful no one finds him and calls the cops XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahahahahaha jack finally gets to his lunch break and slams into the closet, immediately just on gabriel's mouth and yanking at his clothes gabriel is suddenly incredibly aware of the fact that jack is actually just a tiny bit taller than him they bang painfully into various shelves and random shit but neither of them stop. gabriel is delighted that it only seems to make jack more intense.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe asking jack between hasty kisses how long his lunch break is and trying to make a bet with him on how many times he can make him come before he has to get back
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 hhhhhhhhhhh somehow jack ends up hoisted up against the door with his legs around gabe's waist and gabe's fingernails drawing blood from his thighs haaa wait jack is wearing a jumpsuit
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 not anymore XD Jack's cussing reaches new levelsof inventiveness as they fight with the layers of his clothing
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 simultaneously threatening gabriel with death if he tears his uniform while also threatening death if he doesn't get his clothes off immediately
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahahaha what if they get discovered before they actually really get anywhere like they're just aggressively grinding and then someone bangs on the door and is like MORRISON WTF GET BACK TO WORK let the tension build until his shift is over >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 omg jack gets done with his shift and texts gabe his address and is all 'IF YOU AREN'T FUCKING THERE TO MEET ME AND READY TO FINISH WHAT WE FUCKING STARTED I SWEAR TO ALL THAT IS HOLY I WILL FLAY YOU AND USE YOUR HIDE LIKE A BEARSKIN RUG'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AHAHA YEP gabe gets there and barely has time to knock on the door before jack is yanking him inside and they're making out against a random wall gabe ends up fucking jack for the first time over his kitchen counter
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 lol i'm just imagining Jack cussing up a storm when he has to wash his greasy, gritty handprints off the backsplash later XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LOL gabe bends him over the counter and jack snarls "you motherfucker i make FOOD here" but when gabe tries to pull away jack is like "GABRIEL I SWEAR TO GOD FUCK ME RIGHT NOW"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 just no pleasing him XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 it turns out jack was just really really hangry
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 omg. gabe REALLY needs to bring handcuffs and a gag into this relationship.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 once gabe fucks him a whole bunch jack mellows out a startling amount for brief periods of time immediately afterward AHAHA YES
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 lol turns into slug jack
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 yeppp after being fucked, jack drops like a rock goes immediately into slug form which lasts for between 5 minutes and 3 hours depending on how hard they went
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 gabe thinks this is the funniest shit ever
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 takes lots of pics
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 the best part is he knows for a fact that almost no one has experienced slug jack it's just for him XDD but then jack goes back to his usual temperamental self in no time which gabe loves too <33
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe has a skewed sense of humor in this one XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 yep XDDD ahhhhh but then everything changed when the Feelings attacked
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD omg timing. i'm seriously about to drop feelings tomorrow?
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ME TOO NGL,,, SOUNDS GOOD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 yey XD <3<3<3
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 GOOD NIGHT
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 night night. hope you sleep well. <3
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 <333 LOL okay so plot twist for this angry jack and weird sense of humor gabe
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 ???????
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 jack gets feelings first :3c
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 =O ohhhh he would be SO FUCKED i love it XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 >w< gabe's having a grand old time but he's not sure if it's serious or if he wants it to be serious meanwhile jack trips and plunges straight into a bottomless pit of Feelings
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 oh noooo so does jack, like, in his angry, cuss-y way...try to...talk about it??
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 HAHAHA well first he has to randomly get even more irritable than usual for seemingly no reason also starts being more aggressive about sex bc hey that's the reason gabe's here right which gabe is happy to oblige of course but it is weird
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 i'm just trying to wrap my head around how angry this Jack would have to get in order for Gabe to notice. maybe it's not just that--maybe he actually starts, like, not answering texts right away--sort of how he would do back when they first met not quite avoiding Gabe, but something's off. and his insluts feel a bit forced and stale. they don't flow so readily. XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 heeheeee jack is caught between "do i try to be more pleasant so maybe he'll like me back or do i try to make him go away before it gets painful"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 oh jacki
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 omg jack awkwardly haltingly asking if gabe wants to go out to eat he means it as a date but gabe takes it as casual dinner
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 OH NO GABE BUNNY SUNSHINE BBY NO Jack trying to get himself cleaned up all pretty for gabe actually  buys a nie set of clothes
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 AHHHHH and he thinks he's being So painfully obvious about his crush, gabe HAS to know right? but no. gabe just thinks he's being a little off.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe sees him in khakis and...i don't know...a sweatervest or something and laughs and asks who died
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ALIENACKISA woah accidentally spelled alien with my keysmash nice :alien:
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 geez though jack would be Livid either that or shut down a little some weird combination of the two
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gets livid first, then just kinda shuts down and gives up. he's unnaturally quiet thru the meal, responding only when absolutely necessary, and then usually in grunts. it's enough that even Gabe realizes that something's wrong. his first guess: 'shit, Jack, did someone actually die?' only Jack's budding hopes for their relationship
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 skjfnsejkcnesjkfnsecjkn jack grumbles "if only" subtext: somebody is going to die and jack hasn't decided if it will be gabriel or himself yet
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 X'D brb--time for tea
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ooo that's a good idea jack is quietly fiddling with his pasta, only kinda nibbling at it. gabe decides to test the waters with the worst corn-related jab he can come up with. jack gives him a look but doesn't respond. gabe concludes that jack must be dying of cancer or something
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD HE'S DYING OF HEARTBREAK GABE CAN'T YOU SEE???
