#also....i will totally write you a starter with yukari too if you want him HGGF
deathfavor · 2 years
starter call. - @achroanimus​​​​ 
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   “  You don’t carry yourself the way others do.  “
   It’s a SIMPLE commentary, lacking malice others might expect with such a direct comment. But it was little more than an observation of the Green King.  Everyone else moved without purpose. They might be pressed for time to make the train or avoid the threat of the rain above, but there was no purpose in it. No drive. Beaten out of them by a system that refused to play fair. Nagare did not possess Yukari’s eye for beauty and recognizing souls aflame, but he could tell the factual aspect of it. Fish might swim around a boulder in the river, but the eagle above can see it.
   Mr. Iwa would probably scold him for the comment now. Although why was always rather a mystery to Nagare. Wasn’t that how conversation worked? His head tilts slightly from where he sits bound in the wheelchair, arms and legs held in place to keep the energy in his body in check. Between that and the vigorous gleam of intelligence in his eyes, it was bound to catch attention. Or, if nothing else, the rather robotic nature ; a force bound by calculations rather than emotion that drove many.
   “  You seem like you would be a good player.  “  Nagare tilts his head ever so slightly.  “  Do you have a dream?  “  
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