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 oh god. so, what if Gabe, like, pesters an answer out of him, and Jack kinda mutters 'I like you' and Gabe s COMPLETELY not expecting this OR for Jack to apparently be in earnest about it, and he laughs. Just a short laugh, the sort of laugh that bursts out when you're completely stunned by something a need a moment to process. But Jack takes it completely the wrong way. Gabe get's a second's warning in the almost murderous look on Jack's face, then he gets decked and ends up laid out on the floor and stuck with the check.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 kajcnaksjcnakcjnsakcj jack completely breaks his nose gabe ends up having to go to the er real quick for that lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 omg they avoid each other for a good whie afterwards. Gabe is mad bc Jack actually hit him. Jack is pissed bc Gabe didn't get it. Gabe's the first one that caves, texting Jack about being owed an apology. Jack doesn't answer, and it's a full day before Gabe tries again.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 omg bratty gabe another plot twist
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 you have one, or bratty gabe is one? also i think gabe is justified XD
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 bratty gabe is one XDD he's definitely justified in being bratty it's just funny lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 when Gabe follows up the next day and sees that Jack is going to try to ignore him again, it sets off his temper. He sends text after text after text until he finally gets a string of mismatched curses followed by WHAT from Jack
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahhhhh gabe is like DON'T WHAT ME YOU BROKE MY NOSE jack sends a very non-genuine sorry
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 so fucking sowwy i hurt the widdle baby's feewings. fuck off asshole. Gabe calls him. Jack ignores it. When Gabe starts calling back every time it goes to voicemail, Jack turns his phone off and flings it across the room. He settles in with a movie and orders a pizza. When he hears teh door, he automatically goes and opens it, and is taken by surprise when Gabe comes barreling in, demanding to know what the FUCK his problem is.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 JAACK you can't escape
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 'Why the fuck did you hit me?? That's a pretty damn mixed signal.' Jack does NOT want to have this conversation. He turns his back on Gabe, goes to pick up his phone as if he hadn't flung it away half an hour ago, and curses about the screen being broken. 'Jack. I came here to get an answer. You owe me that much, at least. My nose looks like a fucking beet.' 'Ha. Now I'm not the only one with an ugly mug. Least yours isn't permanent.' The pizza guy arrives, giving Jack another small break and he tips big in gratitude, then tries to shoo Gabe away. 'I only ordered for one.' 'Jack you stubborn fucking bastard, was it all your goddamn idea of a joke or something?' 'Oh, yeah, ha ha REAL FUNNY the big angry guy with the scars has feelings! What a goddamn RIOT.' 'That's not what I meant.' 'Then why the fuck did you laugh?'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 ahhhhhhhhhhh gabe doesn't reply right away and jack actually deflates
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 ((i'm so unaccustomed to angry jack that it doesn't even feel like him tbh XD))
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 he rubs at his arm and says "look i get it i'm so fucking amusing to you. but i'm too tired to entertain you right now." lol angry jack is another rare commodity
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 oh god my tiny, emotionally-stunted heart ; ;
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 he just wants gabe to take him seriously a little qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 so, Gabe doesn't have feels yet...? or is this the kick in the pants that makes him realize he doesn't smile immediately upon seeing Jack out of anticipation for hilarity, but rather bc he's genuinely glad to see him?
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 hhhh can't decide if i want more angst or for them to fix it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 if Gabe doesn't have feels, and tries to let Jack down gently, i can't realyl see angry Jack staying with him.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 maybe gabe doesn't really think too hard about it, just tells jack that he misses him. really misses him, not just when he's unintentionally funny, but all the time "i just..." he sighs, trying to swallow his pride. "i'm sorry... i laughed. i was just startled"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 Jack grits his teeth over that, but holds his tongue.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 "i just never know what you're thinking, so... i didn't expect it." "i asked you on a date," jack growls. "we've been having sex like nonstop since we met." apart from the past few days. "what else would i be thinking?" "that... it was casual." gabe shuffles and looks at jack through his lashes. "you meant it? you really..."
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 GABE YOU'RE GONNA GET PUNCHED AGAIN
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 jack is flexing his fist threateningly "yes, fuck, i like you." he says it with his usual irritable bluster, but there's a tremble in his voice and it suddenly hits gabe that jack is nervous
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 he's just a big insecure softie under all that bluster, Gabe.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 YEP and gabe didn't really get that until just now he stares at jack open-mouthed and jack actually blushes. "what?"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 gabe.
Tumblr media
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 LMAO gabe needs to talk to semi-slug jack about this lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 lol no kidding okay, so, when last we left our intrepid heroes, Jack was trying not to crush the pizza that just got delivered as he held it in his large, angry hands while Gabe came to the slow realization that Jack was serious when he claimed to like like him. But to Gabe, they've only ever been friends with benefits.
Gabe, deciding that now is hardly the time to stop being blunt, asks Jack if he's going to invite him to stay for dinner, since he owes him a meal at least after leaving him stuck with the check last time.
Grudgingly, Jack allows him to stay. They sit as far from each other as possible on the couch, open pizza box between them.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 omg the atmosphere is ice cold omg but jack hasn't been sleeping well at all after all this drama and after they put on some dumb show, he quickly starts dozing off gabe moves the box before jack ends up with a face full of grease
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 XD PIZZA FACE! When Gabe tries to help ease Jack down, Jack latches onto him and is snuggly--too far gone towards sleep to be his usual grumpy bear self Gabe is like 'this is not what i came here for.'
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 heeeeee exhaustion induced slug jack he ends up with jack's head pillowed in his lap and a hand running through jack's hair
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY BLESS <3<3<3
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 >w< gabe can't resist dropping a kiss onto jack's temple and jack's nose wrinkles adorably
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 he's kinda sitting there, petting Jack's hair absently while he ponders his predicament he likes Jack, but he likes him as a fun fuckbuddy. He hadn't been thinking about anything more serious, and isn't sure he wants something like that.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 COME ON GABE
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 WELL WE JUST SPRANG IT ON HIM
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 gabe tries to get up but jack just clings more gabe like gently pulls away but jack tugs hard and somehow gabe ends up on his back with a dozing jack curled on top of him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 they doze off like that, only to be awakened with a start at almost three in the morning as the dipshit from upstairs gets back drunk again and starts banging on the door of his apartment to be let in. lol cue early morning grumpy Gabe, slug Jack, and a chance to talk when Jack's awake but too tired to be wrathful
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 YES jack starts mumbling about how he really really likes gabe he knows he's hard to be around and nobody wants to deal with him but gabe still wants to be in his life
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 ohhh ;-;
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 gabe starts to realize how much he means to jack finally lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/27/2017 'jeezus, bro, you couldn't just tell me all this before now?' he slugs Jack lightly in the shoulder, but Jack just huffs and won't make eye contact with him. 'Jack, I--' 'Don't give me an answer right now. I can guess what it'll be.' Gabe consideres him for a minute. Then: 'All right. You mind if I stay over?' Jack shrugs and Gabe grabs his hands to pull him up off the couch. 'All right, big boy. Up you get.' He leads Jack to the bedroom and undresses him before tumbling him into bed. He sheds his own clothes and climbs in after him. Any protests Jack might have made fall silent as Gabe kisses him. He keeps it soft and slow, even as he deepens the kiss. Every move is gentle, intended to comfort. Jack is already drifting back to sleep even as Gabriel strokes him.
firesonic152 - 10/27/2017 hhhhhhhhh QwQ gabes getting feelssss
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/28/2017 lol but Jack waking up and being his normal self, cursing up a blue streak at all the hickies Gabe sucked into his neck last night. without taking about it, they reach an agreement to continue on as they had been. the only change is that Jack is more reticent, less likely to text Gabe first, and more likely to go silent.
firesonic152 - 10/28/2017 ahhhhhhhh he's still aggressive when they makeout and all through foreplay but as soon as gabe is inside him, he stops putting up his usual fight if gabe goes rough he takes it willingly, but he doesn't push back
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/28/2017 omg. like, i really need to turn in but...before that--Gabe starting to get weirded out by how Jack is in bed, so he confronts him about it, says that Jack going all passive makes him feel like the bad guy. and Jack just casually shoots back that there's nothing Gabe can dish out that he can't handle, and Gabe just snaps back with something like 'Jack, I love you, but damn it if you aren't the most stubborn fucking cuss. I just want to know that I'm making you feel good.' And he stops because Jack is gaping at him. '...what?' 'What did you just say?' 'That...I want to make you feel good.' But something is nagging at the back of his mind, and he replays the words and hears what Jack heard and now both of them are staring at each other.
firesonic152 - 10/28/2017 AHHHHHHHH I'M DYING BRO that was gay
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/28/2017 XD GOOD. it was gay and cliche and they can figure out if Gabe meant it tomorrow
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 soozy pay attention to me
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 lol sorry what's up?
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 nothing i just miss you XD AND WE NEED TO FIGURE OUT IF GABE MEANT IT if he loves jack yet anyway
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 Jack muttering 'You didn't mean that,' as he turns away, but Gabe can see that he's blushing again. 'I didn't mean to say it...' he hedges.
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 hhhhh gabe you coy motherfucker
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 maybe he still doesn't know if he means it that way like, Gabe's a sweetheart. he's affectionate, and it just slipped out. but is it really the whole romantic love sort of thing, or just affection?
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 he definitely likes jack a lot, more than anyone he's ever had a thing with. but he doesn't know if he likes jack as much as jack likes him??
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 what if he asks for more time, and Jack snaps back that that's all he's been giving him. Hands him excuses, gives him time.
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 gabriel looks pained as he says quietly that he really thinks jack deserves someone who loves him more than anything and he just... wants to make sure he isn't holding jack back from that OR SOMETHING lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 not holding him back from that by sticking around as a fuck buddy? lol good job, Gbae
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 LOL that's what jack throws in his face SO LIKE. HOW WE GONNA MAKE GABE FINALLY REALIZE HIS FEELINGS I'm dying squirtle we could always fuck up jack somehow
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 i mean, it'd prolly be easy enough to just have Jack get tired of waiting and call it off... THEN fuck him up OuO
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 YES AND GABE FREAKS OUT ABOUT THE FACT THAT HE LOST HIS CHANCE W JACK jack spits at gabe that he's tired of waiting for gabe to figure it out and he's done. gabe doesn't have any counterarguments. the last time gabe sees jack is when he walks out the door and turns around to see jack hesitate for just a second, a death drip on the door handle that he could swear is denting it. then a muttered "don't text me" before the door closes in his face. and that's that until jack gets fucked up somehow
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 lands himself in the hospital, however he manages it. i guess we can't make it something funny like...he throws a spanner in a fit of rage and it bounces back to hit him in the face? XD
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 LMAO HE LIKE GETS A SERIOUS HEAD INJURY
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 i was thinking he picks a fight with the wrong people and gets Destroyed
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 yah. that was my serious thought. XD drunk bar fight?
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 yeah lmaooo he's like already dangerously intoxicated and then gets beaten within an inch of his life
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/29/2017 alcohol poisoning AND all sorts of blunt force trauma
firesonic152 - 10/29/2017 good combo gabe finds out bc his friend angela is like "bro there's this patient i'm super worried about" she starts going on about how this patient is like really fucked and she starts getting teary eyed over it and at some point she mentions the name jack and gabe can't hear anything else she says until she tells him the last name
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Gabe sitting by Jack's bedside, desperately wanting him to wake up and be okay, convinced that he irreparably fucked things up between them, but just wanting to know that he'll be okay before he gets out of Jack's life again.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 ahhh he tries to convince himself that it's only because he feels guilty about how they ended things but deep down he knows it's more than that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 ;; keeps telling himself that he merely wants to apologize to Jack, but really he needs Jack to be all right, needs to talk to him just one more time
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 so jack finally wakes up and like
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Gabe means to apologize, but what comes out is a lecture XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 he's Fucked up. semi-permanent eye damage and shit yep ! jack is like FUCK OFF IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS gabe is like IT IS MY BUSINESS I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 WELL YOU PICKED A FINE FUCKING TIME TO DECIDE THAT, ASSHOLE I DIDN'T FUCKING DECIDE IT, JACKASS, IT JUST HAPPENED They're having, like, a full on shouting match in the hospital and the docs have to call security to get them to back down XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 AHAHA they kick gabe out but he manages to sneak back in they continue their shouting match in angry whispers
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD of course, they have to get pretty close for that to work so it ends up with an angry make out session
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 they fuck up some of jack's stitches his face starts bleeding for some reason it only makes jack more insistent
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Gabe tastes Jack's blood in the midst of the kiss and backs off, starts lecturing him again. When Jack tells him he can either kiss him or fuck off, Gabe tells Jack that if he wants the former, then he can give Gabe a second chance once he's out of the hospital.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 omg gabe baiting him w his own thirst jack hates how he caves to that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 as soon as jack's cleared to go home, they rush back to his apartment and barrel onto jack's bed. gabe starts babbling about all his feelings but jack orders him to shut up and prove it
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 omg jack gabe sweet talking him all the way through it until he voice starts to go hoarse
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 ahhhhhhh<33 gabe partially lectures jack on being a fucking idiot but also drowns him in affection
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Jack is just swearing at him the entire time, but it's all desperate and needy and after a while just a babbling stream of noise expressing how much he's wanted all of Gabe
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 ahhhhh jack you hot mess
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 yes. Jack being desperate and overcome and stil sore and rushing headlong into this even tho Gabe's hurt him more than once, but he just wants so goddamn bad
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 AHHHH and gabe gets overwhelmed by how jack is still throwing himself back into gabe despite everything
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 jack is sad and lonely and he wuvs gabe and just wants to be happy ;;
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 gabriel slows for a moment, scared of how he could potentially fuck this up again and hurt jack even worse, but jack kisses him, bites his lip, growls at him to stop thinking and just take him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 o///o
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 they both end up THOROUGHLY marked XDD jack becomes a slug for like 5 whole hours after (gabe takes the opportunity to fuck slug jack slow and sweet <333)
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 lol Jack wanting so badly to just let himself enjoy the intimacy that begins to follow, tho--Gabe getting up and fixing coffee and bringing him some, extra gestures of affection like kisses and ruffling his hair and just reaching out to touch him or lean against him, calling him to say good night or good morning on days when Gabe doesn't stay over--just all the small gestures that go beyond fuck buddies. They give Jack the warm fuzzies, but his anxiety twists things around so that he has to fight to hold on to the good feelings.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 AHHH jaaack but then gabe marries him so it's okay!!!!!!!! tell me it's okay lol
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 yes, pls. v okay. they turn into that comic where Jack is asking 'you still like me, right?' up until they're in their couple's graves
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 LOL gabe has to smooch his ring finger
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 omgomg yup Gabe and Jack falling back onto the mattress, all out of breath after their first roud on their honeymoon, and Gabe letting out this faint laugh and it gets Jack laughing a bit. He asks what's funny, and Gabe gestures vaguely, and is like: 'this. i never expected any of this.' And even as Jack is going quiet next to him, Gabe rolls over and cups his cheek and smiles reassuringly. 'didn't expect doesn't mean regrets. i'm glad it happened, and if i had a million lifetimes, i'd marry you again in all of them.' Jack smiles for him, just a little thing, but he's better these days at trusting Gabe over things like that. He still blushes every time, though, which Gabe still finds enchanting. Jack wraps an arm around him, pulling Gabe on top of him. 'Show me how glad you are.' Gabe is more than happy to do so.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 hhhhh<33333 angry jack is all about actions >w< i'm dying that's so cute
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 ^^ angry jack is all about getting laid as much as possible XD
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 LOL also true but normal jack is also kinda like that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 yup. consistent characterization ftw XD so, like, does Jack end up taking some anger management courses or something as a show of how serious he is about wanting to make sure the relationship works?
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 he definitely needs to do something to mellow out lol krav maga
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 UHM i think that might have not good consequences
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 LOL krav maga is totally jack's preferred fighting style though lbr
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 takes up swimming at the Y to burn off energy. also, exercise is supposedly a mood enhancer? Gabe totes approves.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 :DDD jack is able to balance anger jack w slug jack
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD ohh, what if he's reluctant to broach the anger management idea w Gabe not only bc he doesn't want to throw one of his biggest shortcomings into the spotlight, but also bc he's afraid Gabe won't like him as much wout the anger to laugh at
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 uahhh how does gabe tackle that if jack won't bring it up DD:
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 like, how does Gabe suggest it to him?
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 yeah :thinking:
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 maybe he doesn't. i think it would mean more if Jack decided to make the change for himself. but to come out and say 'I have this problem' even if that's the preface to 'I'm going to try to fix it' can be hard--even if it's a really obvious problem. it's like, if you don't talk about it, then maybe it isn't so bad. maybe the consequences can be put off indefinitely.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 yeah qoq ahh jack starts like going to a group or something but he doesn't want gabe to know so he starts getting kinda shifty whenever gabe asks what he's always doing at the same time every week or two gabe has no idea what jack could be hiding from him lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD and the REALLY weird thing is, when he tries to confront Jack about it, instead of a flood of curses, Jack takes a deep breath and tries really hard to hold his temper and respond evenly.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 LOL GABE THERE'S YOUR CLUE gabe worries but he also objectively trusts jack so he tries not to ask too much BUT GOD HE WANTS TO KNOW
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 XD meanwhile, Jack keeps telling himself that once he's made some progress, he'll tell gabe, 'cause it'll be easier once he no longer has a problem. thing is, Jack doesn't recognize the progress he's making.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 gabe notices though QwQ maybe he like comments on it one day kinda out of the blue how he's happy that jack seems to be much happier lately
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Jack gets weirdly defensive about that.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 can gabe tell jack he's proud of him!!!
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 once he gets Jack to spill XD what if Gabe found one of the brochures from the group, and put two and two together? and he mentions Jack's mood to test the waters, then admits he figured it out when Jack gets flustered
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 aww jack tries to like give gabe a whole thing about how he knows his reactions to things are really bad and he's really trying and all that but gabe just silences him with the proud line ??
SuspiciousPopsicle - 10/30/2017 Startled, Jack blinks owlishly at him for a moment. tries to argue that he's still fucking up, but Gabe won't hear it--just smiles gently and repeats that he's proud of him.
firesonic152 - 10/30/2017 awwwwwwww
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foursprout-blog · 6 years
On Avicii, Top Shelf Vodka, And The Summer Love That Never Was
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/happiness/on-avicii-top-shelf-vodka-and-the-summer-love-that-never-was/
On Avicii, Top Shelf Vodka, And The Summer Love That Never Was
louis amal / Unsplash
I was sitting at the red concrete table in front of El Michoacano on the corner of Lankershim Blvd. and Sherman Way when my Grindr notification went off. Repetitive ranchero music was blaring from behind the counter, where they were taking longer than usual to make my burrito. I didn’t remember messaging him, but apparently, I did two weeks prior to no response. Two weeks prior, he saw my what’s up message and decided I wasn’t what he was looking for and passed on me for a more attractive profile. But now, he was horny and kept refreshing the app and it was pulling up too many familiar countenances and he decided to look through his messages to see if there was somebody new and appeasing he hadn’t fucked yet and I guess he figured he couldn’t do any worse than me tonight. I wanted to respond to his late nothin much text with disdain and snark, but I had nothing better to do aside from deepthroating a carne asada burrito while rewatching OZ, so I just replied, what are you gettin into? He was taking so long responding to my message that I was walking through my front door when the Grinder alert went off again.
Hopefully you , masctop9.5 finally replied.
I forfeited on satiating my hunger and just sat the burrito in the microwave when I got inside. He only sent me a close-up dick pic with nothing typical to compare it in scale with, like a remote or can of Red Bull. Most likely nine and a half porn star inches (works for me regardless). I douched until the toilet water ran clear and drove my lemon towards Studio City. Approaching his apartment, I was filled with the same excited energy I always have when I’m walking up to a hookup’s house. The nervousness of not really knowing who or what awaited behind the door as you check your phone to make sure it’s the right address.
At least he wasn’t a catfish. He was just as tall and skinny as his profile indicated. His eyes were a deep grey they went past seductive and leaned more into demonic, and outside of them, he wasn’t that good looking of a guy. Endearingly ugly is a term a friend would later use to describe him and it always stuck with me (even though I wouldn’t necessarily consider him ugly-ugly; he just had odd features. Regardless, he was trading with, a legitimate, nine and a half inches worth of currency). When I came in, he must’ve sensed the nervousness because he asked if I wanted to take a shot and I obliged. The apartment reeked of Cool Water cologne, off-brand laundry detergent, and marijuana. Interchangeable euro techno pulsed from the hallway leading to the bedroom. Making small talk as he pulled out a bottle of Ciroc and two shot glasses, I asked if that was a Russian accent spilling out of his mouth. He replied Ukrainian and we threw back the two shots of something that wasn’t Ciroc (I wasn’t going to complain) and he offered up a pull from his bong after he hit it, but I declined because my cottonmouth can get so severe at times, it makes cunninglingus dry, sticky, and useless. Without another word, his dick was out and it was even more freakishly large than I expected (those Chernobyl genetics work both ways).
The sex started out with a bang but got increasingly annoying. Like most guys who are that hung, he could never get fully hard and ended up utilizing the porn trick of stiffening up and applying a vice grip around the base of his dick while sliding it in and out. Still, the sensation was good enough that I came too soon, and as always, the feeling of something inside of me after an orgasm becomes more tortuous than pleasurable, but I wasn’t going to be selfish. He finished off with one of the weirdest set of accented grunts and foreign swear words I’ve ever heard and collapsed on top of me with all his sticky weight, dripping sweat on the back of my head as his hard pants turned into a slight snore. When he came to, he got up and disappeared behind a bathroom door and I could only hear the muffled sound of a faucet running, water splashing and a succession of hard snorts, followed by a loud hawk and a spit. I was unsure of whether or not I should get up and get dressed or just lay there. There was a point when we were doing missionary that he stared at me with those possessed irises and we both cracked a smile and I kind of wanted to see what that would lead to. If he’d wanted me to stay the night, I wouldn’t want to disinvite myself by being dressed by the time he came out of the bathroom. I decided to gauge his reaction and go from there. If he looked quizzical in any type of way, I’d fake like I was waiting for a washcloth even though I was thoroughly dry by then. But when he came out, his expression was blank and he just asked me if I wanted to hear some of the music he made. He pulled up an Ableton session, colored lines stretching out across his MacBook Pro screen as the shitty techno (that was playing every since I arrived) was replaced by an even shittier amateur, douchebro EDM. He listened to the music intensely, eyes closed as he’s vibing. I feigned amazement because I was laying in his bed naked, taking another shot of whatever this was that wasn’t Ciroc and the bong appeared from somewhere and I’m clearing the chamber because his dick barely fit in my mouth regardless. I wanted to ask him to delete the picture I sent him on Grindr (front facing camera raised slightly above head towards bathroom mirror — no face shown, black Andrew Christian jockstrap, back slightly but not noticeably arched) because I was still planning on becoming famous in those days, but decided not to be a nuisance about it. He tells me about Beatport and that he’s bisexual and that Mila Kunis is also Ukrainian and I try to put him onto Gesaffelstein but he doesn’t seem impressed, so he maneuvered into a Kylie Minogue playlist he created full of dance remixes and we had sex again, both of us wet and sticky again as we passed out before midnight struck.
The next morning was a Saturday, but he had to work. He cleaned the plaque off his teeth with the inside of whatever shirt he wore the night before and threw it towards, not inside of, the hamper. He disappeared behind the bathroom door again, this time to the muffled sound of a stream of piss followed by an asshole fluttering fart and a chuckle. This was never meant to last forever, but I was still interested in seeing how far we could take it.
The summer commenced and Avicii’s “Wake Me Up” dropped, and Vlad, being the connoisseur of great taste, listened to it religiously. Yeezus dropped and I didn’t care for it initially but forced myself to like it. We seemingly survived on a diet of cold pizza, Dollar Tree burritos, and Arnold Palmer Half & Halfs. Gesaffelstein’s ”Pursuit” video dropped. Vlad marveled at it for a few days and I felt a sense of hipster validation for putting him onto it. I’d lay in his bed reading his dog-eared copy of The Master and Margarita while he watched YouTube tutorials and illegally downloaded the VST’s his favorite producers used. I was forced to listen to various strains of house, trance and trap EDM. He’d scrunch up his face and tell me the music I liked sounded like ghosts committing suicide (KID A!!!). My thumb became calloused because I kept burning it while lighting the big, blue bong full of Girl Scout Cookies, and when that ran out, we’d head up to Van Nuys to donate blood plasma to buy another eighth to last us until payday. “Wake Me Up” would still be leaking out of his headphones as he squeezed the blue foam ball and passively flipped through the copy of Complex magazine I bought with The Weeknd on the cover while I’d be nursing a copy of Glamorama (which I kept in my book bag the entire two years I was in LA and have yet to finish) and feeling lightheaded. Sex consisted of the same routine positions (I’d blow him, he’d rim me, cowgirl, squatting cowgirl until my leg gave out, reverse cowgirl, spoon, doggystyle, in front of bathroom mirror, on the bathroom counter, doggystyle again followed by the money shot).
Elisa Lam’s mysterious death was still haunting the city and he wanted to stay at The Cecil for a night. People on the elevator said there was somebody knocking on their door the previous night, but this is Los Angeles and I can never be sure if people are actually serious or just playing it up. We fucked around ghost and an incessant knocking on the walls that wasn’t coming from our headboard. Somebody on our floor was loudly playing Top 40 radio (Top 10 is more accurate) to drown out all the cacophony but only succeeded in adding to it. “We Can’t Stop” and “Blurred Lines” and “Can’t Hold Us” and “Get Lucky” played in a loop and the knocking kept getting louder, so we decided to just check out and go back to his apartment.
He was an attention-seeking Leo and for his birthday, I bought him a pair of Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones. We did molly at a warehouse party and I wanted to hug and kiss him all night but he didn’t want to have any type of physical contact since there were straight men around. Instead, he danced around with a bottle blonde, Slovenian chick with a retroussé nose (bitch looked like an elf) and gave her bumps of the molly that I paid for. When the night was ending, he told her he was going to the bathroom and we snuck out the back. We went back to his place and he fucked me through the mattress, but he wasn’t able to cum.
The relationship gave off the air of what I assume is teenage love even though I was in my early 20s and he had just landed in his 30s. Like most non-cis men, we had to forfeit these type of relationships early on due to societal pressures and fear during our formative years. One night, under the influence of Ace of Spades (which in actuality was a $20 bottle of champagne called Veuve Clicquot Brut that he’d pour in the gold bottle. The aforementioned “Ciroc” was New Amsterdam. Appearance is everything, I guess) and Super Rush, while performing formulaic missionary and staring into those dubious greys again, I told him I loved him even though I didn’t really mean it. He hesitated, then told me the same thing back with an ambiguous smirk. The same tone as telling your boyfriend you’ll be together forever before walking across the graduation stage and into your first taste of the freedom that college brings. We never repeated those three words again.
I caught him wearing a gold wedding band I’d never seen previously and he just shrugged and told me he bought it because it made him more marketable to gay guys. He began inconspicuously checking his phone during the night, so I opened up Grindr for the first time during the summer and saw that he was still active. The next morning, he acted aloof towards me. I knew he was fucking somebody else, and although I couldn’t get mad because we weren’t a couple-couple, I became extremely jealous. I spent nights wondering if whoever he was fucking would knock me out of my spot. The come thru texts were coming less frequently. He just told me he became real busy lately.
Nothing Was The Same leaked just as the summer was coming to a halt. I got fired from my job and moved from North Hollywood to Valley Village, maybe thinking that being closer could mend whatever had broken, but mostly because rent was cheaper. I hadn’t watched porn or masturbated all summer and forgot my password, so I had to “Forgot My Password” it and create a new one. It took a week before he came to my new place. We tried to fuck on the air mattress, but it made too much noise, so we just did it standing up. It was the first time our routine had altered.
A change in location meant a change in Grindr and Scruff profiles. I replaced him with a barrage of random dick coming in and out of my life. He didn’t text much and stopped calling completely, but I already knew I was months away from going back home, so it didn’t matter much anyway. Sometimes men just go cold like that. I’ve been ignored in social situations immediately after having sex with a guy—it’s whatever. Our last meeting happened the following spring, the day before I left Los Angeles to return home as another sad statistic. It consisted of us reminiscing about the previous summer. Our summer. The barrage of music that would always be associated with that time period (All those mindless effects, pitch-shifting, buildups and drops now having significant meaning to me). The cheap GMOs we digested and shat out. The sphincter-stretching, sometimes painful, but mostly great sex. There was only the veneer of keeping in touch. There was never any explanation or real reconciliation about our distance. There was no need. We already knew. It was fun for what it was.
When Avicii died, my social media feeds were inundated with embeds of “Wake Me Up.” I hadn’t heard that song since that summer when it annoyed the living piss out of me. I hadn’t thought of masctop9.5 much since then either. Curiosity took hold and I went to Google to see if I could track him down. After a few unsuccessfully tries of remembering (followed by remembering how to spell) his extensive last name, I finally found those haunting greys. The Ciroc and Ace of Spades aged him and he was now a rough mid-30s. Vladyslav never became the big time push play and fist pump DJ that he wanted to be. His stint in Los Angeles didn’t seem to pan out much better than mine either, as he’d moved back east. The prophecy became true. Like a lot of bisexual men, he used his sexuality to be openly intimate with men while knowing he’d always end up settling down with a wife and having kids to satisfy his religious family. He’d get into these mini-relationships but leave quickly to minimize the hurt he was causing to the men he strung along. His timeline was flooded with pictures of him cradling newborns and hugging the bride and smiling a coffee-stained smile as he lurked over everybody in family photos. Any life before that was erased. I wondered if his wife knew that he probably fucked more men than she had. I wondered if the kids knew that he was probably switching out the breast milk for Similac. I wondered if he would be thinking about our summer together for the rest of his life every time that shitty song comes on.
RIP Avicii.
0 notes
On Avicii, Top Shelf Vodka, And The Summer Love That Never Was
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/happiness/on-avicii-top-shelf-vodka-and-the-summer-love-that-never-was/
On Avicii, Top Shelf Vodka, And The Summer Love That Never Was
louis amal / Unsplash
I was sitting at the red concrete table in front of El Michoacano on the corner of Lankershim Blvd. and Sherman Way when my Grindr notification went off. Repetitive ranchero music was blaring from behind the counter, where they were taking longer than usual to make my burrito. I didn’t remember messaging him, but apparently, I did two weeks prior to no response. Two weeks prior, he saw my what’s up message and decided I wasn’t what he was looking for and passed on me for a more attractive profile. But now, he was horny and kept refreshing the app and it was pulling up too many familiar countenances and he decided to look through his messages to see if there was somebody new and appeasing he hadn’t fucked yet and I guess he figured he couldn’t do any worse than me tonight. I wanted to respond to his late nothin much text with disdain and snark, but I had nothing better to do aside from deepthroating a carne asada burrito while rewatching OZ, so I just replied, what are you gettin into? He was taking so long responding to my message that I was walking through my front door when the Grinder alert went off again.
Hopefully you , masctop9.5 finally replied.
I forfeited on satiating my hunger and just sat the burrito in the microwave when I got inside. He only sent me a close-up dick pic with nothing typical to compare it in scale with, like a remote or can of Red Bull. Most likely nine and a half porn star inches (works for me regardless). I douched until the toilet water ran clear and drove my lemon towards Studio City. Approaching his apartment, I was filled with the same excited energy I always have when I’m walking up to a hookup’s house. The nervousness of not really knowing who or what awaited behind the door as you check your phone to make sure it’s the right address.
At least he wasn’t a catfish. He was just as tall and skinny as his profile indicated. His eyes were a deep grey they went past seductive and leaned more into demonic, and outside of them, he wasn’t that good looking of a guy. Endearingly ugly is a term a friend would later use to describe him and it always stuck with me (even though I wouldn’t necessarily consider him ugly-ugly; he just had odd features. Regardless, he was trading with, a legitimate, nine and a half inches worth of currency). When I came in, he must’ve sensed the nervousness because he asked if I wanted to take a shot and I obliged. The apartment reeked of Cool Water cologne, off-brand laundry detergent, and marijuana. Interchangeable euro techno pulsed from the hallway leading to the bedroom. Making small talk as he pulled out a bottle of Ciroc and two shot glasses, I asked if that was a Russian accent spilling out of his mouth. He replied Ukrainian and we threw back the two shots of something that wasn’t Ciroc (I wasn’t going to complain) and he offered up a pull from his bong after he hit it, but I declined because my cottonmouth can get so severe at times, it makes cunninglingus dry, sticky, and useless. Without another word, his dick was out and it was even more freakishly large than I expected (those Chernobyl genetics work both ways).
The sex started out with a bang but got increasingly annoying. Like most guys who are that hung, he could never get fully hard and ended up utilizing the porn trick of stiffening up and applying a vice grip around the base of his dick while sliding it in and out. Still, the sensation was good enough that I came too soon, and as always, the feeling of something inside of me after an orgasm becomes more tortuous than pleasurable, but I wasn’t going to be selfish. He finished off with one of the weirdest set of accented grunts and foreign swear words I’ve ever heard and collapsed on top of me with all his sticky weight, dripping sweat on the back of my head as his hard pants turned into a slight snore. When he came to, he got up and disappeared behind a bathroom door and I could only hear the muffled sound of a faucet running, water splashing and a succession of hard snorts, followed by a loud hawk and a spit. I was unsure of whether or not I should get up and get dressed or just lay there. There was a point when we were doing missionary that he stared at me with those possessed irises and we both cracked a smile and I kind of wanted to see what that would lead to. If he’d wanted me to stay the night, I wouldn’t want to disinvite myself by being dressed by the time he came out of the bathroom. I decided to gauge his reaction and go from there. If he looked quizzical in any type of way, I’d fake like I was waiting for a washcloth even though I was thoroughly dry by then. But when he came out, his expression was blank and he just asked me if I wanted to hear some of the music he made. He pulled up an Ableton session, colored lines stretching out across his MacBook Pro screen as the shitty techno (that was playing every since I arrived) was replaced by an even shittier amateur, douchebro EDM. He listened to the music intensely, eyes closed as he’s vibing. I feigned amazement because I was laying in his bed naked, taking another shot of whatever this was that wasn’t Ciroc and the bong appeared from somewhere and I’m clearing the chamber because his dick barely fit in my mouth regardless. I wanted to ask him to delete the picture I sent him on Grindr (front facing camera raised slightly above head towards bathroom mirror — no face shown, black Andrew Christian jockstrap, back slightly but not noticeably arched) because I was still planning on becoming famous in those days, but decided not to be a nuisance about it. He tells me about Beatport and that he’s bisexual and that Mila Kunis is also Ukrainian and I try to put him onto Gesaffelstein but he doesn’t seem impressed, so he maneuvered into a Kylie Minogue playlist he created full of dance remixes and we had sex again, both of us wet and sticky again as we passed out before midnight struck.
The next morning was a Saturday, but he had to work. He cleaned the plaque off his teeth with the inside of whatever shirt he wore the night before and threw it towards, not inside of, the hamper. He disappeared behind the bathroom door again, this time to the muffled sound of a stream of piss followed by an asshole fluttering fart and a chuckle. This was never meant to last forever, but I was still interested in seeing how far we could take it.
The summer commenced and Avicii’s “Wake Me Up” dropped, and Vlad, being the connoisseur of great taste, listened to it religiously. Yeezus dropped and I didn’t care for it initially but forced myself to like it. We seemingly survived on a diet of cold pizza, Dollar Tree burritos, and Arnold Palmer Half & Halfs. Gesaffelstein’s ”Pursuit” video dropped. Vlad marveled at it for a few days and I felt a sense of hipster validation for putting him onto it. I’d lay in his bed reading his dog-eared copy of The Master and Margarita while he watched YouTube tutorials and illegally downloaded the VST’s his favorite producers used. I was forced to listen to various strains of house, trance and trap EDM. He’d scrunch up his face and tell me the music I liked sounded like ghosts committing suicide (KID A!!!). My thumb became calloused because I kept burning it while lighting the big, blue bong full of Girl Scout Cookies, and when that ran out, we’d head up to Van Nuys to donate blood plasma to buy another eighth to last us until payday. “Wake Me Up” would still be leaking out of his headphones as he squeezed the blue foam ball and passively flipped through the copy of Complex magazine I bought with The Weeknd on the cover while I’d be nursing a copy of Glamorama (which I kept in my book bag the entire two years I was in LA and have yet to finish) and feeling lightheaded. Sex consisted of the same routine positions (I’d blow him, he’d rim me, cowgirl, squatting cowgirl until my leg gave out, reverse cowgirl, spoon, doggystyle, in front of bathroom mirror, on the bathroom counter, doggystyle again followed by the money shot).
Elisa Lam’s mysterious death was still haunting the city and he wanted to stay at The Cecil for a night. People on the elevator said there was somebody knocking on their door the previous night, but this is Los Angeles and I can never be sure if people are actually serious or just playing it up. We fucked around ghost and an incessant knocking on the walls that wasn’t coming from our headboard. Somebody on our floor was loudly playing Top 40 radio (Top 10 is more accurate) to drown out all the cacophony but only succeeded in adding to it. “We Can’t Stop” and “Blurred Lines” and “Can’t Hold Us” and “Get Lucky” played in a loop and the knocking kept getting louder, so we decided to just check out and go back to his apartment.
He was an attention-seeking Leo and for his birthday, I bought him a pair of Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones. We did molly at a warehouse party and I wanted to hug and kiss him all night but he didn’t want to have any type of physical contact since there were straight men around. Instead, he danced around with a bottle blonde, Slovenian chick with a retroussé nose (bitch looked like an elf) and gave her bumps of the molly that I paid for. When the night was ending, he told her he was going to the bathroom and we snuck out the back. We went back to his place and he fucked me through the mattress, but he wasn’t able to cum.
The relationship gave off the air of what I assume is teenage love even though I was in my early 20s and he had just landed in his 30s. Like most non-cis men, we had to forfeit these type of relationships early on due to societal pressures and fear during our formative years. One night, under the influence of Ace of Spades (which in actuality was a $20 bottle of champagne called Veuve Clicquot Brut that he’d pour in the gold bottle. The aforementioned “Ciroc” was New Amsterdam. Appearance is everything, I guess) and Super Rush, while performing formulaic missionary and staring into those dubious greys again, I told him I loved him even though I didn’t really mean it. He hesitated, then told me the same thing back with an ambiguous smirk. The same tone as telling your boyfriend you’ll be together forever before walking across the graduation stage and into your first taste of the freedom that college brings. We never repeated those three words again.
I caught him wearing a gold wedding band I’d never seen previously and he just shrugged and told me he bought it because it made him more marketable to gay guys. He began inconspicuously checking his phone during the night, so I opened up Grindr for the first time during the summer and saw that he was still active. The next morning, he acted aloof towards me. I knew he was fucking somebody else, and although I couldn’t get mad because we weren’t a couple-couple, I became extremely jealous. I spent nights wondering if whoever he was fucking would knock me out of my spot. The come thru texts were coming less frequently. He just told me he became real busy lately.
Nothing Was The Same leaked just as the summer was coming to a halt. I got fired from my job and moved from North Hollywood to Valley Village, maybe thinking that being closer could mend whatever had broken, but mostly because rent was cheaper. I hadn’t watched porn or masturbated all summer and forgot my password, so I had to “Forgot My Password” it and create a new one. It took a week before he came to my new place. We tried to fuck on the air mattress, but it made too much noise, so we just did it standing up. It was the first time our routine had altered.
A change in location meant a change in Grindr and Scruff profiles. I replaced him with a barrage of random dick coming in and out of my life. He didn’t text much and stopped calling completely, but I already knew I was months away from going back home, so it didn’t matter much anyway. Sometimes men just go cold like that. I’ve been ignored in social situations immediately after having sex with a guy—it’s whatever. Our last meeting happened the following spring, the day before I left Los Angeles to return home as another sad statistic. It consisted of us reminiscing about the previous summer. Our summer. The barrage of music that would always be associated with that time period (All those mindless effects, pitch-shifting, buildups and drops now having significant meaning to me). The cheap GMOs we digested and shat out. The sphincter-stretching, sometimes painful, but mostly great sex. There was only the veneer of keeping in touch. There was never any explanation or real reconciliation about our distance. There was no need. We already knew. It was fun for what it was.
When Avicii died, my social media feeds were inundated with embeds of “Wake Me Up.” I hadn’t heard that song since that summer when it annoyed the living piss out of me. I hadn’t thought of masctop9.5 much since then either. Curiosity took hold and I went to Google to see if I could track him down. After a few unsuccessfully tries of remembering (followed by remembering how to spell) his extensive last name, I finally found those haunting greys. The Ciroc and Ace of Spades aged him and he was now a rough mid-30s. Vladyslav never became the big time push play and fist pump DJ that he wanted to be. His stint in Los Angeles didn’t seem to pan out much better than mine either, as he’d moved back east. The prophecy became true. Like a lot of bisexual men, he used his sexuality to be openly intimate with men while knowing he’d always end up settling down with a wife and having kids to satisfy his religious family. He’d get into these mini-relationships but leave quickly to minimize the hurt he was causing to the men he strung along. His timeline was flooded with pictures of him cradling newborns and hugging the bride and smiling a coffee-stained smile as he lurked over everybody in family photos. Any life before that was erased. I wondered if his wife knew that he probably fucked more men than she had. I wondered if the kids knew that he was probably switching out the breast milk for Similac. I wondered if he would be thinking about our summer together for the rest of his life every time that shitty song comes on.
RIP Avicii.
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